The Undertaker Critiques WWE Star as Worse Than Great Khali

The Undertaker Critiques WWE Star as Worse Than Great Khali

Undertaker reveals struggles with Giant Gonzalez at WrestleMania IX.

by Noman Rasool
The Undertaker Critiques WWE Star as Worse Than Great Khali
© The Undertaker/Twitter

The Undertaker, a legendary figure in WWE, recently opened up about one of the most challenging matches of his iconic WrestleMania streak, where he faced the towering Giant Gonzalez in 1993. Despite maintaining an undefeated record at WrestleMania for 21 consecutive matches until his 2014 encounter with Brock Lesnar, The Undertaker described his bout with Gonzalez as the low point of his storied career.

During his Six Feet Under podcast, The Undertaker vividly recounted the difficulties he faced while in the ring with Gonzalez, a wrestler whose size and imposing presence were seen as a formidable threat on paper. Standing nearly 7-foot-8 and donned in a muscle suit complete with fur, Gonzalez was initially envisioned as a credible challenge to The Undertaker's dominance.

However, the reality of the match fell far short of expectations. "The match with Giant Gonzalez was a struggle, to put it mildly," The Undertaker shared. "It wasn't his fault; it was simply the limits of what he could do in the ring.

Imagine trying to execute a match where your opponent is significantly restricted in movement and agility." Reflecting on the setup for their WrestleMania IX showdown, The Undertaker humorously lamented the theatricality that overshadowed the match, including his entrance with a large black vulture intended to symbolize the impending doom of his opponent.

"That big black vulture was there to pick the bones of that sorry match," he quipped. Despite the grim imagery, the match itself did little to enhance his reputation at the time. He went on to compare Gonzalez's in-ring skills unfavorably with another famously cumbersome wrestler, The Great Khali, stating, "Giant Gonzalez made Khali look like Lou Thesz in comparison." Thesz, known for his technical prowess, was a stark contrast to the cumbersome and awkward style of Gonzalez.

Undertaker's Toughest Match

The Undertaker admitted to trying his utmost to salvage the match, often referred to among fans as one of WrestleMania's least memorable. "I was trying to make chicken salad out of chicken sh*t," he candidly expressed.

The physical toll of attempting to compensate for Gonzalez's limitations was significant, leading to an exhausted Undertaker who needed to "wash this out of my memory" with some cold beverages post-match. Despite the challenges, The Undertaker's resilience and commitment to his character shone through, a testament to his professionalism and dedication to entertaining millions of fans worldwide at WWE's marquee event.

His reflections offer a rare glimpse into the struggles even legends face, highlighting the unpredictable nature of professional wrestling.