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The Unlikely 'Friendship'


Kevin has a rough day, teachers up his ass about his grades, coach up his ass about his plays, his father up his ass about both, his mother up his ass about his chores, his friends up his ass cause he doesn’t spend time with them anymore. He doesn’t have time! Frustrated, he walks into Edd’s house... much to Eddy's displeasure.

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      You don’t realise your heart races until you're alone. No distractions to keep your thoughts at bay, no friends to draw you away from something someone said to you minutes before, no sounds to occupy your mind. This was Kevin’s situation as he walked home from school. This week had been one of the worst ones in his Junior year. Monday; his dad ran over his bike, making up some excuse- how it was Kevin’s fault- so now he had to walk to and from school until he got it fixed. Tuesday; he failed an important maths test, the teacher pulled him aside after class to tell him he needed to make it up if he wanted to pass- and he needed to pass. Wednesday; his coach was in his face, yelling at him to throw the ball harder, run faster, be a better captain- and Kevin was seconds away from clocking the man in the jaw if Ed hadn’t made a fool of himself and knocked over the football goal. Thursday; Nazz, Nat, and Rolf cornered him. They wanted to know why he hadn’t been hanging out with them, why he’d been ignoring them, he tried to tell them about everyone up his ass, but they didn’t want to hear it. He stopped trying, staying quiet and nodding along. When he’d gotten home that afternoon, his mom berated him for not having his chores done. He tried yet again to explain himself, but his father took that as back talk and he got scolded by him too. Friday; finally the end of the week, no one talked to him, he kept quiet and kept to himself, feeling as though one more criticism would send him over the edge. Just when he thought he’d gotten through the entire day unscathed, the coach caught him while he was working on his cool down run. 

      “Mr. Barr!” He shouted across the field, gaining the attention of the entire football team, but they minded their business as they saw Kevin roll his shoulders and clench his hands. A calming technique that didn’t work too well, they all had learned from experience. “Do you want to stay captain of this team?” It was meant to be a rhetorical question, but Kevin knew better than to not answer a question from the coach. 

      “Yes, coach. Of course I do.” He hissed through clenched teeth. If looks could kill, the coach would be laying in a puddle on the ground. Kevin tried deep breathing, tried counting down from ten and back up again, tried clenching and unclenching his hands; yet nothing was working. Blood was still rushing to his ears, his breathing was still far too fast, and his fists were too tight. 

      The coach hummed, like he had the best idea since Betty White. “Well, Mr. Barr. You sure had all of us fooled, right boys?” He shouted again, Kevin fought to not cringe at the volume and glanced back at his boys. They all just stood, unmoving and unbreathing. They didn’t answer. 

      He scoffed, “Boys! I asked you a question! No reason to be nervous in front of this sissy.” He laughed, ruffling his hand through the boy's sweaty hair, the action knocking Kevin’s hat off his head and on the ground. Before Kevin had a second thought, he grabbed the Coach’s hand, twisting it back and bringing the large man to his knees. Kevin didn’t look up from his hat, keeping the writhing man on his knees. 

      “Kevin!” Someone shouted from behind him, he didn’t have the mind to care. His eyes drifted from his hat to the reddening face of the Coach. He was gasping in pain, faintly telling Kevin to let him go or else. He rolled his eyes, shoving the man's hand away from him, and let him fall on his back. 

      “I work hard to keep this team in check. I help the boys on my time, when you won’t. I decide plays in games, when you won’t. I care about their physical and mental well being, when  you don’t. I make sure their grades are where they should be, ‘cause you can’t give a damn about their education! I am the best captain this school has seen.” He turns to his team, giving them a look that reads ‘ be honest.’ “Unless anyone has any objections.” 

      The team all looked at each other, slowly shaking their heads. They weren’t scared of Kevin, not by a long shot, but they knew he was right. There was no one else for them. The coach didn’t object either, grunting and groaning as he stood, now covered in mud and grass stains. “You’re on thin ice, Barr. Try that again, and you’re off the team, for good.” 

      Kevin could only smile, tense and unnerving on his face, and shrug, “If that’s what it takes.” With that, he left. Walking off the field and away from practice, he was done today. He was done this week. Wore out and tired didn’t even scratch the surface of how he felt. The coach yelled after him, as did a few team mates, but he continued walking. He grabbed his things from the locker room, ignoring the janitor complaining about the smell, but he continued walking. He walked out the doors of the school, pushing past band kids and basketball players getting off from practice, getting confronted when he tipped over a tuba case, but he continued walking. 

      Now, here alone and with no one to see him, Kevin could hear and feel the pounding of his heart. The sun was blazing overhead but the wind nipped at his nose, he shivered as a breeze drifted along the back of his neck. Fall weather, usually his favourite, but with the anger boiling in his stomach, it only made him drag his feet. 


      When he made it to the cul-de-sac, he faltered. His house was only a few steps away, but he could already see his parents' cars in the driveway, and he was sure the coach had told them of his stunt. Kevin rolled his eyes, rubbing the back of his neck, and exhaling roughly. His gaze drifted across the street, Edd’s house. Looks like Double D didn’t have a yearbook club meeting today, if the turned on lights and bikes in his yard were any sign. He knew if he went over there the other dorks would have something to say, but the thought of Double D playing with his hair and his voice- he was walking across the street before he could psych himself out of it. 

      In the beginning of Junior year, Kevin and Edd were partnered up for some science project. Something to do with creating a robot or something or another, but ever since that partnership, they realised they had a lot more in common than they thought. They both like mechanics, they both liked designing, they were good at working together, Kevin able to understand every design choice and Edd able to understand every coding program to make Kevin’s ideas work. They were the perfect match. 

      With it being the start of the year as well, most other kids were getting jobs and doing extracurricular activities. The Ed’s included.

      Eddy now worked along with his brother, and when he wasn’t working with him he was chasing girls and cash, hardly having time for Double D. Ed decided to pick up farming with Rolf, loving animals and being freakily good at growing vegetables, Rolf had never seen a production so high. When Ed wasn’t working with Rolf, he was practising for the football team, being tutored in subjects he didn’t understand, and taking care of his little sister. 

      Kevin ended up having a similar problem with his friends. Nazz was picking up shifts at salons and skate shops, on top of her cheerleading practices and studying. Rolf had always been busy with his farm, but with Ed added to his plate he had even less time. And Nat was a lost cause at this point. Hopping between jobs, keeping his family in check, studying, hanging around guys and girls alike, man hardly had time to breathe in Kevin’s opinion. 

      That left Kevin mostly alone. Yes he had football and his parents, but struggling with classes really didn’t help his case. Edd followed the same path, trying to surround himself with books and knowledge but finding he still had time between clubs and tutoring, he was alone too. Until Kevin came. 

      He approached the genius one day afterschool, practically on his knees begging for Edd to tutor him. Double D will never forget Kevin’s rant. “ Double D, you’ve got to help me man. Please, I’m begging you. I have to pass this next maths test, and I just don’t get it! If I fail this, I fail everything! My parents won’t get off my back and the teacher is making me feel stupid, D. Please, I’ll do anything.”  Edd couldn’t help snickering behind a clenched hand, but relented nonetheless. After that day, they’d been close ever since. 

      So close, Kevin stepped onto Edd’s porch and reached into the outside light, he knew where he hid his spare key. When his fingers took hold of the cool metal, he smiled and pulled it free, unlocking the front door quietly. He made sure to put the key back before stepping inside and shutting the door behind him. He slipped off his shoes, making sure to line them up with Edd’s, and hung up his hat and jacket on one of the free hooks. 

       His sock covered feet made his steps quieter as he rounded the corner, the sound of Edd’s voice growing louder, and relaxing him more, the closer he got.  “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Eddy! Bronsted Acids and Bases differ greatly!  Perhaps if you looked at the book instead of sleeping on it you’d better understand. As if toluene-sulfonic acid could… ” Kevin snickered to himself, able to picture each of the Ed’s faces perfectly. 

      Kevin stepped into the room then, not even looking at Eddy, lounged on the single seat, or Ed, laying on the floor. He made straight for Edd, who upon seeing Kevin lit up brighter than a quasar… or that’s what Edd would say. He stood in front of the genius, waiting to see if he’d say anything, but when they both remained silent, Kevin took that as an open invitation. Not being one to look a gift horse in the mouth, Kevin fell forward. He used his hands braced on the couch under Edd to slow his fall, the last thing he’d want to do is hurt the guy, and rested his head on Edd’s lap. 

      As this was a normal occurrence, Edd didn’t even flinch. His hand immediately found its way into the red locks, combing his fingers through the short strands as he’d done before. Like Kevin had been there the entire time, Edd continued talking, “On the contrary Eddy, I can see where you may believe the two overlap, you see-” Kevin’s eyes had fallen shut as Edd talked, but for Kevin, all good things must come to an end. 

      “Wait. Pause. Stop. Double D!” Eddy cut Edd off, the sound of his voice made Kevin groan and burrow his face further into Edd’s lap. 

       Kevin could feel Edd laugh more than hear it. “Yes Eddy? Are you finally contributing to the conversation at hand?” Edd leaned forward more, smoothing down some pieces of Kevin’s hair he’d made stick up. There was a pause so long, Kevin peeked a look. The sight made him smile. 

      Ed, as Kevin would have predicted, was sitting up now. A wide grin was plastered on his face, his eyes darted between Edd and Kevin like he had known all along; and he may have. Eddy, on the other hand, was as red as Kevin’s hair. His mouth agape and an accusing finger pointing between the too, he was on the edge of his seat. “When did this happen?” Eddy almost shouted, throwing his hands up before sitting back and crossing his arms over his chest. 

       Kevin chanced a glance up at Edd, smiling to see he was already looking at him. Edd’s cheeks tinged pink as he looked away, “Anyway, Eddy, Bronsted Acids-” 

       “Nuh uh, Brainiac. Why is he here?” Edd kept quiet, his hands twirling red strands to keep them busy, but knowing he’d have to answer eventually. “This man is the enemy Double D! He terrorised us! Made our life a living hell! And, what? Now you two are buddy buddy? You shouldn’t associate yourself with people like him, Edd.” Eddy spoke, there was an air of finality in his tone. 

       Kevin peeked up at Edd again, a smile steadily growing on the red head's face at the contemplative look on his face. Kevin knew exactly how Edd felt about Eddy’s animosity toward Kevin, as Kevin had promised to ‘ play nice’ with his friends if they were nice to him. Content with how things were going to play out, Kevin looked back at the other Ed’s. Sticking his tongue out at Eddy, who somehow frowned more, and crossed his eyes at Ed, who laughed like it was the funniest joke. The red-head turned around now, laying on his back to gaze up at the genius in question, he did not want to miss this show. 

      Edd thought for a moment, staring down into green eyes, he took a deep breath to calm his nerves before he spoke. “Well, Eddy.” He started, his eyes now locked with the Ed in question. “Kevin and I have developed a form of friendship. You and Ed have been busy, leaving me all to my lonesome, and Kevin could sympathise and was also alone. Finding solace in each other was only fit. Kevin required aid and I required companionship, therefore creating a perfect bond. While Kevin may be your enemy. He may have tortured you . He may have made your life miserable, it was not unjustified. Though undignified in the manner things were handled, you can not place all the blame on Kevin.” Edd shrugged when he was done. 

       Kevin shut his eyes and sighed in content when Edd went back to brushing his hand through his hair, placing the other on Kevin’s chest as Kevin played with his fingers. Eddy was awestruck, glancing between the two and at a loss. Just as Eddy was about to give the two a piece of his mind, Ed interrupted. 

      The large boy laughed loudly, scooting forward toward the edge of the couch, closer than anyone was comfortable with. Ed started to reach out his hand. “Kevin is like a puppy, Double D! Let me pet him!” Before Ed could get too close, Edd smacked his hand away, surprising everyone. 

       His cheeks tinted a beautiful pink and he looked away from the boys, not explaining himself or his actions, but Kevin didn’t feel he needed to. Edd knew how Kevin felt about physical contact. Though he craved it, not getting enough at home, he detested anyone touching his hair. Save for Edd and Nazz as they had special privileges. Kevin smiled, linking Edd’s pinky with his, still cradled to his chest, and was content when Edd relaxed slightly. 

      “Edd. make him leave. Tell him to leave. It’s him, or me.” Eddy piped up, the words made the air thick with tension. Kevin was begging and praying to every god- that he didn’t believe in- that Double D wouldn’t listen to his friend. 

       Edd shrugged, pulling his hand not playing with Kevin’s hair free from the boy's hand. He gently stroked his knuckles across one of Kevin’s cheeks, thumbing at a mole on the side of his neck, before resting it on his shoulder. Kevin’s hand meets his there, like they’re magnetic. “No thank you, Eddy. You are free to leave if you wish, but I will not ask Kevin to leave. He is as dear a friend to me as you are, and I would really like you two to at least try and get along. Kevin promised me he would.” 

       Kevin smirked, looking over at Eddy with a wink, he held up an outstretched pinkie. “I pinky swore, dork-o.” He wiggled his little finger at the gaping boy, holding back a chuckle. Eddy moves to stand up, but a contemplative look crosses his face. 

      “Ed. Do you want to leave? Or do you want to be Kevin’s friend?” 

       Ed pretended to think for a moment, his pointed finger pressed roughly to his chin, “Well, Eddy. If Kevin is important to Double D, he is important to me! What a cute puppy.” He exclaimed, cooing at the red head who held back a growl. 

       Eddy huffed, cementing himself back into the chair. “Fine. Guess we aren’t going anywhere.” 

      Kevin rolled his eyes, looking up at Edd fondly, he beckoned him to lean down. Edd did as told, leaning down and trying not to cringe away as Kevin cupped his hands  around Edd’s ear to whisper. “Hey, D. I had a really bad day today. Thank you. Despite the other dorks, I really like being here.” 

       Edd sat back up to his full height, his face bright red, he brought a hand over his mouth to hide a laugh. Eddy just had to butt in, “What!? What did the ginger say?” 

       Edd only rolled his eyes, “Nothing Eddy. Nothing that concerns you.” Kevin flashed a smile at the pissed dork, sticking his tongue back at his again and turning over, hiding his face from the duo and sighing contentedly when Edd continued his ministrations. Yeah, Kevin could get used to this.