PLUMDUSTY'S PAGE: David Bowie The Savage Jaw Archives Volume 10

Sunday, May 12, 2024

David Bowie The Savage Jaw Archives Volume 10

The Savage Jaw Archives.

The official SITA project in cooperation with Ziggy In Concert and Mind-Warp PaVilion.

Towards the end of the 1990's affordable home computers, CD copiers and internet connections forever changed the way that many music collectors traded their recordings. It became so much easier to contact other collectors from around the world without having to wait weeks for replies to letters, trades to be agreed and tapes to be copied, dispatched and delivered. Contacts could be made quickly and copies could be sent out quickly too. Unfortunately, the mail was still quite slow but it was all a big improvement in the opinion of many of us.

A group of traders would hang out at Ziggy In Concert forum and from there would get to know each other, arrange trades and generally have some fun whilst waiting for the mail to arrive. 
(  or  for a little stroll down memory lane)

Move the clock forward to 2004 by which time many of us had "super quick" 512kbps home "broadband" and had become familiar with BitTorrent which enabled us to get recordings sometimes in hours rather than weeks. The focus for music collectors had moved once again. We were crying out for a Torrent site which specialised in the artist whose music had brought us all together, namely David Bowie.

Goodness only knows how much work went on behind the scenes but on April 1st 2004, Savage Jaw opened it's doors, inviting everyone in to join the swarm and enjoy David Bowie "At The Atlantis". Not everybody saw this development as a good thing but the vast majority welcomed the site and the recordings with open arms. Throughout it's relatively short lifespan, Savage Jaw operated strictly to the motto "Where Quality Counts". Everything available through the site was the very best available to us. Sadly, Savage Jaw as a Bowie Torrent site closed it's doors around August 2005 but left a legacy of which those involved can be justifiably proud.

Rather than forget about this legacy a fitting tribute was put together in the form of The Savage Jaw Archives.

Vol. X
A Son Of The Circus 3xCD - Soundboard. Lansdowne Park, Ottawa, Canada 28th August 1987
BC Bunnehs 2xCD - GM Place Dome, Vancouver 24th January 2004
Cleveland 1976 2xCD - Public Auditorium, Cleveland 28th February 1976
Gotta Get It Right 1xCD - Rehearsals with Marc Bolan for The Marc Show recorded in Manchester, England September 1977
High, Live And Dirty 1xCD - Tin Machine at La Cigale, Paris 25th June 1989
Reality Tour Columbus 2xCD - Veterans Memorial, Columbus OH 24th May 2004
This Ain't My Hometown 1xCD - Satellite recording, John Labatt Centre, London, Ontari,o Canada 14th May 2004
Totally Serious 2xCD - Montreal, Canada July 13, 1983. This is NOT the FM broadcast. It was taken from a "Reference Tape" of the complete performance.
It was recorded to document the 1983 Serious Moonlight Tour. A planned double album never saw the light of day. "Modern Love" from this set was
used on 1983 EMI single EA 158(UK) / 8177(US). The last 57 seconds of "China Girl" was lost during a sloppy transfer to cassette in 1995. This has been repaired using a clip from the FM broadcast.
