I miss you more than I thought I could
And I cried more than I thought I would
Time heals all that’s what they say
But love is the price and so I pay
Sometimes I smile I know you’re near
It’s not enough you are not here
The years roll by I’m not the same
Any in my heart you will always remain
You left with love when you flew away
And a piece of me went with you that day.

I love and miss you Alan xxxx


Grief is the price we pay for love

Dear @Alone1

That’s beautiful :blush:

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People keep telling me it gets easier? I really do hope so i carnt cope feeling as i do for rest of my life , i feel friends think ive grieved long enough 18 months they dont seem to understand , i actually apologised for being doom and gloom when all i really want is for them to understand the loss of my husband how lonely painful pointless feelings are im a full time carer for my mum 85 and dad 89 mum got dementia its so hard getting up everyday ,x