COLUMBUS, Ohio — A teacher in Ohio is retiring, but the impact he's made in the classroom will last a lifetime.

Rick Brunetto has been the band director at St. Charles Preparatory School for 25 years.

What You Need To Know

  • Brunetto is retiring after 25 years at St. Charles Preparatory School

  • He’s loved being band director and bonding with the students over the years

  • Even though Brunetto is retiring from teaching, he plans to continue performing

He’s enjoyed sharing his love for music and bonding with his students.

“At the high school level, you can have an impact on students,” Brunetto said. “They’re still in the developmental stages. You can really help them influence their musical abilities and their passion about music as well.”

Brunetto has also touched many lives.

“I heard this young man play, and I was just totally overwhelmed by how good he was,” Brunetto said. “His name is Aaron Diehl. He is now a world-famous jazz pianist who travels the whole world playing jazz.”

Brunetto has had quite the career in teaching and performing. 

“Every week since 1974, I’ve been performing,” he said. 

He played with the Bob Allen Trio in the 70s and started his own Rick Brunetto Big Band. 

“That experience is something that I can pass along to my students,” Brunetto said. “And I think the combination of both of those is has been as a good part of my success as a teacher.”

But, by the end of the school year, Brunetto is retiring. 

“I’m going to miss working with the students,” he said. “It’s kind of like an ending in that regard of a very significant part of my career.” 

It may mark the end of Brunetto’s teaching career, but his passion for music lives on, and he hopes the same goes for his students.

“Keep the music going. Yeah, that’s the thing,” he said. “Value this time of your life where you’ve had a chance to experience music and don’t let it go.”

May 16th is his last concert as band director for Saint Charles Preparatory School, but he said he’ll continue performing even after retirement.