
  • Mr. & Mrs. Smith season 2 might explore a different spy couple without Glover and Erskine, but possibilities remain endless.
  • The show's potential prequel with Skarsgård and Gonzalez could offer a fresh take on their characters' spy-filled past.
  • A prequel focusing on Skarsgård and Gonzalez's characters could create a more exciting narrative than a typical anthology format.

With Mr. & Mrs. Smith season 2 officially happening, the show's best future may not be an anthology format if Donald Glover and Maya Erskine don't return. Despite the fact that Mr. & Mrs. Smith season 1's ending featured a cliffhanger, the follow-up installment on Amazon Prime Video might need to focus on a different John and Jane Smith. Mr. & Mrs. Smith season 2 will be without Glover and Erskine, at least when it comes to the onscreen cast, and though that's disappointing, the show still has plenty of avenues to explore surrounding the core concept.

Mr. & Mrs. Smith's main characters were inspired by the Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie movie of the same. The show featured differences compared to the Mr. & Mrs. Smith movie, but both centered on a married couple that secretly doubled as spies. Whereas the movie was limited to a pivotal period in John and Jane's lives, the show was able to dive deeper into the relationship, as well as their spy agency and fellow "Johns" and "Janes." That said, one specific John and Jane featured early on could be the answer to Mr. & Mrs. Smith's best TV show future.

Donald Glover's Mr & Mrs Smith Season 2 Return Status Might've Just Answered The Show's Biggest Mystery

Amazon has confirmed Mr & Mrs Smith is returning for season 2, though Donald Glover's uncertain return status may already answer a season 1 mystery.

Mr. & Mrs. Smith Season 2 Should Be A Prequel With Alexander Skarsgård & Eiza Gonzalez

Alexander Skarsgård & Eiza Gonzalez's Mr. & Mrs. Smith Characters Are Worth Exploring

Eiza González as Jane Smith in Mr. & Mrs. Smith episode 1

If Donald Glover and Maya Erskine don't return to reprise their roles in Mr. & Mrs. Smith season 2, it would make sense for the series to take the anthology approach. The show could essentially introduce a new John and Jane Smith duo as the focus of every season. However, the most exciting option would be to focus on Alexander Skarsgård & Eiza Gonzalez as the stars of Mr. & Mrs. Smith season 2 following their brief appearance in the debut installment. Skarsgård and Gonzalez notably portrayed the first versions of John and Jane Smith in the Amazon adaptation, but their presence was short-lived.

Alexander Skarsgård and Eiza Gonzalez previously worked together in 2021's Godzilla vs. Kong.

Mr. & Mrs. Smith season 1 opened with Alexander Skarsgård & Eiza Gonzalez's characters living as retired spies living somewhat peaceful lives. That calm environment was quickly upended when intruders arrived at their secret location. A shootout ensued, with John and Jane fighting back with their cache of weapons hidden throughout the house. Skarsgård and Gonzalez's character fates in Mr. & Mrs. Smith linked back to another set of spies revealed later in season 1. More importantly, their deaths instantly proved the danger involved within the spy agency, especially for couples who choose love over work.

Jane & John's Real Backstories & Identities In Mr. & Mrs. Smith Explained

The true identities of John and Jane are revealed by the end of Mr. & Mrs. Smith, showing the key elements of what made them so compatible all along.

Why A Mr. & Mrs. Smith Prequel Is Better Than An Anthology Format

A Prequel Allows For More Interweaving Connections

using a prequel to expand Alexander Skarsgård & Eiza Gonzalez's Mr. & Mrs. Smith characters sets up a more exciting narrative than the traditional anthology format

Considering Alexander Skarsgård and Eiza Gonzalez's star power, it was surprising to see the actors have such small roles in Mr. & Mrs. Smith. Even with their tragic fates revealed, using a prequel to expand Alexander Skarsgård & Eiza Gonzalez's Mr. & Mrs. Smith characters set up a more exciting narrative than the traditional anthology format. Bringing back their versions of John and Jane could give more insight into their time as spies and what drove them to pick their relationship over the agency, leading to their demise.

Expanding on existing characters would also build stronger connections to Mr. & Mrs. Smith season 1, paving the way for a thrilling series full of interweaving storylines. Introducing a brand new married couple while replicating the secret spy formula would be underwhelming. A prequel, on the other hand, could allow for Parker Posey and Wagner Moura's characters to return while they hunt for the John and Jane played by Skarsgård and Gonzalez. More figures from the spy agency could then be featured, allowing for potential focuses for future Mr. & Mrs. Smith seasons.