Are we drifting away or falling apart? « The Standard

Are we drifting away or falling apart?

Written By: - Date published: 1:53 pm, May 18th, 2024 - 16 comments
Categories: activism, capitalism, class war, community democracy, Deep stuff, democracy under attack, interview, james shaw, Long Read, political alternatives, Politics, social democracy, Social issues, socialism, Unions, vision - Tags: , , , ,

These days, and depending on your predisposition, saying that we live in interesting times could be either realistic or pessimistic.

The doom-gloomers appear to be in the majority and some even see the beautiful display of the Southern lights in the sky as a threat of some kind.

Is it cyclical and the pendulum will swing back or a uni-directional and unstoppable force of (human) nature akin continental drift?

But I’m also really conscious that these things are temporary. Inflation is temporary; the state of Global Affairs waxes and wanes over time. We go through periods of high unemployment, low unemployment, and so on. So, if you try to take a long arc of history view, some of those things become, in some ways, less significant, because they are always there in one form or another.” [interview with James Shaw on 8 May 2024]

Unless you are a doom-groomer, particularly if you have an agenda, you may want to think about ways to counter these pre-winter blues and push back the pendulum, at least the way it affects your mood and turn your anxiety into a more manageable and less negative attitude and approach of uncertainty.

A recent survey highlights the high and rising levels of doom & gloom here in NZ and across the world. [the full Ipsos Report can be found here] There are strong anti-elitist sentiments recorded in the survey.

“It hints at an underlying disconnect of some groups and some communities in our society, and the way in which they’re perceiving the political elite,” Spoonley said.

However, there is no sign (yet) of wavering resilience or decreasing levels of social cohesion within those and other communities. Interestingly, even in the highly polarised and divided USA, working class communities appear to be relatively resistant against polarisation, at least for now.

Her [Batya Ungar-Sargon, the deputy editor of Newsweek] new book is called Second Class: How the Elites Betrayed America’s Working Men and Women.

What most surprised her on her travels was how un-polarised working class people were, she tells Jesse Mulligan.

“There was so much consensus on the issues between working class Democrats and working class Republicans.

“People lived in mixed communities. They lived in communities that were racially diverse, that were politically diverse, that were religiously diverse. And it would just never occur to someone to hold it against their fellow American.”

Returning to the Ipsos survey, the relatively moderate stance of Kiwis on immigration may or may not hold in the light of recent immigration numbers, with record levels of Kiwis leaving this country and unprecedented levels of new arriving immigrants, and rising levels of unemployment. In the neo-liberal environment that we are living in these are key ingredients that could lead to increased social friction that can be abused by populist politicians and others with nefarious agendas.

Ironically, the Ipsos survey indicated that many of us apparently harbour a “desire for a “strong leader” to either “take the country back from the rich and powerful” or “break the rules” to get things done.”; who would have thought? This is double ironic when one realises that such leader is coming from a disconnected sub-group of people, i.e., the college-educated, which results in a perverted democracy of the college-educated, for the college-educated, by the college-educated.

The way out of this trap is not more tinkering with the system, which only results in maintaining status quo.

“Perhaps there’s too much inequality, or traditional economic models haven’t accounted for the impacts of climate breakdown – that one way or another all you need to do is tweak the system and maybe try to change some policies, change tax rates…

“I really wanted to show that these things aren’t perversions of capitalism, they very much are inherent to the way that a capitalist system works.

Indeed, if the current societal ills and present doom & gloom are logical and inevitable consequences of our socio-economic system and thinking, which is strongly propagated if not propagandised by experts and pundits alike, then this raises the question how we can and quite possibly should change things.

And as if she had read the Ipsos survey, [Economist and political journalist] Grace Blakeley make this poignant point:

“The bad news is that nobody’s coming to save us – and I think the kind of culture that we have, this individualistic culture, celebrity culture, kind of encourages us to think about politics as something where the majority of people are passive and there’s one active person who’s going to come in and save everyone – and this is common to progressives and it’s common to people on the right.”

Our strength (and need!) lies in our ability to connect, bond, and work together, i.e., in our communities (and unions). This vision & solution is nothing new; it was the core of POTUS Jimmy Carter’s speech to the nation in 1979 when he faced his and his nation’s crisis of confidence.

The greatest strength, however, is in the close and in-person (face-to-face) connections available within local communities without the reliance on technology that can confuse, pollute, and even poison people’s thoughts and minds.

Do you think hyper-partisanship and political tribalism is getting worse in New Zealand?

“I do. I am [concerned about it]. Look, this is going to sound clichéd, but I think a lot of it is driven by global social media giants. And the way they operate is by taking something that has always existed in our society and exacerbating it, supercharging it with technology. I don’t think it’s a particularly uniquely New Zealand phenomenon, in fact, I think we’re probably a little behind other democracies.

I think party politics, and the kind of increasing sophistication that we have around that, the technology that we’re using that triggers that sense of personal identification with a tribal, political kind of niche, I think that’s not a healthy phenomenon.” [interview with James Shaw on 8 May 2024]

Particularly political polarisation in NZ is not nearly as bad as elsewhere in the world and also Kiwis are generally considered of and non-aggressive towards each other. I do not share the implication of Shaw’s words that we may or will catch up to those other democracies, at least not as something that is inevitable.

Grace Blakeley speaks power to truth, in my opinion:

“If we don’t organise and build strong and cohesive political movements, build strong and cohesive labour movements, build power in our communities, then politicians are simply not going to listen to us, because the forces that are working upon their decision-making processes remain the same. Corporate power will still be a massive factor in determining legislative outcomes, lobbyists will still have a huge amount of power and not just over politicians but over the media, and the media then influences politics.

“So the system is very cohesive, and unless we’re able to build counter-power of the kind that existed in the post-war period when unions were much stronger, then not much is going to change.

“Having said that, the moment that people start to actually take part in movements and try and really challenge the authority of those at the top is the moment that you start to see change snow-balling.”

She argues that the economic and political systems founded on capitalism are so intertwined and become one that has grown a huge resistance to change of status quo and business as usual (BAU), in every meaning of the word.

So, instead of tinkering and tilting at windmills we may better use our time & energy on reclaiming our power of the people and supporting grassroots initiatives and activism. Only this way can we restore our democracy of the people, by the people, and for the people.

Blakeley’s words are echoed by Dame Anne Salmond who warns us, and I paraphrase, that we are indeed living in interesting times in NZ and that now is the time for being extra vigilant.

16 comments on “Are we drifting away or falling apart? ”

  1. Ad 1

    It's very possible that the 2024 post-budget state of party activism enables a whole generation of activists to complete their activist phase.

    What could be completed in parliament in gender activism, carbon activism, Maori land activism, has been completed or near enough And water activism has been achieved. Or irreversibly stopped.

    The old anti-war groups are in their '70s.

    Some post-crisis groups continue. Forest&Bird and tramping clubs still thrive. Maori language growth is irreversible.

    But the signal for cross-left unity isnt appearing.

    For me I'm now happiest within new people sets, planting trees, building community gardens, cutting Wilding pines, rebuilding life, supporting elderly family, building bee-friendly gardens on the acre.

    It's a consolidation.

    Resonate anyone?

    • Yes Community building Ad. However this lot is about Corporates, which are not democratic entities. All work on a top down model, not the grass roots model.

      Anything developed by the commons will be deliberately underfunded by this Government and they have strategically placed the "old guard" in key roles with funding, plus the lack of ideas from National has let the lesser lights fill the void with Act NZ First shallow and nasty shots .

      The unexpected undermining of science and law has been a total shock to some.

      The true fall out of the wrecking ball into the Public Service is yet to really impact except on morale. Most people are suddenly aware of the tenuous nature of their work after 6 years of feeling supported. That has meant a re-evaluation of go or stay.

      The young will sadly vote with their feet. Cheap plentiful labour will come into those spaces, and we will go backwards again. Labour laws will be undermined by contracting.

      Meanwhile laws are being put in place to allow mining on conservation land amalgamation of assets for sale.

      A stunned disbelieving populace imagined all Governments would play by the rules of Democracy. Welcome to the world of Atlas, TikTok propaganda and foreign capital.

      Personally the Left need to go back to the key idea of democratic governance and wellbeing. It would ring bells with many who feel powerless in the face of such undemocratic behaviour which is limiting science law and the rights of many groups in the community. Pushing individual barrows won't work. Community effort might.

      • Dolomedes III 1.1.1

        How exactly is the current government "limiting science, law and the rights of many groups in the community"?

        The previous government undermined science by bringing maatauranga into the science curriculum.

        [No diversion trolling under my Post!

        If you want to discuss mātauranga Māori and the science curriculum you can do this in OM – Incognito]

        • Incognito

          Mod note

        • This Government does not recognise Climate Science, Conservation, and is actively undermining determinations in law regarding court cases about mining.

          The fast track legislation to avoid democratic systems, with 3 Government Ministers having the final say is Authoritarian and against the rules of our democracy. To say otherwise negates the Attorney General.

          I am giving you a polite reply when in fact you come here to stir with no real care for democracy.imo.

    • MQC 1.2

      Sometimes, in realistic acceptance, have to let human nature be, in the hope we might individually better let all of nature be. All species overgrow as much as they are able. We are just too good at it, sadly.

      • MQC, Nature has checks and balances which have operated for millennia. Our farming one species or type interrupted that. Species take over when they have few competitors.

        Currently kina are creating kina barrens, because we have removed their natural checks through overfishing.

        We are overpopulating because of antibiotics and health advances in some countries, while in others we have famine wars and desperate refugees fleeing in unprecedented numbers. Population shifts are part of our nomadic history. People always fled the enemy or followed the food… now it is the wealth the young see in Australia where a different budget is proposed, so they vote with their feet.

        We operate with will and unfortunately greed. Wealth gives power, so the politics of wealth is individual, not community based. Hence the billionaires. They are the current kina creating barrens.

        A British entertainer's behaviour is an exemplar. He bought up most of a town, took over and became the source of work. It now appears he has walked away from being an employer, and when his employees questioned if they had lost their jobs he has called them liars. Most of us would call that entitlement.

        A recent example of this behaviour, is the PM deciding to claim an allowance of fifty two thousand dollars with a sense of entitlement. The bad look with a belt tightening budget looming, penetrated his belief, and he let it go.

        The point being the wealthy and powerful have a sense they "deserve" the frills. Sometimes it reinforces a perception of them and us. We could be forgiven for thinking they are not working for us at all, and a nebulous "Back on Track" means what exactly?

        When power is used to let go four thousand five hundred Public servants, pass laws that our Attorney General questions, and threats are made daily about getting back to school/work during an ongoing pandemic with no help in place for long covid victims, yes we do ask 'who are you working for?

        The fact many governing MPs belong or have strong association with Atlas gives us pause.

        The Polls indicate a shift of mood in the electorate, and gifts to Surf Lifesaving etc are small beer when the wealth shifts under this Government are considered.

        It appears we should be grateful for any work, however paid and whatever conditions the powerful choose to allow. They trumpet "Free speech" but really undermine the voice of workers trying to use their unions to communicate.

        We have a three legged stool of entitlement wrecking our wellbeing and telling us they are entitled to, and it is for our own good.
        Vote wisely in 2026, (or sooner.laugh)

    • Incognito 1.3

      That’s a great comment, thank you. I also so like the thread you started in OM 18/05/2024 (, which overlaps with the present OP.

      Regarding ageing activists, I’d say that younger generations are organising their own forms of activism and choosing their own issues to campaign and demonstrate against. Sometimes I get the feeling that this is met with negative judgement and disapproval by older generations, be they (former) activists or not. Instead of scoffing at the young ones we should be looking at building bridges to/with them and organising more inter-generational activism.

      What do you say?

  2. Speaking as a Rightie I can say that I don't have much confidence in this government to turn things around, primarily because I think they'll get stymied by the bureaucracies and because National is less pro-capitalist than pro-business. I can't see them turning this around.

    But if you're all sitting around gleefully rubbing your hands and imagining some sort of Cloward-Priven moment then I think you're going to be very disappointed. Even if, by some miracle, you could tax the "rich pricks", nationalise businesses and re-create the NZ world of 1945-1984, it wouldn't work for the same reasons it wasn't working by the time I entered the workforce in the early 80's.

    You don't believe that of course, but as I watch young people flee for better paid jobs and careers overseas, including now in the working trades and not just the management, financing and IT world, it seems to me that Gen-Z has come to the same conclusion.

    Whether the Left-bloc or the Right-bloc win in 2026 and beyond, we're going to continue to drift as places like the Philippines steadily pass us – and what will our retirement homes and healthcare system do then?

    I've finally reached an age where I probably have to stay, waving my kids goodbye.

    • Ad 2.1

      You're older but your conclusions are the same as mine.

      Whatever New Zealand was supposed to look like, it wasn't this.

      • Incognito 2.1.1

        Whatever New Zealand was supposed to look like, it wasn't this.

        Whose vision would it be, anyway? I doubt that there’s anybody in NZ who would argue that things are exactly the way they should be, i.e., perfect.

        Everything is subject to change and the question for us is, or should be, whose vision are we following and realising? Or rather, what is our vision and what can we do to make this reality?

        My vision is embodied by the OP – giving it shape is not a job for me alone, but a collective one, from the ground up.

    • Incognito 2.2

      Thank you for your comment with disclaimer.

      FWIW, I don’t agree about the distinction between pro-capitalist and pro-business; I think it’s untenable (e.g. the huge handout to landlords and making it easier for overseas investors), unnecessary, and ultimately unhelpful. But this should be taken to OM if further discussion is wanted.

      I deliberately avoided pitting one party or bloc against the other because I don’t think this is where the answers lie, i.e., an exercise in futility and a waste of time. I wrote towards the end of the Post:

      So, instead of tinkering and tilting at windmills we may better use our time & energy on reclaiming our power of the people and supporting grassroots initiatives and activism.

      In addition, I agree with James Shaw that hyper-partisanship and political tribalism are a big stumbling block in NZ. This stands in the way of breaking the stalemate of Left vs. Right in successive governments and the frustrating variations of a theme. And No, I don’t believe for one second that increasing the parliamentary term will make one iota of difference.

      I sincerely hope that your pessimism (?) is unfounded and that your kids will stay around here in NZ or come back after they’ve done their ‘dash’ overseas. Paul Spoonley (again) recently commented that NZ is losing many of its best & brightest although he avoided the words ‘brain drain’ (

  3. thinker 3

    I know one thing: I've never voted FOR a government. I've always voted for the government that will keep out the one I think will do worst for my interests, and the interests of NZ as a whole.

    That's not really a democracy.

    Then again, I'm not sure there's ever really been a true democracy, anywhere. To get elected means, generally, to have access to the kind of resources it takes to mount a campaign and to get those kind of resources, one needs to be backed by someone or something with money.

    Ross Perot's "Reform Party" – set up to challenge much of what people see as wrong with politics didn't even score 10% .

    Then, regardless of who/which party is in power, there's the politics of debt (my phrase) where, in an effort to keep inflation under control, interest rates go up to divert some of the effects of good times to debt-funders.

    While I'm very interested in NZ politics, many years ago my family made a decision that, to live democratically, we needed to unhook ourselves from as much of it as possible. We're only just getting to renovate the do-up we bought about 25 years ago, because we worked on getting rid of debt.

    After we did, it became obvious to us just how much debt impacts on people's right to direct our own lives, although the act of ridding ourselves of debt has constrained our lives in other ways. If only we could figure out how to rid ourselves of the impact of political ideologies.

  4. Michael 4

    Any future government must be capable of getting things done and convincing voters that it can. Labour failed badly at this and, AFAICS, it hasn't even started to overhaul its processes.

    • Incognito 4.1

      Any future government must be capable of getting things done and convincing voters that it can.

      Turn it around and voters convince political candidates and their parties what [things] they must do and deliver when in office.

      • Michael 4.1.1

        Politicians must actually listen to voters. I haven't seen any evidence of that happening. There was a time when political parties provided a channel of communication but, apart from the Greens, it doesn't happen any more.

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    The upcoming Budget will include funding for up to 50 charter schools to help lift declining educational performance, Associate Education Minister David Seymour announced today. $153 million in new funding will be provided over four years to establish and operate up to 15 new charter schools and convert 35 state ...
    1 week ago
  • COVID-19 Inquiry terms of reference consultation results received
    “The results of the public consultation on the terms of reference for the Royal Commission into COVID-19 Lessons has now been received, with results indicating over 13,000 submissions were made from members of the public,” Internal Affairs Minister Brooke van Velden says. “We heard feedback about the extended lockdowns in ...
    1 week ago

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