Brits issued heart disease warning as UK at risk of being 'left behind'

Senior man with chest pain suffering from heart attack.
Heart disease is the leading cause for heart attacks and strokes -Credit:Getty

The UK could be "left behind" when it comes to heart disease research, according to a warning from a leading charity.

The British Heart Foundation (BHF) has estimated a shortfall of around £250 million over the next 10 years and warns that the 'ultimate price' will fall on patients and their families.

The charity has urged the Government to increase funding to combat this disease, which is responsible for heart attacks and strokes, reports Bristol Live.

BHF's research revealed that an additional investment of £259 million over the coming decade would be necessary to maintain the current spending level for heart disease research set in 2022.

Dr Charmaine Griffiths, chief executive of the British Heart Foundation, emphasised: "Research breakthroughs have changed cardiovascular disease treatment and care beyond recognition since the 1960s, saving countless lives. But we can't take this for granted."

Approximately 7.6 million people live with heart and circulatory diseases in the UK, according to BHF estimates, a number that could rise due to an ageing population and improved survival rates from conditions like heart attacks and strokes. Heart and circulatory diseases account for nearly 27 per cent of all deaths in the UK - equivalent to 480 daily or one every three minutes.

Heart attack.
Research has been urged to continue -Credit:Getty

Dr Griffiths warned: "These findings should ring alarm bells for Government and prompt urgent action to prioritise cardiovascular disease research. A funding boost would be transformational, helping to reignite progress towards future discoveries so that more people can live longer lives in good health."

The British Heart Foundation (BHF) has raised concerns over the sustainability of relying on charity funding for cardiovascular research. The UK Clinical Research Collaboration (UKCRC) reported in 2022 that charities accounted for 64 per cent of the £106 million spent on such research, with the BHF contributing £85 million.

Professor Bryan Williams, from the British Heart Foundation, remarked: "Thanks to the generosity of our supporters, the BHF has a proud legacy of funding pioneering research that has helped to save and improve millions of lives not only in the UK, but around the world. We're committed to funding the best research and brightest minds to drive progress for people with cardiovascular disease."

He further cautioned: "But relying on charities to fund so much research in one field is unsustainable. We're in the midst of a scientific revolution and cardiovascular scientists need more funding to capitalise on the explosion of new technology and innovation. We can't provide that alone. Without greater investment in cardiovascular disease research we're in danger of being left behind, and it is patients and their loved ones who will pay the ultimate price."

A spokesperson for the Department of Health and Social Care stated: "This government has already taken significant action to reduce cardiovascular disease and its causes. We are investing almost £17million in an innovative new digital NHS health check, which is expected to deliver an additional one million health checks in its first four years, alongside investing just over £8 million this year into rolling out a pilot for workplace cardiovascular disease checks.

"We are exploring how we can improve outcomes for patients with cardiovascular disease as part of our forthcoming major conditions strategy, while our plans to create a smoke-free generation represent the most significant public health reform in living memory."

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