Tyreek Hill makes demands in legal battle vs. OnlyFans star - Dolphin Nation

Tyreek Hill makes demands in legal battle vs. OnlyFans star

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Sam Navarro-USA TODAY Sports

The ongoing legal battle between Miami Dolphins superstar receiver Tyreek Hill and Sophie Hall has taken yet another turn.

For those who don’t recall, the legal conflict between the two began earlier this year when news broke that Hall was suing Hill. She alleged that Hill broke her leg after charging at her with “crushing force” during a backyard football drill.

The suit then gained an interesting development in March when Hill claimed that the injury actually occurred after Hall tripped over a dog while performing football drills with the Dolphins star.

Now, the latest installment of this story has been released. According to the Daily Mail, Hill is now demanding that Hall turn over medical records, texts and emails as part of the ongoing investigation.

“NFL superstar Tyreek Hill is demanding medical evidence from the plus-size influencer who claims he broke her leg during a backyard football lesson,” Ben Ashford reported.

“Sophie Hall, 35, is suing the speedy wide receiver for allegedly charging at her with such ‘crushing force’ that he fractured her right leg and left her needing reconstructive surgery.

“But Hill’s lawyers want to see notes and reports from every doctor or hospital that tended to Hall’s injuries and any documents that suggest the five-time All-Pro was actually to blame.”

Hall reportedly wants more than $50,000 from Hill in damages and is suing the star for negligence, battery, assault and intentional infliction of emotional distress.

At this point, the suit seems to be in a he said, she said stage. It seems as though Hill’s lawyers are hoping that any texts or emails that Hall shares will reveal the truth behind what happened in the moments before she unfortunately fractured her leg.

“In the wake of the dust-up, Hall posted pictures of her leg in a cast, her X-rays and videos of herself getting around in a wheelchair, to social media, where she has more than two million followers,” Ashford reported.

“But Hill’s lawyers – who say the 6ft 1in beauty hurt herself tripping over a dog – want to see all of her medical records covering both the incident itself and the ten years prior.

“Their 35-point request includes ‘all documents supporting plaintiff’s contention that defendants were the direct and proximate result of the injuries described in the plaintiff’s complaint.’

“The list of demands includes any photographs, videos, social media posts, reposts, comments and private messages – including any deleted messages – discussing either the incident or Hill.”

What is unclear at this point is whether Hill’s lawyers truly believe something will be revealed within the requested documents. It’s possible that they do. It is also possible that their legal strategy right now is simply to sow doubt in the case.

Only time will tell if this strategy pays off.

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Jonathan is a freelance writer, filmmaker, and passionate fan of the NFL. In the past Jonathan has covered politics, entertainment, travel, and more. He is a proud contributor of Dolphin Nation.