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Mother’s Day vent

I need to vent before I blow up and cry.

My so has always been selfish and it got way worse during pregnancy and now that baby is here. He’s maybe changed 4 diapers in the 5 months we have had our baby. He rarely holds her especially when she’s tired or cries. I haven’t had a shower or even moment to myself since our baby has been born. So I’m already not liking this. Anyways now to Mother’s Day. Monday he goes and spends over $50 on himself at seafood for lunch. I’m a sahm since where we are no one is available. So I get he can treat himself. But, our 2 year anniversary was Friday and he didn’t even bat a lash at it. I made a nice dinner, got all dressed up and tried to get romance and got nothing. Then Friday night and Saturday he stays up really late playing video games. He said he set alarms to wake up early to make me breakfast and get coffee, yet he didn’t wake up till 11am. I had been awake since 6am. So I had already ate and drank coffee (I breastfeed so I can’t just wait for him or my milk drops). I am not one to go in and wake him up because I am a person who doesn’t control and lets that person be who they really are. So Mother’s Day we go out and have no plan. I asked if he had planned anything and he said no and was upset at me because I wasn’t planning the day. We find a place to eat and after that have to get groceries. During it baby had a complete melt down because she hates going into the store for god knows what reason so we left pretty quickly. It was a crap day. We get home and he says if you’re hungry we can heat up a pizza. He knows I hate eating junk and frozen foods because I have really bad tummy issues. So I just went to bed when baby did. Over it. He then calls me on his lunch today and went to get a massage! I’ve been in pain since during pregnancy (have to get a hip replacement) and he didn’t do anything for me. Yet he goes and gets a massage because he hurts from working. I’m so upset.

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