
Work Header

A Hero's Normality

Chapter 9: Lunch Date


Nick finally asks Tsuyu on a proper date! It doesn't go quite to plan however, since Tsuyu's acting quite a bit off from her usual behavior.

Can it be salvaged? And why's she acting odd in the first place?


Wowie-friggin-zowie readers! It's been more than 6 months since the last update, and for that I apologize. Holiday Specials and Commissions have been eating up most of my writing as of late, but I've been working on a few of my own projects slowly in-between them.

And that leads us to the next chapter of this fic, and back to good-old Tsuyu! I hope you enjoy it!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

A cool breeze washed over me and I couldn’t help but sigh at even that bit of relief from the building heat of the day.


Today I was once more out with Tsuyu, walking back from the market laden with bags of food. This had been a bit of a tradition of us two going out to get groceries for the family whenever we needed them, though given how much bigger Tsuyu’s family was than my own household, it was more often that I just went along with her shopping and helped out.


We were both dressed down pretty lightly, given this was one of our rest days. Just some shorts for the pair of us, though where I was wearing a t-shirt, Tsuyu had opted for a tank top with a decent show at her cleavage.


I’d caught a couple of other guys looking which wasn’t the best, but ultimately I soothed myself with the knowledge that not only was she wearing the looser top because of me, but also that she was romantically with me.


However, that had brought up its own line of thought, after I’d had my little thrill. Namely that well… I’d been a bit of an idiot as far as boyfriends go.


After all, I hadn’t even gone on a date with Tsuyu yet!


We’d been dating for a little over a month now and other than our workouts and occasional joint family outings, which I would not count, the only thing we’d done so far is go to the pool.


And I’m not sure I’d count that either, in fact.


For most of our shopping trip this has been on my mind, and if I didn’t have a physical shopping list that I was checking off as I grabbed things, I can confidently say that I’d have fucked it up with how unfocused I was.


Specifically I was focused on just how to ask Tsuyu on a date.


Sure we were dating , but going on a proper date seems… different . Very different, given it’s full-out supposed to be romantic.


I couldn’t help but feel anxious about not only my ability to actually act as a proper date, but even the prospect of asking Tsuyu out so late into our relationship… It’s a bit worrying, since I can so easily see her being annoyed that I hadn’t before.


“Nick? Are you okay, ribbit?” The voice of the girl in question piped up, the one thing that’s consistently gotten my focus off my thoughts and onto the world around me… Or at least onto the cute girl next to me. “You’ve been off in your own head all day. Was it anything that you wanted to talk about?”


Even through my nerves a small smile broke onto my face at the open concern my girlfriend showed. “Well… maybe actually…” I admitted, starting to consider how blunt and open my girlfriend truly was. She likely would appreciate something convoluted, but ultimately she was a straightforward girl, and appreciated it the most when others were too.


Maybe I was the one overthinking things?


“Yes I think I would, but I want to ask you something first,” I began. “If you had to put a label on them, the pool and our workouts… Would you consider those to be uh… to be dates?”


Tsuyu’s cheeks darkened just a tad as I asked the question, but she was ultimately considering it, even bringing up a bad-laden arm to tap her chin with. “Well not the workouts, ribbit. They’re fun for sure, but they’re not actual dates. The pool though?” Her blush deepened a bit further as she looked ahead, keeping her eyes off me. “I think… yes, that was a date, ribbit.”


“Ah…” I stated, mulling her answer over. I can see what she was saying about the workouts. Fun but not very romantic (even if I did get a nice view of her butt in those bloomers), but honestly I hadn’t really seen the pool as a proper date either.


Really it was just two friends going out to have fun… Though those friends were dating at the time… And one of them got jealous over someone ogling them… And it ended in a kiss…


Ah hell, that definitely was a date, wasn’t it?


I chuckled nervously. “I won’t lie, I feel a little bad now! I didn’t consider that a date at the time because, well, I didn’t actually ask you out for it. You were even the one to suggest it!”


Tsuyu tilted her head as she looked up at me. “Well maybe so, but the guy doesn’t have to be the only one to suggest a date. It’s perfectly fine if I do so too, ribbit. Besides, I had fun either way.”


I answered with a nod. “Sure you’re absolutely correct. But I also really would like to make this right.”


I stopped in place and turned fully to Tsu, who followed suit with a slightly expectant look broaching through her usually stoic expression. Taking a deep breath, I spoke clearly. “Tsu, I want to formally ask you on a date. Did you want to go out tomorrow?”


She was still for a few moments, emotions flickering beneath the surface of her face in little tells and twitches, until finally she smiled brightly. “Yes, yes I would ribbit!” Then she laughed, a lovely sound to my ears. “Why wait until tomorrow though? We can go later today if you’d like, ribbit.”


I shook my head, a matching smile on my own face as I realized I was worried for nothing. “Yeah that’s… That’s true, we absolutely can…” I said, trailing off. “It’s gotta be at least eleven by now… Did you want to leave for somewhere at two?”


My lovely girlfriend nodded, answering in an excited “Mhmm!” as she did so, and I couldn’t resist my temptations any more as I leaned in and planted my lips onto her own.


Her eyes widened and her cheeks darkened. “You can’t surprise me like that, ribbit! Not out here!” she chided me, but even as she did the wide smile didn’t leave her.


I just chuckled at her ‘indignation’. “Maybe on our date, then?”


I could feel my own cheeks lighting up at the words, somehow making it even more real than it was a few moments before, but Tsu just nodded again. “Yup! In that case, we’d better get these home quick then, ribbit!”


We both quickened our paces, glancing aside at one another frequently as we made the rest of the walk home. I knew I was looking at her in terribly-concealed excitement, especially as I couldn’t stop smiling, but luckily we really weren’t terribly far from our street.


As we passed by Tsu’s house, a silent agreement seemed to take place as I kept walking to my own place, waving at her and getting one back, before I went down my walkway and over to my door.


For once my mom was actually home on a weekday. I wasn’t sure why, but it wasn’t a big issue frankly. “Hey mom, I’m back!” I greeted her cheerily, closing the door behind me and moving to the kitchen.


“Hey sweetie!” was her response, and I heard her steps on the floor. “Seems someone’s all happy, what’s the occasion?” she asked, and I was able to hear the knowing expectation in her voice.


Sighing, I opened the fridge and began putting up the groceries. “Well if you must know,” I began, because she wasn’t the only one who could be cheeky. “I actually have a date with Tsu in a couple of hours.”


There was a pause, which wasn’t the teasing “Oooh~” that I was expecting, so I looked over at mom to see her with a raised eyebrow. “Why’s this one so exciting? Didn’t you already have a date at the pool?”


I sighed again. “Is everyone going to consider that a date before I did…” I said, and she chuckled.


“Well it’s expected for a teenage boy to be at least a bit dumb about romance. So this is a proper ‘You asked her out directly’ sort of deal then?”


I blinked in surprise and she gave me a flat stare. “I’ve gone on dates before myself, Nick, don’t look so surprised. Let’s put all this away and I’ll help you decide what to wear, okay?”


My mouth opened to object, but I paused and thought about it for only a few seconds before quietly conceding that having my mom’s advice about fashion would probably be better than trusting my own (non-existent) clothing tastes. “Yeah, okay.”


Besides, if I was gonna make this a proper first (intentional) date, then I wanted any help I could get.

Nearly an hour and a half later had me walking down the stairs, now clad in a nice white and gray plaid overshirt with a white one beneath it, a simple pair of nice jeans, and the least-worn sneakers that I had.


Those were all my mother’s choices of course, but what I had on that she didn’t pick was the stylized gold ‘N’ on my right ear. My safety net, for just in case.


Mom was waiting at the bottom of said stairs, looking up at me with a bright smile on her face. “Ah! Look at you! I knew that’d look good. And you combed your hair too!”


I rolled my eyes even as I smiled, both with the bashfulness of being complimented on your looks and in relief that she hadn’t noticed the earring. Those rules were still holding up after all. “Well there’s not a lot, but I knew you’d say something about it.”


My mother scoffed and slapped my shoulder. “Of course I would, the effort matters! Tsuyu’s definitely gonna be happy about it, at least!”


“You’re probably right,” I conceded, before wrapping my arms around her and giving her a brief hug. “Thanks mom, I appreciate the help.”


She hugged me in return. “I know you do, sweetie. Now, go impress your girl, okay?”


I nodded, pulling back and walking towards the door. “I’m gonna try! Love you mom!”


I heard the response as I walked through the entryway, patting my pockets to check I had my keys and wallet still, which is good. I could always make the house key with my quirk, but it was good to have it in case I messed up the edges somehow.


Walking over to the Asui’s place, I couldn’t help it as nerves started to build up within my body. This was the first official date I’d have with Tsu after all and, longtime friends or not, I couldn’t fuck this up.


So when I got there I took a few deep breaths and got myself calmed down before knocking on the door, with it opening a few seconds later to the visage of a surprised Ganma, an expression that looked interesting on his toad-like face. “Ah, hello Nick… You’re dressed up quite a bit…” he said in greeting, clearly confused.


‘So Tsu didn’t tell him?’ I guessed, before swallowing nervously. “Y-Yes sir I am. I’m uh… Well I’m actually here to take her on a date today.”


His eyes widened and his mouth opened partly in shock. I didn’t want to set the man off, given his protectiveness of Tsu, so I just let him stand there for a bit before he finally let out a heavy groan and put his palm on his head. “Why’d this day have to come…” he said sadly.


My survival instinct was telling me not to provoke my girlfriend’s dad… But I had known the man for years, and so cleared my throat to get his attention. “Well we’ve been dating in general already-”


“Don’t remind me…” was his quick response, but before he could say anything else, a woman’s voice chimed in.


“Honey? Is that Nick?” Beru’s asked from the back.


Ganma sighed again. “Sure is!”


“You’re not accosting him, are you?” she asked, closer now, and I could see walking over from the stairway.


“I’ll let him speak for himself,” he said, before stepping aside to let her take a look at me. The woman’s eyes widened, her lips curling into an especially big smile as she tried in vain to cover it with her mouth.


“Hello Beru,” I greeted politely as she surveyed me, and that seemed to spur her from her stupor as she quickly stepped forward, arms wide as she did so. I smiled and widened my own arms to meet her the middle for a very eager hug.


“Oooh, Tsuyu’s told me all about your little date!” she said eagerly before letting me pull back, her hands moving up to my shoulders as she scanned me over. “I can’t believe you didn’t even think the pool counted, young man!”


I sighed with some exaggeration. “My mom said the same thing, actually.”


She nodded firmly. “Of course she did, Sewa’s got a good head on her.” Her eyes roved over my form. “And I bet she was the one to pick out your clothes too?”


I could nod ashamedly. “Oh now don’t worry about that! Like I said, she’s got a good head on her, and she made you look so handsome !”


Ganma clicked his tongue. “The boy needed the help to figure out the pool was a date,” he retorted, and Beru immediately rounded on him.


“Well considering you didn’t get all grumpy then like you are now, I bet you didn’t come to that conclusion either!”


I was treated to the always odd sight of Ganma’s cheeks going red. “W-Well- Of course I did!”


Despite my effort, a chuckle escaped my lips. “No you did not!” I responded, making him glare at me.


“That’s not gonna win you any points with me, young man!” he retorted, and it was Beru’s turn to wave her hand at him reproachfully.


“Well I’ll say that keeping my husband honest is very much a way to get into my good books.” The woman shot me a bright smile. “Now, did you want something-”


The distant sound of a door shutting made us all go quiet, and within a few seconds everyone was looking as Tsuyu made her way down the stairs.


I was astounded at just how nice she looked. The outfit wasn’t anything terribly fancy, being a little light green vest over a white shirt with a stylized cartoon frog on the front, a matching green skirt and some black flats on her feet, all complimented by a little green purse slung over her shoulders, the actual purse looking like a big cartoon frog’s head.


“Hello Nick,” she greeted with a wave. “I’m sorry that this was the best I could put together for a lunch date, ribbit.”


I shook my head and walked up to her, meeting her at the bottom of the steps. “No, not at all!” I quickly reassured her, taking her hands in my own. “I think the outfit looks good on you! The frogs are very cute.”


My words were met by the lovely sight of being able to look down at Tsuyu’s face while her cheeks went bright red. Her expression hadn’t changed in the slightest, but it was still quite a cute little addition. “Ah, thanks Nick…”


Behind me, I heard Ganma groan aloud, quickly followed by a muffled slap. “Ganma, don’t you dare ruin this moment for them or me!” I heard Beru whisper, probably a lot louder than she meant to, followed by the shuffling of their feet.


As I was doing my best to ignore the image of Beru pushing her husband out of the room that appeared in the corner of my eye, Tsuyu spoke up. “I think you look very nice too, ribbit. You look very handsome. Sewa chose really good, ribbit.”


I groaned. “Does everyone just assume that my mom chose my clothes for today…”


Tsuyu let out a small giggle at my frustration. “Well you’re not exactly the most fashionable person. But it’s fine, like I said it’s a good look, ribbit.”


There were a few seconds of silence where I don’t think either of us knew what to do other than look at one another, our outfits quite out of the norm in a strange but very pleasant way.


Still, I couldn’t let the silence linger for much longer, so I spoke up first. “So, do you-”


A loud gasp interrupted me, and we both looked to the stairs to see Satsuki standing at the bottom of the stairs, gaping widely at me. “Nick! You look so pretty today!”


I couldn’t help the blush that came to my own cheeks at being called ‘Pretty’ by a girl, even if that girl was as young as Satsuki. I brushed that aside as best I could with a laugh, before moving forward to scoop the little girl up in my arms.


She gasped in surprise, but quickly grabbed onto me too. “Thank you very much, Satsuki! I think you look really pretty too, actually!”


The little girl mirrored my own blush, looking away but clinging a bit tighter to my shirt as she did so. “D-Do I really?”


I nodded again. “Mhmm! And so cute, too!”


She pushed her head into my shoulder, hiding her face from me and letting out a muffled. “Thanks, Nick…”, embarrassment coloring her tone.


“You know, I’m not sure that flirting with my sister right before we go on a date is good boyfriend behavior,” Tsuyu chimed in, and I looked to see her walking over to us.


A scoff came from my mouth. “Oh? So you don’t think she looks cute?”  I challenged, turning fully to face her.


Tsuyu looked at the now-peeking Satsuki. “Well I can’t argue with that, ribbit. You can get away with it this time.” Then she shook her head and gently took Satsuki from me, placing her on the ground. “But that’s enough of that, ribbit. We have to get going soon.”


“Oh, where are we going?” Satsuki asked, and I shared a sudden shocked look with Tsu as we each mulled over the question silently.


“Well…” I began hesitantly. “We’re actually going alone, Satsuki. It’ll be just me and Tsu, since it’s a date.”


The girl looked at us both before she started to pout. “You mean, like with privates?”


My eyes went wide and my cheeks flushed at the little girl’s words, and a quick glance showed that Tsu was in basically the same state. “A-Ah, well I think you mean ‘in private’ , actually!” I quickly clarified.


“Yes, it’s way too soon for us to do anything with our privates, ribbit!” Tsu backed up, though the both of us froze once more at her words, and I wasn’t able to help staring at her in a bit of shock.


I could tell that even on her typically calm expression that she was feeling rather flustered, and the quick glance away told me she was trying to brush it off. Emotions warred within me for a few seconds between comforting her or capitalizing on this, but I thought about how to do both. “Wow… So is teasing me like that gonna be normal for you now?”


Her head whipped back at me, staring with wide eyes for a few seconds before she seemed to calm down and smile. “Maybe…” she said rather lightly, and I patted myself on the back for averting a crisis.


“What’s this I hear about privates? ” Ganma’s voice suddenly burst out, and I looked over to see the man rather angrily stomping into the room, glaring right at me. “Well, wanna repeat that young man?”


“Ganma, enough !” Beru yelled, coming from behind and swatting him on his shoulder, and I felt quite a bit of relief from her sudden intervention. “Nick is an upstanding fellow and you know exactly what they said! None of this nonsense.”


She walked over and scooped up Satsuki. “Yes dear, they’ll be going alone, in private. ” She glared over at her husband as if daring him to try and be as abrasive to her as he was to me.


The man didn’t take the bait though, nervously straightening himself out. “A-Ah yes, they sure will be alone out there!” he said, before blinking as if he realized what he’d said, though the continued glaring of his wife headed off anything.


A hand grasped mine, and I looked in time to see Tsuyu rolling her eyes. “Yes dad we will, ribbit. Please don’t make an incident of this for mom. Mom, we’ll be going now, ribbit, so we’ll be back before dinner.”


Beru smiled and waved, Satsuki waved with her little pout, and Ganma just sighed in defeat as my girlfriend pulled me out of her house.


Once the door was shut behind us, she sighed and looked over at me. “Sorry about that. Dad’s just been… off , since we started dating, ribbit.”


I waved her apology off. “Eh don’t worry. I’ve known him long enough to know he wouldn’t do anything.”


She smiled lightly. “So that’s why you looked so scared when he came in the room, then?”


“H-Hey! You can’t blame me for that, he’s still a big guy! And besides, I don’t wanna fight against my girlfriend’s dad…”


Tsu leaned over at that and pressed her lips to my cheek, making them grow hot as she pulled back again. “And I appreciate that, ribbit. There are definitely guys who would’ve tried fighting him, and I don’t want that either.”


I smiled. ‘Today’s gonna be good.’


The walk over to the train station was short. We weren’t going terribly far, but all the same we did want to have enough time to actually do stuff-


‘Wait, I didn’t plan out what to do beforehand!’ I realized, and looked nervously at the girl next to me.


“H-Hey Tsu, so what do you think about going to that little Korean place downtown for lunch?” I asked, hoping not to show off too much that I hadn’t planned anything.


Tsu just smiled at me though. “That sounds tasty, but I think it might be better if we do something more casual for this, ribbit. How about a cafe?”


I didn’t really have any reservations about that, and so just nodded. “Sure I don’t mind.” Silence reigned for a few moments before I sighed. “And hey, sorry that I didn’t have a full plan for this.”


Her hand squeezed my own. “Don’t worry, ribbit. I know just how sudden this date was, and I’m the one who said it could be today. It’s no problem… But you know you’re paying right?”


The little lilt in her voice told me she was joking, but all the same I could man up enough for that. “Of course! It’s on me!” I declared, causing her to smile wider and lean into me as we kept walking.


It was nice.

Before long we’d gotten on a train and were seated in a mostly empty car riding towards downtown. We could’ve definitely walked there, but it’s just more comfortable to take this quick ride.


Tsu was leaning against my shoulder, a peaceful silence between us as we rode along the tracks, and I gave her hand another quick squeeze that she returned in kind.


“So, what cafe were you thinking about anyways?” I asked, given she was the one who pointed out where exactly she wanted to stop downtown.


“Well, I thought it’d be nice to try out a cute little jungle-themed place I’ve heard about from Habuko with you, ribbit.”


I raised my eyebrow. “Jungle-themed?”


She shrugged. “Habuko said it was good, though admittedly with her quirk we eat a little different. Still, I trust her, ribbit.”


I’d only met her friend Habuko a few times, and admittedly still found it a bit funny how two people with frog and snake mutation quirks of all things had become fast friends. “Well, I trust you.”


My words were met with a wide smile.


“Hello passengers! We’re approaching Okazaki station, so anyone bound for there should be ready to depart.”


The intercom’s announcement stirred us both from our comfortable rest, and so I met Tsu’s eyes. “Ready to get off, or did you just want to rest on me the whole day?” I asked teasingly.


She rolled her eyes but her smile remained as she pulled back. “As nice as that sounds, I do wanna go eat.”


I nodded and stood, grabbing the hanging handhold above, before holding out my hand for Tsu, which she took and used to lift herself up.


I began to walk off the train, asking “So, where are we headed then?”


As I spoke, I turned to watch Tsu step off the train behind me. My attention was grabbed though as her skirt was caught on the safety rail behind her.


My eyes widened. “Uh, Tsu-” I tried to warn her, before she took another step and her skirt pulled further on the rail, giving me a fairly unobstructed view of the panties she was wearing beneath the skirt, a matching green pair to the rest of her ensemble.


Tsu didn’t seem to notice. “What’s up, ribb-” she asked, but stopped as her next step pulled her skirt taut, and she looked down to see the mess she’d gotten into.


She looked at her disarrayed bottoms, blinking twice in stunned silence, before her cheeks started to turn a bright crimson.


My heart started to beat faster, nervousness and worry flooding into me. “Ah, sorry Tsu, I tried to warn you, but…”


My words trailed off as my girlfriend seemed to calm down, the bright red on her face fading into a dulled glow as she calmly stepped back to unhook her skirt on the hang of the rail, and stepped off the train.


“I can see that, but you really should’ve tried harder in that case,” she said, but even though her words were harsh, her tone was light and teasing.


Now it was my turn to blink in stunned silence. I’d expected her to be more embarrassed than that, or annoyed, but all I got was… a joke?


‘I guess I should take what I can get…?’ I thought, before putting my hands up in surrender. “I mean, I did, but-”


Tsu pressed a finger onto my lips, stopping the defense in its tracks. “Well what happened happened, ribbit. What you should be focusing on is the fact that when we get to the cafe, I’m gonna get an extra treat, since you obviously just got one yourself.”


I reeled back a bit in surprise at her statement, mouth flopping open and shut but lacking any words to say to my girlfriend picking on me. Eventually I just sighed, rubbing my face and giving her a defeated. “Of course.”

She smiled, taking my hand and walking with me out of the station, and so I decided to just push it to the side. ‘I thought that was gonna be worse, given how she is around perverts,’ I thought to himself. ‘Spend a little extra on her? A small price to pay for that view…’

“Wow, it really is jungle-themed.”


I couldn’t have said anything else, really. It was a building with large rainforest-y trees decorating its front, and bushes painted onto the walls below. It even had a big frog on one of those trees, though it was a tree frog rather than one I’d ever seen in Japan.


Tsu giggled next to me at my obvious bewilderment. “Sure is, ribbit!” she commented cheerily, before she walked the pair of them into the place.


There was a fairly pretty waitress with what appeared to be gills who smiled at them as they came in. “Welcome to the Jungle! Table for two?”


Tsu nodded and said “Yes please, a deck one if we could,” and the waitress was off showing us to one of the tables outside.


We took their seats and she gave us each a menu. “Alright, I’ll be back in a few minutes while you look at your menus,” she said, before walking off.


I took a second to look back at the inside of the place, seeing the various wall paintings and decorations that made it feel like a miniature jungle. “Wow, this really is a neat place.”


Tsu nodded. “Yeah, Habuko wasn’t exaggerating it seems, ribbit. This place really is like a little jungle.”


She opened her menu to look around at it and I followed suit. It seemed to have a few interesting items, though most of it was fairly standard fare. I guessed it was just the theming of the place that was interesting?


Still, I saw a tempura dish that looked promising enough, so I decided on that.


“I think I’m gonna just have some of the tonkotsu, and one of the ‘Rainforest Cakes’ with it, ribbit,” Tsu said, and I looked up to see her staring at me, a knowing look in her eyes.


I gave an exaggerated sigh, though I couldn't help the smile on my face as she giggled in response.


The waitress came up to take our orders soon enough and now it was just time to wait.


“So, we should probably decide what movie to see while we’re here. Anything you’re in the mood for?” I asked.


Tsu placed a finger on her chin, thinking for a bit. “Hmmm… Well, I suppose it depends on what’s playing nearby.”


She took out her phone and pulled up her phone. “I think I‘m in the mood for a drama though, ribbit. Sound good?”


I nodded and replied with an honest “Sure.” After all, I wasn’t in any particular mood myself, and what made her happy made me happy.


Besides, I trusted her taste.


She rattled off some to me and we were discussing our options when the waitress came back with plates and drinks. “Alright, food’s ready for you two!”


I smiled up at her as she loaded the plates off her tray. “Ah, thank you th-”


My words were caught in my throat, my whole body freezing as something much more pressing came up; Namely, that I felt something poking my crotch.


It was small but solid, and poking right into the center of my crotch, lightly but definitely noticeably.


The waitress was looking at me weirdly, but Tsu cleared her throat. “He can be like that, no worries,” she said, and that spurred the waitress back to giving us our orders.


It made me think about the situation, though. ‘What’s going on here?’ I thought. ‘I can’t really just reach down to check, my arms are already up and they’d both notice… But it’s still poking me!’


The two began to talk about something, but I was only half paying attention to the conversation, that little semi-solid nub now starting to rub slow, insistent circles on my dick.


I felt more awkward by the second as it stirred my crotch to life, and I was split between wanting to remain inconspicuous and wanting to find out what was going on down there.


The waitress waved goodbye to my girlfriend and a few seconds later the feeling left, and I was left there, stunned at what had just happened.


Looking at the retreating waitress, I couldn't help but wonder if she was using a quirk on me or something… but she had gills, so how could they be related?


“You Nick, that’s twice in one day I’m catching you staring at other girls, ribbit,” Tsu’s teasing voice brought me back, and I looked at her to see a knowing grin on her face.


‘What the…?’ I thought to myself, but outwardly just lifted my eyebrow in confusion. “Twice?”


“Satsuki, of course,” she stated before taking a bite of her food. I wondered when I was staring at the girl but couldn’t come up with an answer before she swallowed. “You flirted with her and everything, ribbit.”


I blinked in surprise before growing relieved. “Well you had to admit she looked cute today,” I spoke jokingly, trying to throw the conversation away from my supposed staring.


I mean, I was staring, just not for the reasons he thought I was.


Tsu didn’t seem to buy it though as she only smiled a tad wider. “So you thought this girl was cute too, then?”


Her words, which sounded like they should’ve been very pointed, were instead still said in a joking tone. It was jarring, but I probably shouldn’t be complaining, given the alternative.


Still, I needed to clear it up, and with Tsu it really was better to tell the truth. The problem was, how to go about doing that without being too awkward?


“Ah no, I wasn’t looking at her for that…” I trailed off, trying to formulate my words.


Tsu took another bite as I thought. “What kind of weird, ribbit?” she asked after swallowing.


I looked about. There weren’t any people too close to us, but it still was awkward to talk about in the open like this. “It’s just… awkward to say, is all.”


Tsu shrugged. “Well you can tell me, I promise I’ll keep it from being awkward.”


I swallowed, opening my mouth to just whisper it to her… but then the feeling returned. That rounded, soft thing poking right at my dick.


The words died in my throat as I looked into her eyes. “It’s back,” I said worriedly.


Tsu just rolled her eyes, though. “You’re gonna have to be more specific about what ‘It’ is, ribbit.”


I shook my head. “I-I can’t, not eas-”


My words were stopped by the thing pushing down on me, not forcefully enough to hurt, but insistent on my attention as it wiggled around on my crotch.


Tsu’s eyes grew wide. “Are you hurt?” she asked hesitantly, but I shook my head just as quickly.


“N-No, it doesn’t hurt,” I assured her, trying to calm my hands down from shooting at my crotch to stop whatever it was. “It’s just… odd.”


Tsu was quiet for a moment, taking another bite of her food before she swallowed and leaned forward in her seat. “Do you wanna leave, ribbit?”


Again I shook my head. “No, I don’t,” I spoke firmly, not wanting to ruin this date before it’d really began, but shuffled about in my seat as it continued to wriggle around on my lap. “I-I should just eat… I’ll probably feel better afterwards.”


She nodded. “Sure, if you say so.”


I took a bite and tried to focus on the food, but my attention was very split by the presence, and my hands twitched as I wanted to stop it so bad, and Tsu bringing up the movie options again.


But by the time I’d swallowed my second bite, it’d stopped again.


‘What’s going on?’ I asked silently, though took the reprieve to eat some more of my food in peace, able to focus on the good flavors more that I wasn’t being harassed by… whatever it was.


The waitress entered my view again, and I looked over at her handing menus over to another table, and I wondered again if she was the cause of any of this, and if so, how?


‘She’s not looking at me, so I don’t think it is her…’ I thought to myself, taking another bite of my food, before the feeling returned again.


This time it started from the bottom of my dick and then pressed upwards, smoothly stroking it through my shorts in such a slow, sensual way that I knew it had to be deliberate.


Enough was enough though. I couldn’t let whatever this was interrupt my first real date anymore, and so I put my food down and reached back to-


“Nick? Which do you think sounds best, ribbit?” Tsu’s voice spoke up, drawing my attention again to her showing her screen to me.


The thing continued touching me, so I couldn’t really focus on processing any of the words before me. I read the synopsis of the first one three times before I just gave up and pressed my finger to the one in the middle. “T-That one,” I said, doing my best to stay nonchalant.


Tsu pulled the phone back to look at it as the presence on my crotch stayed on the tip of my dick this time, stroking it in a small, slow circle.


I couldn’t resist, I needed to-


“Nick, are you gonna finish your food?” she asked, and I looked to see my plate half-eaten, while both her meal and cake were gone.


‘Was I that distracted?’ I asked myself in surprise before silently scoffing. ‘Of course I was, this thing keeps touching my dick!’


Outwardly I nodded my head. “Yeah I think I am. Did you want to finish it?”


Tsu smiled. “Sure, thank you Nick, ribbit,” she said happily, before taking my plate and starting to bite into the remaining tempura.


As she ate, the thing continued on, alternating between rubbing my tip and rubbing up my length, and I just looked for an opportunity to try and duck my hands down without getting her attention.


Right when I was about to, Tsuyu declared “Alright, I’m finished,” and I watched as she shuffled around in her seat for a second before standing. “We should go pay, ribbit.”


She held out her hand for me to grab, but as soon as she’d stood the feeling went away… and she’d taken that little bit longer to stand up…


‘Was that Tsu doing all that?’ I thought to myself with concern.


Still, I took Tsu’s hand and stood, walking with her to go pay at the counter.


I looked down at Tsu for a few moments, only to have her look up at me and give me a bright smile.


That smile calmed me down. ‘I’m just being dumb. Blaming Tsu isn’t right… I bet it has to be the waitress. No reason to start a mess with Tsu here though, shouldn’t be a problem once we leave.’


I hoped I was right.

We walked into the darkness of the movie theater, only lit by small lights along the walls that really just let us see where we were going, which I supposed was enough.


I was carrying a bucket of popcorn and Tsu was carrying our drinks as we walked into the movie I’d absently picked.


Apparently it was an animated drama set in the Edo period called ‘A Rose Amongst Thorns’. I didn’t know much more about that, and even setting it in the Edo period was really just a guess.


The name was kind of whatever, but it had decent reviews so I could only hope I didn’t mess up by picking it in a less-than-attentive state.


We were able to get a good seat near the back, and as the movie came closer to actually showing I realized there really weren’t too many people coming in the first place.


I’d check how long this had been in theaters on my phone, but we’d both already turned ours off before buying the snacks, so I had to settle for being quietly curious.


Looking over at Tsu, she seemed to be excited as the lights dimmed and the movie itself started to play, so I settled in to try and give it a chance.


A half hour in and I was thoroughly happy with that decision. This movie was turning out to be pretty great honestly. It was a bit of a standard story about a domineering feudal lord and a peasant revolution, but the way it was being portrayed was, honestly, extremely gripping.


I continued to watch as I absently reached over to grab some more popcorn but stopped as I felt something quite different from either the solid plastic of the bucket or the brittle popcorn kernels.


Instead this was still warm like the popcorn, though it was… soft instead?


Rubbing it idly, I found that yes, it was both soft and warm, and confused, turned to look, only to freeze as my eyes went wide.


I had my hand right on top of Tsuyu’s thigh.


Somehow I’d completely undershot the bucket and just pressed right onto her thigh.


Now that I was seeing just where I was touching, I had to admit that it felt nice, since Tsu’s skin had a lovely smoothness that I knew was due to her family’s quirk.


But of course, this was… A bit much, I think, especially in a theater like this, nevermind that we were in the back row.


Looking up at Tsu showed that, somehow, she hadn’t noticed, staring quite intently at the movie screen, and so I decided not to throw away my luck and instead gently pulled my fingers off her-


I had to stifle a small sound of surprise as Tsu had pushed the bucket down on her lap, trapping my fingers back on her skin.


If I wanted to pull it off I’d have to be really obvious and, looking up at her, Tsu was still glued to the screen. I decided not to interrupt her and instead try to focus on the movie again.


It turned out it was quite hard to focus on a movie while your fingers are pressed against the soft thigh of a cute girlfriend, actually. I was only retaining some of what was going on, and a few minutes of that let me know that I would, in fact, need to get my hand free.


Slowly I tried to pull my hand out, but that just started to hurt as it ground against the bucket’s bottom. So instead, I tried to gently reach over and lift the bucket up instead.


This time when my hand came near it, Tsu’s eyes looked over at me and I froze. I watched as her gaze bouncing between my face and my outstretched hand, and then towards the one pressing into her thigh.


I couldn’t help but be worried as she stared at it for a few long seconds, but when she finally looked back up at me, she had (for her anyways) a knowing grin on her face. ‘Pervert’, she mouthed slowly and deliberately, but continued to grin and lifted up the bucket.


Relief filled me as I pulled my hand back, giving her an apologetic smile, one that she waved off in favor of watching the movie, grabbing a handful of the popcorn along the way.


I followed suit, this time making sure to deliberately grab from inside the bucket, and that handful of popcorn felt kind of like its own victory.


Still I wasn’t truly able to get back into the movie. Today has been… strange, to say the least, or at least it’d started being strange since the train.


Tsu was pretty quiet when she got her skirt caught on the rail there, though admittedly she’d used it to extort her cake from me, so I suppose that was fine? Still, I’d have expected her to say something else earlier.


And then at the table, there was that… whatever it was, touching me beneath the table. I still think it was probably the waitress, but she clearly had some sort of aquatic quirk given the gills, so I’m not fully set on it having been her.


Besides, every time I’d tried to reach under the table, I got interrupted by Tsu. I hadn’t set any rules I could think of, so I wonder what was up with the change today, as well as the table thing.


My thoughts were brought to a halt as movement caught my attention, and I watched as Tsu suddenly stood, shifted over to her left, and plopped herself down right in my lap.


I was stunned by the sudden drop, breath leaving me as my girlfriend settled onto my lap without warning. Blinking away the surprise, I looked up at her as she turned her head to me. “Tsu-”


I was shushed by the girl, who followed it up by pushing a piece of popcorn up to my lips, which I hesitantly opened to take the kernel.


She seemed satisfied by that though, and turned back to continue watching the movie while my mind went into overdrive.


‘Okay, what is up with her today?’ I asked myself, baffled by her behavior. ‘I mean, I guess I’m not really upset by her wanting to sit in my lap or anything, it’s just that this is so odd, and came out of nowhere!’


And it was true. This was odd behavior from the girl, though I couldn’t exactly complain about the gentle softness of her butt on my legs, felt even through the skirt and underwear she had on, especially with the bit of warmth it had.


I still wanted to know what was going on.


Though regardless of how hard I thought it over, I couldn’t remember having made any changes here. I even reached up to tap the earring on my right ear to be sure that it was there, but that still wouldn’t have meant anything if I never set any new rules.


I suppose this was just some hint by Tsu, though even that didn’t really make any sense. She was a very direct girl who hated skirting around issues or speaking indirectly, at least for major things. I’m not sure how major suddenly sitting on my lap was-


Once more my musings were halted by Tsu, though this time it was her starting to wiggle about in my lap, obviously adjusting herself in her seat… The problem was that I was currently said seat.


Each little motion made her soft cheeks rub into my lap and, even through the layers of bottoms, it rubbed my dick quite noticeably, and I tensed up, doing my best to stay calm and not do anything sudden.


My body didn’t want to heed my thoughts though, as Tsu’s jostling quickly woke up my dick, tenting in my pants and poking up at the girl’s butt.


She paused when it did that, and I was frozen between two minds. One that would notice and have her stop or move away, and one that would notice and have her get mad at me.


A few moments of silence later she decided to do neither of these, instead just pushing herself back slowly over my lap, making my breath hitch as she slowly ground her cheeks into my lap.


Then, when her butt grazed against my stomach, she pulled forward again.


I winced at the tingles of pleasure I was feeling from the girl, mind racing to figure out how to get through this with our relationship unscathed.


Reaching forward, I tapped Tsu on the side. “Tsu-!”


My harsh whisper made her turn around and once more bring her finger to her lips and shush me, though this time she simply winked before turning around and continuing her slow, tortuous rubbing.


Now my thoughts went into overdrive. ‘Okay, so she’s absolutely aware of what she’s doing, that wink couldn’t have been anything else. This is just so… so sudden though! I’m not mad, not at all, I just don’t know what to do here that will keep this relationship together!’


Tsu remained ignorant of my thoughts, though that too was likely deliberate, as she started pushing her butt harder into my lap with each push and pull of her hips, making the feelings all the more intense as I grasped onto my armrests and clench my teeth to not give us away.


Then, just when I was starting to get used to it (or as used to it as I could be, anyways), she’d pulled all the way forward, cheeks resting right on the tip of my dick as her hand grasped my rod through my pants.


My breath hitched and I held deathly still as she turned around, looking over her shoulder. Her eyes glanced between my face and my crotch a few times, and I felt my heartbeat quicken, before a small, playful smile grew on her lips. “What’s wrong Nick? Can’t handle a little teasing, ribbit?” she whispered tauntingly.


That’s when something clicked in my head, something I’d said earlier, before we left the house even, came to mind.


“Wow… So is teasing me like that gonna be normal for you now?”


That line… That was the only thing I’d said today that remotely had the word normal in it… But even that didn’t make any sense.


‘How does that of all things make a rule?’ I wondered, now knowing full well that this Tsu wasn’t normal, and the earrings could only be the cause. ‘Were the rules that loose?’


Tsu was still looking at me, and her hand slowly moved down to stroke me through my pants, making me stifle a squeak of surprise as she continued to stare playfully at me.


Swallowing down some nerves, I spoke up. “W-Well I can, but maybe not so publicly, Tsu?” I pleaded with her, glancing about to the few people who were in the theater with us.


Even worse, a glance at the screen showed the film fading to black as credits began to roll. My eyes widened as I started hearing the telltale shuffling of an audience getting ready to leave, and I stared back at my wayward girlfriend.


“Tsu, we’re gonna get caught!” I nearly hissed at her and, after a few more moments, she rolled her eyes.


“Alright then you big baby,” she said, not losing that smile as she stood and reached out her hand to me. “I hope you can walk home fine with that though, ribbit.”


I felt my face flush at her comment, the direct alluding to my current state making things feel all the more real, maybe even as much as her touch had. I nodded and said “I think I can,” as I took her outstretched and used it to pull myself up.


Once I was stood, she adjusted her frog bag and then turned, placing a quick kiss on my lips. “Fun movie, Nick. Let’s go again sometime, ribbit.”

And as she turned to walk out of the theater, I couldn’t help but sigh in exasperation. ‘Normal or not, this girl might be the death of me,’ I thought, before being dragged out by her still clasped hand.

As we walked down the sidewalk, I couldn’t help but think about the change that I’d accidentally made. The fact that even using ‘normal’ in a sentence seemed to trigger the earrings was definitely worrying, and I wondered just how far that could be stretched.

I’d probably have to test that soon too, honestly.

“So Nick, what’d you think of the movie?” Tsu asked, and I paused my thoughts to look back at my girlfriend.

Even after her rampant teasing today, I couldn’t help but be happy when seeing the cute smile she wore.

“I mean, I liked what I saw,” I started honestly. “Though I’ll admit I didn’t really catch the second half of it.”

“Oh? How come, ribbit?” she asked, voice pure innocence like she didn’t have a single clue why.

Still, it was much easier to deal with her now that I knew what had her like this, and I simply shot back “I just got a bit distracted, that’s all.”

The girl nodded sagely. “Ah, I understand. You were too focused on the pretty girls that you didn’t watch the plot.” She sighed. “Boys…”

I wanted to both sigh and chuckle at her words, though I kept it to a simple smile. “No, nothing like that. You know I’ve only got eyes for you, Tsu.”

A quick memory of Toga lifting up her skirt went through my eyes, and it combined with thoughts of the few lewd pictures sitting in my phone to make me feel a bit guilty.

I pushed those thoughts aside in time to catch Tsu letting out a cute giggle, before she leaned over and planted a kiss on my cheek. “I know, ribbit,” she said firmly, without a hint of a tease this time.


That wasn’t exactly helping.


Before I could respond though, she’d slipped her hand out of mine and ran forward, looking back over her shoulder. “Hurry up Nick! You can’t slack now, ribbit!”

I groaned, though did begin to jog to keep up with her. “It’s our rest day, Tsu!” I shot back, though couldn’t deny that she looked cute, jogging ahead and looking back with that bright smile on her face.

The girl just rolled her eyes at my response. “Rest day or not, I see that you always need some motivation to get working!”

She laughed as I threw on an exaggerated pout. “I resent being called lazy! I can work without being prompted!”

Tsu took a few quick glances to her sides before shooting her hands down and, faster than I could respond, whipped her skirt up to flash me. “I beg to differ, ribbit~”

Her purring tone and the sudden, deliberate sight of her cute green panties brought me to a total halt, arousal and shock taking ahold of me… Before I remembered where we were and looked about in worry that someone had seen us.

Apparently while I was distracted Tsu had run into a small side path though, so thankfully there was no one to see her risque move.

Tsu dropped her skirt once I stopped looking at her, and stopped, letting me come to slow down in front of her.

Once I did she took my hand again, clasping it between both of hers and lifting it up to her face. “Did that really surprise you so much?” she asked gently.


I stared at her for a few seconds, just taking in the sight of her face so close and feeling the heat rush to my cheeks. “W-Well yeah, of course it did…” I finished a bit lamely.


Tsu just smiled a bit wider though, before leaning in for another kiss.


Unlike the other kisses throughout the day, she lingered on this one and, to my surprise I felt her warm and wet tongue slide into my parted lips, poking around in my mouth.


Its sheer size let her press it all around my cheeks and over my own tongue, leaving tingles of pleasure where it touched as I pushed past my shock to reciprocate the kiss.


I could feel her hot breath against my chin as I slid my tongue over hers, as she explored the insides of my cheeks and did her best to wrap her lengthy tongue around my own, my cock twitching in my pants at the sheer heat of the kiss.


Only a few seconds later had Tsu pull back from me, her tongue moving out of my mouth and back into her own. The way she looked up at me didn’t show any disappointment though, like my secret fear held, but instead a gentle, loving smile.


“I’m glad to hear that, ribbit~” she purred teasingly, making my skin pulse with the lust beneath it.


I wanted to kiss her again, to take up the offer and go on but… this wasn’t Tsu. I liked this, there was no doubt I did… but it wasn’t her, and it wasn’t right.


So I leaned in, giving her a quick peck on the lips before saying “It’s no longer normal for you to tease me all the time.”


At my words Tsu froze, blinking slowly a few times as she looked up at me in quiet contemplation. I slowly wrapped her up in my arms and just let her process… whatever it was that was going through her head.


Slowly she came to return the hug, pressing her cheek against my chest, and I sighed in relief as I held her there.


“Thank you, Nick,” she said, and suddenly my blood froze, my heart hammering in my chest as I registered her words.


“O-Oh? For what?” I asked, doing my best not to betray my sudden worry that, somehow, she’d become aware of me dropping the rule, of my earrings and their power, and was even grateful that I’d let it go.


Tsu laughed, making me pause in confusion, before she rubbed her cheek into my chest. “Thanks for the nice date, ribbit!” It was great to go on, and even greater that you decided to finally ask in the first place.”


And with that I calmed, my whole body relaxing with relief as I held her a bit tighter and placed my head on top of hers. “Of course Tsu. I love you, and I always wanted to take you out on a date… I’m sorry for not asking sooner, honestly.”


Tsu chuckled weakly before pulling back and looking into my eyes. “Well I suppose I can forgive you, ribbit… That is, if you take me on another date before the exams come up. Sound like a deal, ribbit?”


The teasing tone had me a bit on guard, but searching Tsu’s face, I somehow knew this was just her being her, and gave an exaggerated sigh. “Well I suppose if I have to take a cute girl on a date…”


She gave a lovely giggle at my reply, before gently pulling out of my grip and sliding her hand into my own. “I’ll be waiting for you to ask again then.”


With that said, we walked out of that alcove and started making our way back towards the train station, hand-in-hand.


One thing came to mind as we walked, something that I needed to ask. “Hey Tsu, at the cafe, was that…?”


I trailed off, unsure how to ask the question, but she took it up. “Under the table? Yeah, that was me.”


My eyes widened at the blase admittance. “W-How were you doing that then?”


She looked up at me, her smiling growing slightly playful as she did. “Well, a girl’s got her own secrets~” she teased me, taking larger steps with her long legs-


‘Oh,’ I thought, feeling quite dumb for not realizing. ‘That was her foot, wasn’t it?’


I sighed again and she must’ve known what I was thinking as her giggle turned into full-blown laughter.


And so as we continued to walk down the road on our way home, visions of the day came into my mind. Of Tsu grinning teasingly at me as her skirt was caught on the rail. Of Tsu playing innocent as her foot rubbed against my crotch. Of my hand against her thigh as she jokingly called me a pervert. Of her on my lap, grinding away as she shushed me with a finger across her lips.


‘I think, even with everything that happened, it was a good first date…’ I thought, feeling a flush of arousal from the day’s happenings. ‘Still, I can’t help but wonder if that’s a glimpse at a possible future…’


I couldn’t deny that the thought didn’t sound appealing, and wondered just what our relationship had in store.


Either way, I knew it’d be great.


A bit lewder than usual, aren't we?

Yes ladies and gents, things are indeed ramping up a bit! Time progresses relationships after all, with or without godly earrings to help... Though they are quite a help in this case.

I hope you had fun reading this one! I hope to not have the 10th chapter take so long, certainly less than 6 months on the update. I have the second half of that one pretty worked out, it's just the first half that's bugging me there...

This one took so long only in part because of the holiday specials and comms... Honestly, I had a specific thing in mind with this date, and the nuances of some of it were just really hard to settle down on. I'm very glad to have it done though, and I really hope you enjoyed reading it too!

Oh and something to note; I'm caught up with the manga now! I'm keeping on top of it, so I actually know what's going on in there and such, but I still haven't seen season 6 of the anime or any of the movies at time of posting. Maybe before next chapter's out I'll have watched at least the movies...

Regardless, Toodles!

Series this work belongs to: