Syrian Interior: Explosive device explosion in Homs - SabaNet

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Syrian Interior: Explosive device explosion in Homs
Syrian Interior: Explosive device explosion in Homs
Syrian Interior: Explosive device explosion in Homs

DAMASCUS May 19. 2024 (Saba) - The Syrian Interior Ministry announced on Sunday the death of a policeman and the injury of an officer from the Homs police, while performing tasks related to maintaining security in the north of the city.

The ministry said in a statement: While a patrol from the Homs External Police Station was stationed at the junction of the village of Tir Maaleh, to perform the tasks entrusted to it to maintain security, an explosive device exploded at the place that led to the death of policeman Abdul Aziz Al-Nasser, and the injury of an officer with the rank of captain. Investigations into the incident are ongoing.

Thirteen members of the Syrian army and auxiliary forces were previously martyred on May 3 in the Rasm al-Kom area of the Sukhna area in the eastern Badia of Homs in central Syria, in an attack by ISIS cells.

About two weeks earlier, 22 members of the Al-Quds Brigade, made up of Palestinian volunteers, rose to the auxiliary forces of the Syrian army in an ambush carried out by ISIS in the Sukhna area.

These attacks continue in conjunction with Zionist attacks on Syria, the latest of which was on the ninth of May, when a Syrian military source confirmed that the air defense means responded to a Zionist missile attack targeting a building in the countryside of Damascus.


resource : Saba


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UPDATED ON :Sun, 19 May 2024 21:20:37 +0300