Not Mbappe.. Ronaldo Nazario is surprised by the star that Florentino signed: “He will be better than me. - Sallahsport    

Not Mbappe.. Ronaldo Nazario is surprised by the star that Florentino signed: “He will be better than me.

Real Madrid is achieving success after success under the rational leadership of Florentino Pérez, president of the White Club, at the level of results and championships, as well as at the level of contracts and deals.

Kylian Mbappé is closer to joining Real Madrid than ever before after he announced his final departure from Paris Saint-Germain, and all reports indicate that he has signed a 5-year contract with the white club.

Real Madrid will not be satisfied with the Mbappe deal, as it has completed the contract with Endrick, and the young player will join the white attack starting next season after reaching the legal age (18 years).

It is expected that some players will leave as well, some of whom will have their contract expired and some of whom will be sacrificed to make room for new players, especially in attack.

For his part, Ronaldo Nazario, the former Brazilian player, expressed his admiration and amazement at the Endric deal in particular and assured Florentino Perez that he would be better than him: If he can avoid injuries, he can be better than me, he has everything,” according to what was reported by Defensa Central.Ronaldo is confident that Endrick will succeed at Real Madrid, although he also realizes that he will have to be patient.

With Mbappé, Vinicius and Rodrigo, it will be difficult for him to be a starter in his first season, but everything will depend on how he exploits the opportunities that Ancelotti gives him.

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