Mics Caught Fan Yelling 'Get Inside Me' During PGA Championship On Friday - The Spun Skip to main content

Mics Caught Fan Yelling 'Get Inside Me' During PGA Championship On Friday

Xander Schauffele driving as fan yells.

Fan yells while Xander Schauffele is on the tee.

Just when you thought you've heard it all, a spectator at the PGA Championship decided to yell "Get inside me" as Xander Schauffele was on the tee. 

We're not kidding. 

ESPN's cameras and mics were focused on Schauffele when a fan at Valhalla Golf Club decided they wanted to go viral on social media. If that was their plan, they accomplished it with ease. 

Immediately after Schauffele crushed this drive, golf fans rushed to Twitter to find a clip of the fan yelling "Get inside me." 

"ESPN has to dial back the hot mics," a fan wrote on social media. 

"Oh good I heard that too," a second fan said. 

Another fan commented, "A lot better than 'Get in the hole!' Appreciate the creativity."

Over the years, spectators have yelled sayings like "Get in the hole" or "mashed potatoes" when a prominent golfer crushes a drive. Hopefully, this saying doesn't get added to the weekly rotation. 

On the bright side, this spectator's ridiculous comment didn't throw off Schauffele. 

Schauffele has already carded four birdies in the first 10 holes. He's currently leading the tournament at 13-under par. 

The second round of the PGA Championship is currently being televised on ESPN.

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