5 Types of Cybersecurity Threats
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5 Types of Cybersecurity Threats

Cyber threats are increasing as technology advances. These threats put both people and organizations in danger. Whether harmful software sneaks into systems or tricky social engineering tricks, cyber threats can cause extensive damage to critical data and networks. Knowing about these threats is really important to stay safe from possible breaches. Let’s explore five common types of cyber threats.

5 Types of Cybersecurity Threats

Malware Attacks

Malware or malicious software is a type of harmful program. It includes exploits, Trojans, viruses, and worms. All of these are intentionally designed to access, damage, or misuse computer systems or networks. These malicious programs are spread through infected email attachments, websites, or software. 

Once invading a system, malware can steal sensitive data and shut down the system. Ransomware malware, which could lock important files and ask for their release payment, leads to financial and operational damage to affected enterprises.

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Phishing attacks involve the use of tricky tactics to make an individual provide confidential information, such as credentials for logging, financial data, and personal details. These attacks frequently pretend to come from official channels of reliable sources like banks, social media platforms, or government institutions. 

Phishing emails usually involve some warning or tempting proposals to make users visit risky links or provide sensitive information. Phishing attacks can be conducted not only through emails (phishing) but also via phone conversations (vishing) or text messages (smishing). 

Denial-of-Service (DoS) Attack

DoS is a network congestion that targets a website, server, or even a network. Attackers send so many users that a website cannot keep up with the traffic. Therefore, the website becomes unreachable for regular users. 

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Attackers might use a large number of devices that have been compromised. Such attacks may ruin online services, create financial losses, and spoil reputations.

MITM Attack 

In a Man-in-the-Middle attack, hackers disrupt communication between two parties and alter the content without their knowledge or permission. They establish themselves between sender and receiver; therefore, they can listen to the private details, modify the messages, or fake either party to influence the conversation. Here, attackers exploit weaknesses in network security protocols to gain unauthorized access.

Zero-Day Exploits 

A zero-day exploit refers to a vulnerability that is unknown to the vendor and consequently has neither patches nor fixes. Attackers use the unpatched vulnerabilities to launch tailored attacks before the developers can develop and deploy mitigation. 

A zero-day exploit is a serious threat because it exposes an unprotected system for an indefinite period and gives hackers access to a network, sensitive data, or malicious software. Mitigating the risks of zero-day exploits includes proactive security measures like vulnerability assessments and system updates.

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Rahul Roy
Rahul Roy
I am a computer guy by profession and a sports fanatic by choice.



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