Grand Theft Auto 6 launch set for fall 2025: Here's what to expect
17 May, 2024 | Friday

Grand Theft Auto 6 launch set for fall 2025: Here's what to expect

Grand Theft Auto 6 a.k.a GTA 6 is confirmed to release in fall of 2025, unless there are any delays later next year. Read to know what to expect from the game.

Edited By: Pranav Sawant

Published: May 17, 2024, 10:54 AM IST

GTA 6 trailer
GTA 6 trailer

Story Highlights

  • Take-Two has confirmed the release timeline of GTA 6.
  • GTA 6 will arrive in 2025 on most platforms.
  • GTA 6 will have two main characters, including a female lead.

Take-Two Interactive, a video game firm that owns Rockstar Games, has revealed the launch timeline of its much-awaited game – Grand Theft Auto 6. The earnings report shared by the company has detailed the release, confirming it to arrive late next year. This comes five months after Rockstar released the first trailer of GTA 6.

GTA 6 arrives in fall 2025

Rockstar Games announced the release timeline of the Grand Theft Auto 6 in December during the trailer launch. The was set to arrive in 2025, however, the exact timeline wasn’t revealed. Now, Take-Two has confirmed that the game will arrive in the fall of Calendar 2025. This means expect it to launch in any of the following months in 2025: September, October, and November.

“As we enter Fiscal 2025 with positive momentum, we expect to deliver Net Bookings of $5.55 to $5.65 billion. Our outlook reflects a narrowing of Rockstar Games’ previously established window of Calendar 2025 to Fall of Calendar 2025 for the Grand Theft Auto VI. We are highly confident that Rockstar Games will deliver an unparalleled entertainment experience, and our expectations for the commercial impact of the title continue to increase,” noted Take-Two Interactive in its Q4 2024 earnings report.

Apart from the release, there’s no other new information. The game is expected to break records as all fans have been waiting for it for almost a decade. The GTA 5 was released back in 2013 and has so far sold 200 million copies, making it the second best-selling videogame of all time. If you are wondering which game is first, that’s Minecraft with 300 million+ copies sold.

GTA 6: What to expect?

The upcoming Grand Theft Auto VI’s success is already anticipated as fans loved trailer 1 of the game. Released back in December 2023, the GTA VI trailer is 1 minute 30 seconds long. It reveals the two main characters in the game – Lucia (the first female protagonist in the GTA franchise) and a main character, likely called Jason.

According to rumours, they are siblings, although the trailer showed them too friendly for that. They are together at the start of the game but choose separate paths as the story goes along. However, they meet again at the end, as speculated by the trailer.


The game will bring back the beloved Vice City, this time with better graphics and probably Ray Tracing effects. Expect several new activities in the game. The game may also allow players to pet animals, click selfies and post them on TikTok and Instagram-like fictional apps.

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Author Name | Pranav Sawant


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