[LONG POST] i feel like there's foreshadowing to a sequel or at least a dlc?? + my thoughts : r/HarryPotterGame Skip to main content

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[LONG POST] i feel like there's foreshadowing to a sequel or at least a dlc?? + my thoughts


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alright, ive finished the game around a month ago but have spent the past month LIVING off of hl memes and ominis content, so i still remember most of the game vividly.

i think theres foreshadowing to a sequel, here's why:

  • if you dont turn in sebastian and talk to him, he'll understand your pov on the goblins and listen. if you do hand him in, ominis will talk to him and report that this has only made him angrier (..for whatever reason). this made me curious, because, well, by the time you do this quest it should be almost endgame, hell for some people they do the 'in the shadow of the...' quests AFTER endgame. it just seems an odd detail to add rather than 'oh yeah i talked to sebastian and he understands and hes sorry, the end'. maybe the devs set this up for a conflict point in the future, if you hand him in, for a sequel (or more likely a dlc).

-anne sees what sebastian has done to solomon, and this deathly sick (!!!) girl runs away to... where, exactly? again we get conflict that hasnt been resolved.

-less glaringly important but we get almost nothing about ominis. in the house cup bit hes just sitting down despondently because hes just lost his only friend and has to go back to his abusive family, who used crucio on him. also, ominis is quite vague about said family. leaves an open space that can be filled in with a sequel, because i would actually give my right eye to learn more about the gaunts ;)

-the MOST obvious plot hole - sebastian, in his usual delusions, seems to convieniently forget our emotional undercroft heart-to-heart about 'ill use ancient magic to save anne', before he goes and harnesses the power of a dark relic that causes only desctruction. (i ADORE seb but ominis is just so much better im sorry ;-; )YES i know theres the whole 'theyll become husks with no emotion if you take away pain', but sebastian hasnt been TOLD that. for all he knows, WE are the answer!! but nooo he must control the inferi because he is a teenage edgelord and nobody understands him. so yet again, unresolved conflict that could be saved for another time!!

-another huge plot thing - i personally went mostly goodie-goodie (except the unforgivables because come on!) in my first playthrough as a slytherin (going as an evil gryffindor next, lol). so this means i left the power of the resevoir alone. BUT! i have seen playthroughs where the resevoir is taken for the players own personal gain. is there any difference?...
...literally no. which is just ???
so maybe in additional gameplay, we could learn to 'hone' whatever new skills this grants us (more sequel-worthy than dlc-worthy, imo.)

-more a dlc thing, but quidditch. need i say more?

my thoughts:

there is enough material here to make a worthy sequel.

not only did hl DESTROY its sales expectations (even with the boycott), its been so popular that it has a subreddit with over 300k people (thats where we are now weee), which is kinda insane for a 'spin-off' game.

they would be stupid NOT to make a sequel or dlc, considering the absolute bank they made from this one + they now know what people want, meaning the next game would be even better.

the plot could be-

  • you start 6th year as normal. you'd probably be on the train because no special entrance for you! you're slumming it with the normies now. if youve handed sebastian in last game then hes not here and you can skip anything to do with him until i say so.

-if you didnt, seb is still here. he thanks you for all you've done, blah blah blah, and acknowledges the goblins innocence. hes worried sick for his sister who has ran away and wants to find her. you are dumb and havent learned your lesson (duh), so no matter what you say he'll convince you to help once you've found your feet in sixth year.

-ominis walks into your compartment. he looks terrible. you ask him if he's alright and he slips some gaunt lore about his family and on their.. ideas of fun, because come on i have a mad obsession with this dude, and if im the one writing this plot, we're getting ominis angst, suck it up. if youve handed in sebastian, itll just be you two. there'll be a train cutscene and boom, you're at school.

-this is where it gets tricky.

IF youve handed in sebastian. he'll be in prison. youll probably get some angsty moments and npc quotes along the lines of 'he seemed like such a good kid'.

if you HAVENT handed him in, the story gets weird, because a) more awkward time with seb because hes free and 2) he knows the goblins are mostly good. the actual hl doesn't have this big of a rift, so its hard to say what happens. however, its good because it gives us loads of choice, the lack of which in hl caused a lot of complaints.

-if he's in prison, sebastian escapes,(not azkaban, gotta keep with the canon. maybe because he is a minor he is sent to a lesser facility.) still blaming the goblins and holding such a hatred for them now that in his eyes, they escaped punishment and that it's his job to kill them all while extorting the cure for anne OR finding us to cure her.

-if he's free, we can either have a storyline of him NOT learning his lesson and maybe going to prison then instead of after he commits uncle-cide (dark magic go brr, because sister is gone) or some other storyline that would be more about our magic (!) and ominis' story.

-for the latter to happen, we'd have to have taken the resevoir's power. OR we can make up a rowling-worthy excuse of 'well MC was exposed to the resevoir power for too long so even though they left it alone it still diffused into them or something! [happy]'. i honestly dont know, this is why i want YOUR THOUGHTS!!!

-to make the selection pool shallower, lets go with the excuse. this will allow us to have seb's story, our magic story and also some ominis story (i am obsessed.)

-whether seb escapes or is already free matters, but in the end its the same result - hes not in prison. the only difference is that free seb doesnt hate goblins, and isnt on the run, and vice versa for escapee seb. both want to find anne and cure her. both now remember you have the capacity to do so (but they dont know about the taking-away-pain-turns-them-into-living-husks thing).

  • we could go with the 'find escapee seb and convince him we're right and he believes us and everything goes back to normal' route, but boring.

-maybe escapee seb finds us, and ropes us into the same 'help-me-find-anne' crap free seb does to us on the train. yes, that means we dont have a choice, but there has to be SOME adventure. the goblin-hatred would def play in somehow - its too specific of a thing to include in the endgame to just leave it be like that! maybe his hatred causes him to do unforgivable things to some innocent goblins and he has a 'mAyBe Im ThE mOnStEr' epiphany moment, who knows. maybe it ties in to something bigger.

-the main story would then be along those lines. im still brainstorming the climax and ending but nobodys gonna read this anyway lmfao

-main quests would consist of lessons, sebastian-is-a-little-too-obsessed-with-anne-quests, and honing our magic.

-side quests would be mainly ominis-centric regarding his family/the gaunts, with a decent lot of poppy and garreth. we've already resolved natty's entire life at this point tbh💀💀💀.

-id like to think there's a happy ending. idk what will happen to escapee sebastian, will he go to prison or not?? this is literally the equivalent of a crackfic in my head, i WAS NOT expecting to write this much when i started writing this.


nowww some features!:

  • quidditch, because yes

  • morality systems would be a bit null here considering we're literally helping an escaped convict. but uh, we can try! just, like, dont cast the unforgivables everywhere you go ;)

  • friendship systems with all side quest characters. like going from ehhh... to hellooo! with a side character would be awesome. the one thing hogwarts MYSTERY of all things got right was this.

  • friendship and enmity systems BETWEEN characters, like, every sebastian needs their ominis ok. plus i want to help ominis bully puffskien dunkein I BEG, you cant tell me they dont have some rivalry going on ;-;

-romance? idk, not a romance person, this is for you sebastian fangirls to figure out for yourselves

-prejudice. literally what made harry potter, harry potter. there is like ONE audio with a negative view towards muggle-borns, and ONE that uses the word mudblood to my knowledge. everyone's just ok with everyone now? do malfoys and other death-eater's grandaddies not go to school here??? hello??????? this could and SHOULD be a topic for discussion in game or maybe even a side quest or side quest chain.

-extra but when/if seb escapes it should be on the daily prophet that ominis will show us in the undercroft or smth, i dunno

inconsistencies with my plot:

  • loads of things havent been planned out. this is like a professional crackfic. (still has better plot than the cursed child though lets be honest :3 )

  • everyone is easily convinced 'oh ok lets find your sister even though youre a dangerous escaped convict!'. sorry.

-itll be hard to mash everything in. but a half-assed plot is still a plot <:

-since its a continuation of 5th year, we already know many spells. there arent many useful ones left. HOWEVER!!! we can consult the fandom spell page, take offensive spells and stat boost them more than the 5th year ones >:) ALSO YOU LEARN ABOUT DARK ARTS IN 6TH YEAR, SO. ominis is not gonna have a fun time with those ones 💀

-because we'll be searching for anne, like the actual hl game, less school time, :( sorry

-everyones just ok with us disappearing (if seb is an escapee). someone should pull a hermione and go 'hmm, MC starts disappearing shortly after sebastian escapes, and they never say what they're doing.'

probably ominis or poppy because a) favouritsm on my part and b) ominis knows us best and i headcanon poppy as knowing us well and knowing the dark arts and how theyre used a tad bit more than she gets credit for.

  • since this wouldve been 5th and 6th year covered, it would be expected for a 7th year to happen. naturally, i have exhausted all my 3 brain cells writing this, so screw it, 7th year doesnt need to exist right now. i havent even figured out all of 6th.

-loads of other things i havent seen, SO


youre all amazing yayayayayaya

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u/J-M-J-J avatar

I kinda vibe with what you’ve got, tbh.

this is a huge compliment whattt tysm

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I like to think Sebastian, if you chose not to turn him in at the end, will come back as a dark wizard, implying he very much did not learn his lesson.

very big chance of that happening.
something i forgot to mention was when you tell seb its not the goblins, you tell him its someone else that cursed anne - rookwood i think? we already killed the dude, though, so no new murder hyperfixation for sebastian :( i daresay he'd turn his attention to rookwood's allies like harlow and their cronies as vengeance on anne's behalf, becoming a bit of a dark wizard himself!

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It would be nice if there were some variation depending on what happens to Sebastian, but to be honest, I fully expect him to be written out of the story entirely if there's a direct sequel because writing two vastly different branches for him would likely be considered too much effort. They wouldn't be the first company to do that, and given how little choice there actually was in this game, I'd honestly be shocked if they invested into two different Sebastian branches.

They've already set it up for him to be written out too, in my opinion. I expect that it'll be a case of him either getting sent to Azkaban and we never see him again, or he very likely leaves Hogwarts anyway to go search for Anne because Anne clearly means significantly more to him than anything else, and that whole desperate "I can't go to Azkaban... Anne needs me... I need to be with Anne..." strongly suggests he likely won't just accept that she's gone and leave her in peace.

Of course, I could be pleasantly surprised. And if not, that's what fanfiction's for, right? :)

i see why they'd do that, but wouldn't it be even more effort to make up something else to fill up that void? people tend to have a preference for the first installment of something or someone they see (not always, but its common), and from the overwhelmingly positive reception of sebastian, it looks like that effect is taking place here. i think people want a sequel literally just because of the side characters, especially our slytherin buddies.
i think people would actually attack avalanche and co. for 'lazily writing him out' and the reason i feel people arent pointing out a lot of the plot holes and open ended questions they have is because they're waiting with bated breath for a sequel where these questions will be answered - and this includes sebastian, seeing as most of the intrigue and suspense of the game comes from him.

although you are right - avalanche doing two branches with vastly different outcomes for one side character is a stretch. it was just an idea. who knows, though - maybe theyll learn from the complaints of hl if they ever make a sequel? it would be amazing to be able to influence people instead of getting the same result with everyone no matter what. if that does happen, im more than prepared to wait a couple years. :)

Don’t get me wrong, I hope that you’re right and I do like your ideas! I’m mostly keeping my expectations low because I’ve experienced too many games involving choices that seemed like they’d have major ramifications either completely glossed over or watered down because the writers seemingly underestimated how many resources it would cost to make their vision of distinctly different paths come true, so they just went with a path that would apply to all players.

I do think you’ve got a good point that for many players, Sebastian’s character and arc was the most enjoyable part of the game and that as such, he could be a decent selling point. I could see them consider trying to keep Sebastian around for that reason.

Maybe they could just have it so that if he was turned in, the trial takes a while on account of there not being much proof (aside from testimonies from people who likely wouldn't be too harsh in how they spoke of him, considering their bond), as well as his age and the influence of the relic and Slytherin’s book on his psyche complicating matters so he’s put under some sort of house arrest until the trial. And then if he wasn’t turned in, maybe he simply failed his exams due to his extreme preoccupation with Anne all year and he takes a year or so off which leads to him being at home at the start of the game too? That way they’d still have the same starting point but there’d also be room for deviations that might not be too difficult to implement.

Thinking about it now though, they could also consider largely writing him out for sixth year and shift the focus to other fan favorite Ominis and then have Sebastian return somehow in seventh year. Maybe he got a lower sentence due to being underage, and maybe his going after Anne (if they do go that route) only left him more troubled because he couldn’t find her or she refused to see him.

Regardless, I’m with you completely in the hope that choices will have more impact next game and that I’d be happy to wait for that as well. Now that they know the IP is alive and well, maybe they’ll have more room to expand on these things!

these are really good ideas! youre right about the low expectations - avalanche is a bit of a small company compared to giants like ea, so a mega-complex system would be difficult. still, maybe theyll grow to fill those shoes, or whatever the saying is.

on an extra (VERY RANT-Y) note, which is just my opinion - if there were a sequel, the easiest route to go would be the sebastian route, but for me most of the intrigue comes from the other side characters. we already know everything about sebastian, so there's not really much reason to tag along with him to find his sister and almost certainly have an anticlimactic ending where we either fix her or not. the repository was great because wow! infinite power that we can tap into should we decide to! but curing anne's sister is just 'yay. now what?'
a good approach would be to tackle ominis' family. we know about poppy, seb, natty - and everyone else like everret and puffskein dunkein is frankly irrelevant. there is an insane shortage of art and posts about ominis' childhood. by shortage, i mean 0. ive seen some weird art, for sure (drapple but with ominis, a self-insert comic where mc gets... pregnant?(by sebastian of course, fangirls will fangirl ig), and a (honestly cute) bit of art where the cursed child duo go back into 1890.) but NOTHING on ominis' childhood, and very little on any characters childhood, really. would be cool to explore that in the game by choosing the home of a companion to visit during the holidays.

thanks for sharing your opinion as well!!! :DDD

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I vibe with this! I want more Ominous, he’s my favorite character!

thanks so much! and of course ominis is the only correct answer ahaha

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u/Track_Long avatar

Hey thanks for taking the time to type this, it's appreciated good job :)

* This post is my thoughts on some elements of the game because of how dissatisfied I was with it*

My honest opinion is that there will be a sequel because to me the first game was written so horrendously with there being plot holes all over the place & it grew really obvious by the state of how much of a completely unfinished mess it was. It's like they cut over half the bloody game, besides there's too much left unsaid, too many unanswered questions that need to be answered or to provide further context, I don't expect answers to everything.

The story was horrendously unfinished, with plot holes all over the place & played far too safely, our MC never gets hurt in cutscenes, & is constantly protected  by a massive safety net. Yes there’s gameplay but that’s different ( unless you allow sebastian to curse you)

The keepers & their trials accomplished nothing, they taught us nothing, & expected us to make the same choice ast them? Get F*cked.

Our AM ability goes F*cking nowhere, we aren’t given the chance to explore or use it for anything other than finishers. If the point of the game was that magic can’t solve everything well, what a  piss poor execution on that front.

All NPCs are 1 dimensional, we’re a  flat, boring, bland, OP drone with no personality & no BG.

Classes are glossed over cutscenes, they should have been like the old HP style game formula or Rockstars bully. Instead we’re chucked out to complete some random challenges in the highlands. 

Our so called mentor Professor Fig is away for Half the game then killed at the end. They really did not do anywhere near a  good enough job with that bond, especially when we don’t even get to meet him as our MC has already engaged a previous correspondence  with Fig.

Sebastian & Poppy’s quest’s were the most interesting to me. Natsies was boring & she projected super hard on to Harlow & the  Ashwinders because of what they remind her of  & I won’t even count the tacked on Amit’s, Ravenclaw should have had a proper companion from the start. End of. Though I will say Sebastien's quest fell off a cliff & I thought Poppys gran was going to get attacked then we’d have to intervene but that never happens.

The faculty were criminally underutilised just like Rookwood & Harlow. We have 1 fight with Harlow that is titled “ Harlow’s last stand” Where the F was his first? Does this game not know about build up ? Have a few confrontations before the big showdown. Same with Rookwood 1 fight & he’s done. That was such a pitifully pathetic boss fight. The ashwinders as a whole weren't really a threat, they were hyped up by hearsay, the game relies far too heavily on the “tell don’t show” formula & it’s rife through the game. 

We also don’t get to learn spells like Expulso or Reducto 2 very obvious spells that should have been learnable & included. There’s also no such thing as builds.

We get no training dummies in the ROR yet Matilda says otherwise. Crossed wands was a giant letdown 3 pathetic tutorials & done. I'll make more posts as reddit is being pain in the ass about character or word limit.

you've perfectly put into words all of my frustrations with this game. thank you :DDD if i ever make a full 'everything-wrong-with-hl' rant, im coming to this comment for sure!

also, rant incoming -

for me personally, i hated the keeper bits especially, because i actually agreed with isidora (until, of course, its shown that her power turns the recipients into husks.). it was so annoying because the game says 'you can be a dark wizard!', but the second you dont comply with the plot, too bad! because the keepers are right and you arent. either give us a morality system where being bad is bad / being a bit sneaky (opening chests) is frowned upon (therefore giving us a thrill to breaking the law like gta), or just let us have a bit more free rein. the most evil thing you can do imo (learning curses and opening the magic stores) literally has no ramifications.

i so so so appreciate you taking the time to reply with your opinion (and a lengthy one for me to ponder over, double awesome!) and hope you have a lovely day ;)

u/Track_Long avatar

Haha cheers! Happy to put your thoughts in to words! I for sure could have written more..but reddit & it's annoying word limitations. Thank you for the credit should you come back to my comment :)

Oh for sure! The game was so biased & in favour of the keepers that it never presented nor wanted another POV it was just " AM is bad m'kay. end of" Excuse-f*cking me?? Talk about a deliberatley 1 sided narrative which I have found a disturbing amount of people saying " ISADORA GOT HERS!!" & I say to that, no no she didn't, & bakar can go f*ck himself, " I don't trust you" Really??? the feelings mutal you self absorbed C*nt.

* Their all really egotistical, what with portraits & statues of themselves*

While she did go down the wrong path & eventually seemed to have gotten twisted & high off the magic she was extracting...am I supposed to believe in no less than 4-5 pensive memories from 4 incredibly, stingy , arrogant, egotistical unforthcoming individuals that Isadora was fully in the wrong & absolutely everything she did was her own fault?? 4 past educators who've went to such lengths to keep not only theirs but Isadoras's identity a secret & who burned her portrait? Yeah they can all get F*cked. The only thing they convinced me of is that they are COMPLETELY untrustworthy & unworthy to direct this power or have any say on what happens to it. They never once studied it yet they give themselves the pretentious title of keepers??? The keepers accomplished nothing just liek their tedious trials accomplished nothing

The fact the very ability we have is never once explored is galling to me. I find it funny how Rackham says "use the magic we've honed" Oh what would that be? the normal spells? cause it sure as sh** wasn't our ability.

You see to me the game tries to blur the lines of both Isadora's & Sebasteins situations being one in the same & also tries to give this perception that AM overal is bad & should never be used ever which I find ridicolous. There are people saying that the keepers never wanted to keep AM a secret, just what is gathered below out of the wrong hands...yeah no their entire attitudes spoke otherwise, they wanted us to keep it a secret just like them, no progress no nothing...which I have no F*cking intention of doing if the next edition actually gives us any form of proper CHOICES.

I don't agree with the keepers at all & I hate the way the game gives us no choices or alternative paths to go against them, I'm currently reading a HL fiction that does go against them far more than the game ever did, I'm also doing my own fiction but it's no where near finished. I'm not purchasing the next game if it doesn't massively improve upon everything

The game was played far too black & white. I enjoyed learning the unforgivables though, I will say I love the look of the curses. Not so fond of imperio but that spell is useful for crowd control.

I'd love a morality system where you are not chained to good/ grey/ evil morality. If I cast a curse inside a cavern or cave, one of the student or local NPC'S shouldn't just know I performed a curse, it should be somewhere out in the open. & even if NPC'S do witness you, you can bribed, obliviate or outright kill them.

I hated how incredibly impersonal the game was & the male voice sounding far to much like Potter. We don't even get a box to fill in our own BG/history

Yeah I can't help myself when it comes to discussion posts especially about what I didn't like about the game ( I do give pieces on what I did enjoy about the game like the combat, castle, soundtrack/sounds, foe voicelines etc ) but for me sadly the amount of elements that disatisfied me outweighed the good.

Happy I gave you something to ponder about :)

i see ive found another isadora sympathiser! (a kindred spirit, if you get the reference.)

i think the ancient magic was severely lacking. it was just 'you can see stuff that looks like it was stolen straight from the fornite chrome update! and you can, like, bash stuff!'
i found myself not caring and even trying to spite the ability by not using it. it's literally just a 'special attack move', there's nothing lore-worthy about it. seems like the devs just went 'hmm how can we make mc the special chosen one?'.
it worked with harry and parseltongue because there was actually an entire plot for it, it was way more badass (!!!) and he actually used it for stuff that couldnt be replicated with a spell. hell, even then, harry didnt use the ability nearly enough, but still.

i remember sitting there like 'what' when the keepers had the audacity to be like 'we shouldn't dabble in what we dont know'... like, rackham??? are you stupid?????
did it not occur to you 'dabbling in what we dont know' is the reason we're literally here rn. do you really think if man didnt go near enough to fire because 'they shouldnt dabble in the unknown' we'd be sophisticated? if we didnt test vaccines because 'its dangerous' would we be here without a pandemic?
hell, in the hp world if people didnt make and test new magic, would you have some of your most useful spells??? no.

obviously, rackham is objectively 'right' in the end, bakar kills isadora with AK (which, while you might not like him, it was a totally badass move, so i like him the most out of the keepers, totally ship him and niamh btw), and 'good wins'.

but really, all that happens is that a possible source of healing magic was destroyed and censored. magic can be adapted and changed, who's to say with some tweaking the magic couldn't have actually worked? it would be revolutionary. but noo, rackham has to go and stick his fat nose dumbledore-style into other people's business. all isadora wanted to do was help - yes, she got sidetracked, kill her or whatever - but she managed to find the basis of what with some tweaking could cure pain! WE couldve finished the magic, as the main plot. explain to sebastian that isadora had the right idea but it needs to be expanded on.

furthermore, taking a little pain does nothing. izzy took the pain from some students and they were a lil dazed but mostly okay. izzys father only went mad because she took almost all of his emotions. so, taking some of annes pain should be fine.

Also, can you tell me the hl fiction you're reading? all i can find is xreader and i am not into that.

in conclusion - take that wand of yours, rackham, and shove it up your arse.

and tysm for commenting AGAIN!!! really makes my day :p

u/Track_Long avatar

Haha! I thought you were going to get on my case about siding with Isadora there. The game is so desperate for us to side with the keepers to the point of of offering us absolutely no other POV'S/alternatives or even get Isadora's side in all of this...& that's really supposed to endear to me to the keepers?? They can all get F*cked.

Oh the Anicent Magic was definately poorly written, the only reason for it was so that the team could tell a more mature story they couldn't have us start in 1st year & have an 11 year old kill.

There were times I used AM in a blind rage ( My spells sets swapped colours so flippendo would chuck out diffindo instead, screwing my flow of combat up) I used it as much as possible, though it's obnoxious how random it is. I wish we could have at least gained some control over our ability. Yes Harry should have used his advantages more but I blame the author for nerfing him.

They have an irritating habit of waffiling on about the dangers & how they want to make sure we're " Responsible" with the power, a power they never bothered to study yet deem themselves worthy to keep it a secret??..only 1 of them has the ability so the other 3 can get utterly F*cked for all I care. You'll see people say that all 4 could use this ability, but that would defeat the purpose of it's rarity, I'd imagine in that first scene where they restore Feldcroft the other 3 had some other high level abilities to help Percival, Charles was the transfiguration teacher of the time so I guess it makes sense why he can transform the enviroment.

Yeah they also waffle on about not dabbiling in things they don't undertand...how the F did they think progress was going to be made if they sat & did nothing??? All 4 are highly conservative fools who are enormously egotistical.

Isadora was wrong in the end but the keepers presentation of how they were right ( or at least in their book they think their right) did nothing to convince me of their cause if anything their unworthy of directing or keeping this power a secret in the 1st place. Bakars attitude is what pisses me off. All 4 keepers remind of the HBP where Harry has to play the long game of getting the memory from Slughorn & allow Horrice to collect him, I've red a fan fiction that in my opinion was alot better for collecting the memory.

Exactly, the repository could have been altered the ball of emotions possibly converted in to something useful, your right about Rackham sticking his fat nose where it doesn't belong. Yes she only wanted to help but the very people who could have refused out of fear & complacency. Yes she managed to find a way (though not fully realised) of possibly creating a magical anti depressant or 1 way of healing emotional pain if her way could have been developed in a way that didn't leave victims as husks then their could have been a break through. & by develop I mean extract say if it was a disease extract only what is causing pain & leave the rest alone. I know that's alot easier said than done.

Yes I like that, explain to sebastein that Isadora had the right idea but went about it the wrong way. But this game's obsessed with us doing F*cking nothing to help anyone with our power not even attempt.

I think when she started experimenting on students, I think a line may have been crossed though we only see them looking dazed we don't know beyond that or the keepers tampered with the memories or selected heavily biased ones that would support their narrative. I'm willing t bet they tampered with the memories. They admit to obliviating the bragbok or whatever the goblin who was seen with Isadora was.

The fancfiction is called Hogwarts is Where the Heart is by The MastersDaughter666

The other fiction I mentioned that in my opnion has a better way of getting the memory from Horrice & by force is "for the lack of a Bezoar" can't rmember the authors name it's brutal so not sure what your tastes are when it comes to fiction. It's a short read as well

I would have loved it if we could have said " You know what Rackham? Take your special wand & shove it right up your old egotistically wrinkly arse!!" or even better if we could have found an alternative path that would have flipped the finger at the bastards.

No worries happy to give you another post to read! have a great day & take care :)

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u/Ok_Art_1342 avatar

They barely had time to push out the first game. It was delayed and still felt rushed and unfinished on release. Now you expect them to create a second game that loads your choices from the first game? It's gonna take a decade to finish if it ever does lol

I wished they could make a better sequel, but I'm not hopeful.

i didnt say im expecting them to come out with a new game straight away ahaha, theres a fine line between enthusiam for a game and just being overbearing! im just stating my thoughts, since we have ages to wait if another sequel ever does come out.
though i think its always best to think optimistically - avalanche now has its 'first major trial run' under its belt. if it was ea making this game and the quality was how it is, id be worried (not surprised, though - they do anything for cash), but since its a relatively fresh new face, i think its amazing that they've managed to create something so immersive, as many flaws as it may have.

i think we can expect great things, mr potter lots of improvement, once they've trained up a bit, eh harry got a grasp on the more finicky aspects of open-world games. :)

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I thought it was always going to be a trilogy cause it started at Year 5. So our main characters' story till Year 7 makes a lot of sense. Though I'd love to see a game set in adult life in Wizarding World someday as well.