Japanese Diet Members and Bureaucrats Will Not Stop "Doing Whatever They Want" Without Mutuality|文明のターンテーブル

Japanese Diet Members and Bureaucrats Will Not Stop "Doing Whatever They Want" Without Mutuality

Ryusho Kadota
Chinese people are still "bombing" real estate to escape from China's economic collapse.
Imagine a Chinese woman in her 30s seizing the opportunity of a weak yen, purchasing a 200 million yen property while basking in the beauty of cherry blossoms. Her joy and success are a testament to the potential of international investments.
A Chinese real estate agent said, "We are inundated with prospective buyers; one month's sales are equivalent to one year's sales last year, and our top employee took home 7 million yen in salary the previous month.1"
Japanese Diet Members and Bureaucrats Will Not Stop "Doing Whatever They Want" Without Mutuality

May 13
A Chinese woman in her 30s buys a 200 million yen property on the occasion of cherry blossom viewing.
Many of these Chinese people have probably studied in Japan. Similarly, an increasing number of real estate industry managers have naturalized and changed their names to Japanese to facilitate business development in Japan.
They, too, are likely to be former international students.
