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Saturday, May 11, 2024


 Saturday, 11 am

Tommy awoke about 9:30 and I was here and awake for two hours. I cannot complain about my sleep since I have worked around to sleeping all night instead of all day. 

He awoke and talked to me and went right back to sleep. Then, he started acting like he had congestion between nose and throat. He was snorting out and trying to swallow. Well, he snorted it all over his body. For some reason he had his tshirt pulled up above his chest, so it was not a pretty sight after the snorting. 

Then, he put the foot rest of the chair down, but his head was still back with the back of the chair in lying position. He started rocking back and forth as though he wanted to get himself up. He did this maybe for ten minutes really fast and started panting he was so winded. All the time his nasal noises were going. 

Finally, by really yelling loudly, he quit rock on his behind. I got his remote and lifted the feet up and the back. He looked relieved. I made a foldover pb sandwich for him. He ate half of that in bites. Then, he had all 8 fingers, stuffing the rest of the sandwich into his mouth like a baby. I kept yelling at him as he looked sideways at me and stuffed harder, just like a baby/child will do. It was almost funny except for the fact the sandwich had three times the pb in it than I would have put. I was concerned he would choke. He had a can of real coke, too. After that, I asked him if would eat jelly and got him a big spoonful. 

Once I got him sitting up and he ate, he was still not comprehending things I said. He was not violent. 

He refuses to eat pbj sandwich when coherent. So, I did not try to get him to eat that. Now, he is eating two pieces of bread with two sausage patties. Thankfully, I managed to pull him back just in time. He is up and walking, at least. 

We are off to meet the Tupperware lady, to buy me a ring, and maybe eat at Chicken Salad Chick. If I pass calibrachoa, we may stop.

I am a nervous wreck. The weather is beautiful out, so I want to go out!


  1. Yikes! That sounds so scary. I hope you're both OK.

    1. Belinda,
      It was less scary than some other times, still scary. At least he cooperated and I could bring him back to his senses! We are fine, thank you.

  2. It seems to me he's on way too much insulin if his blood sugar is crashing so often. I think I remember you saying you'd gotten him an appointment with a doctor. He's lucky to have you to keep him upright.

    1. Melanie,
      I have not been successful yet in getting the doctor's appointment. Monday! I tell him that all the time. He was fine once I got him straightened out. I did make sure we ate soon after we left. I never plan on letting him get low blood sugar when we are driving.

    2. What is the problem with getting him a doctor's appt? Seems to me he is having life threatening episodes.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.