Kölla kicks off a promising 2024 cherry season in five European countries

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Kölla kicks off a promising 2024 cherry season in five European countries

In this update, Kölla is kicking off a promising 2024 cherry season with production starting in five different countries, namely Spain, Italy, Turkey, Greece and France.

Spain is the first country to kick off production. After a successful start in the early regions, rain affected up to 40% of the Red Pacific, Rocket, and Chelan varieties from early to mid-May, particularly impacting the larger, more developed calibers. Kölla expert Fernando Blasco states, "We expect an improvement in quantities this week, and from next week, a significant increase in production as all growing areas come into full swing." The season is anticipated to last until the end of June, with high volumes and excellent quality. From July, quantities will still be available, mainly from higher-altitude regions such as Granada, Salamanca, and Rioja, primarily for the domestic market.

This week sees the first hard cherries from Italy. Although there will be available produce, it remains a small production, expected to increase next week. Production volumes of the Ferrovia variety will be lacking due to early blooming, resulting in many trees bearing fewer fruits. There were also some losses due to frost in the late regions. Because of the limited production, prices in Italy remain relatively high compared to Spain. Prices will only drop with the start of other production countries and volumes. Currently, most of the produce stays within Italy, playing a minor role in the broader European market.

As the most important production country for the Kölla Group, Turkey starts this week with the first hard varieties from Kemalpasa. Similar to Spain, smaller calibers dominate. We expect significantly higher production volumes from early June. Prices are high, as is usual at the beginning of the season, but will quickly decrease. This season, we anticipate excellent availability and high quality from Turkey, as the main production areas had no frost periods and were spared from rain. Despite the early season start, we expect a long season extending to early or even mid-August.

The season in Greece has been delayed by a week to end of May due to rainfall. "In the first two weeks, smaller calibers will dominate, we expect a balanced availability of calibers as the season progresses," says Greece specialist, Thomas Stilos.

The French cherry production is focused on the domestic market, as the quality of the softer varieties has suffered from heavy rainfall. Exportable hard varieties begin this week, quality issues are expected due to upcoming rains.

"Turkey, as our main production country, will significantly contribute to making this cherry season particularly successful. Greece will play a more significant role in the European market compared to last year. Produce from these two countries will surpass other production areas by June, leading the market to lower price levels," the company report ends.

For more information:
Marc Nikolai
Kölla Group

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