The Guardian doxxes my editor, unveiling him as cultured, witty, athletic, handsome family man, by Steve Sailer - The Unz Review
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The Guardian Doxxes My Editor, Unveiling Him as Cultured, Witty, Athletic, Handsome Family Man

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After months of threats, The Guardian newspaper of London has revealed the shocking news that my editor at Passage Press is a cultured, witty, athletic, and handsome family man who goes by the Twitter handle @Lomez.

Although The Guardian’s exhaustive doxxing ran pictures of uninvolved randos like Kyle Rittenhouse, they didn’t run any of the subject of their doxing. So here’s one from the UC Irvine website from when he taught there.

I’m guessing this picture was snapped when Lomez was taking the family to nearby Disneyland. (Is that Captain Hook’s pirate ship in the background?)

From The Guardian news section:

Revealed: US university lecturer behind far-right Twitter account and publishing house

Guardian investigation identifies Jonathan Keeperman, a former lecturer at the University of California, Irvine, as ‘Lomez’

Jason Wilson
Tue 14 May 2024 06.00 EDT

A Guardian investigation has identified former University of California, Irvine (UCI) lecturer Jonathan Keeperman as the man behind the prominent “new right” publishing house Passage Press and the influential Twitter persona Lomez.

The identification is based on company and property records, source interviews and open-source online materials.

The reporting has revealed that Keeperman’s current status as a key player and influential tastemaker in a burgeoning proto-fascist movement came after years of involvement in far-right internet forums.

Much of that journey coincided with his time at one of the country’s most well-regarded writing programs: Keeperman first came to UCI as a master of fine arts (MFA) student, and was also a lecturer in the English department from 2013 to 2022, according to public records.

The emergence of Passage Press and other such publishers has been a key part of the development of a swathe of the current American far right, which is seeking to capture US institutions – or develop far-right equivalents – as part of a political and cultural war against what it sees as the dominance of a liberal “regime” in America.

In a June 2023 podcast interview, Keeperman characterized Passage Press and its literary prize as part of this effort to “build out alternative infrastructure, alternative institutions”.

It is a fight wholeheartedly embraced by Donald Trump and his supporters in the Republican party, especially in their railing against “the deep state” and promises of retribution should Trump win the 2024 presidential election.

As everybody knows, the reason Volume I of Passage’s Unqualified Reservations by Mencius Moldbug has sold out is because Trump has gifted a copy to every member at Mar a Lago and all his other golf clubs.

The Guardian repeatedly contacted Keeperman requesting comment on this reporting, at a personal Gmail address and a Passage Press address, and left a voicemail message at a telephone number that data brokers listed as belonging to Keeperman, but which carried a message identifying it as belonging to a member of his household.

Keeperman did not directly respond to these requests. However, hours after a request on 1 May, “Lomez” on X castigated “lying, libelous journalist-activists” and appeared to make veiled legal threats. Another detailed request was sent on 5 May, and just an hour later, Passage Press’s star writer posted about a “major legacy media outlet threatening to dox a pseudonymous Twitter account”.

The Guardian didn’t link to my Tweet, but that was me:

As for Jason Wilson, the freelance doxer “based in Portland,” not so much:

Then again, by the standards of Portland leftists, Wilson is as handsome as Paul Rudd:

Scary ideas – and wanting to be recognized

Passage Press books include a Tucker Carlson-blurbed anthology of writings by “human biodiversity” influencer Steve Sailer;

The Guardian links to the inactive Archive version of the page selling my book so that its subscribers can be properly scandalized by my anthology’s existence without being tempted to buy it. But you can buy it here.

a similar retrospective from “neo-reactionary” guru Curtis Yarvin; and a print version of the biannual Man’s World. …

Passage Press differs from many others in its niche in offering new work by the contemporary far-right’s intellectual celebrities, and in curating in-person events and a far-right literary award.

The publisher also produces high-end limited editions of selected titles. The “patrician edition” of Noticing, a book by Sailer, for example, is “bound in genuine leather, gold-foil stamping” and “Smyth-sewn book block”, according to the website.

Though lavishly produced, the “patrician” offerings appear to have generated significant income for Passage. At the time of reporting, Passage had sold out its limited run of 500 patrician editions of Noticing at $395 apiece, according to the website. This equates to some $195,000 in revenue.

Is this true that we’ve sold out the Patrician Edition? My impression we that we are close to selling out, so we’ve de-emphasized marketing it in order to have a few dozen copies still available for strategic purposes.

An earlier patrician edition of winning entries in the 2021 Passage prize sold 250 editions at $400 apiece, according to the website, representing another $100,000 in revenue.

The publication of Noticing – also available as a $29.95 paperback – was spun out into a series of in-person events in Austin, Los Angeles, Miami and New York City, held in March, April and May.

Passage offered a $75 bundle comprising a copy of the book and a ticket to an in-person event, though the website warned prospective attendees: “Location details will be delivered via email. No photos or recordings of any kind will be permitted at these events.”

To prevent, say, doxxing of attendees by, say, The Guardian.

Buyers of the patrician edition could attend “salon events” in these cities for a $300 upcharge. These were advertised as “small, intimate spaces that include dinner, an open bar, and a unique conversational setting with Steve and special guests”. The website did not indicate how many salon tickets were available, but at the time of writing they had sold out.

… As the Twitter account grew, Lomez increasingly engaged in chummy interactions with prominent far-right figures including self-described eugenicist Bo Winegard, but above all with culture warrior Christopher Rufo, with whom Lomez has had dozens of interactions.

… Keeperman’s most influential publication as Lomez, however, may have been an essay published in “theocon” outlet First Things, which popularized a new right anti-feminist concept: “the longhouse”.

Here is his Longhouse essay in First Things.

The essay defines the longhouse as a metaphor for the supposed “overcorrection of the last two generations toward social norms centering feminine needs and feminine methods for controlling, directing, and modeling behavior”.

Personally, I don’t get the “longhouse” metaphor, since they were features of distinctly chad cultures like the Normans, Mohicans, and Iroquois.

This metaphor has been widely adopted by writers on the anti-feminist right, including Rufo, religious conservative Rod Dreher and writers for outlets such as the American Mind.

… “I’m on my third [Twitter] account,” “Lomez” replied. “They’ve all been some version of Lomez. My, I mean, I’ve been posting in this Twitter space since about 2015-ish.”

He added: “I knew a lot of people from Steve Sailer’s comment section on his old iSteve blog, and a lot of the people who I ended up following on Twitter initially were people I recognized or were familiar to me from, from that comment section, and it was the kind of people that Sailer would link to.” …

An individual with the screen name “Mr Lomez” was a frequent commenter on Steve Sailer’s iSteve blog between 2012 and 2014. The archives of Sailer’s early blogging have since been transferred – along with comments – to the Unz Review, an aggregator of far-right content run by antisemitic software millionaire Ron Unz.

Mr Lomez posted criticisms of affirmative action in college admissions, commentary on the trial of George Zimmerman over his fatal shooting of Trayvon Martin, and complaints about anti-immigrant parties being characterized as “far-right” in media coverage.

Mr Lomez also frequently flexed literary expertise, a deep knowledge of sports and a particularly intimate familiarity with college athletics.

In a post on 23 February 2013, Sailer was critical of the William Pereira-designed architecture at the UCI campus, with his post including a photograph of the Social Science Tower.

“Mr Lomez” commented: “My office is in that building. It’s as bad on the inside as it is on the out – claustrophobic and soulless. I feel like I’m in a rat maze.” …

Local news and high-school basketball reporting from 2000 indicates that as a high-school senior, [Lomez] was an accomplished football wide receiver and star basketball player for Campolindo high school in Moraga, in northern California.

He went on to play college basketball.

Moraga is the same northern California town where [Lomez] celebrated his bar mitzvah in 1996, according to a contemporaneous issue of the Jewish News of Northern California.

… In the last posts on the blog, there are hints of the racial thinking that “Mr Lomez” would later express on Sailer’s blog.

On 2 May 2007, in response to a New York Times report on a study that found racial bias in NBA refereeing, [Lomez] made an argument characteristic of “human biodiversity” proponents: “I’m gonna go out on a limb and suggest that black players get called for more fouls because black players do in fact commit more fouls.”

[Lomez] added: “Before calling me a racist, at least hear me out.”

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  1. JimDandy says:

    I’m sorry I didn’t get one of those patrician editions. Or a few. It was almost certainly a great investment.

    • Replies: @Je Suis Omar Mateen
  2. Mike Tre says:

    Jason Wilson looks like what Craig Sheffer would look like at stage 3 in a 4 picture meth progression meme.

    What a pathetic piece of trash.

    • Agree: JimDandy, Patrick in SC
    • LOL: ydydy
  3. Anonymous[168] • Disclaimer says:

    Theyre saying @Isteve could be next. Drag him out of that cushy lair/closet and expose him as the monster he is….a monster so vile,

    • Replies: @J.Ross
    , @Mr. Anon
  4. TWS says:

    I don’t recall lomez, so he must not have stood out among the Men of Unz as particularly racist. Nice of the Guardian to include details about his religious life and all.

    • Replies: @James Forrestal
  5. Goatweed says:

    Why do people use Fascist when National Socialist seems clearer.

    Maybe, the Socialist part lacks accuracy. Oh well.

    • Agree: an humble craftsman
  6. • Replies: @AnotherDad
    , @Bigduke6
  7. [Lomez] made an argument characteristic of “human biodiversity” proponents

    And as it typical, no one stated that the argument itself was incorrect, instead relying on ad hominem replies

    • Agree: AceDeuce
    • Disagree: mc23
    • Replies: @mc23
  8. Anon[245] • Disclaimer says:

    Passage Press books include a Tucker Carlson-blurbed anthology of writings by “human biodiversity” influencer Steve Sailer;

    Having your HBD-book be blurbed by someone who denies evolution isn’t a good look.

  9. Another nice safe proxy vote against dead fascists by fellow travelers of the only sociopaths who topped Hitler’s body count.

  10. J.Ross says:

    Hilarious. I like that they are counting “interactions” between K and Rufo. But:
    antisemitic software millionaire Ron Unz
    Aren’t some of Ron’s best relatives Jewish? And isn’t “millionaire” a demotion?

  11. J.Ross says:

    [Kurgan voice:] I know his real name.

    • Replies: @JimDandy
    , @JimDandy
  12. Anonymous[400] • Disclaimer says:

    So, like his e-buddy BAP, a spoiled, narcissistic Jew who’s never had a real job and is totally fine with leftism (the AFT!) when it benefits him personally. I’m thankful for his contributions to Steve’s success, but I’m also not dumb enough to think he views us plebes as anything more than potential customers (or ego-stokers.)

    • Replies: @Anon
    , @Sir Didymus
  13. mc23 says:

    P.T. Barnum once said, “There’s no such thing as bad publicity” and I suspect the Guardian article will demonstrate the the truth of his aphorism. Their description of the Patrician edition leaves my poor bibliophile heart full of regret that I’ll have to settle for the paperback.

    Hopefully you’ll no longer be grouped with Voldemort, “he who must not be named” but only discussed in hushed tones. Congrats.

    • Replies: @Renard
  14. ‘Keeperman’s current status as a key player and influential tastemaker in a burgeoning proto-fascist movement came after years of involvement in far-right internet forums.’


    If you paint his face green, that Portlandia doxologist is a dead ringer for Shrek.

    • Agree: Gallatin
    • LOL: ydydy
  15. Twinkie says:


    I appreciate the use of the prefix “proto-” – it’s a very cute way of (I am sure, legally) avoiding calling someone a fascist while leaving the impression he is.

    Then again, by the standards of Portland leftists, Wilson is as handsome as Paul Rudd

    Mencius Moldbug

    Now, let’s be fair. Not everyone on the right (or “far right”) is Keeperman.

    Moraga is the same northern California town where [Lomez] celebrated his bar mitzvah in 1996, according to a contemporaneous issue of the Jewish News of Northern California.

    I am going to get some figurative popcorn and watch what unfolds next here.

    • Replies: @Buzz Mohawk
  16. @JimDandy

    ‘I’m sorry I didn’t get one of those patrician editions. Or a few. It was almost certainly a great investment.’

    Megadittos gud buddy. I still think $400 worth of rehashed iSteve is blatant straight-up money laundering – and if I’m right, that means it will be MORE valuable to future collectors.

    Any $400 Paytrician Editions still available, Stevo?

    • Replies: @JimDandy
  17. I did not guess that he was Jewish.

    • Replies: @Pop Warner
  18. This is the beginning of Pfizer $teve’s IRS audit. President Trump will be a convicted felon in a week or two, imprisoned by August, and Pfizer $teve is next 😳 😔 😢

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  19. Research the links among the following group of individuals: British royals, Rothschilds, Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, and Marina Abramovich. You might be surprised what you find.

    It’s well-known that many elites engage in significant sexual debauchery, which often gets them blackmailed. It’s less well-known that many elites also participate in various occult rituals, as shown in the film in Stanley Kubrick’s 1999 film “Eyes Wide Shut.”

    The Windsor family name was even mentioned in the film. See this link.

    Prince Andrew and Katie Couric participated in an “Eyes Wide Shut” party at Jeffrey Epstein’s home. See below.

    Jeffrey Epstein’s mansion was like “Eyes Wide Shut with a twist” during a dinner with Prince Andrew, according to Katie Couric’s memoir.

    The Duke of York told the BBC he stayed with the New York financier, who was at the time a convicted pedophile, in order to break off the friendship honorably in 2010.

    Queen Elizabeth II’s son was dismissive of suggestions a party was thrown in his honor and said: “I went there with the sole purpose of saying to him that because he had been convicted, it was inappropriate for us to be seen together.”

    However, Katie Couric describes being at a dinner party Epstein threw where Andrew was a guest, saying the townhouse was like “Eyes Wide Shut with a twist—creepy chandeliers and body-part art

  20. amor fati says:

    Right. The Guardian “doxx” is part puff piece — and offer to come home. Or where is the notice of excommunication? (What does Mark Levin say?)

    p.s. What is Lomez/Kepperman’s position on Zion raining hell and death on Palestinians?

    • Replies: @NOTA
    , @Ben Kurtz
  21. SafeNow says:

    He threw him into the abyss, closed it, and put a seal on it so that he would no longer deceive the nations until the thousand years were completed. After that, he must be released for a short time.
    – Revelation 20:3

    At least he eventually will get released for future brief editing jobs.

  22. J.Ross says:

    OT — Maybe violence would go down if the violent were imprisoned.

    • Agree: Redneck Farmer
    • Replies: @Hunsdon
    , @Captain Mike
  23. Moraga is the same northern California town where [Lomez] celebrated his bar mitzvah in 1996, according to a contemporaneous issue of the Jewish News of Northern California.

    Ah, I see.
    He’ll be fine. Claremont has his back.

  24. Roger says: • Website

    That was a lot of work to dox someone. In case you do not get to the end, here is a spoiler:

    Keeperman made an argument characteristic of “human biodiversity” proponents: “I’m gonna go out on a limb and suggest that black players get called for more fouls because black players do in fact commit more fouls.”

    Keeperman added: “Before calling me a racist, at least hear me out.”

    I guess a normie would be afraid to say something like that.

  25. anonymous[292] • Disclaimer says:

    He’s the first Jewish high school basketball star I’ve heard of in the Bay Area snce 1973, when a guy on my block went to U.C. Santa Batbara.

  26. @Humane Conservative

    He’s a BAPist. At this point, I wonder if any of them are actually gentiles.

  27. Anon[371] • Disclaimer says:

    He doesn’t look Jewish at all, but his last name ends with -man, so I guess that’s enough for the local JQ experts.

  28. “The Guardian Doxxes My Editor, Unveiling Him as Cultured, Witty, Athletic, Handsome Family Man”

    After I read this headline, my first thought was — Why would they have to dox Taki?

  29. Mycale says:

    L0m3z or whatever it is seems to be in the BAP orbit which I am not a fan of for various reasons. Yet, the scorn with which this Guardian writer describes the parallel institution building says a lot. When they said stuff like “nobody is obligated to platform your views, chud” as they censored people during the peak woke era, they never added the next part, which is, “and nobody should be allowed to platform your views, either.” It’s clear they view their control of the discourse as of primary importance, which is also why they hate Elon Musk now. Unfortunately for them, though, the toothpaste is out of the tube. The noticing increases every day.

    • Agree: Pop Warner
  30. Anonymous[168] • Disclaimer says:

    For Carlson ya, u dont get post internet irony.

  31. @J.Ross

    Being a millionaire hasn’t been a distinction for at least twenty years now. That sentence is very stupid.

    Come to think of it antisemitic has not been a distinction for a little over six months.

    Every time I load a Guardian page they ask me for a donation like they are a charity or something. That is a horrible look when your banner is “we are going broke”. I suppose Jason Wilson is near-destitute and considers millionaire a useful word. What a moron.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  32. When I see “fascist” printed, I suddenly lose any interest.

    • Replies: @NOTA
  33. @JohnnyWalker123

    The IMF predicts Argentina’s GDP will shrink by 2.8% in 2024.

    Government spending is part of a nation’s GDP….

    • Thanks: J.Ross
    • Replies: @International Jew
  34. res says:

    that’s enough for the local JQ experts.

    You mean like you? Guess you failed to read the Guardian article or the excerpt Steve gave above.

    Moraga is the same northern California town where Keeperman was raised, according to the 2022 parental obituary, and is also where Keeperman celebrated his bar mitzvah in 1996, according to a contemporaneous issue of the Jewish News of Northern California.

    • Replies: @Anon
  35. @JohnnyWalker123

    A fitting Night Gallery portrait for the King of Climate and Depopulation.

    • Replies: @Jenner Ickham Errican
  36. pirelli says:

    the current American far right, which is seeking to capture US institutions – or develop far-right equivalents

    Gotta love the implicit acknowledgment that “US institutions” currently belong to the left.

    Which, yeah, they do. And yeah, the “far right” is absolutely starting its own long march.

    It worked for the Federalist Society, and if a bunch of bowtie wearing closet cases can pull off institutional capture like that, just think what the rest of us can do!

    Conservatives tend to be better at organizing themselves than liberals, while liberals tend to be more creative and—in practice if not in rhetoric—more individualistic. So there was nothing inevitable about the left’s capture of US institutions, and in fact it may go down in history as quite anomalous.

  37. • Replies: @Corvinus
    , @Anonymous
    , @ic1000
  38. ferd says:

    Oh the sad old Guardian- what a bunch of stodgy conventional establishment-supporting losers.

    Steve is avant garde. Anna and Dasha told me so!

    • Thanks: Almost Missouri
  39. Ralph L says:

    I hate to defend Couric’s reputation, but the quoted passage from her book says the creepy Epstein party she attended was before the first sex crime charges, not in 2010. Newsweak muddied the waters. I wonder if she complained.

  40. @JohnnyWalker123

    The libertarians are strip mining Argentina for their corporatist masters. The Fourth Reich element that shadow ministered the country during the post war period were at least somewhat interesting. With their allegiance to Capital and devotion to scientism and materialism, libertards have never been interesting nor intriguing.

    • Replies: @Charles Erwin Wilson
  41. Anon[155] • Disclaimer says:

    I kept reading The Guardian article waiting for the big scandalous reveal about the guy. It never came, and the article was so long I only skimmed the last part of it. Maybe it was a reverse New York Times article where, rather than putting the content that destroys the writer’s thesis at the very end, they preceeded the writer’s thesis with 20 paragraphs of information that seems to contradict it?

    This will be the most backfiring dox since Taylor Lorenz revealed the woman behind Libs of TikTok, freeing Chaya Raichik to appear in the media, found a company, become a star, and pay the rent with what had been just a hobby.

    • Agree: ic1000
  42. @mc23

    You can change your accidental “disagree” to the desired ‘agree’ by clicking the ‘agree’ button. The ‘agree’ will appear and the ‘disagree’ will vanish.

    • Thanks: mc23
  43. A 23-year-old Marine from Trenton, New Jersey is facing federal charges after repeatedly discussing his plans for a mass shooting targeting white people, and one of those statements indicates he had picked out a “gun free zone” where the attack would take place.

  44. I have many leather-bound books. My apartment smells or rich mahogany

    • Replies: @Ralph L
    , @kaganovitch
  45. JimDandy says:
    @Je Suis Omar Mateen

    It’s a pretty standard thing now–people publishing collections of their columns. We are the elite cognoscente who have read all his stuff over the years, but this would make a great gift for some newbie, right?

  46. Mike Tre says:

    Well he’s either going for the frozen in carbonite look or the Vigo the Carpathian look.

    • Agree: Captain Tripps
  47. SFG says:

    Yarvin, BAP, and now L0mez… is every important alt-right writer half Jewish?

    Jeez, man, I need to start a blog.

  48. • Replies: @Reg Cæsar
    , @G. Poulin
  49. Twinkie says:

    important alt-right writer

    What’s your definition of “important”?

  50. Anon[374] • Disclaimer says:

    I didn’t see that. Apologies to the local JQ experts.

    • Thanks: Mike Tre
    • LOL: JimDandy
  51. @Je Suis Omar Mateen

    This is the beginning of Pfizer $teve’s IRS audit. President Trump will be a convicted felon in a week or two, imprisoned by August, and Pfizer $teve is next

    Anti-vaxxers like Meatloaf and Marc Bernier will soon be making a live television special from hell on how they were right to not take the vaccine.

    Special guest Satan will deliver a speech on how being a libertarian supporter means so much to him. In every public health crisis the correct response is to get on TV and talk about the virtues of minimal government. He will also talk about how Rand was right to support smoking.

  52. @Emil Nikola Richard

    Every time I load a Guardian page they ask me for a donation like they are a charity or something. That is a horrible look when your banner is “we are going broke”. I suppose Jason Wilson is near-destitute and considers millionaire a useful word. What a moron.

    Well it seems to work. Trump keeps asking me for $10 in a youtube ad. He says “times are tough” lol. Yea I’m sure he is really feeling it.

    I don’t know what kind of sucker would send a penny to a billionaire hotel magnate.

    But they are out there…..and probably here.

  53. Gallatin says:

    Seeing the pictures of Antifa members reminds me: the FBI and Homeland Security (according to foxnews) is concerned our old ISIS nemesis might be attacking some Pride marches in June. The feds are worried about bombs and bullets. Antifa could actually make themselves useful here and act as de facto security for these LGTBQ parades. They could actually do something constructive which would be a first. Perhaps Jason Wilson could investigate an actual threat like that instead of an professor and editor.

  54. Mr. XYZ says:

    Quite interesting that it is a Jew who is one of the most prominent figures among Holocaust denial authors.

    • Replies: @J.Ross
  55. JimDandy says:

    So, you’re half-Jewish, too?

  56. Anonymous[400] • Disclaimer says:

    It’s not surprising that many of this recent wave of “Nietzschean” (read: self-worshipping) RW influencers lack Christian backgrounds. Christianity isn’t big on that sort of thing.

  57. Ralph L says:

    Please proof you read them.

    I bought one of the cheap ones, and I still have comments left behind for half a day or more.

    • Replies: @Fhhhfdfdjjj
  58. Corvinus says:
    @Cagey Beast

    Some people just don’t like Bellingcat for ideological reasons, so they just say they’re “CIA” as a way to dismiss them. But maybe someday you’ll be frogmarched by it. After all, they have a dossier on you.

    Regardless, the doxxing effort was ridiculous. Total bull—-

  59. @pirelli

    the current American far right, which is seeking to capture US institutions – or develop far-right equivalents

    Gotta love the implicit acknowledgment that “US institutions” currently belong to the left.

    Which, yeah, they do. And yeah, the “far right” is absolutely starting its own long march.

    Liberals dominate the media, schools and most government departments. I wouldn’t call them the far-left but I’m not going to defend them from that description.

    The mainstream US far right is mostly a bunch of confused libertarians that have watched too much Tucker. They’ll yammer about vaccines or the cost of Ukraine aid while saying nothing about our 850 billion dollar military budget. Aid to Israel also gets crickets outside of Unz. Tucker could do a show on the scourge of homosexual clowns and they would take it seriously.

    I really hate far-right, far-left and everyone in-between. I think just about everyone is being dishonest about what makes a society work. The far-left lies about race and the far-right gets led around by their own alternative media like a cat with a laser pointer.

    • Agree: fish
    • Replies: @Frau Katze
  60. Tony W says:

    I don’t wish to overstate your significance in this story, but it does seem just a little too coincidental that that this doxxing occurred just at the time when your work is once again being exposed to a much wider audience. This is an act of retaliation against a man who had the temerity to publish you as much as it is anything else. The last thing the Left want is for Steve Sailer to be a prominent commentator. As an aside, I can’t believe that John Podhoretz is so influential that his disapproval of you was a major reason why even Dissident Right magazines like The American Conservative and Chronicles declined to have you write for them. It really took a prompting of Amy Wax to Helen Andrews to bring you somewhat back into the mainstream? If that’s true, then things are much worse than even I imagined.

  61. JimDandy says:

    James Franco effect. Yeah, James Franco, too.

  62. JimDandy says:

    Since we’re focusing on names, shouldn’t people make a big deal out of the fact that this guy’s name is kablawi?

    “A dentist in Florida faces calls for the suspension of his license and an investigation into his practice over statements made during sermons at a mosque in north Miami.

    On April 26, in a sermon broadcast on Facebook, Dr. Fadi Kablawi called for the murder of Jews and also called the current Israeli regime “worse than the Nazis.”


  63. Anon[292] • Disclaimer says:
    @John Johnson

    Omar gained a bunch of weight during the pandemic. He’s convinced that the vaccine and not that weight gain is why he’s unable to pork his wife.

  64. @Fhhhfdfdjjj

    I have many leather-bound books.

    But are they Rich Corinthian leather?

    • LOL: Buzz Mohawk
    • Replies: @Fhhhfdfdjjj
    , @FPD72
  65. Anonymous[310] • Disclaimer says:

    “Personally, I don’t get the “longhouse” metaphor, since they were features of distinctly chad cultures like the Normans, Mohicans, and Iroquois.” Yeah but if you’ve taken a cultural anthro course in the past 20 years or so, it’s frequently reappropriated, or code-switched, or whatever, in various instances as a symbol of girl power, e.g. the west Indonesian noble-savage/wise-queen kind. This general tactic has not been limited to the anthro dept of course.

    • Replies: @Steve Sailer
    , @Twinkie
  66. Anonymous[323] • Disclaimer says:
    @Cagey Beast

    Yeah, anyone who doesn’t think there are Deep State resources used in some of these high-profile doxxings or personal attacks is naive.

    • Replies: @res
    , @Nachum
  67. @SFG

    Yarvin, BAP, and now L0mez… is every important alt-right writer half Jewish?

    Who is BAP?

  68. mercer says:

    If Keeperman still worked at Irvine I would understand Wilson’s motive. Why go to so much trouble to out a former university employee?

    Steve did you or Keeperman pay Wilson for the publicity?

  69. Anon[409] • Disclaimer says:

    OT: It’s often said that conservatives are just liberals 20 years late. Now, Republicuck senator Steve Daines is proving that right:

    “Raising kids takes a village, and we should be doing everything we can to support new moms before and after they welcome a new baby.”

    For the zoomers here, “it takes a village” was an old Clinton-era Democrat talking point. Republicans have fully abandoned the traditional family in favor of a dysgenic celebration of single mothers and their right to “the village’s” resources.

    Banning abortion sure was a great idea. Really brought back the old “based” traditional America.

    • Thanks: Gordo
  70. Is proto worse than alt or neo?

  71. Mr. Anon says:

    Theyre saying @Isteve could be next. Drag him out of that cushy lair/closet and expose him as the monster he is….a monster so vile,………..


    Speaking of that, did this guy “Lomez” pick his Twitter handle as a nod to Kramer’s entirely off-screen friend?

    • Replies: @Steve Sailer
  72. @Anon

    As I understand it, Tucker believes in adaptation/ genetic selection, just not speciation driven by Darwinian principles. (ie the creation of dogs, as distinct from other similar carnivore species, may be the result of design from an inter-dimensional; the creation of subspecies and breeds is entirely Darwinian).

  73. @JohnnyWalker123

    Pastor Larry Huch of Dallas, TX claims to reach over 1.6 billion people worldwide

    I didn’t know there were that many to reach. But there are more Christians in Indonesia than in Canada, and more in China than in Germany, France, or the UK:

    30 Countries with Highest Christian Population in the World

    Then again, this source claims that Tyson Foods is a Christian corporation, so take this with a pinch of incense.

  74. Mr. Anon says:

    The emergence of Passage Press and other such publishers has been a key part of the development of a swathe of the current American far right, which is seeking to capture US institutions – or develop far-right equivalents – as part of a political and cultural war against what it sees as the dominance of a liberal “regime” in America.

    The nerve of these people! To openly exercise their first amendment rights, publish their own books, espouse their own ideas! Like they had civil rights or something!

    And, of course, there is that term again: “far-right”. To The Grauniad, and most other MSM publications, all rightists are always “far-rightists”. And those on the Right are always implictly considered to be illegitimate. And there is never anyone on the left, let alone the far-left.

  75. Mr. Anon says:
    @John Johnson

    Anti-vaxxers like Meatloaf and Marc Bernier will soon be making a live television special from hell on how they were right to not take the vaccine.

    Whereas it is well known that people who did get the vaccine, and especially notorious vaccine scolds, never die. They never die of cardiac problems and they never die of COVID. They are immortal.

  76. @John Johnson

    I really hate far-right, far-left and everyone in-between.

    So no one at all makes the grade?

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  77. @kaganovitch

    BAP stands for Bronze Age Pervert, whose real name is Costin Vlad Alamariu, a Romanian-American.

    Wikipedia says he is of Romanian and Jewish descent and was baptized Eastern Orthodox Christian.

    So totally a Jew, according to the men of Unz. I don’t know anything else about him.

    • Thanks: kaganovitch
  78. @kaganovitch

    BAP stands for Bronze Age Pervert, whose real name is Costin Vlad Alamariu, a Romanian-American.

    Wikipedia says he is of Romanian and Jewish descent and was baptized Eastern Orthodox Christian.

    I don’t know anything else about him.

  79. Odd how Passage Press features that homoerotic Man’s World cover art so prominently . . .

    Passage Press looks like it’s imitating Feral House.

    • Agree: Frau Katze
  80. @Twinkie

    I am going to get some figurative popcorn and watch what unfolds next here.

    Just don’t have too much of that slimy buttery stuff on it. I’ll be right here in the same theater, and that smell gets old. Hey, is there a bar in the lobby?

  81. NOTA says:
    @amor fati

    Were major newspapers always basically like this and I just didn’t notice when I was younger, or have they gotten worse?

  82. NOTA says:
    @Bardon Kaldian

    “Fascist” in the modern internet usage just means “someone on the internet with whom I disagree.” I don’t know Lomez’ political views, and for all I know he’d be right at home with Franco and Pinochet, but from a Guardian reporter’s point of view, having voted for Romney in 2012 or not going along with shutting down the police department is enough to mark you out as a fascist.

  83. anonymous[363] • Disclaimer says:

    The editor is Jewish. Did he insist on taking out any content about noticing Jewish power? Is the publisher also owned by Jewish power? Are they trying to get you to stay within a certain boundary of not noticing Jewish power?

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  84. It is a fight wholeheartedly embraced by Donald Trump and his supporters in the Republican party, especially in their railing against “the deep state” and promises of retribution should Trump win the 2024 presidential election.

    Why is the Deep State in scare quotes, as if it’s a phantasm? The New York Times has acknowledged it exists, and what’s more, declared it awesome!

    Isn’t Donald Trump entitled to retribution, AKA justice, as the victim of the dirtiest dirty tricks in American political history? IIRC, eight members of the Nixon administration served prison sentences after Watergate and what has gone on since 2015 is much, much worse.

    Long ago I realized that the Left had no principled objection to McCarthyism, they just objected to being the target of it. For example, one of its sins was what they used to call “naming names.” Now that the Left has the whip hand, it’s all in favor of the practice.

  85. @J.Ross

    But isn’t Ron a Jew?

    • Replies: @J.Ross
  86. OT: “True Confessions and Hidden PC: Kea Fiedler, Part II” (Disappearing Murder in New York)

  87. What’s the deal with the “Men’s World” offering at Passage Press? The photo on the cover looks like it’s trying to appeal to gay men.

    • Agree: AnotherDad
  88. Anonymous[373] • Disclaimer says:
    @Frau Katze

    BAP stands for Bronze Age Pervert, whose real name is Costin Vlad Alamariu, a Romanian-American.

    You’re an asshole. You shouldn’t be doxxing people.

    • Replies: @Frau Katze
  89. @That Would Be Telling

    Not all gov’t spending. Bombs, highways and salaries yes. Transfers (social security, welfare) no.

  90. @NOTA

    …not going along with shutting down the police department is enough to mark you out as a fascist.

    The old joke comes true, with a corollary: When fascism comes to America, it will be called ‘anti-fascism’– and vice versa.

  91. Reeeeeee! Someone is saying and printing things I don’t like!

    Fascist! Racist! Far-right! Anti-Deep State! And worst of all, Anti-immigration!!!!

    As every Goodthinking xerson knows, all white countries really belong not to the white people who have lived there for millennia, and built everything in them — white people countries actually belong to all rape-happy foreign Paupers of Colour who simply have all not yet left their native toilet bowls and finished invading. That much is obvious.


    • Agree: Almost Missouri, Mark G.
  92. @pirelli

    while liberals tend to be more creative and—in practice if not in rhetoric—more individualistic.

    How come I always know what they’re going to say to before they open their mouths?

    • Agree: Harry Baldwin
  93. @Mr. Anon

    I dunno, but that sounds plausible.

  94. Ben Kurtz says:

    I read somewhere that Ron Unz is himself a Jew who grew up speaking Yiddish. And I don’t think there’s any evidence that he’s particularly self-hating or harbors particular antipathy for his religious brethren.

    Calling him an “anti-Semite” is just bizarre and lazy, to a self-discrediting degree.

    • Replies: @Hunsdon
  95. Ben Kurtz says:
    @amor fati

    What is Lomez/Kepperman’s position on Zion raining hell and death on Palestinians?

    Just a guess here, but I’d bet $1 that his answer would be: “Glad when we did it to the Germans and Japanese, and glad when the Israelis did it to the Arabs. Don’t pick fights that you can’t win.”

    • Replies: @WJ
    , @Ian M.
  96. Twinkie says:

    Fascist” in the modern internet usage just means “someone on the internet with whom I disagree.” I don’t know Lomez’ political views, and for all I know he’d be right at home with Franco and Pinochet

    Even Franco and Pinochet weren’t fascists.

    • Agree: Ian M.
  97. Twinkie says:


    This should be right up everyone’s alley:

  98. Anonymous[622] • Disclaimer says:

  99. Twinkie says:

    It worked for the Federalist Society, and if a bunch of bowtie wearing closet cases can pull off institutional capture like that, just think what the rest of us can do!

    Those “bow tie wearing closet cases” were a very bright bunch. So far, no “far right” group has come even close to replicating that level of human resource quality among its members.

    Conservatives tend to be better at organizing themselves than liberals, while liberals tend to be more creative and—in practice if not in rhetoric—more individualistic.

    This is off the mark. I wish it weren’t so, but the left has been orders of magnitude better at organizing than the right. Indeed, the left invented the very ideas of mass politics. And the left is not “more individualistic” – if anything, they are far more collectivist than the right.

  100. JimDandy says:

    Why can’t you say “Susan Sarandon”?

    • LOL: J.Ross
  101. TyRade says:

    Could there be better publicity for ‘Noticing’ than this tarring by the tired carrier of the ‘mainstream’ narrative?!

  102. @Pop Warner

  103. @SFG

    Jews try to take control of every political movement. They believe they should be running everything.

    • Replies: @J.Ross
  104. ydydy says: • Website

    Well done Jonathan!

    As a fellow long-time reader and commentator here, thank you for giving Steve his due!

    Secondly, should you find me to your liking and want to scandal our co-ethnics further, I am a Rabbi and at your service.

  105. @Pop Warner

    Unfortunately, Jews try to control every political movement.

  106. @Anonymous

    The fact that he contributed to Steve’s success shows that Steve really isn’t on the side of the gentiles.

  107. Hunsdon says:

    That’s not an AR. Even in the shitty pixelated photograph, that’s obviously a Kalashnikov variant.

    • Replies: @Harry Baldwin
  108. @JohnnyWalker123

    Jews are smart and yappy. Much more prone to tell you what they think–more prone to think their thoughts are interesting/original, more likely to hawk them, publish them etc. No surprise there are plenty of Jews–Jewish guys–prominent in right wing yapping as the stuff the left is peddling is just not very intellectually interesting and opportunity to say something interesting and make a name is on the right.

    Personally, I don’t really find much of this brand new right stuff that interesting.

    To me there are four true–and pretty obvious–“right” ideas that expose/debunk the establishment ideology:

    1) HBD
    Different peoples have different cultural and genetic backgrounds.
    a) These differences give rise to racial/ethnic differences in performance, which are not caused and should not be blamed on “racism” or “oppression”.
    b) These differences are very, very sticky. If you bring different peoples into your nation you’ll not just have the contention that diversity causes, but will also likely find the new people do not create the same sort of society you had before. Your nation will certainly be different and will likely become less functional.

    2) Sex.
    Men and women are different–complementary but different.
    a) The female personality set tends to be useful for creating a nurturing home environment but is poor for properly leading, enforcing norms, defending and maintaining the nation.
    b) Female conformity to the current minoritarian narrative is very destructive.
    c) Female careerism is antagonistic to fertility and particularly eugenic fertility.

    3) Minoritarianism.
    The ideology that has become established as orthodoxy is essentially minoritarianism: Minorities are unfairly “oppressed” by the normie white majority and that is wrong. The majority must bendover to accomodate minorities.
    a) This ideology is anti-white. Normal whites are the designated villian and normie white interests are subordinated to smaller minority
    b) This ideology is helpful for parasitic elites who wish to balkanize the masses, and has quickly become the ideology of the super-state as it provides endless opportunities for meddling, managing, looting and coalitional building.
    c) This ideology is toxic and logically, mathematically upsidedown.

    4) Nationalism, majoritarianism.
    The correct policies for a nation are axiomatically those that maintain and reproduce the nation.
    a) The correct policies ergo are ones in the interest of the nation’s core people–help them maintain and reproduce themselves biologically and culturally and hence reproduce the nation.
    b) The establisment ideology–priviliging minority interests above productive normies and pushing anti-fertility feminism–is inherently upsidedown, illogical and toxic. A nation adopting such ideologies is working to squash its continued existence and will–uncorrected–die. (And will ultimately be replaced by a people and culture who correctly love themselves and prioritize themselves and their reproduction.)

    And none of this requires any sort of great intellectualism or any kind of deep insight or breakthrough. Recognizing the common strain of minoritarianism is something. But that aspect has been apparent pretty much from the get-go and pretty obvious for decades.

    Most of what’s required is simply returning to well understood ideas–common sense–from the before time.

    • Thanks: Harry Baldwin, Goddard
  109. Hunsdon says:
    @Ben Kurtz

    A while back I asked Jack D whether some of the Jews* opposed to the current Israeli government actions were self-hating. I know I listed Jeffrey Sachs, Aaron Mate, Kit Klarenberg, Norman Finkelstein, a few more. His answer was that they wanted to see Israel destroyed.

    * please to note, if “Jewish” or “people of Jewish descent” works better, those can be subbed in to take the place of just “Jews.”

    • Replies: @William Badwhite
  110. G. Poulin says:

    I didn’t realize that they were letting whores be pastors these days. Must be that “inclusiveness” thing.

    • Replies: @Ian M.
  111. @Almost Missouri

    Is Niccolo Jewish? Always assumed he was a Croat.

    Isn’t Cernovich Jewish?

    Anyway, does it matter? BAP is funny, like Ricky Vaughn was funny, and 2CB is funny.

  112. Bigduke6 says:

    There’s zero evidence most of those posters are Jewish. It’s literally just a list of people who have criticized or made fun of Nick Fuentes.

  113. @J.Ross

    Also, appears to be an AK47 variant (therefore of Russian design and even more terrifying!) and not an AR15. Precious angel placing his soul in jeopardy using that evil Putin Boomstick to settle his beefs.

  114. anon[390] • Disclaimer says:

    Stevo’s publisher is Jewish? explains ISteve’s radio silence on the Gaza genocide.

    • Replies: @Muggles
  115. @Almost Missouri

    None of these people are cool.

    The right wing is sitting around with its hands up its ass while the actual cool Left Wing Radicals are stopping the universities that right wingers hate from functioning.

  116. @Anon

    he’s mischling, a group that seems *especially* overrepresented on the soi-disant “dissident right.”

    BAP and steve himself are also in this category, of course.

    so overrepresented that it really does raise the sociological/psychological question of why this particular group (and im not usually interested of that kind of inquiry)

    also, steve has gone overboard talking about how handsome he thinks his friend is. hes apparently been more influenced by the BAPsphere than he lets on. i find that kind of thing frankly bizarre.

    BAP is both homosexual and intellectually eccentric so, ok, but this whole thing about putting out ‘sophisticated literature’ in Man’s World magazine with nude bodybuilders on the cover is getting absurd. personally, i wouldn’t buy it* just for that reason–it looks ridiculous to have this on your coffee table in real life and im tired of all these dorks talking about their obsessions with their looks. its feminine and/or gay, not inspiring or revolutionary. shut the hell up about tanning your balls and posting sweaty gym pictures, its just weird.

    •im an actual adult man, so why the hell would i buy this cover of “man’s world” magazine?

    • Agree: Frau Katze
  117. Servenet says:

    “Evolution” is EXACTLY like all the orthodox myths we’ve been rotting under for generations now – The Allied Angels of WWII myth, the holohoax myth, the 9/11 “official” NIST myth, the lone-gunman JFK/RFK myth and on and on. Truth is you’re just another useful idiot in the brainwashing “officialdom” scheme of mind-control.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  118. ic1000 says:
    @Cagey Beast

    In a response to the tweet by Mike Benz reproduced by ‘Cagey Beast’ in comment #40, Lomez linked this 2019 tweet from Quillette (with a photo of photojournalist-doxxer Jason Wilson capturing Antifa doing its good deeds, e.g. helping old ladies cross the street):

    “Jason Wilson actively leverages his role as a regular Guardian writer to promote Antifa, whitewash its violence, and signal-boost its leaders (whom he presents as ‘experts’)—often under the guise of neutral news reporting,” writes @EoinLenihan. “It’s Not Your Imagination: The Journalists Writing About Antifa Are Often Their Cheerleaders.”

    Lomez’ tweet below the fold.


    • Thanks: Cagey Beast
    • Replies: @Wokechoke
  119. Art Deco says:

    Neither Franco nor Pinochet were fascists, though Franco had Falangists in his government.

    • Replies: @nebulafox
    , @Joe Stalin
  120. Nachum says:

    “Biannual” means every two years. The magazine comes out twice a year, so it’s semi-annual.

    Really, mainstream media is packed with illiterate children these days.

    • Replies: @Crawfurdmuir
  121. J.Ross says:
    @Nicholas Stix

    Right, what I’m saying.

  122. WJ says:
    @Ben Kurtz

    Using Lindsay Graham talking points is never a good look. Israel is conducting a genocide for their country’s interests. Now, at least, they can stfu about the one that happened 80 years ago

    • Replies: @Curle
  123. @Frau Katze

    So totally a Jew, according to the men of Unz.

    Whoa! Hold on there, Missy. Please hold your scold for the specific transgressors who get under your skin on this issue, and refrain from painting with a broad brush.

    The U.N. tracks 1,608 discreet ethnic groups reported across the global through national census and poll data; Jews are just one of them, I am sure most Jews are quite content to share the planet with the other 1,607. They are currently engaged in a violent struggle with one of those ethnic groups, and are significantly dominating them, causing much collateral damage to innocents along the way. A punitive expedition as a result of the 7 October 2023 killing, maiming and kidnapping of Israelis was certainly warranted. However, my Christian sensibility has now reached the point that I consider further death and destruction as past the point of diminishing returns. Proportionate response is a thing. Time for an internationally brokered cease-fire and peace settlement.

    Yeah, I get that a group of iSteve commenters are really focused on the “JQ”, or whatever, but most of us are indifferent. It is fundamentally a problem that Israelis and Palestinians must solve between themselves. Perhaps that is a source of irritation, too, as the old saying goes “the opposite of love isn’t hate, it is indifference.” I am concerned about allocating American money, time and people to bad investments, especially if it involves sending young American men and women into harm’s way with little/no value attaining to the sacrifice, but that is a separate topic in and of itself.

    • Agree: mc23
  124. @Anonymous

    You’re an asshole. You shouldn’t be doxxing people.

    You’re an idiot.

    Enter Bronze Age Pervert into Google and you immediately get his Wikipedia entry, from which I quoted.

    Quoting Wikipedia is not doxxing. Doxxing is what the Guardian did with Lomez.

    • Replies: @J.Ross
  125. J.Ross says:
    @Frau Katze

    Agree. BAP’s real name was out years ago, I think after his book came out.

  126. @Twinkie

    Agree. There’s nothing “individualistic” about the Left. It’s like an army marching in lockstep. If a Leftist deviates one degree from the party line, he is denounced and excommunicated.

  127. @Hunsdon

    The only word the Left knows for a semiautomatic rifle is AR-15, so they apply it to everything.

    • Replies: @J.Ross
  128. Erik L says:

    I like the idea of ““human biodiversity” influencer Steve Sailer. Although I have never purchased any human biodiversity products recommended by Steve, I do enjoy his sincere seeming enthusiastic reviews of them. I just hope he is careful recommending human biodiversity financial products and cryptocurrencies.

  129. nebulafox says:

    The only thing to do when attacked is counterattack. But intelligently, with well-considered plans.

    The answer to this is that the *doxxers themselves* need to live in fear. This isn’t just about fighting fire with fire, it’s ultimately who encounters what consequences. They must be the ones who get isolated, their victims ignored. If people refuse to abandon their friends, fire their employees at the end of the day, then the unofficial terror is impotent. The social stigma and dishonor and scorn for using such a method to be so intense that the realities of anarcho-tyranny begin hurting them. Official institutions may not act against them, but they will hasten their own destruction in the process as they begin to swim in a sea of hostile sharks rather than obedient fish.

  130. nebulafox says:
    @Art Deco

    Every country from Brazil to France to Japan had an indigenous fascist movement in the interwar period, and each country dealt with it differently. (Japan purged their top fascist ideologue in 1936 and sent officers sympathetic to those ideas to fronts as far away from the home islands as possible, something I always find amusing about claims that it was a fascist state. That said, they were not irrelevant even after the coup failed. These revolutionary-not reactionary or traditionally colonial-ideas would have a profound impact on men like the young Suharto in Indonesia.) This was part of the global zeitgeist, counter-Bolshevism that reconciled all classes.

    In the case of Spain, once any danger of a leftist revival seemed to be in the rear-view mirror-Spain’s terrain made this a particularly dangerous possibility-Franco started sifting through his own domestic coalition. Operation Barbarossa proved to be a very useful opportunity for dealing with those who could not or would not accept that the time of armed struggle was over. Apparently the Germans had a high opinion of their fighting capabilities, in contrast to some of their other foreign partners.

    • Replies: @Art Deco
  131. @Hunsdon

    A while back I asked Jack D whether some of the Jews

    It’s interesting that Yack and HA have gone quiet at the same time.

  132. Truth says:


    Is half-pregnant.

  133. Barnard says:

    Trying to understand the logic of Prince Andrew needing to go visit Epstein in person to tell him it was inappropriate for them to be seen together. I’m sure it made sense to him at the time.

  134. @mc23

    Did you try acementhead‘s trick yet?

  135. J.Ross says:
    @Sir Didymus

    Yes, but, there are also genuine allies. In fact the troublemakers and nation wreckers are a pretty discrete minority, protected by Jewish conflation of all Jews into a single group.
    It’s simple. Don’t give the Wicked Son at seat at the seder. He’s wicked.

  136. Truth says:

    The Twinkster is correct on this one.

    Conservatives appear to be more organized because on a micro-level, they have more organized lives. Liberals appear to be more individualistic, because they buy their clothes at more places.

    In reality, the American ultra-liberals are the most lockstep-walking, group that ever lived, I am 6-3 and was arguing over transgender-identity with my sister a few months ago, I asked her if it was possible that I could identify as 5-5. She still hasn’t talked to me again. My other sister agreed with her, even though she really never answered.

    As as for conservative “individuality”, take this site for example, for the most part you agree on exactly one thing, you all either hate, or somewhat-dislike N-words. Other than that there is not one topic you could form a consensus on, or even pretend to for the short-term; not Jews, not white-Asian marriage, not immigration, education, the military, civil rights, the police… nothing.

    • Replies: @Stripes Duncan
  137. @Ralph L

    I never claimed to read them

  138. J.Ross says:
    @Harry Baldwin

    In fact, this most meritorious comment can be applied to the brave Grauniad scribe’s oeurve. Ron’s not an anti-Semite. Steve’s not a fascist. K is positively heroic in the face of this ethicless trial. A Kalash is not an Armalite. Rufo’s not really one of us, he’s pretty establishmentarian, which is why he got these unsatisfying results.
    In fact it is becoming clear that the smartest establishmentarians (eg, Tucker) are not the ones holding power. We have not had meritocracy for a while.

  139. @Art Deco

    On 20 December 1973, Luis Carrero Blanco, the Prime Minister of Spain, was assassinated in a car bombing set up by the Basque separatist group ETA. The assassination, also known by its code name Operación Ogro (Operation Ogre), is considered to have been the biggest attack against the Francoist State since the end of the Spanish Civil War in 1939 and had far-reaching consequences within the politics of Spain

  140. Just dropping by to say that I got Steve’s book, Noticing, two days ago and began reading it yesterday. It’s a great book that I’m glad to own, even though I suspect that I’ve already read most of the essays in it. At least the first dozen or so seem familiar. I recomend this book to any readers who haven’t yet purchased it.

    As for Jason Miller, the photographs of him and his antifa colleagues provided by Steve are a strong argument that eugenics is desperately needed in this country. His silly Guardian piece suggests that his dysmorphic appearance correlates with a deficient intellect and a nasty personality.

  141. Bill P says:
    @Frau Katze

    So totally a Jew, according to the men of Unz. I don’t know anything else about him.

    He just has a Jewish mother, big deal. Given how many slaves the Romans took when they sacked Jerusalem probably just about every native Italian has a Jewish woman in his family tree, but we don’t call the Italians “Jews.”

    • Replies: @Frau Katze
  142. pirelli says:

    Those “bow tie wearing closet cases” were a very bright bunch.

    Just having a bit of fun calling them that (and it does accurately describe a few I knew in law school…). They’ve been highly effective, as I acknowledged.

    the left has been orders of magnitude better at organizing than the right. Indeed, the left invented the very ideas of mass politics.

    I agree that “mass politics” is itself an invention of the left, and the left will always have an inherent advantage in mass politics because it promises to make everyone above-average (“we’re all getting laid!”). I do think conservatives tend to be better, on average, at running organizations and maintaining internal unity, while leftists tend to be more fractious. It’s just that conservatives will always be fighting an uphill battle in the arena of mass politics, which is why FedSoc was smart to focus on courts, which can serve as bastions of counter-majoritarianism.

  143. Anonymous[375] • Disclaimer says:

    Can someone please remind me what the point to this “doxxing” business is, exactly?

    Is it to intimidate people into not telling the truth in the first place? Or, rather, is it a form of punishment to be inflicted upon people after the fact?

    I ask because, for the life of me, I cannot see what the fuss is all about in this case.

    From what I gather, this Keeperman chappie is supposed to be involved with a Far Right publishing house of some kind. However, the entire matter seems to boil down to the Far Right publishing house publishing authors with whom The Grauniad does not agree…and that’s it.

    (Love the phrase “burgeoning proto-fascist movement,” by the way, and will contrive to work this into my next conversation.)

    • Replies: @duncsbaby
  144. res says:

    Yeah, anyone who doesn’t think there are Deep State resources used in some of these high-profile doxxings or personal attacks is naive.

    I wonder if that was why there was so much on the how of the doxxing in the article. Use confidential information to do it then construct a plausible alternative explanation for how it was done.

  145. Renard says:

    Their description of the Patrician edition leaves my poor bibliophile heart full of regret that I’ll have to settle for the paperback.

    I’ll let you have you one of mine for $795.
    DM me on here. We have DMs, right?

    Hurry before I raise the price!
    Capitalism rules, dudes!

    • LOL: mc23
  146. Man the Guardian certainly loves their ironic quote marks. One must take every oppressed group at their word that they are who they say they are, from shemales to faucahontases, but make sure to put the square quotes around every single label that an alternative right winger coins.

  147. @Twinkie

    I wish it weren’t so, but the left has been orders of magnitude better at organizing than the right.

    David Hines has written several good pieces about this at The American Conservative. Had the left planned anything similar to that at Charlottesville or Jan. 6th, they would have had all their bases covered long in advance. Bail all set to go, and things like that. An army of lawyers would have vetted everything beforehand– and, as we saw with the Floyd riots, they already have the authorities on their side. We don’t.

    • Agree: ic1000
  148. Jason Wilson appears to be handsome in a Cro Magnon way. Kind of like the Cuomo brothers, someone who could be a Missing Link.

    And the Irvine campus is indeed soulless. There are many college campuses that have absolutely no aesthetic value, and UCI is one of them.

  149. @TWS

    Nice of the Guardian to include details about his religious life and all…

    His ethnicity, you mean? Hardly a surprise that he, like Yarvin, is a Fellow White Person.

  150. @NOTA

    Were major newspapers always basically like this and I just didn’t notice when I was younger, or have they gotten worse?

    Something happened a dozen years ago or so when a gaggle of left wing bloggers got hired by mainstream or formerly respectable outlets with a left bend seemingly all at once to write as journalist and opinion writers. They basically just kept blogging, but newly under a masthead of legacy institutions which had accumulated capital from decades of work. It’s as much a generational change where people raised to believe that “facts have a liberal/left wing bias” took positions of power en masse, and they do not believe in approaching any story as a contest between competing visions or interests, but rather solely as a contest between goodhearted leftists who are the future victors of history leading the world out of ignorance and darkness on one hand, and various villains who retard the march of progress and goodheartedness out of pure selfishness or inexplicable evil.

    There are links to pieces demonstrating the Guardian author’s relationship to the purportedly non-existant non-organization Antifa which nevertheless has chapters in various American cities and organizes violent assemblies regularly – you can imagine that his actual participation in that scene is the submerged body of an iceberg with the information at the links the exposed tip. He will, nonetheless, cover the activities of the non-existant non-organization as a “journalist.” This is what “journalism” is now.

    • Agree: Nicholas Stix
    • Thanks: J.Ross
  151. @Bill P

    However, various people on this forum insist that current publisher of NYT is a Jew based on his grandfather being a Jew (making him a ¼ Jewish).

    This was to buttress the argument about (liberal) Jews controlling the media. You may not have been one of them, but it was a typical Men of Unz pile on.

    (I believe the “Men of Unz” expression originated with Alden, who like me is a woman).

    • Replies: @J.Ross
    , @Bill P
    , @Wokechoke
    , @res
  152. J.Ross says:
    @Frau Katze

    The fact that it’s ideological is itself the refutation of the notion that it’s racial. Where is the “anti-Semite” decrying Norman Finkelstein or Gilad Atzmon or Gershon the pedo hunter or Jewish opponents to neocon forever wars? We are against people who want us to die, we are against people who want to collapse the living standard, we are against people who want to end home ownership. The idea that we’re against Jews as Jews is a dishonest defense mechanism and an attempt to prevent assimilation.

    • Replies: @Frau Katze
  153. J.Ross says:

    Even when the right does something, the left just cheats, and if we ever did organize, they’d infiltrate or simply arrest without cause and make something up.
    We need to do push-ups and learn first aid, being connected without being associated. The last thing we should do is bunch up. We should cultivate our abilities while keeping our mouths shut.

  154. @Almost Missouri

    Raw Egg Nationalist is a friend of a friend. He’s not Jewish, but he finds it highly amusing that the JQ people all think he is. He’s from the English countryside or something.

    Usually JQ obsessives tend toward stupid type 1 errors, ie Jamie Dimon, Rachel Maddow, Tim Geithner, Norman Jewison, Joy Behar, Jason Biggs, Alan Alda, Al Yankovic, Penny Marshall, Mark Steyn, etc, but they make dumb type 2 errors as well.

    • Replies: @J.Ross
  155. @Servenet

    “Evolution” is EXACTLY like all the orthodox myths we’ve been rotting under for generations now

    Have you done the 23&me test to see how much Neanderthal DNA you have?

  156. @Frau Katze

    I really hate far-right, far-left and everyone in-between.

    So no one at all makes the grade?

    Not on a group level. There are some individuals that have original and interesting ideas but none of the group reps are being honest.

    All the Western political ideologies have some area of dishonesty.

    None of them value critical thinking or individualism. They all have some area where you aren’t supposed to ask questions.

    Western politics = choose the group whose lies you are the most comfortable with.

    • Replies: @Frau Katze
  157. Bill P says:
    @Frau Katze

    Judaism is more of a philosophy than an ethnicity IMO, and I think calling everyone who has a single Jewish ancestor a “Jew” is more in line with the Jewish rather than Christian outlook. I used to see it that way until I finally understood what this meant:

    …and do not presume to tell yourselves, “We have Abraham as our father,” because, I tell you, God can raise children for Abraham from these stones.

    I.e. it isn’t your lineage that makes you righteous (or wicked).

    This was to buttress the argument about (liberal) Jews controlling the media. You may not have been one of them, but it was a typical Men of Unz pile on.

    I think regardless of the racial composition of the media it is indeed more “Jewish” in that it is tribal, status-obsessed and prideful. So they are right, but still missing the point.

    For the record I don’t think genes “don’t matter,” but I’m quite certain that as human beings we have the God-given ability to transcend them. If not, then we are just ashes and dust.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  158. FPD72 says:

    But are they Rich Corinthian leather?

    It has now been revealed that binding leather of “HBD” (aka “scientific racism”) blogger Steve Sailer’s new book was ripped out of 1980’s Chryslers found in junk yards throughout Northern California.
    — John Podhoretz

    • Replies: @Art Deco
    , @kaganovitch
  159. @Truth

    As as for conservative “individuality”, take this site for example, for the most part you agree on exactly one thing, you all either hate, or somewhat-dislike N-words.

    The whole world agrees on this, Truf.

    • Replies: @Truth
  160. @Bill P

    Judaism is more of a philosophy than an ethnicity IMO, and I think calling everyone who has a single Jewish ancestor a “Jew” is more in line with the Jewish rather than Christian outlook.

    I don’t see how that is the case when you can have any philosophy and still be Jewish.

    A Jewish atheist is accepted to the group more than a convert. It’s an ethno-religion. One of the few religions where they try to talk people out of joining. But a born Jew can skip services for years and then show up at any time. However if he marries a non-Jew there will be disapproval by his relatives.

    I don’t care if the Jews have their religious/ethnic club but Western society should be honest about it. There shouldn’t be taboos for certain groups if Whites are lambasted endlessly for supposed collusion. I really just hate all the double standards that our weak Con Inc conservatives dutifully follow.

    I think regardless of the racial composition of the media it is indeed more “Jewish” in that it is tribal, status-obsessed and prideful. So they are right, but still missing the point.

    That is similar to what Marx concluded. He basically said that some Jewish stereotypes are based in reality but capitalism creates Jews all the time. My problem with calling the MSM Jewish is that it implies a non-Jewish media would have a different agenda. I don’t believe that for one second. A non-Jew founded CNN and he said the media should be liberal. There have been plenty of newspapers that were not started by Jews that still pushed liberalism. Fox News was started by an Australian and it tells Con Inc lies to Americans 24/7. The media seems to attract people with an agenda.

    For the record I don’t think genes “don’t matter,” but I’m quite certain that as human beings we have the God-given ability to transcend them. If not, then we are just ashes and dust.

    I don’t understand your outlook. What is your take on Haiti? Does it have anything to do with genes? If God invented genes then why would we be worthless if our behavior is tied to them?

    • Replies: @Bill P
  161. Wokechoke says:

    That’s Antifa geezer appears to be Rabes Infected.

  162. Wokechoke says:
    @Frau Katze

    Italians are not exactly ancient Romans of the 70-150AD era though.

    Mainland Italy was struck hard by Lombards, Franks, Normans and even Arabs. The carting off of Jewish women sounds like bullshit.

    In recent times the Austrians and French battles over the territory we call Italy.

    • Replies: @Bill P
  163. S Johnson says:

    I tend to associate “longhouse” with the Asterix the Gaul stories, where all the women are accommodating Brigitte Bardot lookalikes:

  164. J.Ross says:
    @Ghost of Bull Moose

    I’m fairly sure that Eugyppus and Soldo aren’t Jewish but don’t care if they are; this is a dumb argument, it’s like saying Isaac Newton was a virgin, so therefore physics is wrong. After all, there’s Donin.

  165. J.Ross says:
    @Mr. XYZ

    One? There’s a few. And there’s Steve Pieczenicz’s discription of his parents trying to flee to the Yishuv but being rebuffed for economic reasons (“we would rather have one cow than a hundred Jews,” because the Jews they had were unemployed and homeless, and the British weren’t making Zionism easy, plus they didn’t see how bad things would get).

  166. Bill P says:
    @John Johnson

    I don’t see how that is the case when you can have any philosophy and still be Jewish.

    That’s only true if you, personally accept the Jewish outlook. I don’t. I don’t think a baptized, faithful Christian is Jewish even if his parents were both devoted followers of Menachem Schneerson. Honestly I don’t think Jews really think so, either, but they’d rather you did.

    My problem with calling the MSM Jewish is that it implies a non-Jewish media would have a different agenda. I don’t believe that for one second.

    A Christian media would definitely have a different agenda, and it exists. Honestly a Jewish media is better than a flat-out atheist, Communist or pagan media. I’ve lived in a Communist country. If you think the NY Times is bad try reading the Chinese language version of the People’s Daily. A lot of people here don’t seem to realize that while sometimes, ummm… “challenging,” Jews are far from the worst. I’ll take them over Muslims, and I don’t even particularly dislike Muslims.

    I don’t understand your outlook. What is your take on Haiti? Does it have anything to do with genes? If God invented genes then why would we be worthless if our behavior is tied to them?

    Same take on Haiti as anywhere. Genes matter, but every Haitian has the choice as to whether he wants to do right or wrong. You know the parable of the talents, right? That addresses the issue of innate ability. You may not be likely to get a James Clerk Maxwell out of Haiti, but if Haitians chose to work, be honest and other simple things they are capable of, Haiti could be quite pleasant, and maybe after enough generations of civilization you would get an actual Haitian genius.

    On the other hand if you have a bright and talented people, but a corrupt and degenerate society, such as late Qing China, you’re going to have a godawful mess.

    • Disagree: Bill P
  167. Muggles says:

    ISteve’s radio silence on the Gaza genocide.

    He doesn’t write a lot about leprechauns hiding their gold at the end of rainbows either…

    • Replies: @anon
  168. Muggles says:

    Off topic but….

    From the All the News Which We Choose Not to Print Dept.

    The shocking recent NYC street sucker punch of 66 year old actor Steve Buscemi managed to avoid one otherwise reportable fact.

    See here:

    Even Fox News (“dark complexion” attacker…).

    Can you imagine the term “racist attack” not being used had the attacker and victim’s races been switched?

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  169. res says:
    @Frau Katze

    (I believe the “Men of Unz” expression originated with Alden, who like me is a woman).

    It did, but Alden’s usage was different from Jack’s version. Her (I believe both Mr. and Mrs. Alden post under that name, but this is hers) usage focused on men here who blame the victim for criminal attacks on white women.

    • Replies: @Frau Katze
    , @kaganovitch
  170. @Muggles

    It’s always a smaller or older man.

    When I was in the South I never once saw a TV report on a redneck with muscles getting sucker punched.

  171. mc23 says:

    Bow tie guys couldn’t even conserve a women’s bathroom or secure a border crossing. They need to get their rubber duckies in a row.

    It seems that in most of the 20th century tradition conservatives were coasting

  172. @Almost Missouri

    What a dirtbag this Mike Cernovich is. I tried to comment on the poll, but he blocked anyone, whose name wasn’t on thew list. So, I tried to comment to him directly.

    Me: It’s an invalid poll, in any event, because I wasn’t listed.

    “There’s something wrong. Try again in a minute or two.”

    I tried three times in two or three minutes. Then I get,

    “Save post?
    “You can save this to send later from your drafts.”

    So, I hit, “Save post,” and get,

    “The content of your post is invalid”

    Mike Cernovich is apparently one of these scum buckets whose vanity (aka self-esteem) is completely dependent on wasting other people’s time.

    • Replies: @Anon
    , @Almost Missouri
  173. Anon[105] • Disclaimer says:
    @Nicholas Stix

    Stix you are up there as one of the best American nationalist Jewish-Americans.

  174. From Antifa-Mutant Jason’s Guardian article.

    Scary ideas – and wanting to be recognized

    Like many other far-right publishers, Passage’s list is bolstered by reprints of out-of-print or public-domain books by historical fascist and reactionary writers. These include books by radical German nationalist and militarist Ernst Jünger; Peter Kemp, who fought as a volunteer in Franco’s army during the Spanish civil war; and two counter-revolutionary Russian aristocrats, White Russian general Pyotr Wrangel and Prince Serge Obolensky.

    I’m not a war buff, but every war buff I know has Jünger’s Storm of Steel on the main shelf, Audible has an audiobook of it, Amazon carries Storm of Steel and a dozen other Jünger titles. Kemp was a conservative monarchist, not a tool of Stalin, and a WWII hero in British Special Operations. Obolensky was a Russian aristocrat, Oxonian, fought in WWI, in the Russian Civil War against the Bolsheviks, became an American citizen, fought in WWII with the OSS, and became a prominent American business executive.

    What do these three have in common? Each was an intellectual and a man of action. Eeeek, scary! Unlike the Guardian, unlike Portland Antifa, each fought Hitler. Jünger (wiki):

    During World War II Jünger served as an army captain in occupied Paris, but by 1943 he had turned decisively against Nazi totalitarianism, a change manifested in his work “Der Friede” (The Peace). Jünger was dismissed from the army in 1944 after he was indirectly implicated with fellow officers who had plotted to kill Hitler. A few months later, his son died in combat in Italy after having been sentenced to a penal battalion for political reasons.

    Kemp: British SOE. Obolensky: OSS.

    Obolensky and Kemp sinned by taking up arms against the Bolsheviks, the most totalitarian regime in history. The original Antifa was a Bolshevik creation.

    Jünger, or Kemp, or Obolensky could have single-handedly taken out a 100 Portland Antifa mutants before breakfast.

    • Replies: @anonymous
    , @Frau Katze
  175. @Corpse Tooth

    You NSA shills are tedious and annoying. We all know that you prefer that the deep state strip mine Argentina for the benefit of the new world order, but Milei has more common sense than your entire NSA workforce. And your participation as a walker on one of the NSA treadmills is neither interesting nor intriguing.

  176. Ian M. says:

    And the left is not “more individualistic” – if anything, they are far more collectivist than the right.

    This is a common misperception: the ‘collectivism’ of the left is not a true collectivism, and in fact everything it does is in service to its supreme objective of furthering radical individual autonomy.

    The left recognizes no corporate existence of anything over and above the individuals that comprise it: everything is reducible to the individual and his desires; all corporate entities exist only by convention. A nation is an accidental heap comprised of the individuals living within a particular region having arbitrary boundaries; the family is whatever its members say it is; race has no real existence outside its social construction as a tool of oppression. (The collective identity permitted to favored minorities is only a tool to further the ultimate goal of radical individual autonomy by destroying any collective identity that the dominant majority and culture might have.)

    In fact, I would say that this is arguably the true distinction between left and right: the right recognizes the existence of corporate entities that transcend the individuals that comprise it, whether this be the family, race, nation, the Church, etc. (different variants of the right recognizing one or more of these), while the left does not.

    The reason the left is perceived as being collectivist by some is stated well here:


    There is no collectivistic version of liberalism. … Liberalism is strongly individualistic. That it works actually and radically against individual persons is a practical consequence of its applying a universal-abstract individualism. Man is a social animal. Society — a collective — is required to actualise one’s potential as a person. There are no pre-social persons. The tendency of liberal individualism is to destroy the very functional conditions of society and to put in its place a mass-collocation of individuals bound together only by a bureau-technocratic regime. One might say that the practical consequence of individualism amounts to the ultimate divide-and-conquer.

    • Replies: @Twinkie
  177. anonymous[161] • Disclaimer says:
    @New Dealer

    Unlike the Guardian, unlike Portland Antifa, each fought Hitler. Jünger (wiki):

    The Guardian and Antifa are the Real Racists!

  178. @John Johnson

    from hell on how they were right to not take the vaccine

    Your turn is coming soon. Vax up again, Spanky. You should be up to at least seven shots, counting boosters. Keep six feet away from everyone, and adjust your cloth mask to keep you from contagion.

    Oh, and when you get there, say hello to Beria, John McCain, Che Guevara, and Pol Pot.

  179. Ian M. says:
    @Ben Kurtz

    When he introduced Sailer at his NYC event, he opened with a sarcastic joke unfavorable to Israel (though the target was really more the American mainstream right’s love of Israel rather than Israel per se).

    • Replies: @anonymous
  180. Ian M. says:
    @G. Poulin

    Wow. Maybe they’ll soon even start letting Christians be pastors.

  181. @John Johnson

    There’s definitely truth in that.

  182. @res

    Thanks for the clarification. I haven’t seen Alden lately.

  183. The only iSteve commenter possessing the virtues ascribed to Lomez is J.Ross.

    Reason, experience, and common sense all conspire to motivate us all so that we nominate, vote for, and secure the presidency for J.Ross. Then the people will rejoice at the installation of just governor and his governance, and idiots like John Johnson and Tiny Duck (possibly they are the same) will wail and gnash their teeth.

    J.Ross for president. Sailer can hold his coat.

  184. @New Dealer

    I was wondering why the Guardian was down on those guys too. The two Russians were against Communism—that would be enough for the far left Guardian.

  185. @Erik L

    Although I have never purchased any human biodiversity products recommended by Steve

    I just ordered some “extra crunchy” Papuan elbow poppers for my dogs. They love ‘em.

  186. @Bill P

    I don’t think a baptized, faithful Christian is Jewish even if his parents were both devoted followers of Menachem Schneerson.

    Baptism changes DNA? Seems unlikely. Or are you defining “Judaism/Jewish” and Jew differently from each other?

    E.g., was atheist physicist Richard Feynman a Jew or non-Jew (aka “Gentile”) ?

    • Replies: @Bill P
  187. @YetAnotherAnon

    Yeah, I agree, half of those guys aren’t Jewish and the ones who are are mostly mischlings. Not that it matters. I think they’re interesting and/or funny, so I read them.

    Cernovich’s comment was just an ironic way to say that the mistaken claims of anti-Jewish obsessives are actually better pro-Jewish propaganda than what the ADL puts out.

  188. @Nicholas Stix

    Could those have been automated Twitter replies rather than Cernvoich speaking?

    • Replies: @Nicholas Stix
  189. @Bill P

    You can change it. Maybe you can even un-disagree it (i.e., delete) it by clicking the Disagree button again?

    • Replies: @Ian M.
  190. @Bill P

    I don’t see how that is the case when you can have any philosophy and still be Jewish.

    That’s only true if you, personally accept the Jewish outlook. I don’t.

    Well the Jews set their own rules and they view bloodline as more important than beliefs. It’s their club and they make the rules. I really don’t care. What I don’t like are double standards in Western society where we can’t talk about these clubs. Our conservatives dutifully follow these rules set by liberals. They allow liberals to bash White men endlessly while any discussion outside the lines on race and origins is not only banned but can lead to a lifetime of exclusion in multiple professions. Does that sound like society is “following the science” when basic questions can’t be asked?

    I don’t think a baptized, faithful Christian is Jewish even if his parents were both devoted followers of Menachem Schneerson.

    A Jewish looking convert to Christianity would still be viewed as more Jewish than a blonde Germanic looking woman that converted to Judaism by marriage.

    That is my opinion and I am open to criticism from Jews that might suggest otherwise.

    Woody Allen is an open atheist that mocks all religions and is still viewed as Jewish.

    It’s bloodline first and religion second. It’s Jews that flip out when their children marry non-Jews. How is it a religion in that case?

    A Christian media would definitely have a different agenda, and it exists. Honestly a Jewish media is better than a flat-out atheist, Communist or pagan media.

    I’m going to agree and I don’t take the position that a Jewish journalist should be ignored. John Stewart has much better analysis of Israel than anything on Fox News. But we haven’t had a pagan media and I’m not sure what that would look like.

    If you think the NY Times is bad try reading the Chinese language version of the People’s Daily.

    I’ve read all kinds of far-left media and it is consistently terrible. Doesn’t matter if it is Jewish or not.

    You may not be likely to get a James Clerk Maxwell out of Haiti, but if Haitians chose to work, be honest and other simple things they are capable of, Haiti could be quite pleasant, and maybe after enough generations of civilization you would get an actual Haitian genius.

    Are you really giving us the Christ ‘n capitalism answer on Steve’s blog? Show the guy some respect.

    You really think Haitians are sitting around being lazy and ignoring job postings on craiglist?

    Both liberals and conservative Christians have a hard time conceiving of economic development through sound leadership.

    They seem to think the economy “just happens” as if jobs just appear as part of nature.

    On the other hand if you have a bright and talented people, but a corrupt and degenerate society, such as late Qing China, you’re going to have a godawful mess.

    Do you realize that conservatives made arguments around “hard work and Christianity” for Black areas over 100 years ago?

    • Replies: @Bill P
  191. duncsbaby says:

    Can someone please remind me what the point to this “doxxing” business is, exactly?

    To expose them to attack. To make their private lives a living hell of continuous harassments from antifa street thugs and government entities. In short, to destroy them.

  192. Nachum says:

    I once worked for a small law firm that sent me over to a larger one they were working on a case with. At some point we had to find some guy’s address so we could serve him papers and had no idea where to start. (It was also relatively early in the days of the internet.) The secretary told us they had a P.I. on staff and we should feel free to use him. We called the guy, gave him the name, and about ten minutes later he popped his head into our office, tossed us a slip of paper, and said, “Here’s the address, give me something hard next time.”

    It was an early education that some people have resources that others don’t. (P.I.s pay for access to databases designed for them. I don’t know if they only accept licensed people as members.) I imagine that’s even more true of governments. I remember working on an election campaign once that had access to voter databases and we entertained ourselves by looking up famous people’s addresses. (We didn’t *do* anything with the information, I promise.) And that’s sort of public information. What the FBI can do, I don’t want to know.

  193. anon[247] • Disclaimer says:

    One is a myth, one is reality. You should be put in stupid prison for being stupid.

  194. Bill P says:
    @John Johnson

    Well the Jews set their own rules and they view bloodline as more important than beliefs. It’s their club and they make the rules.

    They say God makes these rules. If you take their word for it, then you are tacitly agreeing with Rabbinic Judaism. Christians who do this are denying their own faith. You can’t get around that.

    A Jewish looking convert to Christianity would still be viewed as more Jewish than a blonde Germanic looking woman that converted to Judaism by marriage


    In Germany, sure, but in southern Italy you probably couldn’t tell the difference. Nor could you in Israel, where the native Christians look pretty much the same as the Mizrahi Jews.

    Jews just happen to stand out in northern Europe. South of the Alps they don’t really.

    But we haven’t had a pagan media and I’m not sure what that would look like.

    Probably pretty childish and stupid like some New Age crap.

    Are you really giving us the Christ ‘n capitalism answer on Steve’s blog? Show the guy some respect.

    You really think Haitians are sitting around being lazy and ignoring job postings on craiglist?

    Capitalism is beside the point. Capitalism can accommodate pimping, cheating, lying, fraud, drug dealing, cannibalism, etc. If Haitians stopped doing that kind of stuff – and they could choose to do so – Haiti wouldn’t be a shithole country.

    Take Uganda for example. It’s as black as Haiti, but evidently a nice place to visit so long as you aren’t into sodomy (the US State Dept. has a warning up about Uganda but that’s mostly because State is full of homosexuals). Uganda may not be up to Swiss or Singaporean standards, but it’s not bad. It’s also a Christian country.

    Do you realize that conservatives made arguments around “hard work and Christianity” for Black areas over 100 years ago?

    A lot of that has been in bad faith. There were fortunes to be made in the New World plantations, and the white men involved were hardly what you’d call godly men. More like pirates, human traffickers, latifundia caudillos, buccaneers, etc.

    That whole “legacy of colonialism” thing is often overplayed, but it’s actually true in the tropical parts of the New World. No doubt extractive institutions that discouraged civilizing virtues had a powerful influence that persists to this day.

    Not to say that excuses Caribbean criminality and vice, but it’s worth being honest about it, especially as we see the same old rapacity directed against our fellow American citizens today.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  195. anonymous[192] • Disclaimer says:
    @Ian M.

    When he introduced Sailer at his NYC event, he opened with a sarcastic joke unfavorable to Israel

    Well that is encouraging. Good for him. We need more Americans like this.

  196. Bill P says:
    @Jenner Ickham Errican

    Baptism changes DNA? Seems unlikely. Or are you defining “Judaism/Jewish” and Jew differently from each other?

    Was Andrew Breitbart a Jew? Jews seem to think so. Do you think Israel would have denied him citizenship for looking like my Irish grandpa?

    E.g., was atheist physicist Richard Feynman a Jew or non-Jew (aka “Gentile”) ?

    Was he an avowed atheist? If so, not a Jew. Ashkenazi, sure, why not? It’s a legitimate ethnic group.

    Btw, “gentile” is traditionally used by Christians to refer to nonbelievers, including Jews ( So yes, Feinman was a gentile.

    • Troll: Mike Tre
    • Replies: @Jenner Ickham Errican
  197. Twinkie says:
    @Ian M.

    The left recognizes no corporate existence of anything over and above the individuals that comprise it

    On the contrary, there is a strong strain of statism among the left – the elevation of the state above all the little platoons of a civic life that conservatives hold dear – family, church, trade associations, bowling leagues, etc.

    • Replies: @Ian M.
    , @nebulafox
  198. @Bill P

    How did I disagree with myself?

    Bill P., the Walt Whitman of Unz!

  199. @res

    Her (I believe both Mr. and Mrs. Alden post under that name, but this is hers) usage focused on men here who blame the victim for criminal attacks on white women.

    True, but it went beyond that. The same epithet was directed at, e.g., Another Dad for suggesting White women need to prioritize fertility over career and such like. Not that Alden would identify as a feminist but generally it seemed to be directed at assumptions of ‘patriarchal authority’ if you will.

  200. Anon[292] • Disclaimer says:

    You buried the lede! The CIA flunkies at Mi-6 retracted the cone of silence! They said the bad words – Unz Review. Maybe they figured they were safe because google censors it. But maybe Unz is getting too much attention to ignore.

  201. Art Deco says:

    Is Podhoretz still stewing over 20 year old burns from the moderator?

    • Replies: @Uncle Ted
  202. Anonymous[250] • Disclaimer says:

    Eraserhead Wilson works for Bellingcat too. Bellingcat is Jimmy Savile’s tenderbum child-rape victims running errands for CIA. CIA DO is very antsy about a lot of the obvious stuff discussed at Unz.

  203. @Bill P

    Was Andrew Breitbart a Jew?

    No, but he was raised by Jews and participated in traditional Jewish cultural activities.

    [Feynman] If so, not a Jew. Ashkenazi, sure, why not?

    Aren’t Ashkenazim, by definition, Jews? That would make Feynman a Jew no matter what was his religion or lack thereof. Do you believe “transwomen” are women?

    • Replies: @Bill P
  204. Art Deco says:

    Operation Barbarossa proved to be a very useful opportunity for dealing with those who could not or would not accept that the time of armed struggle was over. Apparently the Germans had a high opinion of their fighting capabilities, in contrast to some of their other foreign partners.
    I think you’ve confused Spain with some other country.

    • Replies: @J.Ross
    , @nebulafox
  205. Bill P says:
    @Jenner Ickham Errican

    Aren’t Ashkenazim, by definition, Jews?

    Only if you are a metaphysical naturalist, in which case the very concept “Jew” is arbitrary and tenuous, based as it is on various people who at one point adopted a belief that a non-existent spiritual entity commanded them to adhere to certain laws. In other words the Ur-Jew, Moses, became a Jew simply by making a false claim.

    Later, a group of Jews became “Christian,” by (according to the naturalist) making another false claim.

    So, if you’re going to take the naturalist approach, you might be skeptical, but to demonstrate the validity of the “Jewish race” what you’re going to want to do is dig up Moses and a bunch of his followers’ bones, find their genetic code and establish the original Jew DNA. This gives you baseline Jew.

    After that you want to check the evolution of the Jew through the centuries to establish some continuity and see how we get to today’s Jew.

    But what do we find? The people closest to Moses and his followers today are no longer considered Jews, but rather Christians, Muslims and Samaritans. It seems that other people “became” Jews (impossible! wrong genes), while many Jews became non-Jews (again, that could not be…). And get this: this actually happened multiple times. Therefore, being a proper naturalist, one must conclude that this whole Jew thing is just a mass delusion and certainly has no scientific basis in reality.

    It begins to dawn on you that this 23&me Jewish ancestry test is actually a marketing gimmick based on very recent genetic history that has very little if any relevance to classical, not to mention pre-exile, Judaism.

    While you concede that the “Ashkenazi” classification has some basis in reality, in that case one could also call “Mormon” an ethnicity and Amish even more so, but practically nobody holds that neither Mormons nor Amish are able to switch their religious identities.

    Yet here we have Jenner Ickam Errican saying Judaism is a permanent and irrevocable condition “because DNA.”

    But that is simply untrue from a scientific materialist perspective, so JIE must be accepting the Rabbinic position on Judaism, which means he is part way down the path to becoming a Jew himself, whether he knows it or not.

    You see how clever the sages are? Sorry to say it, but the average person here is no match for them. These are people who can harness hatred of their religion to make it not only more cohesive, but more real — even in the minds of its opponents.

    Personally, I admire the skill of the artifice, but I don’t buy it.

  206. @Nachum

    “Biannual” means every two years. The magazine comes out twice a year, so it’s semi-annual.

    No. “Biannual” is indeed twice a year. “Biennial” is every two years.

    • Replies: @Nachum
    , @J.Ross
  207. Nachum says:

    Well, you learn something new every day. Thank you.

    I suppose I was confused by the distinction between “biweekly” and “semiweekly,” although looking it up I see that “biweekly” can also mean twice a week.

  208. @Bill P

    Only if you are a metaphysical naturalist, in which case the very concept “Jew” is arbitrary and tenuous, based as it is on various people who at one point adopted a belief that a non-existent spiritual entity commanded them to adhere to certain laws. In other words the Ur-Jew, Moses, became a Jew simply by making a false claim.

    Later, a group of Jews became “Christian,” by (according to the naturalist) making another false claim.

    “False claim”? To what are you referring?

    what you’re going to want to do is dig up Moses and a bunch of his followers’ bones, find their genetic code and establish the original Jew DNA. This gives you baseline Jew

    That’s a different (biological) type of Jew than Ashkenazi. You do realize there are different biological types of Jews, I presume. Or are you a DNA denier?

    It seems that other people “became” Jews (impossible! wrong genes), while many Jews became non-Jews (again, that could not be…). And get this: this actually happened multiple times. Therefore, being a proper naturalist, one must conclude that this whole Jew thing is just a mass delusion and certainly has no scientific basis in reality.

    The above is a silly non sequitur. Gene flows and bottlenecks over time can produce different types while retaining some original (and unique) characteristics. Some might call that HBD.

    It begins to dawn on you that this 23&me Jewish ancestry test is actually a marketing gimmick based on very recent genetic history that has very little if any relevance to classical, not to mention pre-exile, Judaism [e.a.].

    “Judaism”. There’s that weasel word again. I’m talking about biological Jews, not “Judaism”.

    While you concede that the “Ashkenazi” classification has some basis in reality, in that case one could also call “Mormon” an ethnicity and Amish even more so, but practically nobody holds that neither Mormons nor Amish are able to switch their religious identities.

    Due to insularity and breeding bottlenecks, the Amish can be considered an ethnicity among Whites. So I would consider a secular Amish person Amish even if they left their community and religion. Mormons seek converts and bring in outsiders so they are not as comparable to the Amish and Ashkenazim in an ethnic sense. Of course, any of the three types can switch (or drop) their “religious identities”. Their personal genetics, not so much.

    Yet here we have Jenner Ickam Errican saying Judaism is a permanent and irrevocable

    Now you’re so desperate you lie and misquote. “Judaism”, LOL—that’s your red herring.

    so JIE must be accepting the Rabbinic position on Judaism

    There you go again. In this discussion, I have no position on “Judaism”.

    You see how clever the sages are?

    Evidently you are neither clever nor a sage, and are forced to misquote and spew fallacies to try to weasel out of your losing argument. Please continue… 🙂

    • Agree: Mike Tre
  209. @Erik L

    He’s signed on with a handsome new manager with the, ahem, correct pedigree, so we’ll be hearing a lot more from him. I hope he comes out with HBD gummies. My wife would buy them via HSN or QVC.

    Perhaps his curly-headed publisher in the t-shirt could link Steve with William Devane and sell HBD crypto coins.

    Catch the (manufactured) Buzz, because it’s happening. It won’t make a bit of difference in your life, though, because that’s not the point. Important issues are cleverly diverted from, now, in real time, as we Notice.

    Same old shit, co-opted by the same people, just a new variation to hook and then net you fish, you fish who think you are free and who are biting at something you desperately want. It’s a trout fly. I learned how to tie those and fly fish when I was 13.

    Of course, I could be totally wrong, but that was fun to write, and it will make about as much difference.

  210. J.Ross says:

    Wicktionary says … uh … both?

    Occurring twice a year; half-yearly; semiannual, twice-yearly.
    Occurring every two years; biennial

    Though I committed on my three-an-hour limit because I noted that Nachum was technically safe as soon as he used the much clearer “semi,” which means half and never double.

  211. J.Ross says:
    @Bill P

    It’s actually clearer than that, because not only do the events following Jesus make discrete breaks (ie, the destruction of the Temple), but Jesus at one point specifically talks about the Pharisees and the Saducees (the factions that would go on the formalize the Talmud and inaugurate Talmudic Judaism, which Jesus was never a part of and clearly hated) not being legitimate Jews (ie, Edom). Since Temple Jews succumbed to assimilation without a Temple, and a century of that passed before the Talmudists could really get their project off the ground (so that’s a lot of assimilation), the only Jews in Talmudism are ones Talmudists successfully convinced to “rejoin” the new religion. This is a major focus for haredim (there’s a scene in the movie Kadosh in which an over-enthusiastic and over-industrious Haredi “proselytizer” pursues a somewhat bewildered Israeli man), and it (and not heroin smuggling) is the nominal major purpose of Chabad.

  212. J.Ross says:
    @Art Deco

    No, he isn’t.
    Wiki has:

    An infantry division was raised from Falangist and Spanish Army cadres and was sent for training in Germany. The unit fought on the Eastern Front and notably participated in the 1941–1944 siege of Leningrad, but was withdrawn from the Front after Allied pressure in October 1944 and returned to Spain soon afterwards. Several thousand non-returners were incorporated into the 121st Infantry Division, the short-lived Blue Legion, and eventually into the Waffen-SS [which partly served as a foreign legion: foreigners couldn’t join the Army proper].

    Despite very heavy casualties, the Spaniards were able to hold their ground against a Soviet force seven times larger and supported by tanks. The assault was contained and the siege of Leningrad was maintained for a further year. The division remained on the Leningrad front where it continued to suffer heavy casualties due to weather and to enemy action.[12]

    The Blue Division was the only component of the German Army to be awarded a medal of its own, commissioned by Hitler in January 1944 after the Division had demonstrated its effectiveness in impeding the advance of the Red Army.[13] Hitler referred to the division as “equal to the best German ones“.

  213. MEH 0910 says:

  214. nebulafox says:
    @Art Deco

    I’m not.

    Barbarossa was a more multi-ethnic operation than people remember, from Finns before Leningrad to Romanians helping Manstein capture Sevastopol. And the one time the Germans implemented a sane occupation policy in the East, up in the Caucasus, they had no problem finding willing collaborators against the Russians.

    • Replies: @anon
  215. Ian M. says:

    Again, the state for the leftist is purely instrumental: it is a tool for dismantling institutions of oppression, for weakening the dominant culture and ‘pre-rational’ forms of organization, for reducing our dependence our traditional connections and loyalties. In short, the purpose of the state is fully in the service of furthering individual autonomy and so it tries to destroy anything that stands in the way of this goal. This is the motivation for DIE, for the modern managerial bureaucratic technocratic welfare state, and so forth. Individual autonomy requires a massive state to ensure that no one anywhere might infringe on someone else’s autonomy, and moreover, to fill the void left by all the institutions and informal connections it has destroyed.

    But the state for the leftist does not have any corporate existence in itself. The left does not divinize the state nor absolutize it, nor does it regard the state as something that transcends the individual and that provides the context by which the individual understands his identity and his own good, nor as something that absorbs and reduces the individual will to the collective will. This conception of the state belongs to fascism, which is a movement of the right. As James Kalb has written (approximately): the fascist absorbs the individual into the collective, while the liberal reduces the collective to the individual.

    Both, however, have the same end result: the totalitarian state.

  216. nebulafox says:

    Isn’t that just totalitarianism? That all organic human bonds and organizations exist to serve the state, rather than the other way around? 😉

  217. Bill P says:

    “Judaism”. There’s that weasel word again. I’m talking about biological Jews, not “Judaism”.

    Ok, so it seems to me that you are saying that a Jew need not be Jew-ish.

    Semantically, how does that work? Jewish means having the quality of Jew. Can one be a Jew without having a Jewish quality?

    Your numeric genetic values are meaningless if they have nothing to say about this. They are just dots on a graph, not some cenotaph.

    Can my dog be a dog without being doggish?

    If we cannot determine a Jew by Jewishness, then a Jew must be a thing-in-itself, immune to empirical evaluation. In that case Jewishness is an ineffable quality that perhaps doesn’t even exist; a mere figment of the febrile perturbations of agitated brains.

    Or maybe you can explain it so it makes sense. I’m eager with anticipation.

    • Replies: @Jenner Ickham Errican
  218. Ian M. says:
    @Almost Missouri

    Nah, it’s funnier to keep it as is.

  219. anon[412] • Disclaimer says:

    And the one time the Germans implemented a sane occupation policy in the East, up in the Caucasus, they had no problem finding willing collaborators against the Russians.

    (((the Russians)))

  220. @Bill P

    How did I disagree with myself?

    Fleeting moment of clarity?

  221. @Bill P

    Or maybe you can explain it so it makes sense. I’m eager with anticipation.

    I’m here to help. What’s on you mind?

    Can one be a Jew without having a Jewish quality?

    One is either a Jew or not. In the past, I’ve defined that to be at least at the quadjoon descent level (after quadroon). That would include, for example, the current Sulzberger heading the NYT.

    Your numeric genetic values are meaningless if they have nothing to say about this.

    No, they reflect physical reality. You may not be a fan of physical reality, but maybe you should be on a religious blog instead of an HBD blog if you want to indulge in mystical musing.

    Can my dog be a dog without being doggish?

    Your dog remains a dog even if you’ve taught it to ‘shake hands’ and have it wear a necktie. You might define that as “humanish” and therefore claim your dog is actually human, but you would be in error.

    If we cannot determine a Jew by Jewishness

    Not by your term alone—“-ishness” (your appendant) creates a vague tautology. As with any physically occurring phenomena we would have to at least agree on specific inherent attributes for identification purposes. DNA is one of those inherent markers, and is often reflected in physical appearance and also behavior (group and individual).

    then a Jew must be a thing-in-itself, immune to empirical evaluation

    The first clause is correct, the second a non sequitur bordering on the melodramatic.

    Would you like to know more?

    • Replies: @Bill P
  222. Uncle Ted says:
    @Art Deco

    Podhoretz seems petty enough to do just that. Really unpleasant guy.

  223. Curle says:

    Now, at least, they can stfu about the one that happened 80 years ago

    Slim chance of that.

  224. @J.Ross

    Still I can’t help but notice that I only read these sentiments here at iSteve or at other Unz writers that I’ve occasionally looked at.

    I’ve never heard them in real life either.

  225. @Bill P

    Well the Jews set their own rules and they view bloodline as more important than beliefs. It’s their club and they make the rules.

    They say God makes these rules. If you take their word for it, then you are tacitly agreeing with Rabbinic Judaism. Christians who do this are denying their own faith. You can’t get around that.

    No they do not say that God makes these rules.

    They developed some of their own cultural beliefs while a minority in Europe and other countries.

    They do not quote the Torah when it comes to considering a Jewish atheist who mocks Judaism as more Jewish than a blonde haired convert.

    I also do not hold mainstream opinion on the Old Testament so don’t make assumptions about my beliefs.

    I really don’t care if Jews want to make their own tribal rules. As I have stated many times I don’t like the double standards that put White men into a logic prison where they aren’t allowed to use rationalism. For example you can’t point out that liberals look the other way on Jewish beliefs regarding intra-racial procreation for their own group. Conservatives also frown on such observations and fall back to “God’s chosen people” which is an argument I have never made. Both liberals and mainstream conservative support race denial. The Jewish question leaves to its unraveling pretty quickly. Both sides quietly agree that we shouldn’t discuss such things. Well race is relevant to US society and both conservative and liberal theories have completely failed.

    A Jewish looking convert to Christianity would still be viewed as more Jewish than a blonde Germanic looking woman that converted to Judaism by marriage

    In Germany, sure, but in southern Italy you probably couldn’t tell the difference. Nor could you in Israel, where the native Christians look pretty much the same as the Mizrahi Jews.

    Well I am talking about America which contains the bulk of the Jews outside of Israel.

    Italy never had that many Jews and Germany’s Jewish population for some reason dropped in the 1940s.

    You really think Haitians are sitting around being lazy and ignoring job postings on craiglist?

    Capitalism is beside the point. Capitalism can accommodate pimping, cheating, lying, fraud, drug dealing, cannibalism, etc. If Haitians stopped doing that kind of stuff – and they could choose to do so – Haiti wouldn’t be a shithole country.

    You believe most Haitians are involved in crime and immorality? I actually doubt that is the case. Most would happily take a job in the US and would outwork the average fat White conservative. They probably have lower drug rates than Americans. I doubt that most can afford drugs either medical or recreational.

    Take Uganda for example. It’s as black as Haiti, but evidently a nice place to visit so long as you aren’t into sodomy (the US State Dept. has a warning up about Uganda but that’s mostly because State is full of homosexuals). Uganda may not be up to Swiss or Singaporean standards, but it’s not bad. It’s also a Christian country.

    It’s a Christian country and not that bad if you ignore the sodomy? Should that be on the travel brochure? In any case they did not become first world through Christ ‘n capitalism.

    They have a GDP per capita of less than $1000 a month:

    That would be less than Cuba which is proudly Socialist. So why aren’t they beating a secular Communist state?

    Not to say that excuses Caribbean criminality and vice, but it’s worth being honest about it, especially as we see the same old rapacity directed against our fellow American citizens today.

    Are conservative Christians honest about race?

    • Replies: @Bill P
  226. Bill P says:
    @Jenner Ickham Errican

    One is either a Jew or not.

    And you accuse me of resorting to tautologies…

    In the past, I’ve defined that to be at least at the quadjoon descent level (after quadroon). That would include, for example, the current Sulzberger heading the NYT.

    Ok, so you’re going by Israel’s citizenship standard. But what if the Jewish grandparent was a Jew by maternal but not paternal lineage? Still a Jew? Halachically yes but genetically no?

    No, they reflect physical reality. You may not be a fan of physical reality, but maybe you should be on a religious blog instead of an HBD blog if you want to indulge in mystical musing.

    What is the mechanism by which physical reality adheres to mathematical concepts? Are there real, physical numbers and formulae out there manipulating behavior? If so, how?

    Your dog remains a dog even if you’ve taught it to ‘shake hands’ and have it wear a necktie. You might define that as “humanish” and therefore claim your dog is actually human, but you would be in error.

    But this raises the question of how much doggishness is required for an animal to be a dog. And how much Jewishness is required for a man to be a Jew. Do you see how the science begins to fail as these biological distinctions become fine-grained?

    Sure, you can distinguish a dog from a cat, but then consider the red wolf, which is supposedly a species, but is actually some kind of wolf/coyote hybrid. So in Arizona you can legally shoot a coyote on sight, but shooting a red wolf is a federal crime.

    The red wolf is a sort of canine version of a Jew — hard to nail down physically, but yet people are quite sure that they exist. I’m not going to dispute their existence, but on the other hand I’m going to have hard questions for people who say you can identify them based on some simple taxonomic table, because that simply isn’t true.

    Instead, people observe a quality, and then the biologists struggle to match it to the genetic data. The problem here is that the quality itself is utterly non-scientific. In other words we are bending the data around feelings. How is that rational empiricism? It isn’t. It’s a sort of “mystical” cherry-picking.

    Not by your term alone—“-ishness” (your appendant) creates a vague tautology. As with any physically occurring phenomena we would have to at least agree on specific inherent attributes for identification purposes.

    The problem is that we cannot agree, at least as far as the parts are concerned. On the whole we can usually concur, but that just goes to show that reductionism only divides opinion in this case. And what are we to make of that? Is “Jew” some emergent phenomenon along the lines of mystical Evolutionist theology like that held by Steven Pinker and Daniel Dennett? If so it is irreducible.

    DNA is one of those inherent markers, and is often reflected in physical appearance and also behavior (group and individual).

    Well, yes. Genes clearly do things, but so does our limbic system. Is our reptilian brain the source of high culture? Sure, if I pointed a gun at someone’s face I’d get a fairly predictable reaction, but would that define him as an individual?

    I know that the main thrust of this blog is the connection between genes and intelligence, which is as real as the connection between genes and height, foot speed, skin tone and hair texture. Yes, it’s real. But ultimately all these things obey immaterial principles. Our uniquely human ability to perceive these principles gives us the freedom to choose how we put these material realities to use.

    This being the case, while we cannot deny the physical facts of the world (e.g. race, sex, talent), we can nevertheless put them at our service. I would say that ultimately it is how we choose to do so that is most salient to our social identity.

    This is why I oppose a genetic determinist classification of friends and enemies. It’s too primitive and inhuman for my taste, and to be quite honest I suspect even houseplants and bacteria are more sophisticated than that. I think Jesus made the point quite well enough in the parable of the Good Samaritan. I know my neighbor by his neighborliness.

    • Replies: @Jenner Ickham Errican
  227. Bill P says:
    @John Johnson

    It’s a Christian country and not that bad if you ignore the sodomy? Should that be on the travel brochure? In any case they did not become first world through Christ ‘n capitalism.

    Ok that’s funny. No, the sodomy is illegal in Uganda. If they catch you being gay you go to jail. It is in the State Dept. Travel warning:

    The May 2023 Anti-Homosexuality Act raises the risk that LGBTQI+ persons, and those perceived to be LGBTQI+, could be prosecuted and subjected to life imprisonment or death based on provisions in the law, and may be subject to mandatory reporting to the police if they are suspected of committing or intending to commit acts in violation of the law, and could face harassment or attacks by vigilantes. Those perceived to support the dignity and human rights of LGBTQI+ persons (including those of youth under the age of 18) could be prosecuted and imprisoned for multi-year sentences.

    So if you want to go to Uganda to see the gorillas in the mist, you’d better not have any prurient motives regarding the local (male) fauna.

  228. Bill P says:

    The carting off of Jewish women sounds like bullshit

    Oh really?

    Here’s one of the coins minted in celebration of the sack of Jerusalem:

    The Latin reads “Iudea Capta” (Judea vanquished)

    The Roman is the standing figure on the left with the enormous phallic object projecting from his loins and Judea is represented by the seated, weeping woman. I don’t think it’s too difficult to interpret the visual symbolism here.

  229. Malla says:

    Then again, by the standards of Portland leftists, Wilson is as handsome as Paul Rudd:

    Ewwww Ewwwww. Western Marxists are really the genetic reject flotsam of the White race.

  230. @Almost Missouri

    “Could those have been automated Twitter replies rather than Cernvoich speaking?”

    Yes! I’m sure you’re right, AM. But what kind of prick does that?

  231. @Bill P

    This is why I oppose a genetic determinist classification of friends and enemies. It’s too primitive and inhuman for my taste, and to be quite honest I suspect even houseplants and bacteria are more sophisticated than that. I think Jesus made the point quite well enough in the parable of the Good Samaritan. I know my neighbor by his neighborliness.

    Finally, after lengthy non sequitur ‘dorm room philosophizing’ you get to the point: Your religion makes you squeamish about categorizing people as they are. If I understand you correctly, you believe Jesus is a conduit for gnostic revelation for how the perceived world (and beyond) really works. Which is fine—you may be right, and Jesus may be who Christians say he is.

    Here’s some neighborly advice:

    Instead of bearing false witness by implying that Jews (or red wolves) don’t exist, or are impossible to identify, you’d do better to simply proselytize the Good News rather than pretend you’re clever enough to deny physical reality. Lying and Pride are sins. Instead, be an honest Christian and preach. Cite miracles, scripture, the examples of saints. But attempting to deceive puts your soul in danger of damnation. Also, it’s annoying.

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The Surprising Elements of Talmudic Judaism
Analyzing the History of a Controversial Movement
The evidence is clear — but often ignored