Only in Florida: Baby Gator Spotted Cooling Down in Fountain

A woman had an “only in Florida” moment as she stumbled upon an unusual sight at the end of her morning run – a baby alligator staying cool by swimming in a fountain in Palm Beach Gardens on Sunday, May 12.

“I was turning into the entrance to my community after finishing my morning run when I noticed something floating in the fountain. Turned out to be a baby alligator taking a shower,” Lauren Shrage told Storyful.

Shrage said she kept her distance from the critter, wary of startling her dog, Roxy, who accompanied her and was prone to getting spooked easily. Credit: Lauren Shrage via Storyful

Video transcript

Sunday, Mother's Day in the morning and look at what is in our fountain d so good.

Are you having a good day?

Sunday, Mother's Day in the morning and look at what is in our fountain stop?

So good.

Are you having a good day?

Sunday, Mother's Day in the morning and look at what is in our fountain stop?

So good.

Are you having a good day?