5 New and Scary Horror Thrillers of 2024 to Watch if You Like ‘Abigail’

From blood-soaked vampires to psychological dramas and supernatural mysteries, the 2024 horror style has been a terrific expertise that retains on terrifying, not less than on the subject of theater releases.

Abigail is the newest launch within the 2024 catalog of horror movies, with audiences on the sides of their seats with hearts pounding in anxious terror.

What’s With Abigail?
Launched on 19th April, the movie follows a gaggle of criminals who’re tasked with babysitting a younger ballerina lady kidnapped from a harmful crime lord in alternate for a fifty million greenback ransom.

All they must do is stick with the lady, Abigail, performed by Alisha Weir, in a secluded mansion in a single day, after which they are going to accumulate the bounty. This looks as if an easy job for such an enormous bounty, however it doesn’t increase issues till later when the suspense and rigidity escalate in a balletic twist.

The captors begin to disappear one after the other, and to their horror, they uncover that the younger woman is not any peculiar lady however a bloodthirsty vampire who’s out searching.

The $50 million bounty on Abigail proves elusive and much more high-stakes than the highest jackpot from the best online casino. The seemingly common 12-year-old, now a vicious vampire, threatens any hope of turning into a millionaire.

Abigail manages to bop meticulously between horror and comedy because of its wacky excessive idea and stellar ensemble solid, which made the watching expertise scarily good. In addition to Abigail, 5 different big-screen thrillers and chillers will make for a terrifying watch.


1. Immaculate

Euphoria star Sydney Sweeney performs Cecilia, a loyal American nun who embarks on a non secular journey to a distant convent in Italy. She receives a heat welcome in her new residence, however, as you’d count on, issues rapidly flip sinister as soon as she begins uncovering darkish secrets and techniques and horrors hidden inside the convent’s partitions.

Immaculate combines all of the non secular scares you’ll be able to consider and pumps them up with some deliriously bloody and gory scenes that give it an R score. It’s a kind of movies that evokes “The Nun” vibes and is a must-watch!


2. Late Night time With the Satan

The Exorcist (1973) stays palms down one of many biggest horror movies of all time, exploring the realm of demonic possession.

Many movies have been impressed by the movie’s tapping into possession and exorcising themes. Nonetheless, solely a handful have been capable of do it, together with Aussie siblings Colin and Cameron Cairnes.

Of their movie Late Night time With the Satan, a late-night TV interview show goes wrong after Jack Delroy (David Dastmalchian) invitations an allegedly possessed younger lady onto the present.

A easy act meant to spice up rankings turns right into a nightmare because the lady unleashes evil terror onto the set and everybody else watching the present from residence. What occurs subsequent is healthier skilled than imagined. Time to seize your ticket!


3. Lisa Frankenstein

Zelda Williams nailed it along with her feature-length directorial debut, incomes her an 81% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. It’s simple to see why her movie was successful; take a campy eighties romance and horror movie and provides it a humour-filled trendy sensibility, and you’ll provide you with Lisa Frankenstein.

The horror rom-com follows a misunderstood teenage goth lady named Lisa (performed by Kathryn Newton) who continues to be grieving the tragic loss of life of her mom.

She unintentionally reanimates a Victorian-era corpse with lightning and kinds a novel bond with him. Lisa and her good-looking corpse embark on a darkly comedic journey to search out love, happiness, and perhaps even just a few lacking physique elements. That is your film if you’re into the traditional 80’s leisure vibe.


4. Cuckoo

Seventeen-year-old American lady Gretchen (performed by Hunter Schafer, recognized for her breakout function as Jules Vaughn within the hit HBO sequence “Euphoria”) reluctantly strikes to reside along with her estranged father at a seemingly idyllic resort nestled within the German Alps.

Nonetheless, not all the things is because it appears within the new abode. Quickly sufficient, Gretchen begins to expertise unusual noises and visions.

Slowly however absolutely, she uncovers a shocking secret about her household’s previous. As the road between actuality and phantasm blurs, Gretchen should confront the unsettling reality about her household historical past and the hidden horrors lurking inside the picturesque resort. Followers of psychological thrillers will undoubtedly love this!


5. Destroy All Neighbours

Final however not least on the subject of some scary humour is Destroy All Neighbours. Jonah Ray performs William Brown, a struggling prog-rock musician who finds his inventive course of hampered by his noisy neighbour, Vlad (Alex Winter).

Pushed to the brink, William confronts Vlad, resulting in a deadly accident. William unintentionally kills Vlad, setting off a series of occasions that throws his life into nightmarish chaos.

Determined to cowl up the homicide, William makes an attempt to eliminate Vlad’s physique. Nonetheless, his makes an attempt backfire, leading to a spree of unintended deaths and the creation of undead corpses.

The corpses start to torment William, and he quickly realises that he killed the neighbour from hell! Once more, this completely created high-concept thriller movie is a must-watch!

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