Look Back: Costume parties and island excursions | News, Sports, Jobs - News and Sentinel

Look Back: Costume parties and island excursions

Up In Hogan’s Alley

One of the funniest as well as most enjoyable social entertainments that have come to pass in Parkersburg was the “Yellow Kid” Halloween party given by Miss Ida Nelly Saturday evening.

Search the wide world over and it would be almost impossible to gather together a group of greater curiosities than were Miss Nellie’s guests in the latest edition of Hogan’s Alley – namely the corner of Tenth and Ann streets. The spacious dining room and kitchen of the Nelly home were elaborately decorated for the occasion with designs and signs familiar to Hogan’s Alley. Everything was in keeping with the famous retreat down to the tubs which served as card tables. The guests entered through the cellar and back doors. When all were assembled, souvenir cards, shaped like the Kid were distributed, and then a game of progressive euchre commenced. Three hands were played when the guests were summoned to the kitchen and grouped for a flash light picture taken by Mr. Korb. For good and bad card playing prizes were given to Mrs. Blackford, Miss Mattie Smith, Mr. Hill and C. A. Bukey. Then came supper served on pasteboard pie pans and on large wooden benches. The refreshments were delicious, consisting of pumpkin pie, wienerwurst, baked beans and sweet cider. The costumes displayed beggar description. Every phase of Bowery life was in evidence. Some of the make ups were especially clever to the minutest detail, even if not particularly handsome. By a unanimous expression it was agreed that the honors for unique appearance belonged to Miss Julia Wait, Miss Mattie Smith and Messrs. Aleshire, Hogg and Richard.

Our Hogan’s Alley editor is on the sick list otherwise a minute description of every costume would have been presented.

Among those who were present were: Miss Simmons of Pittsburgh; Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Blackford; Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Protzman; Mr. and Mrs. Waitman Barbe; Mrs. Pettigrew; Mrs. C. B. Blubaugh; Mrs. O’Connor; Misses Nettie and Julia Wait, Miss Orsina Lowry; Miss Mary Warder; Miss Despard; Miss Mattie Smith; Miss Pink Smith; Miss Blanche Dellicker; Miss Juliett Snodgrass; Miss Cora Turner; Mrs. William R. Grimes, of Marietta; Miss Mary Gould; Miss Gertrude Nelly.

Frank Waterman, Mr. Mickle, of Cincinnati; Dr. C. L. Muhleman, Wm. McConaughey, Ned Aleshire, H. B. Hogg, Jack Tygart, C. A. Bukey, W. J. Hill, F. K. Loomis, C. H. Richard, H. M. Patton, George Gambrill, W. Nelly, Will Cooper.

[Did the term Hogan’s Alley pique your interest? Google it.]


With a Historic Background. A Party of Pilgrims to Blennerhassett Island Have Their Photographs Taken

A pleasant party visited Blennerhassett Island yesterday afternoon, achieving the unusual feat of walking all the way across the river at that point, being easily cross dry-shod. An enjoyable couple of hours were spent viewing the scenes of Harman Blennerhassett’s ill-starred life there, the party securing several souvenirs of the historic spot, one of the most desirable being a photo of the group, taken by one of the party, with a Kodak.

Those who composed the party were: Mrs. Mildred Elliott, Mrs. Hill, Misses Jessie Athey, Nina Marquis, Jennie and Nannie Gardway, Gusta McAllister and Mae Carey. Messrs. Jack Cooper, Fred Huff, Blaine Richards, W. S. Watson, and Masters Ellis Athey and Frank Carey.


Struck By A Boulder

Walter Gerwig, the young son of E. C. Gerwig, was severely but fortunately not dangerously injured through the thoughtless act of another young boy named Murphy, Saturday evening.

Young Gerwig and some other boys were playing on the levee near the wharfboat, amusing themselves by throwing rocks into the river, when young Murphy threw a good-sized boulder in Walter Gerwig’s direction, with such unluckily bad aim that it struck the latter just over the eye, inflicting a deep and ugly gash, which penetrated to the bone, but fortunately did not fracture the skull.

The Parkersburg Daily State Journal

Nov. 1, 1897


Bob Enoch is president of the Wood County Historical and Preservation Society. If you have comments or questions about Look Back items, please contact him at: roberteenoch@gmail.com, or by mail at WCHPS, PO Box 565, Parkersburg, WV 26102.


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