Chapter 1: The financially responsible decision to buy an annual pass

This story begins with two Disney loving friends who excel in enabling each other in all sorts of shenanigans (mostly the good kind.) Topping this year’s list was my decision to purchase an annual pass for the first time ever. I had a week long trip with my family in September of 2023, and another trip planned with my retired RV friends who were planning to be in FL in late February 2024. So it really seemed like the financially responsible decision to purchase my first ever annual pass. Naturally, I shared this sound line of thinking with my Disney loving bestie, and she also determined that she needed her first ever annual pass because it was clearly the financially responsible thing to do. Also, this is the year of turning 50, so we deserved it. (Acutally she’s much older than me, having turned 50 in December. I don’t turn 50 until the end of June.)

[WARNING: Once you have an annual pass it seems to make sense to go to Disney more often, because the more times you go, the less expensive each trip is. Absolutely justifiable. And this is how two trips blossom into SIX trips. However, when you have to stay on Disney property (which I do) and you have to travel by plane (which I do) and you have to eat at all the great WDW restaurants (which I do) and you have to take advantage of your 20% pass holder merchandise discount (which I do) and you have to have all the proper park apparel & Mickey ears (which I do) you will spend waaaaaaaaay more money than you ever thought you would.]

Evidence of the four completed trips this year that don’t get trip reports because 1) I’m just not that ambitious, 2) not all of the folks involved were particularly thrilled to participate in photo ops, and 3) there’s probably only so much of my wordy narrative you guys would be willing to put up with:

(Our September 2023 Family Trip)

(October 2023 15th Birthday trip with my son)

(January 2024 VMX Veterinary Conference Trip)

(February 2024 trip with my dear friend (since 3rd grade!) who came up with the grand idea to create a Disney meet up while RVing in Florida)

Now since we both have APs, we decided that it was imperative that we plan our first ever Bestie Disney trip. Through the years, we have been to Disney several times with our own families, and once together with a group of friends for the Wine & Dine half marathon. And there have been extensive planning sessions and consultations for our various separate trips, but never have we just had a trip to ourselves. And so this is the story of two best friends touring Disney World exactly the way we wanted to without having to worry about making anyone else happy.

This is April, my top fan and enabler, the Daisy to my Minnie, and my BFF since 7th grade:

She rocks the Mickey ears, which is a good thing since she probably owns like 50 pairs. Also, you need to know that these ears actually smell like beignets!!

Our story takes place over last weekend, May 10-13. Because what better thing for moms to do on Mother’s Day weekend than ditch the kids and go to Disney World? (And in case you were wondering, no children were harmed in the execution of this trip. They are all teenagers who have been to Disney multiple times, and we would have made them ride Small World with us anyway if they came, which for all of them is worse than the ninth circle of hell.)

Stay tuned for Chapter 2.


Looking forward to seeing your trip! I too turned 50 this year, back in April so I guess I too am a lot older than you! :rofl:


You and @catdrj are both wicked old. I am not 50 for another 6 weeks yet. I’m just a tiny baby.

Looking forward to seeing this trip report unfold!


Well darn. Maybe I need to plan another trip this year for all my 50-year-old Touring Plans friends! That will make my annual pass even less expensive per trip!


2 months for me so I guess I am a lot younger than all of you!


Chapter 2: On our way to our happy place!

OK. I know planes are not very exciting. (And the kind of plane rides that are exciting don’t end well, so I’m not complaining about boring plane rides.) But here’s what worth reporting: 1) We had a 7 AM flight that was delayed to 8:00 AM. Initially, there was sadness, but nothing an airport mimosa with your BFF couldn’t fix, and 2) when we left Wisconsin it was around 46 degrees, so our humid 90 degree Florida weekend was a bit of a shocker to our systems. We conquered and thrived nonetheless.

Also not very exciting is the Orlando airport tram, but I love it because it marks the start of my Disney vacation in my mind. Every time I ride, I have to announce “It’s just like Seven Dwarves Mine Train!” My kids used to laugh, but now they roll their eyes and pretend they’ve never met me when I say it. But April laughed. Which is one of the many reasons I was glad to be there with her.

I’d say we look fairly fresh for a 4 AM wake up call and temp jump of 50 degrees. It must be Disney magic.

We arrived at the Poly close to 1 PM. I can’t say enough about how much I LOVE the Poly. It smells soooo good. And the tiki torches. And the Dole Whip. And castle views. We rented DVC points to stay in a deluxe studio, which was perfect for us. At check-in we received our leis, got our requested building (Tokelau), and much to our surprise, our room was ready!!! As the cast member was finishing up his spiel about locations and such, I turned to see that April was no longer standing next to me. Which could mean only one thing: there must be a character nearby. [This is something you need to know about April: She loses her mind about the characters. As in, when she met Chip & Dale in their Dino jammies last fall, she brought them a stuffed acorn as a gift to share and she actually cried tears of joy when they played with the acorn.] So you can imagine the magic that ensued when Pluto and Goofy posed for selfies with us within moments of checking in.

That’s the look of pure joy on her face.

A quick stroll to our room to change into proper park touring clothes (specifically shorts and Mickey ears) and we were on the monorail to Magic Kingdom.

We had purchased our Genie+ first thing in the morning, so we were prepared with a solid starting lineup of our fave rides which kept us busy until our 6 pm ‘Ohana ressie. And of course, the best way to start an ‘Ohana dinner is with a Lapu Lapu. There can be no arguing about this.

Full of coconut bread, noodles, and bread pudding, we hopped back over to Magic Kingdom to finish our ride lineup and watch Happily Ever After, which is gives me almost the same level of joy April gets from meeting her character friends. My new favorite mug that I picked up last September says it all:

Seriously, Happily Ever After never gets old for me.

And that was a wrap for our first day because we needed to get a decent sleep before our BIG day on Saturday…


Excellent start to your report! :star_struck:

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Clearly I am the baby of the bunch since I don’t turn 50 until October! :wink: :hedgehog:

What a fabulous idea for a trip! I would love to spend a long weekend at WDW with a friend.


OMG I love Chapter 1 already!!

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I like to say it’s the first trip of the season and a knock off People Mover.

I turn 50 in November! (2031) But I’m older than a lot of 60 yr olds so it averages.


:rofl: :rofl: excited to read!

I love your Bestie’s Swiftie inspired shirt :heart_eyes: I have the same one!

The best night time show, so glad they came to their senses and brought it back

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I’m going to steal this. I need new material for the next time I go with my kids.

Her Swiftie fan status almost rivals her Disney fan status. We had to get a photo of her in front of the speedway with SM in the background to mark the debut of that shirt. :slight_smile:


Also, if it’s raining when you land you can tell them that you brought them the 8th wonder of the world (and see if they get the joke).
ETA: Rough landing? Astro Orbiter, MCO style
EETA: Rough Uber ride? Just the crash course for Test Track!

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Chapter 3: 4 Parks 1 Day challenge

It’s undoubtedly been done before. Many times, and in many various ways. But in all our years of going to Disney neither April or I have been to all 4 parks in one day, and we wanted to do something different and memorable, and so we designed our own mission. Here was our version of the 4 Parks One Day challenge:

  • Use all 4 modes of transportation.
  • Ride at least 2 rides in each park.
  • Enjoy a snack in each park.
  • Attend at least one diversion, show, or character meet in each park.
  • Obtain at least one iconic photo pass pic in each park.
  • Achieve one additional random mission in each park.
  • Open the starting park and close the ending park.

The random mission was determined by a fun little “spin the wheel app” April used. With the help of her Disney loving family, she brainstormed several random options and loaded them into the app ahead of time. During transport to each park, I got to spin the wheel to determine the random mission.


We started by rope dropping Animal Kingdom. Coffee in hand, we arrived at the bus stop by 6:35 AM for a 7:30 AM opening. I know…amateur mistake according to proper rope dropping strategy. We should have been there by 6:25 at the latest. But I could not find my super cute Mickey earrings I bought specially for this day, and if anyone understands fashion emergencies, it’s April, so she was patient while I rummaged through my packing cubes 3 times before finally surrendering to my old standby Mickey earrings. (Spoiler alert: I remembered where I packed them the next day. The almost 50 year brain is reaching the storage capacity limit.) For the record, I wear the same pair of earrings approximately 360 days a year, so I’m not sure why I let this issue potentially derail our plans, but Disney outfits are planned months in advance so I guess it was the principle. So we weren’t anywhere near with front of the rope drop line, but we definitely made rope drops and thankfully were still able to pretty much walk on Flight of Passage.

(Note April’s AK ears. She brought different ears for each park.)

A few minutes after 8 am, we were done with FOP and ready to check another item off our list: Snack! Well, actually also breakfast, and we chose a Mickey Bar. Don’t judge. We are from the dairy state and therefore anything with milk in it counts as breakfast. Also, I know you have had a Mickey pretzel for breakfast, and that cheese sauce…delicious as it may be…doesn’t even count as real dairy. And as an additional defense, while the cast member at the cart did confirm that we were her first Mickey bar sale today, she had already sold two Bud Lights before 8 am. So our breakfast choice could have been less responsible. By the time we finished our ice cream, we were ready to use our first LL selection at Kilimanjaro Safaris. Our safari leader was probably the best I’ve ever had. Exceptionally informative and witty. April made sure to submit a cast compliment for him. After that, we strolled over to Everest for a standby walk-on, and then completed our bonus challenge by riding again using the single rider line.

After Everest, we wandered to the front of the park to get our photo op and see Winged Encounters to check the diversion/show off our list.

It was fun wearing these t-shirts because we had people cheering us on and inquiring as to which park we were on all day long!

I love this little show even more after seeing behind the scenes on the Magic of Disney’s Animal Kingdom docuseries on Disney+.

We were out of the park and waiting for our hopper bus before 10 am.

And here’s how the AK list looked completed:

Transportation: Bus
Ride at least 2 rides: FoP, KS (LL), and Everest (standby and single rider)
Iconic Snack: Mickey Bar
Show/Diversion/Character: Winged Encounters
Iconic Photo: Tree of Life
Random Mission: Ride an attraction using the single rider line

Next up…Hollywood!


All genius ideas! I can’t wait for all new eye rolls! :rofl:



On the bus ride over to HS, April refreshed her ears to her vintage Hollywood Minnie style and I spun the wheel to reveal our next mission, which was to pixie dust a cast member. We were on Sunset Blvd and on our way to Tower of Terror (my favorite ride in HS) before 11 AM. As you can see below, the guy in front of us managed to Mike Wazowski both of us in a single feat! (I’m not mad…I’m sure I’ve Mike Wazowski’d many an innocent bystander on this ride, as the only acceptable way to ride this is with your hands in the air. Well, except for my first time ever riding it, during which I grabbed the leg of the lady next to me on the first drop, and I’ll apologize again if this was you.)

Here is our iconic photo op:

The photo pass cast member spent a lot of time with us getting a bunch of fun poses, and she was so kind and funny, so she got pixie dusted with an “I create happiness” sticker and a cast compliment.

Next up: carrot cake whoopie pie from the Trolley Car Cafe! This might just be my favorite treat in all of Disney World, although Dole Whip is right up there as well.

April needed to add Edna Mode’s autograph to her collection, so that was the show/diversion/character we opted for. On the way over to meet her, Chip & Dale were spotted, but they were heading off for an acorn break, and their line was long, so April reluctantly waved to her friends from the distance and moved on. Edna did not disappoint. She was charismatic, confident, and a little sassy.

We then used Genie+ to ride MMRR (April’s favorite ride in HS) and grabbed a quick counter service lunch while waiting to use our next TSMM LL.

April declared that the TSMM loser should have to buy the next snack. Challenge accepted. I’m far from attaining high score status, but I have a husband and sons who have certain expectations of me when it comes to performance within our Toy Story vehicle, and I have therefore had some intense training. Let’s just say that I would have brought honor to my family and therefore April had to buy the next snack.

What I won’t tell my family is that we didn’t even set foot into Galaxy’s Edge before departing the park. As much as I love Galaxy’s Edge, we just didn’t have time to weave through those crowds. So if you see my Jedi loving family, you are sworn to secrecy on this matter or else I risk being excommunicated.

Here’s how the HS list looked completed:

Transportation: Bus
Ride at least 2 rides: ToT (LL), MMRR (LL), TSMM (LL)
Iconic Snack: Carrot Cake Whoopie Pie
Show/Diversion/Character: Edna Mode
Iconic Photo: ToT and Chinese Theatre
Random Mission: Pixie Dust a cast member - ToT Photopass cast member

Next up: EPCOT!


Really enjoying your whole trip report, but especially this 4P1D challenge!

Love the spin-the-wheel idea! I see a few apps in my (iPhone) store; if you have a moment, which one are you using?


Been there for sure!!

This sound great!! What a fun way to do it!!