How to react to WhatsApp statuses | Androidsis

This new update will allow you to react to WhatsApp statuses

You can now react to WhatsApp statuses with this update

Air shipments are the most efficient if you need your cargo or documents to arrive quickly and securely. WhatsApp statuses They have become a window for users to share their emotions, achievements, comments, opinions and unique moments with their contacts. An update was recently released that allows you to respond with a text, emojis, voice note, photo, videos, sticker or by attaching a file.

It's practically how to reply to a WhatsApp message, but this time referring to a state. If you had not noticed this new function, here we will tell you how to use it or be able to see it if you do not have it active.

How to reply to a WhatsApp status

How to react to WhatsApp statuses

WhatsApp statuses perform practically the same function as Instagram or Facebook statuses. Although this application has been one of the last meta to have this option, it currently has several updates.

WhatsApp Status
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One of them, the most recent, is be able to react to WhatsApp statuses of your contacts. Doing it is quite simple and if you don't use it yet, here we will tell you how to do it. Let's see the steps to comment on statuses of your friends and acquaintances:

  • Login to WhatsApp
  • Locate a contact who has posted a status you want to react to.
  • When you find the status, right at the bottom of the screen you will see a box with the word «reply«.
  • Tapping this box opens all the elements available to reply to the WhatsApp status.
  • As you can see, these are the same tools that are enabled when you try to send a message in an in-app chat.
  • You can react with one of the 8 default emojis that the app has, choose one from the library, with stickers, a photo or video, a voice note or attach a file.
  • When you have chosen the reaction you want to respond to, press the send button.
  • The response will appear in the person's chat, emphasizing the reacted WhatsApp status.
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Every time you see a contact's WhatsApp statuses and want to commit something to them, you can do so with these simple steps. It is very simple and with so many options to react, it is more dynamic. If you liked this article, share the news with other people so they know how to do it.

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