National Police Week 2024 May 12-18 – Oneida Dispatch Skip to content
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In 1962, President John F. Kennedy signed Public Law 87-726 designating May 15 as Peace Officers’ Memorial Day, and the week in which May 15 falls as National Police Week.

The Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, Public Law 103-322, signed by President Bill Clinton, directing that the flag of the United States be displayed at half-staff on all government buildings on May 15 each year, amended the law. While the actual dates change from year to year, National Police Week is always the calendar week, beginning on Sunday, which includes May 15.

National Police Week pays special recognition to those law enforcement officers who have lost their lives in the line of duty for the safety and protection of others.

There are roughly 900,000 law enforcement officers serving in communities across the United States. Nearly 60,000 assaults against law enforcement officers are reported each year, resulting in approximately 16,000 injuries. Since the first recorded death in 1791, more than 20,000 law enforcement officers in the United States have made the ultimate sacrifice and been killed in the line of duty.

The Oneida County Sheriff’s Office honors all law enforcement not only from their office and also nationwide.