Polish mother assaulted in Inverness during search for child’s sweets

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Polish mother assaulted in Inverness during search for child’s sweets

By Court Reporter

Inverness Sheriff Court.
Inverness Sheriff Court.

A mother in search of her child's sweets was assaulted and racially abused when she asked two women if they had seen them.

Inverness Sheriff Court heard Bethany Maclennan (20), of the city’s Baron Taylor's Street, was drinking alcohol with a friend in Benula Road on the evening of May 4 last year.

Sheriff Gary Aitken heard a Polish woman approached them and asked if they had seen the sweets.

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Fiscal depute Victoria Silver said Maclennan swore at her and was asked not to do so in front of the child.

The woman was then racially abused, seized by the hair and body and thrown to the ground.

Maclennan admitted a charge of assault.

Defending, Lindsay Barber told the court: "My client had been drinking alcohol in the garden with a friend, comments were made and she reacted disgracefully."

Maclennan was fined £550.

Sheriff Gary Aitken told her: "I trust you have learned a lesson that being drunk is no excuse for being horrible to people."

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