Universidad Panamericana | UP BJGS and IMNIS together for the benefit of equality
UP BJGS and IMNIS together for the benefit of equality

Mexico City, May 16, 2024.- The Bufete Jurídico Gratuito Social (BJGS) of the Universidad Panamericana celebrated the signing of a collaboration agreement with the Instituto de las Mujeres Naucalpenses y la Igualdad Sustantiva (IMNIS).

UP BJGS and IMNIS together for the benefit of equality

Support for Naucalpan women

The objective of this agreement is to carry out joint activities to promote and implement actions in the areas of substantive equality, gender perspective, prevention, attention and eradication of violence against women in Naucalpan.

In this way, the BJGS will provide legal assistance and/or legal representation in civil and criminal matters and conflict mediation to Naucalpan women who require it and who have been referred by the IMNIS.

The law firm may provide the service of the emotional support and/or therapy program it has for possible victims of domestic violence that are channeled by the municipality through the agreement.

For its part, the IMNIS will provide spaces for events, workshops, and joint talks. Likewise, it will attend to women from Naucalpa who are referred by the BJGS in the services provided by the IMNIS.

It is important to note that Ms. Fabiola Ruiz Rocha was responsible for reaching this agreement and will be leading its implementation by the BJGS.

UP BJGS and IMNIS together for the benefit of equality

Equality and gender equity in Mexico

In Mexico, the call for gender equality and equity has been a permanent crusade. In Naucalpan, according to INEGI's 2021 report, 33.1% of women reported having suffered various types of violence throughout their lives and in some cases, repeatedly .

Women experience more violence in the community setting with 45.6%, followed by in the intimate partner relationship with 39.9%, in the school setting with 32.3% and, finally, in the workplace with 27.9%.

In Naucalpan, the areas with the highest percentages are community and intimate partner violence with 27.2% and 21% respectively, which places this municipality as the 4th in terms of violence against women in the State of Mexico.

It is for these reasons that IMNIS and BJGS, in their quest to improve the living situation of Naucalpan women, sought to sign an agreement to expand the support options for women citizens.

UP BJGS and IMNIS together for the benefit of equality

About IMNIS and BJGS

The Institute of Naucalpan Women and Substantive Equality is a space to provide care, support and advice to women, adolescents and girls, promote their wellbeing and prevent, address and eradicate gender violence.

For more than 30 years, the Bufete Jurídico Gratuito Social has been committed to the mission of providing free legal assistance to individuals and families with limited resources in Mexico. Founded at the initiative of students and professors of the Law School of Universidad Panamericana, this law firm has left a positive mark on the lives of more than 51,000 people.

Learn more about the BJGS at: www.bufetejuridicogratuito.org.mx