I found out about pipping hot tea (family drama) after my baby shower. Now things make sense. Because I had some very RUDE family - Relationships | Forums | What to Expect
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I found out about pipping hot tea (family drama) after my baby shower. Now things make sense. Because I had some very RUDE family guests.

Okay! So I had a baby shower a couple of weeks ago right?! Overall it was an amazing experience and I had a lot of supportive friends and family friends there and mostly supportive family. Which I love! There were 2 of my cousins there however who walked in to my baby shower in a very negative just bad mood. I mean my mom was there and noticed immediately as well. I don’t feel like we deserved this treatment though and here’s why. So me and my mom were NOT aware of anything that was going on with the family drama, because no one told us at the time. Anyways as I was saying these cousins of ours came in just acting mad like we wronged them somehow. When I tell you everyone else there was smiling and congratulating me on my pregnancy and expressing how excited they have been for me, while these cousins had their arms crossed frowning acting like they didn’t want to be there. I thought it was odd to come into a happy occasion with that kind of vibe. So fast forward I’m walking back to my table with food , my cousin who is an older woman (40s) comes up to me and says it the most condescending way “Are you really even excited about this baby?” I said “yes I’m very excited” she was like “you sure? Really?” And I said yes again. She looked me up and down and said “well, congrats” and just walked away. Who does that right?? The way she was asking wasn’t like a concerned family member, more like someone who was mad or trying to dig up dirt on someone while asking questions. Also , they are the only people who didn’t bring a gift for the baby. So you’re telling me out of 30 people they are the only ones who go didn’t get a gift, not even a pair of socks?? It was intentional. So here’s the drama , the older cousin I mentioned, brought her daughter who’s a few years younger than me. Well younger cousin did some horrible things to another one of my cousins ( let’s just say her marriage is probably going to end) that’s all I can give you guys as context for the drama cause honestly it’s really bad and would be a whole soap opera. Well I’d say an hour into the baby shower the mom and daughter cousin duo came up to me and were like “we’re leaving we have somewhere else to go” and just left. Ends up after getting the full story from other family members, these duo assumed me and my mom knew about what was going on. They also assumed that we were bad talking them( they’re conscious was guilty) we didn’t even know about it so how would we be trash talking them? Yea, but I’m on my married cousins side because the mother daughter duo was wrong. They literally ruined her marriage , she’s heartbroken and it makes me mad that they have been trying to play the victim. Im also considering not bringing my baby around if those two will be where I’m going, or just not showing up in general in solidarity to my cousin who was wronged. I know some people may think picking sides in family drama is wrong, but I have a moral code that I follow and if I see something as wrong I’m not going to turn a blind eye and act like deplorable behavior is okay. But yea there’s a smidge a tea. I’m pretty strong on my stance about it I will def distance myself from the cousin’s that did my other cousin wrong. I feel awful that my cousin who was wronged is going through this. The betrayal from the younger cousin I bet is what’s worse because they were super super close, I’m talking sibling level bestie close.

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