Using donor sperm and IVF to create rainbow babiesIn a significant move, the Cumberland Council has overturned a previous ban on books depicting same-sex parents, much to the delight of Equality Australia and Caroline Staples, a local grandmother.

The decision, made with a 12 to 2 majority vote, marks a victory for inclusivity and diversity.

Caroline Staples, a long-time resident and grandmother to a rainbow family, praised the council for aligning with the community’s values of inclusiveness, allowing every child the opportunity to thrive. Before the vote, she presented two petitions with over 51,000 signatures, demonstrating widespread support for the reversal.

“I’m grateful for the overwhelming support to lift the ban, ensuring visibility and safety for children of rainbow families,” expressed Ms. Staples.

Ghassan Kassisieh, Legal Director of Equality Australia, celebrated the return of the contested book to library shelves, highlighting the community’s rejection of censorship and family erasure. “We stand against the divisive culture wars that threaten our diverse society,” he stated.

Ashley Scott, Executive Officer of Rainbow Families, emphasized the importance of the vote, asserting that it sends a resounding message of acceptance for rainbow families and underscores the role of reading in children’s understanding of their world.

Cathie Warburton, CEO of the Australian Library and Information Association, reiterated the role of public libraries in serving the entire community and thanked the council for its prompt action in maintaining a diverse and representative library collection.

This reversal is a testament to the community’s commitment to freedom of choice in reading and the recognition of all families within the public domain.