Kamala Harris swears while advising young minority voters: 'Kick the f---ing door down' | Just The News

Kamala Harris swears while advising young minority voters: 'Kick the f---ing door down'

The former California attorney general dropped the curse word when urging young voters to break down barriers, even if they get hurt in the process.

Published: May 13, 2024 4:40pm

Vice President Kamala Harris dropped a swear word into a talk on Monday advising young voters at a health forum discussion for Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander organizations.

Harris has been leading the Biden-Harris re-election campaign's advocacy for women’s reproductive rights. She was also appointed the administration's lead to fix the U.S. border and immigration crisis, though she has received a lot of pushback because the crisis is still ongoing.

The former California attorney general dropped the curse word when urging young voters to break down barriers, even if they get hurt in the process.

“We have to know that sometimes people will open the door for you and leave it open, sometimes they won't and you need to kick that f---ing door down” Harris said, according to the Guardian. “Here’s the thing about breaking down barriers. It does not mean that you start on one side of the barrier and end up on another. There’s breaking involved. And when you break things you get cut and you may bleed, and it is worth it every time.”

Harris was elected as the first female vice president in 2020, and is also the country's first black and first Asian American vice president. 

National leaders try not to curse in public, but there have been other times that a swear word slips out. The late president Lyndon Johnson was known for cursing frequently, and the late President Harry Truman once referred to Gen. Douglas MacArthur as a "son of a b----." 

President Joe Biden is known for cursing behind the scenes, but some of his cursing have been caught through a hot mic. He has previously called former President Donald Trump a "sick f---*" and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a "bad f---ing guy."

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