Two accidents in Tyrol - Motorcyclist “shot down” by car and small truck |

Two accidents in Tyrol

Motorcyclist “shot down” by car and small truck

15.05.2024 09:21

Two serious traffic accidents involving injured motorcyclists occurred in Tyrol on Tuesday evening: in Telfs, a couple was hit by a car, and in Hall, a biker and his companion were hit by a small truck. All four people suffered injuries.

The accident in Telfs in the Oberland region occurred shortly after 6 pm. A 45-year-old local man was riding his motorcycle on the B171 Tiroler Straße in a westerly direction. His wife of the same age was sitting on the passenger seat. "At the Telfs-Ost traffic circle, the duo were already driving out in the direction of Telfer Allee when they were hit by a car driven by an 18-year-old," reported the police.

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The motorcyclist's wife was thrown onto the hood of the car and then onto the road as a result of the impact.

Die Polizei

Injured couple taken to hospital
"The motorcyclist's wife was thrown onto the hood of the car and then onto the road as a result of the impact," the investigators continued. Her husband also fell. Both were injured and taken to Zams Hospital by ambulance.

Motorcycle and van collided
There was a similar accident in Hall shortly after 9.30 pm. A small truck collided with a motorcycle at the B171/B171a junction on Unterer Stadtplatz. The pair of bikers - an Austrian (59) and a French woman (42) on the pillion - suffered injuries. After first aid, the duo were taken to the regional hospital in Hall.

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