Is there any reason to play this over the original? - Ganker

Is there any reason to play this over the original?

Is there any reason to play this over the original? The woke character designs are a huge turn-off and the visuals look less atmospheric.

  1. 7 hours ago

    >woke character designs

    • 6 hours ago

      how was turning the assassin from a white goth chick into a frumpy moon-faced jungle asian not woke?

      • 6 hours ago

        Is there any reason to play this over the original? The woke character designs are a huge turn-off and the visuals look less atmospheric.

        The sorceress and necromancer look fine.
        There is no point to playing other characters.

        The Amazon looks like a man (it was even worse before release to be fair on this one)
        The paladin has exaggerated Black person features and unkempt hair that doesn't belong on a disciplined soldier
        The barbarian looks more like the nerd who programmed the game instead of a warrior
        The assassin went from a hot goth lady to some racist asian caricature
        I don't remember what the druid looks like, who cares about the druid

        this is how a mental illnes looks

        • 6 hours ago

          this is what mental illness looks like

          • 6 hours ago

            >starts going troony AFTER the hairline has already retreated
            incredible lack of self awareness, definitely has removed all mirrors from his home

        • 6 hours ago

          >only mentally ill people want to see attractive characters
          I am so glad the industry has realized they are burning money listening to morons like you
          you lost the culture war
          Big breasts and hot faces are returning cause that’s what people want

      • 6 hours ago

        she does look fricking ugly as shit now.

      • 6 hours ago

        this is the worst. amazon actually looked OK imo. but the assassin was intolerable.

        • 5 hours ago

          Agreed. I like the new amazon even if her massive jugs aren’t as prominent now

    • 6 hours ago

      Do you c**ts ever get exhausted b***hing about shit that doesn't matter?

      >Cultural Marxism

      Trannies just can't stop gaslighting, can they?

      • 5 hours ago

        Why are you asking? You're one of them you annoying tourist

  2. 7 hours ago

    No reason to play the original if you have this. It's just a better looking game. Act 4 is a little laggy though.

    • 6 hours ago

      >It's just a better looking game
      idk, this looks like a mobile game to me, and nowhere near as dark/atmoshperic as the original

      • 6 hours ago

        Just put some shades on while you play.

      • 5 hours ago

        What are you playing this on? A toaster? You must have resolution scaling turned down to 5% and everything else on the lowest settings possible. I didn't even know D2R could look this blurry.

      • 5 hours ago

        That's a screenshot from the alpha, I can tell because of the early portals which were widely criticized. The game was a lot less flat and lifeless by release.

        • 4 hours ago

          what do they eat?

          • 3 hours ago

            rogue ass

  3. 7 hours ago

    It has sundering charms and has in,game events that max out the level of a specific zone

  4. 6 hours ago

    old good new bad

    • 6 hours ago

      The sorceress and necromancer look fine.
      There is no point to playing other characters.

      The amazon looks like a man (it was even worse before release to be fair on this one)
      The paladin has exaggerated Black person features and unkempt hair that doesn't belong on a disciplined soldier
      The barbarian looks more like the nerd who programmed the game instead of a warrior
      The assassin went from a hot goth lady to some racist asian caricature
      I don't remember what the druid looks like, who cares about the druid

  5. 6 hours ago

    You can turn on old grpahics, but you'll regret doing so as the framerate is very noticeable nowadays.

    • 6 hours ago

      its more noticeable playing the new game with old graphics. when i load up the old Diablo II.exe and my monitor spazzes out trying to get into 800x600 i lose all sense of giving a shit about modern graphics and frame rates

      • 6 hours ago

        Kudos to you. 25 is something I can't tolerate anymore.

        • 4 hours ago
          Fat Fuck Who Fasts Then Pigs Out

          What's crazy is, if you set your monitor to 75hz, then use Desktop BFI to flicker two black frames and allow one real frame, simulating strobed 25hz, the game looks fricking smooth as hell. Same thing can be done for 24 fps movies. It's just flickery because LCD sucks at strobing that slow of a frequency. But it's still silky smooth.

  6. 6 hours ago

    >mmo catchup mechanics

    • 5 hours ago

      >original D2
      >every autist plays it like a Korean MMO
      >D2 remaster gets tailored for the autists
      Get real

  7. 6 hours ago

    In ressurected, even with an ssd the load times are way to long, Especially in act 5, taking a way point it takes a good 5+ seconds to load the area you are going to.

  8. 6 hours ago

    silence tourist

  9. 6 hours ago
    RFK 2024

    Do you c**ts ever get exhausted b***hing about shit that doesn't matter?

    • 6 hours ago

      If any form of display of cultural Marxism is in a product, the product doesn't exist

      • 6 hours ago
        RFK 2024

        >cultural marxism
        bro it's upressed assets of characters that have existed for 25 years

      • 6 hours ago

        >Cultural Marxism

        • 5 hours ago

          I mean yes. Diablo 2 R isn't woke shit so let's get that out of the way but, Cultural Marxism as coined by Peterstein is just a way to describe something being witnessed so yes it is in his/our minds. It is an observation of people applying Marxist zero sum bs to cultural causes which is contradictory.

          • 5 hours ago

            >Cultural marxism as coined by literally who
            >Frankfurt school, Althuser, Post Structuralism, Post Colonialism, Gramscianism... Doesn't exist
            >Don't be [apply rule 6]
            All socialist must be killed

            • 5 hours ago

              Coined doesn't strictly mean invented, but popularized
              But Peterson sucks israeli wieners for a living now

              • 5 hours ago

                No idea who that is

                you're talking about forcing something on others? you don't even know what marxism is and just use as a buzzword to justify your hateful opinions

                All socialist must be killed. No getting away like after 1945 and 1990. All socialist means all socialist need to be annihilated

              • 5 hours ago

                oh, so to all socialist to be killed you mean nazis should have won?

                who would have tought you were a nazi!
                also, you didn't refute my point LMAO

                try reading a book for once
                or if you are that eager to ignore facts just to spread hate, just pull the trigger already

                don't bother replying, i'm outta here. talking to a nazi burguertard is like talking to a wall

              • 5 hours ago

                National Socialist are socialists, don't deny your brown brothers. All socialist means all socialist need to be killed.

              • 4 hours ago

                This. Both are collectivist insectoid ideologies for subhuman bugmen. Exterminate them like overgrown termites they are.

    • 6 hours ago

      I'll keep b***hing if they keep forcing shit that obviously doesn't belong.

  10. 6 hours ago

    It's the same game with higher resolution assets, depends on how much that matters to you

    • 6 hours ago

      Why are you lying Anon? it's not the same game, the Amazon and Assassin are ugly diversity and the pathfinding is worse.

    • 5 hours ago

      It's the same game but they added some cool new runewords, improved shitty builds like throw barb/fire druid/etc, and added a charm that removes blanket immunities. It's a lot more enjoyable to pick up and play a fresh ladder start than D2 IMO.

  11. 6 hours ago

    Is it just me or did they censor out all the dead concubines in the palace harem?

  12. 6 hours ago

    we're being raided and op drew in the morons by saying "woke"

    • 5 hours ago

      Yep bigtime raid vibes.

      • 5 hours ago

        >2 autists complaining about coombait being changed are a raid
        Why are D2R threads always filled with the most deranged schizos on Ganker?

  13. 6 hours ago

    why are jeets trying to scam people into buying this busted crap...again
    they ruined all the systems that made the game fun

  14. 6 hours ago

    sorc is too fat'
    assassin is a post wall jungle asian'
    amazon looked like a mean middle aged women, but it suited her imo and wasnt as bad as the others.'
    of course everyone only complains about amazon and not the fat sorc or assassin.

    Everyone has bad taste but me, unironically.

  15. 5 hours ago

    >make /misc/slop OP
    >samegay >/pol/slop fpbp
    >instant 200+ reply thread with multiple hits of dopamine (You)s
    wowzers this heckin website rules!

    • 5 hours ago


  16. 5 hours ago

    >get an easy (You) by not following the legion anonymous XD LOLZERS narrative
    thanks for the free dopamine

  17. 5 hours ago

    the core systems of the game didn't work, the game finder was busted, they can't stop the spammers in chat, there's no battlenet, they ruined pvp etc etc etc

    • 5 hours ago

      >they ruined pvp etc etc etc
      Yeah, that's why every PvPer moved to D2R. Because it was ruined.

      • 5 hours ago


        • 5 hours ago

          Have you tried getting good? You haven't because you don't pvp. It's not needed because infinite fhr lock doesn't exist anymore.

          • 4 hours ago

            no one should be playing this trash dogshit, stop shilling crap

            • 4 hours ago

              You mentioned the glitch and I told you the exact reason why no one that actually pvps cares anymore. They patched out the reason why people used it in the first place. You don't even play Diablo, do you? You're just here to b***h about inane shit.

  18. 5 hours ago

    >create character
    >run around act1 for 20 minutes
    >get helmet
    >character's face is never exposed again

    wow, such a problem indeed

    • 5 hours ago

      Can't have it both. Either get "free" money to help marxist with their attempt to force a top down cultural dystopia and destroy your brand in the process - or don't take the "free" money and keep the brand intact for another few decades

      • 5 hours ago

        you're talking about forcing something on others? you don't even know what marxism is and just use as a buzzword to justify your hateful opinions

  19. 5 hours ago

    not really

  20. 5 hours ago

    is there a mod for original D2LOD so you can play in 1080p without fricking up your resolution or zooming out to the moon?

    • 4 hours ago

      Personally I prefer the OG graphics although the remaster is quite good. The classic mode in the remaster looks like shit. This is worth checking out if you're playing LoD
      D2R does have new patches which look decent although I haven't tried them. LoD has some interesting mods. I played ProjectD2 a bit, decent but has some flaws. Then there's MedianXL...

      See D2GL above. What you're asking implies upscaling the original resolution somehow. D2GL offers a bunch of different effects to do this but none of them look exactly like the original.

      • 4 hours ago

        That was good for a single season when it was brand new and then it went full moronic. Is Path of Diablo still active? I think I'd much rather play that instead.

        • 4 hours ago

          I think so. I also liked the Resurgence mod. It has a small community but they still do new seasons.

  21. 4 hours ago

    If I'm playing current patch, I'd play D2R
    If I'm playing peak D2, I'd play 1.09 with D2GL

    • 4 hours ago

      I tried playing 1.09 again with a necro and holy shit, it was fricking terrible. I have no idea how I beat hell mode as a necro back then. All of his skills are absolute garbage without synergies.

      • 4 hours ago

        Anyone playing necro got carried hard in multiplayer. Shit was useless on bosses that just aoe one shot your minions.

        • 4 hours ago

          I think I remember grinding for gear like crazy and then just using lower resist + bone spirit (since LR lowered magic resist back then and bone spirit did more damage than spear). It was still fricking horrible but it allowed me to beat hell mode. I don't have the patience to do that nowadays. He's just too shitty in the 1.09 patch.

          • 4 hours ago

            Even nowadays I hate starting out as summoner necro because he's miserable to get going without at least +5 to +8 summoning skills on your gear.
            Granted, it's not HARD to gear, necro actually gets the easiest access to +skills gear with his wands and heads, so if you carry over gear from another character he's much smoother. But I will never get the point of people saying Summoner is one of the best chars in D2 because he just takes far too much to get going. He's safe, he won't die because he has a football team protecting him, but it is tedious, slow, and has so many roadblocks where you spend 15 minutes swapping between clay golem and iron maiden on bosses because your skellies just won't survive.
            Ironically it's much easier on Hell overall because your skellies get a huge boost to stats in each difficulty, and by then you've got all your gear finalized and your synergies maxed.

            • 4 hours ago

              I like summonmancer in hardcore. It's very chill and easy as a ladder starter. I wouldn't start ladder with him if I was playing softcore. If I was softcore, I'd start out as bone and then swap to poison after grinding Eldritch for 3 piece trangs for the - psn resist and poison damage buff.

              • 4 hours ago

                I never really liked spell necro, I get that it's sorc but without as many immunities to magic, but it still discount sorc in almost every situation,
                If you could force me to play hardcore on ladder I would probably go with Bowazon, or even Throw Barb. Neither is particularly strong but they're incredibly safe to play and the few threats to them (like gloams) you can just reroll the maps on if they're that much of a concern. Throw barb is shitty without some key equipments but fortunately (or unfortunately) nobody is going to care about hoarding eth it might be hard to find someone that's actually holding on to a couple of them, but at least it won't cost you multiple jahs to pick them up.

              • 4 hours ago

                A fully geared poison necro full screen clears P8 very easily. He's one of the strongest builds in the game from a PvM standpoint. Dweb is also very cheap to trade for. Most people only ask for a sur or so if it isn't perfect. He's also very strong in hardcore with one point in revives for a meatshield.

              • 4 hours ago

                Yeah death's web is insane but it's also one of the rarest items in the game so even on open trade ladder you're not likely to see one cheap for a few days. Maybe if you trawl JSP, I don't know.
                Problem is, without dweb it's just....fine. Not bad, just fine. Kind of like lightning sorc/javazon without infinity+GED being just fine.

              • 3 hours ago

                He's still really really strong with 3 piece trangs and a full inventory of pnb charms. Each of those charms go for a lem or so. They're very cheap. It's so easy to faceroll with a psn necro especially on D2R with the sunder charm that removes poison immunity.

              • 3 hours ago

                Maybe I give it a shot on my single player necro - when I find Trang's shield, I have other parts of the set. I also found 3 PB skillers while doing LK runs and have an Anni, but no torch until I get a Lo for doing ubers.

              • 3 hours ago

                Yeah only the gloves, belt, and shield are worth using. I put a 5 -5 psn facet in the shield

  22. 4 hours ago

    Don't play a version from after Blizzard North closed. They removed the difficulty in the last patch as a final frick you.
    Corpse explosion, lightning gloams and poison all got nerfed.

    • 4 hours ago

      >Corpse explosion got nerfed
      seems a bit strange to say because as of yesterday I was still getting oneshot with 75 fire res, string of ears, and 1.2k life by Nilathak's CE
      no? they're still fricking gloams I don't think they ever touched those homosexuals
      have they ever touched monster poison since D2R release? I think they did some cleanup on player poison skills like plague javelin but I don't think they changed how you take poison ticks

      • 4 hours ago

        I think he means the meme poison on those vipers in nethack's dungeon and maybe somewhere else

      • 4 hours ago

        All those abilities originally did damage per frame.

        • 4 hours ago

          >doing less damage per frame instead of more damage every couple frames
          Oh no!

          • 3 hours ago

            They did all the damage every frame zoomie.

            • 3 hours ago

              Sorry for not remembering mechanics that were fixed 20 years ago. I guess we should also return mana burn being a full drain on every hit because fixing that bug made the game easier and enabled energy shield sorcs to actually function, which is just too damn cheap and cheeses the game after all.

  23. 4 hours ago

    >woke character remasters
    >chose to treat gender locked classes like a feature worth retaining

  24. 4 hours ago

    Most of the people sperging out about the "censorship" are the same anime avatar morons who complained about Stellar Blade. The art direction is 99% fine, there are a few minor gripes but they are just that - gripes without any actual malice behind the design, honestly it feels just the same as the original unless you squint REAAAALLY hard to look for something.
    The team behind D2R (and BW remastered, might be the same team?) actually care about the game they're remaking, unlike the shitheaps that were WC3 and WoW classic.

    As for reasons to play resurrected, it genuinely is an upgrade in almost every metric. Many new builds were buffed into existence without just bumping everything to obscene powercreep. Quick casting skills is such a massive change I have to wonder how people even enjoyed vanilla D2 without it.
    Increased stash tabs is a godsend, although it's not enough and it's still a travesty that they haven't given us a currency tab. The terror zones are a good way to smooth out endgame since you can actually hunt different zones instead of being locked into CS/Baal runs for exp.
    They tried to make non-Act 2 mercs pretty good and it...kind of helped actually, they're not as bad as they were. Still not as good as A2 obviously but a lot closer and actually viable choices now. They also buffed a lot of shitty uniques/set items to be...slightly less shitty, I don't know if anything truly became meta as a result but they're nicer when you find them.

    As for complaints, I think some of the new runewords are once again just too universally good and BiS for their respective builds. Things like Mosaic turn kicksin into a fringe but kind of neat alternative to paladin, into something arguably even better than a zealer because holy shit.

    • 4 hours ago

      Yeah I also think the sin and zon character designs look like shit but I don't care because everything else is excellent. You only spend a second looking at the character screen in between runs, anyway. The new patches also added tons of great balance changes that weren't shit for once. That's shocking considering that its Blizzard that released them.

      • 4 hours ago

        I choose to believe that there is still one very tiny, tight knit group of developers stuck in a corner cubicle at blizzard offices that is comprised of people who actually give a shit about their products. Nobody talks to them, nobody even knows their names, they smell a little bit off and never show up to public photoshoots because of autism. But they got gifted with the opportunity to work on SCBW and D2R and they nailed it, while the bigshot teams in charge of WC3 and WoW are the classic diversity hires, prostitutes that contribute nothing, and GOOD MORNING SIRS that do nothing except waste money and churn out endless trash.

  25. 4 hours ago

    As a potato owner it's crazy how high the sys reqs for this are.

  26. 4 hours ago

    it looks and plays better
    >woke characters
    you see them only in character creation screen and while they turned amazon into old hag I find hobodruid hilarious

    • 4 hours ago

      I actually like the ragged black hobo look of the paladin. I think it's hilarious

      • 4 hours ago

        >all women were turned into shit
        >don't care because I play only men classes anyway

        • 4 hours ago

          Don't lie, every single person in existence rolls a blizz sorc at some point.

          • 3 hours ago

            I wanted to but closest I got was Wind Druid.

  27. 4 hours ago

    Original with plugy and multires is resurrected but better and free.

  28. 3 hours ago

    it's the same cookie clicker mouse clicking left mouse button spamming hot key wrecking piece of shit game no matter what version you play.

    • 3 hours ago

      Um no, it's slightly different

  29. 3 hours ago

    Its same game with few more QOL and rebalance. Good remaster but PlugY can give more fluff on single player, just enable ladder shit.

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