Last update: Monday 13 May 2024, 3.45 p.m.

On Monday 13 May 2024 the group “UAntwerp for Palestine” started the occupation of the Agora on Stadscampus of the University of Antwerp. This action is a response to the violence currently happening in Gaza. The university is in contact with the activists. For a safe and structured course of action during the occupation, a number of agreements were made:

  • The occupation will proceed peacefully, without violence or causing damage.
  • Buildings and emergency exits will remain freely accessible.
  • Academic and other activities can continue at all times.
  • Alcohol and drugs are prohibited.
  • Activists will keep buildings and domains clean.
  • The privacy of everyone (activists and non-activists) will be respected.

Underneath, you can find answers to questions you might have regarding the occupation.​

Where is the occupation taking place?

The occupation is currently taking place on the City Campus, in the Agora building. 

How long will the occupation last?

It is unclear at this time how long the occupation will last. If an end date is clear, it will be communicated here.

Will I be able to attend class?

Yes. The activists pledge not to disrupt classes or interfere with the daily activities of the university. Classrooms and buildings will remain accessible during opening hours, classes will continue. The library will also remain accessible to those who wish to study.

Are buildings on Stadscampus accessible?

Yes. The activists pledge not to block entrances and (emergency) exits. Classrooms and buildings will remain accessible during normal opening hours.

Can I still study or work on Stadscampus?

Yes. The activists pledge not to block any entrances or exits. The occupation will take place in the Agora building. Buildings and the library will remain freely accessible to students and staff. 

Where can I ask questions about mental wellbeing?

The conflict in Gaza inevitably triggers emotions. Talk about it with each other. Students can also always contact the STIP for psychological support. An appointment with a student psychologist can be made both online through the Student Portal and on campus. 

What can I do in case of violence, intimidation or other forms of transgressive behavior?

Violence, intimidation or other forms of transgressive behavior – whether from activists, or non-activists – will not be tolerated at our university. Victims or witnesses of transgressive behavior can report it. All information about this can be found on the Student Portal (for students) and Pintra (for employees). Safety officers are also present on the City Campus. The university is in constant consultation with the police.