“That would’ve been great”: Bruce Timm’s Most Heartbreaking DCAU Regret May be One Movie Not Getting a 2-Part Treatment Like ‘The Dark Knight Returns’

Justice League: New Frontier, is still regarded as one of the best DC animated offerings of all time.

bruce timm, dcau, the dark knight returns


  • Justice League: New Frontier released back in 2008 with firmly positive reviews.
  • However, speaking in an interview, Bruce Timm revealed that he had one regret with respect to the movie.
  • While Timm believes they did a great job with the film, he thinks the original story had too much for it to be inculcated in just one movie.
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Bruce Timm is widely regarded as one of the most important figures when it comes to the overall DC Animated franchise, and is the face behind several highly-praised projects. From his work on Batman, which includes Batman: The Animated Series, to the various iterations of Superman, and Justice League, the DC animated franchise would have looked starkly different had it not been for Timm.

The genius that is Bruce Timm! | Gage Skidmore, Wikimedia Commons

However, even a creator as gifted and celebrated as Bruce Timm has his fair share of regrets, when it comes to his career. Speaking in an interview back in 2017, the 63-year-old had revealed how he regrets the fact that the 2008-released Justice League: Frontier did not get a second part.

This led to Timm and his team failing to inculcate the entire story from the DC comics, leading to them picking and choosing what they could include in New Frontier.


Even Bruce Timm has some regrets with respect to his storied career with DC Animation

Justice League: The New Frontier | Warner Bros.

While Timm’s career has resulted in some of the most stellar projects created by DC Animation, he believes that the original comic arc of DC: New Frontier simply had too much to inculcate. Timm claimed that he and his fellow creators simply bit more than they could chew, and that the story in itself deserved at least two parts, according to the SYFY interview.

When asked if he had any regrets, Timm said the following:

Maybe if I had to do over I could do again, there’s a couple that I would I would. I would like to have a do-over on probably the main one, probably the New Frontier just because I felt like we kind of fit off more than we could chew for one movie. That story is so big and  think we did a good job with it but there again there’s so much great stuff in the comics that we just didn’t have time to do in the movie.

Hence, rather than being a regret that stems from his creation itself, Timm believes that New Frontier would have been an even better movie had it received two parts.


However, the budget, and the fact that Warner Home Video did not want to do a second film forced their hand:

We could have done everything if we had two parts to play with or even just another just another hour but it just wasn’t in the cards budget-wise and Home Video, it wasn’t, they didn’t want to do two movies. So, that was that was kind of one that I always kind of regret.

Of course, like most of the other projects he put his name on, Bruce Timm’s Justice League: New Frontier was also a remarkable success, even though according to him the overall narration could have been much better.

Bruce Timm’s Justice League: New Frontier is one of his favorite projects

A still from New Frontier | Warner Bros.

The SYFY interview also saw Timm reveal a range of other information about New Frontier. Bruce Timm claimed that one of the things that he and his fellow creators have noticed is that the projects they love the most, are not necessarily the ones fans feel the same way about. 


Timm claimed the same about New Frontier, and revealed that while the movie in itself is one of his favorites, quite a few fans do not share that sentiment:

I’ve said this before but it’s it’s just talking internally with me and the other creators of the movies, we’re always kind of amused by the ones that the fans really seem to like, (as they) aren’t necessarily the ones that we like so much and vice versa. The ones that we really like aren’t ones that the fans necessarily you know, love. Like I think I think that many or one is one of my favorites and a lot of people just go ‘yeah.’

The interviewer was taken aback as well, claiming that the Justice League project was actually the best one that DC has created thus far. The movie in itself generated more than $5 million in revenue, was received utterly favorably by fans, and has a handsome rating for an animated project on Rotten Tomatoes, with 71%.


Written by Rishabh Bhatnagar

Articles Published: 55

Rishabh Bhatnagar is an Entertainment and pop culture journalist/editor with Fandom Wire. He has more than 6 years of experience working for multiple major platforms and is himself an avid consumer of worthwhile content. A natural storyteller, Rishabh has a unique way with words and is always looking to improve, as a storyteller, writer, and a journalist.