Whiskey Chaser by Lucy Score | Goodreads
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Bootleg Springs #1

Whiskey Chaser

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W prowincjonalnym miasteczku Bootleg Springs mieszka piękna, zadziorna i pewna siebie Scarlett Bodine. To intrygująca, twardo stąpająca po ziemi młoda kobieta, która kieruje się w życiu prostymi zasadami. Jest świadoma swojego wdzięku i z premedytacją wykorzystuje go do uwodzenia mężczyzn - wyłącznie dla przyjemności. Sytuacja zmienia się w momencie, gdy poznaje zagadkowego Devlina McCallistera, którego postrzega jako kolejny cel erotycznych podbojów.

Powieść Lucy Score i Claire Kingsley łączy pikanterię gorącego romansu z interesującą historią życia głównej bohaterki. Pełna wciągających dialogów, zaskakujących zwrotów akcji i bezpośredniego humoru, dostarcza mnóstwo rozrywki, a każdą kolejną stronę czyta się z wypiekami na twarzy. To idealna książka na wieczorny relaks - z niezwykle interesującymi bohaterami w roli głównej i tak samo ciekawym miejscem akcji, jakim jest małe, ale skrywające wiele tajemnic Bootleg Springs.

Lucy Score i Claire Kingsley to znane w USA autorki romansów, które połączyły siły w ramach serii o miasteczku Bootleg Springs. W bogatym dorobku mają niejeden bestseller i wiele wskazuje na to, że nowa trylogia również się nim stanie. Jeśli wciągają Cię opowieści o silnych kobietach i uwodzicielskich mężczyznach, twórczość tego duetu na pewno Ci się spodoba!

360 pages, Paperback

First published April 13, 2018

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About the author

Lucy Score

55 books43.5k followers
Lucy Score is an instant #1 New York Times bestselling author. She grew up in a literary family who insisted that the dinner table was for reading and earned a degree in journalism.

She writes full-time from the Pennsylvania home she and Mr. Lucy share with their obnoxious cat, Cleo. When not spending hours crafting heartbreaker heroes and kick-ass heroines, Lucy can be found on the couch, in the kitchen, or at the gym.

She hopes to someday write from a sailboat, oceanfront condo, or tropical island with reliable Wi-Fi.

Sign up for her never annoying newsletter at https://www.lucyscore.net/subscribe-l....

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,328 reviews
Profile Image for Carol [Goodreads Addict].
2,620 reviews25.1k followers
April 5, 2018
Whiskey Chaser is book one in the brand new series, Bootleg Springs, by both Lucy Score and Claire Kingsley. I’ve read several of Claire’s books but this is my first time with Lucy. So let me say this first…WOW WOW WOW! This book was amazing. I loved it from the first page until the last. It is everything I hoped it would be and so much more!! There are going to be six books in all, each about a different couple but with one mystery running throughout the series. So, in the author’s words:

“Welcome to Bootleg Springs. Where the liquor flows and the neighbors know your every move.”

Scarlett Bodine is twenty-six years old. She has lived her entire life in Bootleg Springs, West Virginia. Her mother died several years before and she made Scarlett promise she would not get married until she was thirty years old. That’s okay with Scarlett, though. She has no interest of marrying at all. Nothing ever happens in Bootleg Springs except gossiping. They did have one huge crime, though, over ten years ago, when a teen age girl disappeared while walking home. Scarlett has pretty much been raised by her three older brothers. I fell in love with this woman. I have to give the author so much credit. Scarlett is a woman who can do just about anything. She has her own handy man (woman) business. She’s a tough talking, moonshine guzzling spitfire of a woman. It’s so hard for an author to write a woman who is tough but still soft around the edges, so she’s not too brash. And they did a perfect job with Scarlett.

moonshine in a mason jar

Devlin McCallister was on the political fast track in Annapolis. Until he let his temper and his fist ruin everything. So he has been temporarily exiled to Bootleg Springs to his grandmother’s house. The idea was to get him out of sight, let things die down. Wait for someone else to do something wrong to get the focus off of him. When he came to town, he was depressed and down trodden. He was broken. As soon as Scarlett saw him, she knew she wanted to save him. What she didn’t know, was that he just might save her right back.

“I had awakened the dragon, and now he was going to consume me.”

Sweet country love

These two together were perfection. They just sort of filled in all of each other’s empty places. Oh so slowly, Scarlett brought Devlin back to life. She picked up the pieces and put him back together again, only when the pieces came back together, he was different, better, happier. Was he truly ever really happy before?

“Scarlett made me feel like I was both powerful and powerless.”

“She’d managed to rebuild me, brick by brick, into someone different than I’d been before. She was happiness and fun and sweetness rolled into one tiny package. And now, she was mine. Somehow, that accomplishment felt bigger and more important than any other success I’d achieved in my old life.”

Sunset Pictures With Couples

This book was just amazing. I fell in love at the very first page. Devlin was so broken and I loved watching him come back to life. There was also so much hilarity in this crazy town. I think I experienced the most hilarious baseball game I have ever seen. I just can’t wait for you all to meet the Bodine clan. You are going to fall in love with Scarlett and her brothers and with Devlin. I am on pins and needles waiting for the next book! If I could give this more than five stars, I would. It’s that fantastic.

Profile Image for Jilly.
1,838 reviews6,394 followers
May 26, 2018
This is set in West Virginia, but it could almost be set in any small town in the South. It has all the southiness you could ever want.

"Grab some flip flops and let's go!"

"I don't own any flip flops."

She goggled at me like I'd just confessed to hating babies.

This is maybe not known as well as so many other Southern eccentricities, but we wear flip flops for everything. If we are going to a fancy restaurant and need to wear a dress, we will wear our nice, dressy flip flops with the beads or rhinestones on them, but make no mistake - flip flops will be worn! For everything. I have a really nice pair of funeral flip flops that are somber and respectful. They are nicer than my church flip flops.

Yes, yes, yes! Winter wear.

This story features alternating POV's between Devlin, a burnt-out state legislator who's going through an ugly divorce, and Scarlett, a southern version of a manic-pixie-dream girl. She's quirky, y'all!!

They come in many varieties.

Devlin is captivated by this girl because she dresses like every redneck girl ever, curses like every redneck girl ever, drinks like every redneck girl ever... hmm, so he's never met a redneck before I guess. And, sure rednecks are amusing for a while, and they are colorful, but after a while, they grate on you. Sometimes you just don't feel like watching drunken brawls ended by police every weekend. It's like the difference between watching an episode of Cops and living an episode of Cops. At least if you are just watching you can turn it off when you are tired and done.

Scarlett shows Devlin how to have fun, how to live again, how to not care so much about image, and most importantly how to drink moonshine while playing softball.

"Players drink free," Scarlett said, shoving a small mason jar into my hand.

"Are we seriously drinking moonshine before a softball game?"

"League rules. We also drink during the game if that makes you feel any better."

It did not.

The game was pretty funny, but even funnier is when she decided to cook him dinner. Let's just say that they were lucky that date didn't end in the E.R..

"My mama always used to say there was nothin' easier than roasting a chicken."

Scarlett's mama was a liar...

Later, he tries his own hand at making them dinner. After all, at least one person should know how to cook in a relationship, right?

Scarlett's POV: I poked my nose into the covered bowl on the island and found a yellowish potato salad. I plucked a potato cube out and popped it into my mouth. It was inexplicably crunchy. I swallowed hard.

Must be British ---zing! Sorry, too hard to resist.

Okay, they were going to starve. Now, listen girls, if you want to try cooking for the first time, just make spaghetti. It's almost fool-proof as long as you use jarred sauce.

Huh. I never saw that one coming. I withdraw my advice.

The story has a lot of laughs, a lot of smutty sexy stuff, and a tiny dab of a mystery. Apparently the mystery is going to develop over the six books in this series. Way to keep the readers coming back, Lucy Score! Well played!

Next all of Scarlett's redneck brothers get their perfect mates. I'm guessing this means a family reunion is coming up.

Profile Image for Chelsea Humphrey.
1,487 reviews81.8k followers
November 3, 2020
This book is EXACTLY what I needed at the moment. While the first half is admittedly a little cheesy and full of insta-love, I was pleasantly surprised by how the story unfolded and the writing became stronger. I laughed out loud many times, and the final chapters had me tearing up a bit too. It was very unique how the epilogue of this book fast forwards 4+ years, showing us all of the characters living their happily ever afters, but you have to read the remaining books to find out just how it all came about and to receive closure on the mystery at hand. I just might dive right into the next book this month!

Profile Image for Alex ♈.
1,568 reviews1,313 followers
December 13, 2018
*** Life was short, and orgasms were great. ***

Such a cool heroine! Loved her!
I’m a fan of strong and spunky women, and this one didn’t disappoint.
Scarlett made this book for me. Floved her sass!

"I don’t see much point in sittin’ around keepin’ my mouth shut. Life’s too short."

No one is perfect and this heroine wasn’t either, but she was definitely soooo much better that the average they sell us as a female character in CR.

Finally a woman, who not only enjoyed sex, but also stood up for herself!
It was epic how she handled her three asshole misogynists for brothers!
"If one of you assholes says ‘because I’ve got a dick and you’ve got a vag,’ I swear to Christ almighty I will murder you, and they’ll never find your body."

On the other hand she let her brothers ‘use’ her for years. She was the only one, who cared for their father, who supported him. Scarlett was very kind and loyal person. I respected her for that.

The whole family situation with her brothers didn’t sit well with me. How they ‘pushed’ all the issues to her, how they let her solve all family problems… I’d probably hold a grudge till the end of the series.

And since smart Lucy Score inserted a suspense/mystery, which will be revealed only with the last book, I’d surely read them all.

Back to my lovely Scarlett!

You may say she chased the hero. Well, she was persistent, that’s for sure, and she pursued him at the beginning, but she did it with such natural grace and coolness, it didn’t bother me at all. He was smitten with her from the 1st second he saw her, but as a ‘real’ *lol* man, he needed to brood a bit *lmao*

I liked him more later, he was so human (and not the fictional caricature of an ‘alpha’ we find in every 2nd book). He had his strong and weak sides, and I found it very interesting how Scarlett helped him to become stronger and more confident.
I loved how he stood up for her against her brothers! Well done!

One of the best lines ever told by a man:
"Just because the woman could do it all didn’t mean that she should be expected to do it all."

Probably big spoiler (or not?)

Back to my darling Scarlett ;-)
The girl was a country badass *lol*, my kind of a heroine… She made me laugh. Her humor is not for everyone and maybe a bit blunt, but always cute. I mean it!
"You’re asking me to be your boyfriend?"
Scarlett looked uncomfortable. She shrugged one shoulder.
"I’m not really asking. It’s more like telling than asking."

See, Alex can write positive reviews! 😎😉

What I didn’t like:
- The scene with her ex was not very necessary. At least he looked good (you know how they give a h only bad-looking weak asexual exes? This one wasn’t a professor, but he wasn’t small/ugly etc., but a coward unfortunately). Better this way than celibate for years!
- Mystery/suspense -> I wish the heroine would go to her BFF (police woman) from the very beginning
- Smut -> their 1st sex scene = my 1st WTF moment! Good girl?! Hello, Christian, were you also here?! Submissive Scarlett? Dude, are you kidding me??? This girl is not a type to play your Ana…
- MC’s relationship -> I understood why the h pushed him away at the end, but I still wished she were more confident and believed in herself.
- I wish he stood up stronger for her against his parents
- Her brothers… hmm…. Dunno….

Very funny and sweet epilogue.
Muah 💋
Profile Image for Stacey.
1,446 reviews1,141 followers
February 17, 2021
A great re-read/listen...

I love it when listening to a favourite story enhances your enjoyment. I didn't think Whiskey Chaser could get better but Natalie Duke and Stephen Dexter brought their A-game, and made it amazing.

It was great catching up with the Bootleg Springs gang and I will definitely be listening to more in this series. If you haven't 'visited', I definitely recommend giving it a try.


I'm doing a happy dance...

A Goodreads friend recommended Whiskey Chaser and I'm absolutely STOKED that she did. There is NOTHING better than starting a new series, trying new to me authors and having SUCCESS with a sub-genre that normally drives me BONKERS!! There were happy dances and big goofy grins at the end of this one. I LOVE FINDING A GOOD READ!!

I normally struggle with small-town romance but this was nothing like the ones I've tried in the past. I loved that the townspeople were friendly, caring, intimate and familiar without being judgemental, narrow-minded or stuck in the past. The characters are diverse without being treated differently for their skin colour, beliefs or sexual orientation. Bootleg Springs is appealing in so many ways, and if it were real, I would seriously contemplate a visit.

When my friend recommended Whiskey Chaser, with a little peek at the blurb I was heading straight to Amazon. With an intro like...

"I'm afraid my vagina might turn itself inside out if you try to give it another orgasm so soon." — Scarlett Bodine

who wouldn't be tempted?

Scarlett is a unique and funny character that I instantly liked. She's a little crass, is always looking for fun, and works bloody hard to make something of herself. When we meet her for the first time, she's having a party in her backyard with friends and family after the death of her father. Hmmm...that probably sounds bad. Well, it's not as bad as it seems. Scarlett is one of the only people who actually cared for her alcoholic father, but even she admits that his passing has relieved her of some of her stress. She's having a great time when a very good-looking bloke steps onto her property trying to stop all of the singing, dancing and merriment.

Devlin has ruined his life and the last thing he wants is to be exposed to people having fun. He's in the process of scraping off his cheating ex-wife, regretting an altercation with his ex's lover AND his life-long dream of a career in politics is looking very shaky. Devlin is staying in his grandmother's cabin by the lake to hide out until the things settle down. What he doesn't want is to have to interact with the people of Bootleg Springs. What he doesn't expect is to fall instantly in lust with his next-door neighbour. What he never thought possible was a Spitfire, her small town and the people in it to change EVERYTHING.

Seriously, I get the giddy, happy dance feeling when I find a book this good. It was so easy to get sucked in to spend a whole day reading. All of the characters from Bootleg Springs were quirky, cool and a lot of fun. Sure, they are far from perfect but that makes them even more interesting. The storyline was interesting and kept my attention from start to finish. We're treated to a hot and steamy romance that definitely had my heart pumping. It was funny without being silly. There was a touch of intrigue that I think will be an ongoing mystery throughout the series. All of these things combined to make me a very happy reader who was thoroughly entertained.

I smiled, smirked, squirmed and swooned...all of the winning components to make an awesome contemporary romance. I've already purchased Sidecar Crush, Bootleg Springs #2 and I think I'm going to start it straight away. I love finding a new series that's already got a few books out. If #2 is as good as this one, I'm going to be a wee bit excited and there's a good chance I'll be hassling the authors to hurry up and give them all to me NOW!!

Profile Image for Ivy Deluca.
2,255 reviews302 followers
May 5, 2018
Did ya bring snacks?
Cause I'm chatty today, just warning ya. Here we go.

Scarlett Bodine manages things, like her own handyman service, as well as her overprotective brothers. They’ve just buried their father, and their relationship (with him and each other) are most definitely complicated. But it’s Bootleg, West Virginia, so what do you do? You have a bonfire.

Devlin McAllister has been hiding out, aka licking his wounds, at his grandma’s cottage, which coincidentally is right next door to Scarlett. After his life imploded - his wife cheated on him and he had to take a leave of absence from his job as a politician because of the scandal - he’s not looking for anything but to be alone. When Devlin goes to ask the Bodines to keep it down, he’s immediately drawn to the little spitfire. Relationships are tested, fun is had, mysteries are delved into, and yes, romance happens.

The Good
- Surprising read. This was recommended as being similar to a rom-com I’d recently read. While both could be considered small town romances, there’s no comparison and I mean that in the best way possible for both. They both entertained me in their own way, but Whiskey Chaser's depth of feeling took it to another level.
- Book Girlfriend alert. Scarlett is worth of joining my Book Girlfriend Stable. She’s well rounded, straight shooting, funny, strong, vulnerable and all the things that I adore in my BGFs. She’s used to managing things. Her brothers depended on her to take care of their alcoholic father, she’s the one to take over the family business, she’s the one who faces what needs doing or saying and just does it. The moments when you see her soft underbelly, are everything. She’s kickass and I want to party with her.
- Awesomely beta hero with alpha sexy tendencies. Devlin has been damaged by his ex and his lack of parental support, and his confidence isn’t exactly at its peak. I liked that there wasn’t a pressing need to have the infallibly strong hero, and his vulnerability was intensely appealing to me. The way he is captivated by Scarlett from the moment he sees her certainly hooked me and their Firsts? Smoking hot because this man just STEPS IT UP to surface of the sun heat levels when it comes to confidence and sexiness.
- Funny AF when it wants to be. The humor is strong with this one, peeps. There's a scene where Scarlett decides to make dinner that made me actually laugh out loud, not just giggle or smile. Legit, I snort-laughed so loud my hubby thought there was something wrong with me.
- Emotional AF when it needs to be. I was not expecting the emotional depth to the romance, and the personal relationships and I was so happy to have that great blend of funny and drama. The relationship between Devlin and Scarlett is clearly between two ADULTS, even when things get funny. If you have siblings, you can relate to Scarlett and her brothers' own emotional scenes. It certainly made them come to life for me.

The (not super) Bad (I'm just a picky chick)
-Unilateral decisions by one character always irk me. In the grand scheme of things, this is not a huge part of the story BUT I couldn’t not mention it. Does it make sense within the context of this story and these characters? Yes. Is it “in” character? Yes. Did it irritate me anyway? Yes. Still great, but it’s just a pet peeve of mine.

Everything in Between
- Suspense storyline that will tie all the books together has a good hook. The mystery surrounding the disappearance of Callie Kendall is threaded through the narrative, certainly plays its part without dominating the story, which I appreciated. Ms. Score has made clear this mystery will be the overarching storyline for the entire series (six books are planned, yay!), and I’m into it.
- Even the epilogue teases without giving away the whole kit and (day-glo) caboodle. The epilogue is solid, giving me a satisfying HEA, a tease of things to come without spoiling anything, and I loved it. Like everything else about this story.

Loved it - yes I was going to take a teeny tiny bit off the top because of my one bad point, but days later I'm thinking about this book and I want to re-read it. That's the mark of a 5 star read for me. The best combination of sweet, heat and feels, Scarlett and Devlin were a joy to follow along as they fell in love. The Romance Gods smiled down on me and gave me a new favorite series and a new-to-me author that I’d like to get to know better. I’d definitely recommend this and I’m eagerly awaiting the next book in this series.

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Profile Image for ✰ Liz ✰ .
1,368 reviews1,325 followers
June 21, 2020
"She was my adventure and my safe place."

Whiskey Chaser is the first book in the Bootleg Springs Series. Offering a light and hilarious romantic comedy, Lucy Score and Claire Kingsley has created a picturesque town full of fun and rowdy characters that will keep you guessing with every turn of the page. Scarlett Bodine is a spunky woman who has spent her life keeping her family together and living it up in her small town. When a hunky hottie from the big city moves in next door, it becomes evident that Scarlett might just have met her match. But is Devlin really able to take on Scarlett?

"I want you to take charge just like you do in the bedroom."
Told in multiple POV, Whiskey Chaser is a fun and smoking hot read set in a small town full of hot men and big shenanigans. The dialogue is hilarious as the characters navigate through family drama and small-town gossip! The connection between Scarlett and Devlin is passionate and kept my Kindle on fire the entire read. The supporting characters enhance the story greatly and this is one series I look forward to exploring every single solitary moment!
"...but she sure as hell loved me back."
Overall, Whiskey Chaser will appeal to romance readers who enjoy a light and sexy read with fun and a creatively crafted plot. This is my first Claire Kingsley read and paired with Lucy Score the two have certainly created a perfect blend of romantic fun! I am looking forward to reading more of the Bootleg Springs Series!!!

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Profile Image for maggieandteddy.
1,134 reviews140 followers
May 12, 2018
I recently started reading Lucy Score's Books. This is my 4th. I was looking forward to this book's release. It's co-authored by Claire Kingsley.
The cover suggests a light hearted romance. For the most part, that's true. I do like the little bite that it has to it-mainly due to the heroine, Scarlett Bodine.
She is an "everywoman". She's not just handy, she's got mad mechanical skills. She owns her own business-mainly home repair jobs for the townsfolk of Bootleg Springs, WV.
No job is too big or too small.
She's not a kick-ass (over used expression). She's spunky and says what she thinks. She expects others to do the same. In Bootleg Springs, that's exactly what they do.
Devlin has come to town to get away from a Wash DC scandal not of his own making. Devlin is born into a political family. They banish him to his Gran's Bootleg Springs home.
Devlin's Gran is away in Europe. Devlin expects to have some peace and quite. He thinks that no one will notice him hiding away in the country. I got a kick out of the way Devlin meets Scarlett.
Scarlett shines a bright light on Devlin's mopiness. Devlin tries to resist her in your face cheerfulness and go get 'em attitude. That doesn't last long.

Location 697/Chapter 6: "There was something there that sent my blood singing. Sure, he was a pleasure to look at. But there was something else there. Several somethings. He was going through a rough patch, and I was a sucker for someone who needed a little extra loving.

Devlin's parents are fairly stereotypical. Devlin's mother reminds me of HC. She has the same stuck up attitude about the small town people of WV. She says derogatory things about the people without any thought of what she's saying. Scarlett is the only sister with 3 brothers dealing with the recent passing of their alcoholic father. Their mother had passed away 11 years before the start of this book.
Scarlett seems to be the one to get things done.. She had the "best" relationship with her father. She never wanted to give up trying to get him to function and stop drinking.
I loved the expressions. The towns' people are a crack up. Everyone knows every one and every thing. NO SECRETS-not for long. I love it when an author/authors include local color:
"We were surrounded by the night. Crickets and tree frogs. the staggered blink of lightning bugs and the whispers of wildflowers on the dark breeze." Location 1751/Chapter 19
Sometimes the metaphors were (a little) too much. It bordered on corny. I do love corny. I enjoy it so much. A dark romance, this is not.
Scarlett is a spit fire. Watch out when she says "bless your heart" I'm just sayin' ;)
There is a mystery thread throughout this story. A missing girl. Close in age to Scarlett.
Honorable mention characters: Mona Lisa McNugget, Bootleg's official mascot chicken; Misty Lynn (the town's umm girl); Gran (mentioned many times, she had a lot of influence);
Millie Waggle- her brownies are famous- "Millie dressed like a Sunday school teacher and baked like a chocolate-loving sinner." Location 282/ Chapter 3; Scarletts brothers (YES to future Bodine brothers' books!)-Gibson, Bowie, Jameson & a newly discovered brother Jonah.
I loved Scarlett and Devlin's chemistry. They had a lot of sparks. Scarlett is not shy at all with her affection. Devlin learned to become more open to enjoying this quiet small town life.
What would Devlin do? His life is in Maryland. He's destined for politics.
I loved the way this town was out in the open and let their hair down.
More please! Next book in the series will be by Claire Kingsley, I think.
I borrowed this from KU, but I do want to buy it and reread it. I had a lot of fun in Bootleg Springs, West Virginia. 4.5 stars!
Profile Image for Syndi.
3,174 reviews923 followers
October 22, 2020
Well Scarlet saves the book. I am between 3 and 4 stars on this book. Lucy Scores writes a rom com pretty funny. Sometimes I can not stand with the heroine. However Scarlet is prettg fun. She is a man trapped inside a woman body.

In Whiskey Chaser, Miss Score pours her talent building a fearless, fun and wild heroine. What I want more is the comedy. I feel the banter between Scarlet and Devlin is.... boring/ dry. A bit disappointed since I have high hope for Miss Score talent.

The story of disappearance of Callie is the red line within the series. Overall this is OK read.

3 stars
Profile Image for Dilek VT.
1,545 reviews1,522 followers
March 12, 2021
3,5 stars

This book is the first book in a “small town romance series” that involves many elements such as comedy, romance, passion & mystery.


The series will be made up of 6 books and the mystery will be solved in Book 6. It feels like forcing readers to buy all 6 books to learn how the mystery is solved – nope, not cool.

Well, anyways, the mystery isn’t something I was interested in at all because it felt as if incorporated into some fun light romance to make it more interesting, however, on the contrary, making it boring. The mystery element of the book is its weakest and most boring part.


The heroine in the book, Scarlett, is a tomboy. She has a woman’s body and a man’s mind and personality. She doesn’t take any crap from anyone, she goes after what she wants and she says what she wants. She is likable and a fresh breath of air as opposed to all these doormat heroines. She is also affectionate, caring and very funny. I loved her sense of humor!

Scarlett lives in a town in the South, called Bootlegs. She is a handy-woman, fixing broken things in people’s houses. She has 3 (and a half) brothers. Their family dynamics may be dysfunctional, but it is still endearing and this weird dynamics makes you smile most of the time.


Devlin is a politician who is going through a rough patch. His wife cheated on him and he got into a fight with her lover. The scandal scared her parents because he had the negative attention of the media. They wanted him to go under the radar for a while and his grandmother advised him to stay in her house in Bootlegs for a while until things calmed down. That’s where his path crosses with that of Scarlett.


Scarlett & Devlin cannot be more different. He is sophisticated, refined and serious whereas she is cheerful, feisty and has a free spirit.

However, opposites attract and something like that 😊

“Could we possibly be more different?” I asked him.
He tucked a strand of hair behind my ears. “I don’t know, Scarlett. I think we’ve got enough in common to outweigh those very different differences.” I liked that answer.


“You’re asking me to be your boyfriend?”
Scarlett looked uncomfortable. She shrugged one shoulder. “I’m not really asking. It’s more like telling than asking.”

In my romance novels, I personally prefer the man chasing after the woman so Scarlett was a bit too much for me in that sense. I loved her sass, her fierce character and smart mouth but I would have preferred if the hero had been a bit more in control of the direction of their relationship. I would have liked it more if she had made him work for it rather than making it so easy for him. I would have liked some tension and expectation before they started a relationship.

The hero, Devlin, was likable but he was weak compared to her and he sometimes sounded like a whiny woman. For example, when Scarlett wants to protect him from another scandal and tells him to go back to the city and back to his career, he whines to her friends, saying, "Oh she didn’t ask me to stay, she told me to go” blah bla… Well, if you wanted to stay, why don’t you say it to her, you dumbass? You already discovered that she is trying to protect you! And he goes... he really leaves the town just because she doesn't tell him to stay. He knows she loves him but he makes this a problem (her hiding the problem from him and trying to protect him).

Especially the way he deals with his ex when she pays a visit showed me he was no hero of my romance novels. He didn't give her hopes but he didn't kick her out of the house asap, either. Scarlett steals all the show once more, telling the cheating ex-wife all the things she deserves to hear and him listening to it with his mouth open wide! Then, Scarlett kicks her out!

Well, things like that in the dynamics of their relationship bothered me. For a strong and sassy woman like Scarlett, I would have preferred a man at least as strong as her if not stronger.


Another thing that was a minus for me in the book was how things appeared to be huge problems at first and how easily they were solved later. As they are totally different from one another and have been leading totally different lives, there are some obstacles on the way to their HEA, such as the fierce opposition coming from his parents and his political career requiring him to live in the big city. However, there is no talk of the solution to these problems but we are told in the Epilogue that they are solved. That was weird and totally unsatisfactory.


Despite all my criticisms, the book was still enjoyable and I had a nice time with it. It had endearing characters.

The best part of the book is the fun part, it really made me smile so very often.

The romance part is weak but the steam & the passion is strong.

The worst and the weakest part is the mystery/suspense in it, so very unnecessary and unoriginal.

And maybe just because of it, the book is longer than necessary. In fact it is too long: 350 pages!


It is a safe book with no cheating between the hero and the heroine but till the last pages, he is still married, waiting for his divorce papers. I am just saying it for readers who are sensitive about such things. I personally didn’t mind because it was something everyone knew about.


Will I continue the series? Well, I may or not, I am not sure.

Do I recommend this book? Well, you may read it or not, not a big deal.


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Profile Image for Jacob Proffitt.
3,154 reviews1,854 followers
December 29, 2018
The first half of this was enormously fun. I laughed enough that Melissa started giving me side-eye. The banter is great, sure, but the town and people popped as well. And yeah, some of the laughs were manufactured but the authors pulled it together with just the right amount of surprise to keep it fresh (and funny) anyway.

And it doesn't hurt that both protagonists were delightful. Scarlett is engaging as the down-home, unabashedly redneck girl with the thriving handyman business who knows what she likes and isn't above pushing to get it. And Devlin is completely engaging, too, as the nice guy recovering from a life-changing blow. His delight in Scarlett was awesome and I totally got their infatuation with each other that deepened as they got to know each other better.

But then things hit a snag at the 60% mark (it was an abrupt-enough shift that I noted the spot) and Scarlett gets stupid and makes unilateral relationship decisions and Devlin doesn't help by continuing to be clueless about what he wants with his life so about a quarter of the book was this complete drag that I hated more than a little. I stuck it out because I just liked them so well. And I'm glad that I did. But I never truly recovered, even though they said the right things and I buy them becoming better than they had been before the stupid part started.

Which is why I'm not at all sanguine about the authors' note at the end and their palpable excitement about the neato mystery element and how the authors can't wait for us to get to the reveal—after another five books. This is not a draw. That mystery coming in and spiking this romance made me hate it more than a little and I'm not looking forward to that persisting through all the subsequent Bodine plot lines.

That said, the good bits were so very good that I plan on reading them anyway. Seriously, when it was good, it was superlative-explodingly good. So even though I'm rounding my 3½ stars down to GoodReads' "liked it", I'm not at all hesitant to pick up the next.

A note about Steamy: The other part that didn't really work was all the amazing sex. There are four longish explicit sex scenes and that's the high end of my steam tolerance. I skimmed the last two because, frankly, I wasn't buying what they were selling. Devlin has a magic staff and Scarlett is off to see the wizard. Yay, fireworks! I did like the personality in the first and the underscoring of the pattern in the second was a good idea. But the third is just piling it on and by the fourth I had the point already and was kind of exasperated that they thought I needed more.
Profile Image for Cyndi.
355 reviews267 followers
May 18, 2018
This book is a lot of fun! I love the town of Bootleg Springs and it’s crazy residents! Scarlett and Devlin are great together! I like Scarlett’s brothers too, but I might skip Gibson’s book because he is supposedly a manwhore🙈 The crime mystery was a little out of place to me, but I still loved the book!
Profile Image for Hannah.
616 reviews1,151 followers
July 19, 2019
Super cute. I would have liked a little bit more communication but I do get where they were coming from, at least (this is not always the case).
Profile Image for Mandi.
2,313 reviews726 followers
May 10, 2018
First of all, a huge thank you to Samantha, who recommended this book to me on twitter. I have never heard of this author and this is a start of a new series, and I am on board. Such a fun, sexy book with a great heroine.

Devlin is a Maryland state representative, married with a plan to make it to Washington, D.C. But when he discovers his wife is having an affair, and punches the guy, he is labeled a disgrace by political society. After ending his marriage and needing to lay low for a while, he heads to his grandmother’s empty cabin in Bootleg, West Virginia, to spend the summer reflecting. What he doesn’t realize is that Bootleg doesn’t offer peace and quiet for inner reflection…it provides hourly entertainment in the name of Scarlett Bodine.

Scarlett is born and raised in Bootleg, a town built on bootlegging during prohibition, their legendary moonshine and hot springs and spa. The tourists flock there, and the townspeople all know one another and everyone’s business. Scarlett is a handy-woman, who can fix anything in anyone’s house. She is unapologetically real and honest and I absolutely adore her. She lives with no regrets, and has all the confidence in the world. She also has several brothers who make sure the men in her life treat her right. Growing up, her father was an alcoholic, and her mother passed away, so her brothers and her became very close. I loved her brothers (who I assume will all get books as they are all single and I need their books now). Her family is so supportive and tight – they don’t keep secrets from one another but are also there to make sure to give everyone a hard time. There is a lot of laughter, and a lot of making fun of the others (in good humor). Their family dynamic is really done well and will make you smile.

When Devlin moves in, Scarlett announces herself loudly, much to Devlin’s frustration, and makes her presence known. All Devlin wants to do is hide in his house in the quiet – but soon, Scarlett is dragging him to lake parties, and the local diner, and even softball games where everyone must do a shot of moonshine between each inning.

Between innings, shots of moonshine were handed out to both teams. “It evens the playing field,” Scarlett explained knocking back her third shot. “Doesn’t matter if you’re an all-star athlete if you can’t run in a straight line.”

Things were getting a little fuzzy in my vision, but I still managed to get my glove on the ball a couple of times. Everyone looked like they were slowing down a bit. Opal was one hell of a catcher, and she hit no less than a double every time she got up to bat. But by the fourth inning, she was listing to the side behind the Lumberjack batter.

Jameson and Jonah got tangled up going for a pop fly and had a hard time getting back on their feet. One of the Eagler players stumbled on his jog to third base and got tagged out while he was laying face down in the dirt. The only one who didn’t seem to suffer any ill-effects from the moonshine was Scarlett. In the fifth, she hit a bases-loaded triple. And in the sixth, she scored a sweet double play when a bunt made it past Bowie on the pitcher’s mound. She moved like the booze made her more graceful, more athletic.

By the seventh inning, I was swilling water and dumping my moonshine on the ground. Jonah was trying to tell the very sober Gibson a story about a horse and a sweater. Opal and Buck broke into a clumsy but energetic two-step in the dugout until Buck smacked his head on the overhang.

There were so many scenes in this book that actually made me smile and giggle. Like when Scarlett’s brothers get wind that Devlin is trying to court her:

“I’m not going to hurt Scarlett!”

“This is just a little reminder of what’ll happen if you do,” Bowie said, still a little winded.

“You don’t need to do this,” I tried again. We were getting closer and closer to the end of the dock.

“Pretty sure we do,” Jameson insisted.

“I’ll press charges!”

“Good luck with that,” Jameson smirked.

“The sheriff is a big fan of our little Scarlett. He’s not gonna take a likin’ to some guy whose just tryin’ to get in her pants,” Bowie explained.

“I’m not just trying to get in her pants!”

“Oh, hey, Judge Carwell. Mornin’ Carolina Rae,” Bowie said, raising his free hand to a couple in a fishing boat.

“Mornin’ Bodines,” Judge Carwell called. “He courtin’ Scarlett?”

“What the hell kind of town is this?” I hissed.

Jonah shrugged and grinned. “Bootleg, man.”

“Yes, sir. We’re just remindin’ him to treat her right,” Gibson said.

“Carry on, boys.”

Devlin and Scarlett fall hard for each other, although they are unsure where the relationship is headed since Devlin plans to eventually head back to Maryland and back to his job. But they work through it and their relationship is so well done. It’s not rushed at all. We get to know Scarlett, Devlin and the side characters so well. Plus it’s super sexy:

“So, want to get out of here?” I was only half joking.

She laughed and ran her hand over my chest, down the buttons of my shirt. I went rock hard when she rose up on her tiptoes and let her lips brush my ear. “I want to spend my evening flirting with you before I spend my night fucking you.”

And just like that, any drop of blood I’d had left in my head dropped south so fast I saw black creeping in on the edges of my vision. “Huh,” was all I could manage.

We are also introduced to a cold missing persons case, where years ago a young woman vanished and has never been seen since. Bootleg still has missing person posters for her hanging up in windows. We learn a little bit about this and the author’s note at the end of the book states this mystery will be present throughout the whole series of six planned books. The mystery is presented but doesn’t overshadow the romance at all. It was just enough to keep me interested.

I really think you guys will like this one. This author’s voice was really a breath of fresh air in the small town romance world. I can’t wait for another book in Bootleg.

Grade: B+
Profile Image for KathyB .
1,531 reviews55 followers
May 29, 2018
It took me a while to get through this book, but I liked it. It wasn't a page turner for me, it was easy to put down even though I loved the goofy characters. The large cast was endearing, very loveable and dysfunctional. Reminded me of the Winston Brothers series by Penny Reid and Becoming A Vincent by C.M. Owens. I enjoy small town stories so I'm looking forward to reading more, next up Sidecar Crush.

This can be read as a standalone, but there is a mystery which will continue throughout the series.

3.75 Stars
Profile Image for kookyquinn.
486 reviews47 followers
April 13, 2018
I don't care what you have on the top of your TBR. Shove that shit aside and read THIS.

God I laughed so hard so many times. I was also trying to work out the plot and on the edge of my seat. Speaking of seats. Hot! My couch was in danger of needing a cleaning a few times! Woah!

Step aside chocolate and peanut butter. Lucy Score and Claire Kingsley have replaced you as a match made in heaven.
Profile Image for BOOKLOVER_81.
1,751 reviews15 followers
May 8, 2024
Scarlett is the handywoman country girl. And Devlin, the rule playing lawyer

This book is HILARIOUS!!! Well written and flows beautifully. Scarlett is the only girl and youngest of the Bodine clan... she's tough, blunt, no shit talker handywoman. She puts all her brothers in place, and I love every moment of it.

Devlin is newly divorced (his wife cheated) and a lawyer. He's staying temporarily in his grandma's house. And he falls hard for the girl next door.

**Close proximity (neighbors)
**Bantering (amongst siblings)
**Strong Femlae lead.

Online audiobook 🎶
Profile Image for Yels.
277 reviews31 followers
December 6, 2019
No one:
Absolutely no one:
Scarlett: Y'all

Whiskey Chaser follows Scarlett and Devlin in a small town in West Virginia. Scarlett is a life long resident of Bootleg, WV while Devlin is a disgraced politician from Annapolis. They are drawn together by Devlin's grandmother and because they find each other attractive. As their relationship progresses, Scarlett and Devlin have to figure out what they want and if they fit in each others lives.

Wow, I hated this book. I only finished because once I start a book, I cannot leave it unread and it was a buddy read. All the characters sucked and I don't have anything nice to say about them. Scarlett said "y'all" 558154 times in the book and it drove me crazy. I get the whole small town feel that the authors were going for but it felt as if someone had heard about small towns and started to write about them without actually going to one. All the moonshine mentions and the y'all's got old real fast. Devlin was a really boring character. He leaves his political life after he punches the lover of his wife. Then he has a midlife crisis wondering if the life of a politician is something he wants. The angst was weird because it is mostly Scarlett (who has only known him for a few week) informing him that he doesn't have to live the life his parents want him to live.

In the book. Scarlett has 3 brothers and they all butt in her love life. They approve of Devlin but Scarlett is an adult?? Feels weird. Also, Scarlett and Gibson, her older brother have anger problems but it's OK because most of it is excused as bootleg justice. They literally get into physical fights with other people throughout the book and everyone is just like "meh, that's Scar and Gibs for y'all".

Anyway, I hated the way Scarlett refereed to other women throughout the book. Women outside of Scarlett's circle are all sluts or skanks. There was a point at the beginning at Scarlett points out her brother's misogynistic ways but fails to recognize her own. Thank you but the rest of the series is a hard pass for me.
Profile Image for Maria.
589 reviews29 followers
April 5, 2018
So I needed some time to write this review because I want to confess that initially this book with this plot is not my typical read. Fortunately I had to rethink about my assumptions because this book was freaking unbelievable. I admit everything took me by surprise, Scarlett is an independent and strong woman who wants to have fun and mostly is not a prude. She is the only girl of a strange family and when she encounters her temporary next door neighbor, she firmly decides that the man is her next conquest. Devlin has taken refuge at his grandmother’s house to lick his wounds and lay low after being the talk of the town way back in Annapolis. As a matter of fact Devlin is running for office and discovers that his wife has cheated on him with another politician. So when he meets Scarlett and gets to know her and her family better, it seems as if he hasn’t lived fully all these years. So let’s talk about their relationship; absolutely exhilarating because she is quite comical with her behavior but for Devlin she is sex on heels, pardon on boots. What initially started as a fling becomes more and more important for both but they don’t want to admit being madly in love with one another. Will their disparities be an obstacle to their happy ending? Will Scarlett finally get her act together? Will Devlin go back to his monotonous life? Enjoy this overwhelming story written by two pros.

Profile Image for Joyce.
894 reviews27 followers
June 14, 2019
Moonshine and bonfires
Oh, my stars, I loved this book!
When Devlin McCallister arrives at his grandmother’s house in Bootleg Springs, disgraced and stunned from a spectacularly imploded career, he wants nothing more than to hide out and lick his wounds. Scarlett Bodine has other plans though. And you don’t say no to Scarlett. And so, begins their friendship. The city lawmaker and the country Jill of all trades.
This has all the elements that Lucy Score does so excellently. Family, witty banter, life long friendships, small town quirky characters, and steamy sexy times. The small town of Bootleg Springs, West Virginia plays a vivid role also. The lake, the springs, the diner, the late night slow dancing around a bonfire. Kicking it up at the bar after a long week of work.
This book features all my favorite things: wonderfully strong and charismatic characters, snappy dialogue, sex, interesting side characters, small town charm, sex, a hint of intrigue, sex, did I say sex? And so many laugh out loud moments! I am excited to see what happens next in Bootleg Springs!
Profile Image for Nicla.
416 reviews335 followers
January 28, 2019
4.5 stars

Highly recommend this series especially if you are looking for a fun and swoon worthy small town romance.

Any push/pull
Any couple separation
Angst Level: Low
Heat Level: High
Instant Love:
Profile Image for sara.
784 reviews311 followers
June 9, 2021
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾☆ 3 stars ☆☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙

dang it. Now i’m curious and I want to read them all.

this was... LOUD. I liked some things, but I also disliked a lot of things. Right around the 90% mark, I was ready to finish it, give it a 2.75 star rating and move on to other books. But that last bit kinda convinced me to read the rest??? goddamn it. I was excited for another series, but now I know it’s gonna bug me if I don’t finish this one and find out the mystery.

This had great scenes, but I was annoyed as fuck at both MC at times. And again, this was super loud. I don’t know how to explain it heh.

Onto the next one, I guess.
(fingers crossed the brothers and their partners are a bit more calm 🤞🏻🤞🏻)
Profile Image for Alla.
1,043 reviews53 followers
April 3, 2019
Really good. First one in the Bootleg Springs series.
The main characters are fantastic and the second characters also.
Not everything is resolved in this first book (a missing person case from many years back pops up) so I will definitely keep on reading this series.
This couple´s story is done and we get a new one in the next book and hopefully some more insight into the missing person case.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
Author 5 books277 followers
November 18, 2020
Whiskey Chaser reminded me that just because you don't read a book in one sitting, doesn't mean you don't love it. I took my time with this one, savoring it, finding comfort in it. Like watching one episode of your favorite TV show at a time instead of binging it then feeling that now what? emptiness once you've rushed through it.

Bootleg Springs, WV is now officially on my list of favorite fictional towns, and Scarlet Bodine is now on my list of favorite female characters. Spending almost 400 pages in this town, inside Scarlet's head, was one of the coziest reading experiences I've had this year. And her family? Can they please adopt me? Because I really, really want to be a Bodine. 🤗

Definitely some insta-love going on, which normally doesn't work for me, but it fit perfectly with this sweet summer romance. (I guess summer romances are supposed to have a bit of insta-love, right?)

If you are looking for a sweet, sexy, charming book with the most lovable characters and a bit of mystery, I highly recommended Whiskey Chaser, best paired with Champagne Night by Lady A. ("Don't need doubles and bubbles to get in all kinds of trouble out in the country, Don't need a crystal chandelier to have a real good time, we're drinkin' beer on a champagne night")

Profile Image for Simply Love Book Reviews.
7,046 reviews851 followers
July 9, 2019
Reviewer note: As I know cheating is an issue with so many people, I’m letting you know that the hero in this story is in the process of a divorce from his cheating soon to be ex-wife. He does start a relationship with the heroine prior to the divorce, but for all intents and purposes his marriage is over and less than a month of being dissolved.

I was intrigued by this series, the minute I read the blurb for Whiskey Chaser and because I adored Lucy Score’s Rock Bottom Girl, I decided to give it a try. I was not disappointed in the story; I am curious how people who live in small towns in West Virginia perceive this story as it does seem to contain some strong stereotyping. That being said, I laughed a whole lot, I often wondered how anyone in Bootleg Springs got any work accomplished because there always seemed to be extra-curricular activities going on in the middle of the work day, and I fell in love with the Bodine family and their rowdy bunch of friends. Whiskey Chaser starts this series off strong with each book focusing on a different couple, but with an ongoing mystery story arc of a teenage girl that went missing twelve years prior, this six book series is bound to entertain.

What can I say about Scarlett Bodine? The youngest in her family at 26 and the only girl, Scarlett spent a good part of her life working alongside her father who was an alcoholic and is now deceased. Her brothers wrote their father off years ago, and while Scarlett knows he should have done better by them she just couldn’t cut him out of her life. She is the Miss Fix-it gal of Bootleg Springs, a hometown girl who has no desire to live anywhere else. She is snarky, but sweet and will go out of her way to help anyone in need and that includes her next door neighbor’s grandson who is staying in his grandmother’s house while she is on a trip.

Devlin McAllister is member of the Maryland House of Delegates and a partner in his family’s law firm. He has eyes on the senate; or rather his parents have eyes on a senate seat for him. Finding out his wife is cheating with one of his fellow delegates has him causing a ruckus that his parents don’t condone and their public relations firm recommending he get out of town and lay low. With his grandmother out of town, he arrives to housesit in Bootleg Springs, he just doesn’t plan on the attraction he feels for his next door neighbor Scarlett.

I loved the contrast between these two characters, one who lives for bonfires, drinking shots off the back of a pickup, and swimming in the lake and the other who attend galas, drinks fine scotch, and mingles at the country club, but the attraction between them burned brighter than the biggest firework display Bootleg Springs ever put up. Of course Scarlett’s brothers have to put Devlin through his paces and an appearance by his ex-wife and his parents cause problems, but overall these two were perfection together despite their differences and I very much enjoyed watching Scarlett countrified Devlin.

While the romance was up front and center in this book, the Bodine family has a few surprises thrown their way which changes their family dynamics and throws all kinds of questions about the past.

A small town family and friends romance that was charming, witty, fun, and sexy; Whiskey Chaser is the perfect start to this new series from Lucy Score and Claire Kingsley.

Review copy provided for a voluntary review.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Miftahul.
370 reviews186 followers
December 3, 2020
1.5 stars

This book was interesting..not my fav but i did enjoy some parts like the sibling bond and how Scarlet’s family accepted Delvin who is the hero. So this story is about Scarlett who was raised by 3 brothers and an alcoholic father, she is sassy, fiesty, and loved by everyone in her small town while on the other hand Delvin is a politician, he is sophisticated, reserved and doesnt have time for himself. After catching his wife cheating on him.he leave his home and goes to Bootleg town where he wanted time for himself to think and stay away from media but there he meets Scarlett who shows him how to enjoy his life. There is also a mystery going around in the town, a girl went missing and no one found her after that.

The only thing I liked about this book was Scarlett and how strong she was, and her bond with her brothers. The hero was hella annoying and whiny af. I wanted to slap him, he was weak and didnt even know how to make his own decisions and it wasn't like he needed someone to shown him that he can make his own decisions, no, he was like a 6 yr old who kept whining till the end of the book. There was no character development in Delvin's character. The problem Delvin and Scarlett faced was that they are from different world and Scarlett might not fit as a politician wife but we really dont get to see their struggle because there is only 1 scene were Scarlet gets a glimpse of Delvin's life and also when the problem between the characters start, it finishes in like 2 seconds and thats why we dont get to see the struggle or how their relationship progresses throughout the time. At the beginning, Delvin was annoyed by Scarlet because she barged into his life and he just wanted to be alone and then by 2 pages they started FUCKING and dating. There was a lot of sex and little story, I didnt feel the chemistry between the characters at all. I didnt care about the mystery because it was just boring and felt forced. When the characters are not eating, they have sex and throughout the book they only eat and have sex.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
2,793 reviews6 followers
April 22, 2018
2.25 stars.

I think I’ve outgrown my enjoyment of Lucy Score’s books. I’d also forgotten that she writes from the first person POV and I rarely find that narrative style enjoyable. The dialogue and small town vibe come off as a little immature and silly. Maybe I’m just not into the chick lit genre. Everything seemed like it was trying so hard to be funny: all the overreacting to situations, the dialect, and the raunchy humour was just not for me.

The erotica aspect of her books definitely isn’t my thing either and I tend to skip over the intimate scenes. The whole “we’re just having a fun time” trope doesn’t add any value to the act so I don’t feel like I’m missing anything by doing that. I do like that the MCs admit to feeling more than attraction and lust for each other and that there was no real OP drama. I consider this a safe read, even though

I’m having a hard time pinning down the plot in this book. There is a lot of random things crammed into this book, some without any resolution, which bothered me. There are also many different conflicts happening at the same time and it all feels lacking in focus. The epilogue is sweet but also reads like a plug for the upcoming books.

Overall, this book was ok. The H was a stand up guy and the h was a strong modern day woman. However, I’m not sure if I will continue on with this series. Maybe the other author will be more my speed. I’m going to let my GR friends read the next one first. 😉
Profile Image for Brandi.
1,157 reviews148 followers
May 10, 2018
I just absolutely loved this. Everything from the town to the characters to the mystery.


How often can you read a book where everything about it makes you feel good?

Welcome to Bootleg Springs, a town so rich in tradition you'll almost choke on it.
The town with the softball games that leaves everyone too drunk to play.
The town known for it's Moonshine.

Whiskey Chaser was that feel good book that had you rooting for the couple from the very first page. You didn't know what you were getting into, but you knew you already loved each person as individuals and you just knew they'd be the perfect complements to each other.

Scarlett and Devlin? Wow! These two are awesome. Scarlett is all bad ass and true to herself. Devlin is finding himself (oddly enough, this does not take away from his alpha-ness) after a shitstorm took over his life, but he's so sexy and demanding of Scarlett--in all the right ways--that I just fell for him immediately.

The Bodines. Man. This is the family I want. This is the familial bond I wish I had with my siblings. The Bodines serve their own brand of justice, much like Bootleg does. But the Bodines are protective of each other before anyone else. They fight, they stand their ground, and they defend the family.

If you aren't half in love with this town already, then just grab Whiskey Chaser and let the authors do the talking. This is the kind of book you pick up and read in one sitting (ignore the fact it took me three days, I had to adult).
It's the kind of book that'll leave you feeling good and asking yourself #WhatHappenedToCallie?
Plus, you'll wanna know who manages to wrangle those Bodines, so you'll stick around for the rest of the series.

Bring on the Bodines! I'm ready for more!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,328 reviews

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