Prep School Cross Country 2024 - Marlborough College Malaysia Prep School Cross Country 2024 - Marlborough College Malaysia

Prep School Cross Country 2024

This week at the College, pupils eagerly participated in the annual Cross Country Competition, a chance to showcase their athleticism and determination. This time it was the Prep School’s turn to take part with pupils from Year 3 to Year 8, tackling the challenging course spread across the pitches and sports fields of the College grounds, offering a variety of terrains while ensuring the pupil’s safety.

The competition started with fervour as Year 7 and Year 8 pupils took to the course in the morning, setting the pace for a fantastic event. In the afternoon, it was the turn of Year 5 and Year 6 pupils to demonstrate their endurance and stamina. Despite the rain and grey skies, pupils still managed to partake and didn’t let the weather hold them back.

The following morning, the younger participants from Year 3 and Year 4 eagerly joined in, displaying their enthusiasm and energy on a slightly shorter course. 

This year’s Cross Country Competition proved to be a resounding success, with pupils exhibiting determination and resilience throughout the morning and afternoon. From pushing through challenging heat to maintaining a steady pace, every participant showcased their commitment. Well done to all. A special mention to our winners Olivia B, Benji B, Tina F, Lewis O, Luna D A F, Daniel O, Lora B, William C-M, Orla R, Seb T, Seungeun L and Benjy G. 



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