Maggie Lindemann: "I based the music of my EP from the fashion of Evanescence"
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Maggie Lindemann: "I based the music of my EP from the fashion of Evanescence"

Maggie Lindemann on the Headsplit EP and looking to Gwen Stefani and Amy Lee for career guidance

Maggie Lindemann sits down with Kyle Meredith to discuss her Headsplit EP. The alt-metal singer-songwriter shares insights into the condensed collection and how it sets the stage for her next endeavor. Lindemann expresses her desire to push boundaries and explore new sonic territories, delving into themes of love and the fear of loss that permeate her lyrics.

Furthermore, Lindemann sheds light on her collaboration with Siiickbrain, highlighting the dynamic that drives their creative partnership. She also reflects on the challenges of navigating an industry where a new generation of artists is emerging, acknowledging the pressure to stay relevant and innovative.

Drawing inspiration from trailblazers like Gwen Stefani and Evanescence's Amy Lee, Lindemann discusses her approach to career development and the evolution of her sound. She goes on to share her experiences of witnessing her new tracks surpass the success of her breakout hit, "Pretty Girl," and the emotional journey that accompanies such milestones.

Watch the interview above and then check out the video below.

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