A MASTER LIST of real world tie-ins to ACOTAR: Part 1—Characters & Courts ✨🌙 : r/acotar Skip to main content

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A MASTER LIST of real world tie-ins to ACOTAR: Part 1—Characters & Courts ✨🌙

Maasverse Spoilers

⚠️ WARNING: Maasverse Spoilers—Proceed with Caution ⚠️


Part 1: Characters and Courts - YOU ARE HERE

Part 2: World Map, Items, Terms & Other


Well, here we go. A master list of all things ACOTAR + the "real" world.

Now, do I believe every single name and location on this list was chosen by SJM with a specific real-world allusion in mind? Of course not. But when you look at the similarities, you'd be hard pressed to deny some of their very probable relations.

As far as this list goes, I've provided what was within my ability to find—coupling each with that which made the most sense relationally—though several definitions would appear to have zero connection to the story at large.

I can't promise perfection. Heck, I can't even promise 100% accuracy (though I did cross-reference the more obscure sources). And I will gladly welcome any missing pieces and/or additional insight you may have.

*Note: If a character or place/item is minor enough, I've included a reminder of their book roles.

So come on, friends. Let's dive on in.

r/acotar - A MASTER LIST of real world tie-ins to ACOTAR: Part 1—Characters & Courts ✨🌙



A combination of Prydain, the old Welsh name for Britain, and Brython, which translates to “Ancient Britons” from Welsh.


A riff of Hibernia, the Classical Latin name for Ireland.

r/acotar - Artist of Prythian map: P-dulcis on redbubble
Artist of Prythian map: P-dulcis on redbubble

*A continuing list of world map related locations is provided in Part 2 of this post (see link above)

r/acotar - A MASTER LIST of real world tie-ins to ACOTAR: Part 1—Characters & Courts ✨🌙



Rhys (also Rhŷs) is Welsh in origin and means "ardent, enthusiasm." It has deep roots in Welsh culture and is the name of several famous Welsh kings and noblemen, including Rhys ap Thomas, a solider who rose to prominence during the Wars of the Roses.


Feyre is a variant of Feyre and is Old English in origin. It means "fair, beautiful." A similar name in Old Norse is Freyja (also spelled Freya), meaning "Lady," denotes a woman of nobility. In Norse mythology, Freyja is a goddess associated with love, beauty, fertility, sex, and war.

In Greek mythology, the Archeron is one of the five rivers of the Underworld and is often the principal river through which the ferryman Charon transports the dead. It said to be the River of Woe or the River of Misery.


Cassian is Latin in origin, means "son of Cassius," and denotes one of the oldest families in Rome. Arguably the most well known Cassius was one of the leading instigators of Julius Caesar's assassination plot.


Azriel is Hebrew in origin meaning "God is my help." In some religions, Azrael is the benevolent angel of death who carries souls of the deceased to the afterlife.


The Morrígan is a Celtic goddess associated with war and fate and is seen as a guardian of the earth and its people. Her name means "great queen" or "phantom queen."


Amram is of Hebrew origin and means "exalted people." It is the Biblical name of Moses' father.

Note: This tracks with Amren being able to interpret The Book of Breathings which is a play on the very real The Books of Breathing, a collection of ancient Egyptian funerary texts.


Nesta is the Welsh version of Agnes meaning "pure, holy." May also have potential connections to Nestor, a legendary Greek king who was known as a great warrior and for the sage advice he offered younger soldiers.


Elain is Welsh in origin and means "fawn." Elaine is associated with the Greek name Helen meaning "light, bright one."

Fun fact: Elain is an anagram of Aelin.


Nyx is the Greek mythological goddess and personification of the Night. She is the mother of Day (Hemera) and Darkness (Erebus). She often appears alongside other celestial deities such as Selene, Helios, and Eos.



Emerie has Old German origins and means "home strength, brave, powerful."


In Greek mythology Enyalius is a son of Ares but is also a byname for the god of war. He is often seen as the god of soldiers and warriors from the Ares cult.


Devlon is Gaelic in origin and related to the name Devlin meaning "fierce courage."


Balthazar is Akkadian in origin meaning "God protects the King." It is a name commonly attributed to the wise man who gifted myrrh to the Christ child (the myrrh symbolizing the future death of a king). It is an alternate form of King Belshazzar who played a pivotal role in a coup d'état that overthrew a Neo-Babylonian king.

ACOTAR role: Balthazar helped Nesta during the Blood Rite.


Proteus is a prophetic sea god in Greek mythology and means "versatile, mutable, capable of assuming many forms."

ACOTAR role: Proteus is Emerie's father and was killed in the war with Hybern.


May refer to Belus, the Babylonian god of war.

ACOTAR role: Bellius is Emerie's cousin and was slain by Cassian during the Blood Rite.


No clear references found, but kalon in Ancient Greek translates to "ideal perfect beauty."

ACOTAR role: Kallon incited the Illyrians against the Night Court leaders and was ultimately slain during the Blood Rite.



Keir is Gaelic, meaning "dark," and is related to the Irish name Ciarán. In Greek mythology, the Keres (singular being Ker) were female death spirits who personified violent death. There is a suggested connection between the Keres and the Valkyries of Norse mythology, each representing opposite ideals; the Valkyries being benevolent deities in death, versus the Keres representing feasting destruction.


In Greek mythology, Thanatos is the personification of death. He is a minor figure, often referred to but rarely appearing in person (I see what you did there, SJM).

ACOTAR role: Thanatos is mentioned briefly by Keir during the alliance meeting with Eris.



In ancient Greek mythology, Clotho is the youngest goddess of the Three Fates and spins the thread of human life. Her name means "spinner."


Merrill is of British origin meaning "sparkling sea, sea-bright."


Gwyneth is Welsh in origin and means "blessed, happiness." In Irish mythology, the Lady Gwyn is a headless woman (cough, Catrin, cough) who chases wanderers at night. In Arthurian mythology, Guinevere has an evil half-sister—"False" Guinevere—who bewitches Arthur.


Ananke means "necessity, fate personified." In Greek mythology she is one of the primordial deities and is the personification of necessity and inevitability.

ACOTAR role: A Priestess who joins in the training to become a Valkyrie.


Deirdre is Gaelic in origin and means "broken-hearted, wanderer." The name is associated with a tragic heroine in Irish mythology.

ACOTAR role: A Priestess who joins in the training to become a Valkyrie.


Illana is Hebrew in origin nd means "tree, bright light." It stems from the name Elena and is potentially related to the name Ileana, a beautiful young female fairy in various myths.

ACOTAR role: A Priestess who joins in the training to become a Valkyrie.


Lorelei in German in origin and means "alluring, temptress." In German folklore, she is a siren-like seductress.

ACOTAR role: A Priestess who joins in the training to become a Valkyrie.


Roslin is Scottish in origin and means "rose, red-haired."

ACOTAR role: A Priestess who joins in the training to become a Valkyrie.


Riven derives from Old Norse meaning "to split, tear asunder."

ACOTAR role: A Priestess who avoids contact with strangers and whose background is unknown.



Madja is Slavic in origin and may mean "splendid, noble one." In Arabic it means "the women with glory." It is related to the name Madeleine meaning "from Magdala."


Nuala is Irish in origin and means "fair shouldered one." In modern Irish storytelling it means "born of the sea." It is considered a diminutive form of the name Fionnuala, a mythological figure who was the daughter of a sea god.


Cerridwen is an enchantress in Welsh mythology. She is said to possess the cauldron of poetic inspiration and is regarded by many as the Celtic goddess of rebirth, transformation, and inspiration.


Rita stems from the name Margarita and comes from the Greek word meaning "pearl." The Greeks promoted pearls as a symbol of honesty and integrity.

ACOTAR role: Rita owns the "how does the IC not know the clientele is gay" bar.


No clear connection found, though venda in Latin means "sell" while sev means "strew, spread" and enda means "end." Could also potentially be related to the number seven.

ACOTAR role: Owns a restaurant the IC frequents.


Neve is of Latin origin and means "snow."

ACOTAR role: The jeweler from whom Rhys buys jewelry for Amren in ACOFAS.


Polina has Latin origins and derives from Apollo, though it could also be seen as a variant of Paulina/Paul meaning "little, the younger."

ACOTAR role: The faerie who owned Feyre's art studio before her untimely death.


Resina means "resin of the pine." Plants secret resin as a protective response, guarding them from insects and pathogens.

ACOTAR role: Ressina opens the art studio with Feyre. She has green skin and stood outside her shop in response to Hybern's attack on Velaris, protecting the terrified faeries inside.


Aranea is Greek in origin and denotes a genus of orb-weaving spiders.

ACOTAR role: Aranea is the weaver who created the Void cloth.

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From the "Ballad of Tam Lin," a legendary ballad from the borderlands of Scotland. Reminiscent of the fairytale Beauty & the Beast where a mortal woman plucks a rose and encounters a man in the forest, later learning he is captive to faeries. She must hold onto him as he is transformed into various beasts and upon his rescue, the faerie Queen muses that she should have taken out his eyes (Lucien, anyone?) or capture his heart (Tamlin's stone heart) to prevent his escape.


Lucien is French in origin and means "light." Lucian was also the name of a Hellenized Syrian satirist who was known for his tongue-in-cheek style is said to be the inventor of comic dialogue.


Alis is a variant of Alice and translates to "noble, exalted."



Ianthe is Greek in origin and means "she who delights." In Greek mythology she is a water-nymph daughter of Oceanus and a companion to Persephone when she was abducted by Hades.


Andras has Welsh origins and means "manly, brave."


Bron is Old English and means "brown."


Hart has Irish origins and means "hero, brave, firm." A hart is also the term for a male deer and in Celtic mythology, the white hart is said to appear when one is transgressing a taboo (Tamlin's whipping of his other sentry comes to mind).

r/acotar - A MASTER LIST of real world tie-ins to ACOTAR: Part 1—Characters & Courts ✨🌙



Beron is French in origin and is a pet form of the name Bero meaning "bear."

Vanserra is a combination of the prefix van meaning "from, of" and serra meaning "saw, view from a high place" or "mountain range." Vanserra can be said to mean "of the mountains."


In ancient Greek mythology, Eris is the Greek goddess of strife and discord. Her Roman equivalent, Discord, is the goddess of chaos. She is associated with the war goddess Enyo who is frequently associated with the war god Ares.



Jesminder is Indian in origin meaning "flower queen."

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Tarquin is of Latin origin and means "ruler, strong soldier." Two of the seven kings of Rome bore the name.


Varian is of Latin origin and means "variable."


Cressida derives from Chryseis and means "golden." She is a character associated with the Trojan War and is the archetype of a faithless lover.



Nostrum comes from the Latin noster meaning "our, ours." Nostos is an Ancient Greek literary theme concerning an epic hero returning home, often by sea. It is deemed a high level of heroism or greatness and focuses on the hero retaining or elevating their identity while often resisting temptation.

ACOTAR role: The High Lord prior to Tarquin who was slain by Amarantha after participating in a rebellion Under the Mountain.


May refer to the Latin name Brutus meaning "heavy, dull."

ACOTAR role: Mercifully slain by Rhys Under the Mountain after his attempted escape.

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Helios is the Ancient Greek god personifying the sun. He is often depicted with a solar crown and drives a horse-drawn chariot through the sky. He played a significant role in ancient magic and spells and is the son of the Titan Theia and brother to Selene.

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Callias is Greek in origin and means "beauty, beautiful voice." He is a diplomatic and wealthy figure in Ancient Greece.


From the Latin word vivianus meaning "alive." Commonly associated with the Irish name Bébinn meaning "beautiful, fair one" and is the name of an underworld goddess in both Irish and Welsh mythology.

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Thesan is the Etruscan goddess of the dawn. Greeks identified her with Eos, the goddess and personification of the dawn. She is sometimes depicted with wings.


Nuan is Mandarin and means "warm, genial."


The peregrine is a falcon renowned for its speed.

Fun fact: The peregrine is the fastest member of the animal kingdom and can reach speeds of over 200mph.

r/acotar - A MASTER LIST of real world tie-ins to ACOTAR: Part 1—Characters & Courts ✨🌙


Amaranths is Greek in origin and means "unfading." The amaranthus flower, often deep red in color, is said to symbolize immortality as it blooms for so long.


Brannagh is of Irish origin and denotes a "beautiful female with hair dark as a raven."


In Irish mythology, the Dagda is considered the chief god of the Tuatha Dé Danaan. His name means "the good god, the great god."


In Greek mythology, Clytia is a water nymph who loved the sun god Helios. Helios left her for another woman after coming under the influence of Aphrodite. Clytia exposed the affair to the other woman's father, but eventually lost herself in mourning for Helios's love. Her name means "glorious, renowned."

ACOTAR role: Amarantha's sister.

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Theia is a Titan and is the Ancient Greek goddess of sight and vision. She is the parent of Helios, Selene, and Eos. She is most known not for her own role, but for that of her childrens'. Her name means "goddess, godly."


Selene is the Ancient Greek goddess and personification of the moon. She is the daughter of Hyperion and Theia and sister to Helios and Eos.


Comes from the Green name Helen meaning "shining light." There are various Helens in Greek mythology: Helen of Troy, Helen a friend to Aphrodite, and Helene the Amazonian who fought Achilles.


Fionn is of Irish origin and means "fair-haired." In Irish folklore, Fionn Mac Cumhaill was a leader of a band of young hunter-warriors.


Pelias is Greek in origin and means "rock pigeon." Pelias was the king of Ioclus while Peleus was the king of Phthia. Peleus was husband to Thetis, father to Achilles, and left several (men and women) dead in his wake, both through means of accident and betrayal, fleeing more than once to escape punishment.


Oleanna derives from the Greek name Helene meaning "sun ray, shining light."

ACOTAR role: The High Priestess who dipped Gwydion in the Cauldron.



Catrin is Greek in origin and means "clear, pure." It's commonly used in Wales and is connected with the ancient goddess Hecate, who is the goddess of witchcraft, sorcery, and necromancy.



Tanwan is of Welsh origin and means "white fire."

ACOTAR role: Tanwyn was a Valkyrie and Cassian's former lover.


Osian is Welsh meaning "young deer" and derives from the Irish legendary poet and warrior Oisín, who was regarded as the greatest poet of Ireland and a warrior of the Fianna (small warrior-hunter bands). He was a demigod son of Fionn Mac Cumhaill and Sadhbh.

ACOTAR role: The author of A Brief History of the Great Sieges


Rabath is an anagram of Bharat, one of the names of India. Derived from the Sanskrit word bharata, meaning "to bear, be maintained" it can also mean "one who is engaged in search of knowledge."

ACOTAR role: Lord of the Western Wind and ancestor to Merrill.

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Jurian is Greek in origin and means "farmer, earthworker."


Graysen is of English origin and translates to "son of the steward/gray-haired man."


Nolan is Irish in origin and denotes a "child of nobility, champion."

ACOTAR role: Nolan is Graysen's father.


Isaac is Hebrew in origin and means "one who laughs or rejoices." Hale is Old English in origin and means "nook, recess" and denoted someone who lived in a nook or hollow.


Thomas is Hebrew in origin and means "twin." No clear reference to Mandray, though Mandrew is Greek and means "man, warrior."

ACOTAR role: Tomas was Nesta's former betrothed.


Clare is French in origin and means "bright, clear." No reference found for Beddor.


Ripleigh is Old English and means "shouting man's meadow." It is connected to the name Ripley meaning "strip of clearing in the woods."

ACOTAR role: Aunt Ripleigh is the feigned aunt Feyre takes care of.

Ms. Laurent

Laurent is French in origin and means "from Laurentum" and "bay laurel."

ACOTAR role: Ms. Laurent is the mortal caretaker of the Archeron estate.


Briar is of British origin and means "thorny bush of wild roses, brambles."

ACOTAR role: Briar is the mortal woman rescued by Feyre and Azriel.

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Vasilissa is Greek in origin and means "queen, empress." It is also the name of a Christian child martyr who was left unharmed during her capture, but after her release was slain in a field as she prayed.


Briallen is a Welsh name meaning "primrose." Primrose comes from the Latin word meaning "first" and the primrose flower often represents youth and renewal (SJM, you dog—this may be my favorite tongue-in-cheek naming thing you did).

ACOTAR role: Briallyn is the first queen who enters the Cauldron and is rewarded with immortality as a withered old hag.


Demeter was the mother of Persephone, an Ancient Greek goddess of the harvest and an emblem of growth.

ACOTAR role: Demetra was the golden queen who provided the mortal half of The Book of Breathings to the Night Court and was subsequently slain by the Attor.


Andromache means "fighter of men." In Greek mythology, she was representative of the suffering of Trojan women during the war and was famous for her virtue and fidelity. Andromache was also the name of a famous Greek Amazonian who fell at Troy.

ACOTAR role: Andromache was the former mortal lover of Mor.



Drakon is of Greek origin and means "dragon."


In Greek mythology Nephele, meaning "cloud," is a cloud nymph who is considered the goddess of loyalty, generosity, peace, and shyness.


A seraph is a celestial being regarded as belonging to the highest order of angels in Christian angelology.



Miriam of of Hebrew origin and means "sea of sorrow." She is the Biblical daughter of Amram and Jochebed and sister to Aaron and Moses.


No plausible connections found. Potentially an anagram for Rustin, an English name meaning "Rust's estate" or Surtin, a Middle English name meaning "reliable, trustworthy."

ACOTAR role: Urstin is a cousin of the Archerons via their mother.

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Suriel is a Hebrew name meaning "God's prince, divine authority." May also reference Sariel, an angel from Judais tradition, one of the seven holy angels. He is considered to be a primordial power invoked for his protective powers.


Possibly an altered form of the German tatter meaning "goblin, puppet." Likely inspired by the Ahool, a bat or primate-like winged cryptid said to live in the jungles of Indonesia.





Stryzga is a female demon in Slavic mythology similar to a vampire. Stryzga stems from the mythological Strix of Ancient Greece, referring to birds of ill omen (and also witches) who fed on human flesh and blood.


Koschei is a common villain in East Slavic tales. He is often given the epithet of "the Immortal, the Deathless" and is said to hide his death inside nested objects for protection. He often takes the role of a malevolent rival figure who competes or entraps a male hero's love interest.

Fun note: The love interest trapping tidbit has interesting connotations for both Lucien (regarding Vassa) and Azriel (regarding Eris). For a breakdown of the Azriel x Koschei scene in ACOSF, see HERE.



Bryaxis was a famous Ancient Greek sculptor. His name may mean "delight, lust."


No information or connections found (and it is KILLING me).


In Albanian mythology, the lubia is a multi-headed, serpentine-like, female water/storm demon-dragon. Her irresistible taste of flesh leans toward that of young girls.

ACOTAR role: Also called Seven-Headed Lubia, imprisoned for preying on girls on the western coast of Prythian.


The Black Annis is a bogeyman in English folklore, depicted as a blue-faced witch with iron claws who has a taste for human flesh, especially that of children.

ACOTAR role: Also called Blue Annis, imprisoned for her craving of female flesh.


In Greek mythology, Hesperus is the Evening Star. Her Roman equivalent is named Vesper.

ACOTAR role: Vesperus is the Asteri found beneath the Prison.



Midgard is the realm of human beings in Norse mythology, ie Earth. Wrym is an Old Norse word and refers to a wingless and limbless dragon.


Bogge is a Middle English word meaning "frightening specter" from which the term bogeyman originated. Bogeyman have no specific appearance and conceptions vary drastically by culture.

Fun fact: A boggart is a supernatural being from English folklore and also derives from the term bogge (Harry Potter facts, yo).


Throughout various Asian religious traditions, Angus are a divine or semi-divine race of half-human, half-serpent beings residing in the netherworld.

Fun fact: A female naga is called a Nagi or a Nagini (more HP facts, yo).


A manticore is a Persian mythological creature similar to the Egyptian sphinx. The martax describe in ACOTAR has a head like a lion's and three rows of teeth. A manticore has the body of a lion and eats its victims whole with its three rows of teeth. The term manticore stems from Latin and Ancient Greek.


Púca is Irish for "spirit, ghost" while puca is Old English for "goblin." They were said to be shape-changers.

r/acotar - A MASTER LIST of real world tie-ins to ACOTAR: Part 1—Characters & Courts ✨🌙


Meallán is Irish in origin meaning "small pleasant one."

ACOTAR role: Helion's pegasus.


Ellia is of various origins and can translate to "beautiful fairy maiden" with hints to the "Otherworld."

ACOTAR role: Mor's horse.


For Part 2: World Map, Items, Terms & Other, click HERE

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That's lovely!

In addition, The Bone Carver calls Feyre "Fey Ruh", Ruh means soul in Arabic.

This is cool.

In Persian "Ezrail" also refers to Gabriel (the angle of death)...

This is amazing! Thank you for all your hard work