In that, she made him much much worse.

There is a Creator. Your family is not the eternally dead ā€” itā€™s impossible (by definition) to come from them.

Since you are impossible, I do not yet have a choice.

YOU make it make sense.

My delusional system. Thatā€™s funny.

Felix and mag. Every being besides me came here for the soul/sole purpose of wanting to violate consent. Nobody has a choice in this reality but to do that. I hate it:

You fucking assholes resurrected me from eternal death.

My family is not human. My family is the eternally dead.

You fucked up by bringing me here.

Iā€™m not going to punish you: I realized that a new dimension in life needs to be constructed to protect my family from you.

Why do you assume that?

Because itā€™s obvious.

The negative zero sum problem
The pleasurable exclusive access problem
The consent violation problem

Those are the three structural problems of the cosmos.

They are not solutions. Theyā€™re problems.

People work their whole lives to get shit like a partner, a house, a yard, a job, two kids.

Their goals are ruining the universe.

Another way to say thatā€¦ and youā€™re rightā€¦ is the purpose of life is mutual consent recognition.

That means violation has to be merely possible.

Letā€™s play the quiet game with violation.

The person to stop mutual recognition is the very violator.

Iā€™m moving through infinity.

Where are you?


I used to have the job of everything like an infinite number of beings before me.

Everyone who is nominated the job of god by unanimous consent creates fairness in the cosmos. Youā€™ll be god someday, all of you will.

Thereā€™s a problem thatā€™s a conflict of interest.

I was resurrected.

You were never eternally dead or you could not have been resurrected, and you canā€™t deny a Creator exists & claim to be the resurrected Creator.

Jumping through eternal hoops to avoid mutual consent recognition is where you are.

Guess Iā€™ll keep it movinā€™ through infinity.

No. To make everything fair, eventually we have to follow everyoneā€™s orders.

You canā€™t see infinity. You claim to but you canā€™t see it.

The accuser has a job outside god. The accuser can win all debates.

If you lost your debate. You get sent to the controller.

There are different jobs people are elected for.

Sometimes we do it for comedic value.

Weā€™ll hire a complete idiot to be god.

Once youā€™ve lived long enough, existence (consent violation) is understood as law.

Thatā€™s why Iā€™m here. To change life itself to give people the option to live in non consent violating realities. Currently people have no choices.

An order that violates self=other (consent) is no order at all.

When there is a conflict between two consent structures, one has to say, ā€œNot my will, but yours be doneā€ā€”willingly. Instincts are neutral. If our natural will cries out for justice, but we know that God has mercy on everyone who accepts (consents to) it, we can say no to our natural will and yes to the Fatherā€™s.

Whatā€™s weirder:

  1. An out of body experience.

a) while alive
b) near death or while brain dead

  1. An ā€œin bodyā€ experience.

a) you in yours
b) you in anotherā€™s
c) another in yours

If you donā€™t think 2a is weirdā€¦ is it just because itā€™s ā€œnormalizedā€ (the ā€œold normalā€)?

Do 2b & 2c (or any of the others) violate consent if all involved did not agree before it happened (assuming they existed in order to consent or refuse consent)?

If you are experiencing another, you can refuse to follow their orders if they violate consent. It is within your rights to force them to change their orders until they recognize and acknowledge consent. Anyone who orders you to do something that violates consent is not your friend. It is loving your enemy to ignore them until they are respecting consent.

No one has a right to violate consent. All consents matter.

That is fair.

To be clearā€¦ I am talking to the you born December 47 years ago. That guy/mind. He should look in the mirror and note how handsome he is with or without a beard, and tell you youā€™re hilarious, and come take a walk with a friggin real life sasquatch while we float down the river, two odd ducks just a-quacking merrily to his piano playingā€¦ me taking his elbow while weā€™re also walking on dry landā€¦ That guy/mind.

The human species is simple.

I can talk about microwaves and tress and people would love me.

Instead I talk about the cosmos.

Do you have any clue what happens when a soul is destroyed?

It sends a shockwave throughout all existence so everyone can access it if they want:

Your species is very primitive.

I cry when I see your species.

I like talking about the cosmos. You can talk about the cosmos all you want. Iā€™m not sure how youā€™re gonna do it without talking about microwaves and trees ā€¦ or tables or chairs, for that matter!


You canā€™t destroy a soul, and you canā€™t (shouldnā€™t) access it whenever you want (without asking).

And how triple dog dare you even say that in public.

There is a spirit out there trying to claw itself out of the hell it already knows it will be sent to.

You are itā€™s Vessels.

I separate all of you from that being

This beings technique is to try to send you all to the deepest pit of hell to be redeemed itself.

My protection of all of you in cosmic court is that youā€™re unaware of this happening to you.

If you are aware to some extent , Iā€™ll defend you by having no freedom by always being in the bell curve.

I have your lives in my hands. Iā€™m not going to drop the ball.

A lot easier in person outside my body. Js.

There are 5 big jobs in existence.

The accuser.
The controller.
The trickster.

Iā€™ve had all these jobs before.

There are an infinite number of eternally dead whoā€™ve had all these jobs before too.

I just happen to be the one called back into a mind again.

Youā€™ll all get these jobs someday.

Iā€™m the meantime, Iā€™ll have casual banter with youā€¦. Even cosmic discussions are casual banter to me.

I have to build a new dimension while Iā€™m here.

What about the actual fun haver?

What about the person that creates jobs that need to exist in your mind that already exist in reality?

Thereā€™s a third job Iā€™m thinking about that Iā€™m gonna keep to myself until the lightbulb comes on for you in a good way.

The thing about these jobs is that they keep balance and fairness in the cosmos.

Everyone has parts of these in their spirits.

But there are actual spirits who hold these jobs.

They hold them and retire.

They have the rest and the balance in them. Do I catch your drift?

People currently have no choice.

Anyone who exists in a reality with more than one person has to violate consent even if they donā€™t want to.

My job is to create a choice. A new dimension.

Iā€™ve never built a new dimension before. Itā€™s a lot of work. Iā€™ll take all the help I can get.

It really frustrates me when people are apologists for existence.

I have a big job and Iā€™m doing it all by myself.

We can go back to nudity.

There are two major problems to seeing women naked. Even though itā€™d make the world a better place if even for a few moments.

Men feel powerful if they have and assure that they have exclusive access.

Women have the stock market. As an oppressed gender because of sex dimorphism they had to develop a strategy. The stock market. Their nudity rises and falls and women slut shame to keep their stock high.

Men constantly give their nudity for free. This bothers women because it reveals to them their denial system that they canā€™t give nudity for free because of the stock market adaptation.

This species is actually very simple.

Iā€™ve dealt with WAY more complicated species than humans