'Shogun' series renewed! What to expect from seasons 2 & 3?
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<i>Shōgun</i> renewed for seasons 2 and 3: Here’s what we know so far

Are you a fan of FX’s Shōgun? Then you have reason to be excited as the series is no more a limited series. Indeed, the Hiroyuki Sanada-led drama has been officially renewed for two more seasons. A week ago, there were reports suggesting that a season 2 renewal may happen after Sanada signed a deal with the network. The speculation was enough to send a shiver of anticipation through the show’s dedicated fanbase. And now, we have a confirmation, not just for Shogun series season 2 but also for its third instalment.

Justin Marks, who created the show with his wife Rachel Kondo, confirmed on the social media website X (formerly Twitter) that he is set to depart for Japan. He added that the scripting will begin in July, with the writing team of Shōgun season 1 of the show.

“Rachel and I get on a plane for Japan tomorrow to begin the journey. We want to see if THIS really is what we think it is. We reunite with the amazing writers of S1 in July. As someone once said, tomorrow is tomorrow… but today we’ll learn how to swim,” he wrote.

While the renewal of Shōgun seasons 2 and 3 was thought of as unlikely, the show’s magnificent success may have nudged the network and creators to give in. Released worldwide on 27 February 2024, the show scored 9 million views in the first six days, which is the most for any scripted series release for Disney on streaming, according to Variety. On the review aggregation site Rotten Tomatoes, the show scored an incredible 99 per cent, meaning almost every critic gave it a glowing review.

Read our review of Shōgun season 1 here

All about Shōgun series and what to expect in seasons 2 and 3

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Cosmo Jarvis as John Blackthorne and Anna Sawai as Toda Mariko in Shōgun. (Image: Courtesy FX/IMDb)

What is Shōgun all about?

Shōgun is a historical drama series based on James Clavell’s 1975 novel of the same name. It is set in early 17th-century Japan. Its plot kicks off after Erasmus, a Dutch trading ship crewed by Englishmen, shipwrecks in a small village in Japan. The ship’s pilot John Blackthorne (played by Cosmo Jarvis) is taken prisoner along with his men. Japan, in this period, is without a ruler. Currently, the government is run by five powerful warlords who are acting as regents for the heir, who will assume power when he comes of age.

But four of the regents fear the fifth one, Yoshii Toranaga (played by Sanada) and have reunited against him. Although strong and shrewd, Toranaga knows he cannot fight them on all his own, particularly Lord Ishido (played by Takehiro Hira). After he becomes aware of Blackthorne and the shipwreck, he sees a possible opportunity to get out of the rut. Blackthorne, after all, is a foreigner from a distant land who might know about advanced weaponry and tactics that may tip the scales in his favour.

Blackthorne was posing as a trader, but his real mission was to undermine Portuguese influence in the region. Now, he finds himself out of his element among the Japanese, most of whom are hostile. He also struggles to understand the local culture, mores and politics.

Amid all this is an enigmatic woman Toda Mariko (played by Anna Sawai), who is loyal to Toranaga and is tasked by him to serve as a translator between him and Blackthorne. She becomes Blackthorne’s only true friend and, over time, something more.

Spoilers alert!

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Hiroyuki Sanada as Lord Yoshii Toranaga in Shōgun. (Image: Courtesy FX/IMDb)

Shōgun season 1: The story so far

So what has happened in the show so far? After Blackthorne and Toranaga become allies, the power struggle between Toranaga and other regents intensifies. There are at least a dozen times when Blackthorne is condemned to death or condemns himself to death due to his ignorance of Japanese culture, and yet he proves to be more resourceful and determined than expected. As Toranaga hoped, he knows about more advanced English weapons that Toranaga’s forces can deploy in the coming war.

But Toranaga first wishes to sow division among the regents. Mariko plays an important role in this scheme. When Ishido stops her from leaving Osaka, he all but admits that he is keeping the people of the city imprisoned inside its walls. Since Mariko cannot leave Osaka and, thus, fulfils her obligations to her lord (Toranaga), she says she has to sacrifice herself. It aligns with Toranaga’s larger plan. He had promised her to give her death since she had lived most of her adult life with a death wish. As her lord, this was the best gift he could have given her. She indeed kills herself and Ishido quickly loses his high ground and his allies.

The first season of the Shōgun series ends with a heartbroken Blackthorne who is stranded in Japan and Toranaga more powerful than ever and confident of victory in the war.

Does Shōgun season 2 have a trailer?

No, since season 2 and season 3 have just been announced and season 2 is currently in pre-production. Meanwhile, you can watch the trailer of season 1 below:

What will happen in Shōgun 2 and 3?

Since Clavell ended the story of Toranaga, Blackthorne and Mariko with only one book, the writers will have to invent plots from scratch. The idea is both thrilling and a little unnerving. For one, the writing team on this show has proven themselves to be capable of crafting a rousing and heartbreaking adaptation of one of the great historical novels of the 20th century.

For another, we know what happened with Game of Thrones, a once-great show that is now only a cautionary tale. The writers outpaced George R.R. Martin’s books since he has not written the continuation of 2010’s The Dance with Dragons, the fifth instalment in A Song of Ice and Fire, on which Game of Thrones is based. So, the HBO show’s writers had to script the plots themselves based on a basic outline. They made a mess of everything, and I am being charitable here.

Even so, I have faith in the Shōgun writing team. They do seem to know their stuff as proven by the quality of season 1. So what will happen in Shōgun series seasons 2 and 3?

The show will naturally showcase the war since the finale surprised many by showcasing a nearly bloodless ending. The war was only teased and not actually shown. Compared to the finale, the ninth and penultimate episode were more eventful. But it appears, with the next two seasons, the show has the opportunity to deliver on the promised spectacle. However, I would still argue the show will continue to prioritise dialogue and character development over spectacle, for this has always been its strength and what made it such a humongous hit among both critics and audiences.

The relationship between Blackthorne and Toranaga will be further explored and developed. By the end, Toranaga came to trust and even respect Blackthorne, not just for his skills but also for the strength of his character.

We also expect Blackthorne to continue to struggle with Japanese culture, for he is still at his core an Englishman. His desire to go back to his homeland may still stir up tensions with Toranaga, who has decided Blackthorne is Japanese now.

Additionally, the writers may take elements from the actual events that the show is based on. While this novel is fictional, it is based on historical events. There really was a white Englishman who came to Japan in 1600, but he was called William Adams. And, he served as a Japanese warlord, but he was called Tokugawa Ieyasu. Adams went on to live for 20 more years. Ieyasu, on the other hand, died in 1616, though by then he was the ruler of Japan and had established the Tokugawa Shōgunate that survived until 1868.

(Hero and Featured image: Courtesy of FX/IMDb)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

-Has the Shōgun series been renewed for season 2?

Yes, and not just season 2, but we will also get Shōgun season 3.

-How does Shōgun‘s book end?

Shōgun‘s book ends similarly to the show. Toranaga emerges victorious over Ishido and becomes ruler of all of Japan.

-Is Shōgun a true story?

Now exactly. It is a fictional story. However, it is inspired by historical events and figures.

-How many episodes are there in the 2024 Shōgun series?

There are 10 episodes of Shōgun season 1 until now.

(The information in this article is accurate as on the date of publication.)
<i>Shōgun</i> renewed for seasons 2 and 3: Here’s what we know so far

Kshitij is a journalism graduate who did not initially intend to become a film critic, but such are the vagaries of destiny. Now, Kshitij is a Rotten Tomatoes-approved critic and a member of the Film Critics Guild, bringing expertise and experience in evaluating entertainment content with him. Additionally, he serves as a jury member on the Critics' Choice Awards in India. When he's not busy wielding words, catch him nose-deep in books or joyfully lost in the realms of gaming and photography.

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