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Her Potential

Chapter 6: Remember to Breathe


Charlie finds herself deeply involved in one of Alastor's nightmarish memories as she contemplates their bond, leading to an unexpected, chaotic encounter with her mother. Alastor and Charlie struggle with tension between themselves and with others at the Hazbin Hotel masquerade ball, while the strings are being pulled behind the scenes. As the night closes in near-disaster, the demon princess and her steadfast hotelier explore broken boundaries of love and lust in search of the sweetest comfort.


Warnings: Gore in the first quarter of the chapter, explicit sex the last quarter.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 6 – Remember to Breathe

The midnight hour found Charlie in her pajamas dozing alone on the parlor sofa, the ball’s itinerary spread out haphazardly all around her. She thought she had it all planned out to the T, but the niggling feeling that she forgot something kept fueling her anxiety. It did not help when nearly everyone else was feeling pretty tense about this event, in particular her father, whose own brand of paranoia kept bouncing off her own. Everything relied on this ball to go smoothly, otherwise one slip-up would cost her this project and what was left of her reputation—so her own brain told her. Running her ink-stained fingers through her hair, she could feel the exhaustion finally catching up with her as her eyelids grew heavier with fatigue.

“We might still have time to…change the outdoor seating…” Charlie mumbled, perking up slightly when KeeKee jumped in her lap, then again when she heard the soft melody of a piano wafting down the hall from several floors above. Alastor had begun his radio broadcast. She smiled in the peace his music brought to her, sighing as she laid her head back on the pillow and sprawled out, scratching her demon cat’s ears. So it would seem that he could not sleep either, not that he did a lot of that anyway.

If he was nervous about this ball, he was definitely not showing it to her, as he calmly accepted her every request in the redecorating process. In between the festivities planning, he was true to his word in locking her down with his magical studies course, giving her piles of homework already. However, it was anything but “fun” as he had claimed it would be: he dragged her through monotonous lessons of abstract theories as they read together in his room, a wide space always between them as they sat across from each other.

Charlie frowned as she recounted all the ways Alastor had grown more aloof with her since he had returned after his brief disappearance, of which he continued to obscure the true purpose. He spent almost all his free time either in his radio tower or his own room, never dropping by hers for a quick chat let alone a kiss. She felt guilty that she had somehow come on too strongly to him, despite him initiating their first two intimate encounters. Why was it so hard for her to form any permanent relationship?! Was she just too immature to be taken seriously or were they just too incompatible?!

Grumbling, Charlie took another throw pillow and fluffed it up, hugging it tightly as she leaned to her side. He had done so much for her lately, yet he did not want a reward?! What, or who, was holding him back from opening up to her, from allowing her to get too close?! Was it fear that held him back? Fear of dropping that smile, of revealing the depths of his true feelings? Or was it something darker, something lurking in the shadows of his past that he dared not confront?

The questions gnawed at Charlie’s mind like a relentless itch, each unanswered query lowering her self-esteem a notch. She replayed the haunting scene of Alastor broken down in his room when he had shouted at her, “You have no idea what I am enduring for you!” No matter what the reason, she was responsible for his current misery. She just wanted to know why…

Blinking slowly, her heart beating in time to the wistful longing in the soft and tender notes of Alastor’s melody as he continued to play in his tower, Charlie began to succumb to sleep at last.

A strange sensation washed over her the second Charlie closed her eyes, confusing her greatly upon opening them. She was standing at the door of a ramshackle cabin in the middle of the woods, a dim flickering light within. The air felt cold and unwelcoming, a biting wind blowing through the cracks in the walls and surrounding trees with an eerie whistling sound. She jumped as she heard a low, guttural growl close by, building in intensity as it transformed into a bone-chilling howl. No, now was not the time for her to be lingering there; she bolted inside the cabin at breakneck speed.

Charlie was not prepared for the grisly scene that befell her eyes, her breath hitching in the bitter stench of death. There, with one hand nailed to the wall of the decrepit room was a maimed, bloodied man with shaggy greying hair, his shirt slashed open and revealing many open, festering wounds.

Crying out, Charlie backed away instinctively, but jumped when she hit a wooden table upon which a single lit candle sat, causing the flame to flicker wildly and cast eerie shadows about. She swallowed hard when she saw the pool of blood in which the dead man sat, a few knives and a hammer littering the floor around him. A pentagram and occult symbols were drawn into the floorboards with the blood, completing the macabre scene with a sick sense of ritualistic revenge. What in the seven rings of hell was she dreaming about this for?!

Her question received an answer soon as she heard foreboding, creaking footsteps coming down the hall. Charlie saw the glint of his knife before she saw him, a tall, thin man with a smile reaching his high cheekbones, his skin a soft caramel hue, his dark hair wavy and tousled. Squinting his brilliant green eyes over his round wire-rimmed glasses at her like a cat finding its prey, the man slowly stalked towards her with a confidence that belied his hunger.

“Evelyn! What a pleasure to have you here, my dear!” he leered, a look of madness gleaming in his eyes. “Why, if you had called upon me earlier, I would have prepared dinner for us! Unless you prefer it bloody rare!” He gestured towards the dead man on the floor with a scornful laugh.

Charlie would know that smile and voice anywhere. Her heart sank as she realized this was the true extent of Alastor’s descent into darkness when he was human. Worst of all, she was somehow playing the part of his old love interest in his memory. This was a memory she was finally accessing in her dream, right?!

“Alastor…” she whispered, her voice trembling with fear and sorrow.

But before Charlie could utter another word, Alastor rushed her and held her against the wall, his words dripping with seething insanity and desperation, knife still in hand, “Don’t you think you should stay a while, hmm?! Forever, even?! Hah, ha hahaha haha…”

“A-Alastor, what did you do?” Charlie asked gently, keeping her voice as even and neutral as possible so as not to set him off in any negative direction.

Smiling drunkenly, Alastor whispered back with pure elation, as if he was revealing a great secret, “I knew what I had to do, and I did it! The voices…they were screaming my name! No longer am I shackled to a tyrant of a father!” As he tenderly caressed her cheek, a sticky residue of red trailed behind his touch, his trembling hand barely able to contain his triumph.

Charlie shivered, praying desperately to leave this horrible nightmare. Why couldn’t she just wake up?!

Smiling ever wider, his handsome face contorted under the grip of unholy possession, Alastor remarked manically, “It was exhilarating when I killed that thief for you, ma chère. I thought, I had this power all along! With the help of my friends on the other side…”

Charlie could see the silhouette of his shadow stretching and morphing behind him, rising up like a zombified puppet.

“No more will Mother and I live in fear of his rage! Aren’t you proud of me, Evelyn?!” Alastor leaned into her, his wide eyes an inch from hers, “Did you come find me to praise me?! You would never reject me again, right?!”

Charlie yelped when she felt cold sharp steel at her neck, seeing Alastor lay the knife against her skin. He clapped his hand over her mouth, his thick eyebrows furrowed together, baring his teeth. “Keep quiet, Evelyn, Mother is sleeping in the other room,” he growled, then widened his eyes with a manic grin, “Be very quiet, my beauty. Oh, how sweet you are, I venture you taste so too. May I?!”

Removing his hand, Alastor mashed his lips against hers in an anxious, bruising kiss, making her whimper in pain. A deep chuckle came from his throat, licking the blood around her mouth before he fully dove in, suffocating her with his long tongue and his hand wrapped around her throat. Charlie was trapped there, his knee between her thighs as he lowered his hand to hike her skirts higher up, his other hand holding the bloody knife coming closer to the front of her dress. Was he going to kill her, too?!

Before Alastor could continue his perverse display of affection for her, an anomaly appeared beside him, its presence casting a green light upon the gloom like a welcoming sign. Charlie perceived her mother, the Queen of Hell herself, standing behind Alastor, who seemed to freeze comically, his wide eyes glassy and his smile unwavering as if he was suddenly stuck in time. Baffled at how her dream was unfolding, Charlie felt that she might as well be stuck, too.

Lilith moved her hands like she was weaving yarn, and Alastor’s limbs glowed with tiny green stitches and moved about like a marionette’s, snapping with a terrible crunching sound. He cried out, his mouth straining against more stitches that forced his smile in place, clearly feeling every bit of this torture. Blood oozed from the puncture wounds, painting lines of red that streamed down his jaw. Charlie cringed, not wanting to see him suffer like this.

“W-Why are you doing this to him, Mom?!” Charlie demanded with an anguished lilt.

“Sinners must know their place,” Lilith smiled cruelly, then brandished her hand in the air, conjuring a thick green padlocked manacle and chain around Alastor’s neck, holding it taut.

“Mom, no! They are our people! We aren’t the same, but they don’t deserve to be treated like slaves! I thought you were better than Dad!” Charlie begged, feeling uneasy now.

Alastor writhed about, then suddenly stopped, a clouded look overcoming him. He turned towards Lilith and laid his hands on her thigh, his eyes worshipping her above him, drooling blood. Charlie grimaced while her mother smirked, showing her pointed incisors.

“Things are not as they seem, Charlotte,” Lilith intoned conceitedly, nodding to the smitten look on Alastor’s face, “Look how he grovels over me, he likes being tied up under my foot. Just like all men. A pity he has to receive punishment for disobeying me. We made a deal, after all.”

Charlie frowned hard, snapping at her mother, “Wait, for what? You’re the one who’s been hurting him?! For getting close to me?!”

Lilith smiled knowingly, but did not say anything, her motives shrouded in darkness as she and the dream faded away into nothingness.

And then, with a start, Charlie awoke, her heart pounding in her chest as she found herself face to face with the ghostly apparition of her mother floating over her. The blood red eyes that were uncharacteristic of her usual light violet pupils were unsettling on her otherwise unchanged appearance.

“Oh shit!” Charlie cursed, sitting upright and terrified. Her dream was reality now.

“Follow me,” Lilith ordered, her voice echoing in the empty parlor. She beckoned her with her forefinger, green magic glowing around her. “We have much to discuss.”

Determined to get some answers, Charlie obeyed, jumping up from the sofa and trailing after her mother, ignoring KeeKee’s mews. She wandered the corridors of the hotel in her trance, barely noticing the silence without Alastor playing his piano from high above, and the blood-red eyes manifesting on the walls and floor behind her, staring menacingly.

“H-Hey, Mom, is this really you?” Charlie asked timidly, increasing her pace as the apparition drifted along to the back rooms.

Lilith slowed in her acceleration and twirled around, her long hair spinning gently as if in a breeze, flashing Charlie a mischievous smirk, then turned again and continued forward again towards the indoor swimming pool—a new addition her father had added to the redesign of the hotel. Walking steadfastly into the expansive room, Charlie had to jog to keep up with her mother as she zipped over to the deep end, floating above the water.

Just as she stopped to a halt, Lilith beckoned her again with her finger, and Charlie felt a magnetic pull, her legs now moving her into the cold water. Hypnotized by the force, she barely registered it just before she quickly sank beneath the surface, the feeling of tentacles gripping her ankles.

Fuck, fuck, fuck! Lucidity struck Charlie like a train as panic clawed at her nerves. She struggled to break free of the hold on her, thrashing her arms and legs hard and trapping the last of the air in her lungs, the darkness of the water threatening to swallow her whole.

But just as Charlie felt herself slipping away, strong arms pulled her from the depths and tossed her onto slick tile, drawing her back to life. Gasping for breath, Charlie opened her eyes and looked up to see her father kneeling beside her, his expression a mix of concern and admonishment. With a hitched cry, Lucifer wrapped her into a bear hug, “Oh lord, Charlie, what were you trying to do?!?!”

Charlie coughed hard, feeling dazed and confused. What was she trying to do? She had done something incredibly reckless, risking her health, possibly her life, to talk to a ghost that was more or less a figment of her imagination. Tears welled up in her eyes, and she sank her head into the crook of her father’s shoulder, shaking. She could not tell him about her nightmare and vision, they were too unbelievable even to herself.

“There, there, Char-Char, it’s ok, I’m here,” Lucifer cooed gently, rubbing her back, “You looked like you were sleepwalking, and I followed. Not grown out of that old habit, eh?”

“I-I guess not,” Charlie sputtered, wanting to rest for a while, feeling exhausted.

“I’m worried about you, my little star,” her father murmured, hugging her tightly, “You know, it’s not too late to postpone this whole thing. If it’s too much, we can just cancel entirely, there’s no need to hurt yourself over some ungrateful sinners.”

“No, no, Dad,” Charlie retaliated, pulling away and wiping her eyes, “It’s too late now, I-I need to go through with this. I don’t care what it takes, everyone else is looking forward to it. Alastor is—”

“—A bad influence on you, Missy!” Lucifer scorned, his face suddenly serious.

“What?!” Charlie cried back in exasperation.

“You heard me. He may have done a great deed by saving you from those sleezy overlords, but there’s something very suspect about the way he’s all over you, don’t you think?!” Lucifer chided, his voice tinged with worry.

“That’s no surprise! He cares about me and wants to teach me how to harness my powers, how to be better,” Charlie argued defiantly, crossing her arms. Unlike you, she dared not say aloud.

Lucifer’s expression darkened at her words, his worry evident in the deep furrow of his brow.

“He’s dangerous, Charlie,” he insisted, “You’ve gotta be careful, you’re getting sucked in to something unknown with him!” Charlie rolled her eyes at him, and he continued to press on, “You’re the Princess of Hell, and he’s just some low-class sinner! He’s cunning, manipulative, wayyy too touchy, rude—”

“Dad, please, he’s saved my life, many lives actually,” Charlie interjected, her voice rising with conviction, “I know Alastor may be…complicated, but he’s offered his support when I needed it most. And I don’t give a damn he’s not some rich hot-shot. I won’t abandon someone who’s shown me kindness and trust, when others turned their backs on me. I trust him, I do.”

Lucifer stood to his feet, his blonde locks plastered against his wet white skin adding to his withered look he threw her. “Fine. Fine. Don’t listen to me, then. Don’t say I didn’t warn you, Charlie,” he muttered, then sighed and started walking away, his hands clasped behind his back. “You were always too nice. Just remember, I was led astray once too. He’s got the same evil written all over him.”

Hurt by his words, Charlie turned and her father had gone. Sad, wet, and alone, she rubbed her arms to keep the cold from setting in. Silently, she cast her drying spell over herself, feeling slightly warmer. There was much to do later that day, she had better get to bed. Standing shakily, Charlie morosely walked to the exit as crimson eyes studied her thoroughly from the shadows.

The Hazbin Hotel was practically unrecognizable after the stunning transformation, largely spearheaded by Charlie, had come to fruition. As guests arrived, they were greeted by the sight of lavish golden draperies, exotic flower arrangements, and shimmering chandeliers that cast a warm, inviting glow throughout the grand foyer and beyond.

Alastor stood amidst the flurry of activity, intently watching behind his masquerade mask every demon who entered, his smile etched on in the spirit of a good host. The others were outside fielding the guests for their tickets and checking for any weapons on their person. His eye began to twitch when he heard Lucifer enter from a side door, dressed to the nines in an opulent black and white tuxedo complete with top hat, and pompously began greeting the sinners and demons, stealing his assignment.

“Goooooood evening, my sinful darlings! Step right up and prepare to par-tay!!! Ah, Azazel, my dear fellow!” Lucifer exclaimed with exaggerated enthusiasm as one of the taller, avian demons approached. “So delightful to see you gracing us with your presence tonight!” Lucifer darted over to another approaching group of the upper echelon of Hell, grandiose and jovial, “Ohh, if it isn’t my esteemed colleagues, Paimon, Asmodeus, Vassago! And there’s my girl Beelzebub! I’ve gotta say, you all look positively diabolical tonight! Killer masks, but I knew you all from the start! Hah!”

Alastor’s lip curled in disdain as he observed the King of Hell’s haughty demeanor, his eyes narrowing at Lucifer’s dismissive treatment of the common sinners who dared to approach. The bitterness within Alastor boiled over as he witnessed Lucifer’s blatant disregard for those he deemed beneath him—a sentiment with which Alastor was all too familiar, being one of those disregarded souls himself.

The hypocrisy of it all gnawed at Alastor—the way Lucifer looked down on sinners like him while indulging in his own transgressions. Consorting with the Root of All Evil and contributing to the downfall of humanity, all while turning a blind eye to his own responsibility. It was a façade Alastor could not abide—a king who feigned ignorance to his role in the chaos, fooling even himself into believing he was blameless.

As Lucifer continued to greet the elite of Hell’s hierarchy, now throwing his arms around the von Eldritch family, he made it clear where his loyalties lay. Surely, he only really cared about Charlie’s ball to impress them with his power and influence and would stop at nothing to ensure that he remained at the top of the infernal pecking order. For what he lacked in security of himself, Lucifer made up for it in excess materialism and putting on airs of a fearsome, perfect ruler of Hell.

Alastor curled his sharp claws into a fist, his fingertips drawing his own blood. If only he could get Charlie to replace her father fast enough before he was forced to kill him…

“Greetings Alastor,” came a deep, heavily-accented voice to Alastor’s side, “I hopeth this even-tide will be as pleasant as thy bidding described.”

“Oho, Zestial! And Carmilla, and your charming daughters, what a wonderful surprise!” Alastor exclaimed, turning his attention to the couple of overlords in addition to the latter’s two children who approached him, his hands clasped behind his back. Finally, he could garner some much-needed attention of his own and turn his dark thoughts away from his main source of anger and trepidation, his dreaded deals he made ever-looming on the horizon.

“I must say, Alastor, we never expected this from you,” Carmilla spoke, eyeing him and striking a pose in her silvery white velvet dress embroidered with lace spiderwebs, her arm linked with Zestial’s, a towering figure adorned in ruffled robes of black silk, their elaborate feathered masks matching; the both of them were the perfect picture of gothic mystique. “Who would have thought un rebelde like you would clean up so well, and work so tirelessly for the Princess of Hell? She must be paying you extra, no?”

Alastor smirked, enjoying the challenge of his nosy compeers, “Ah, well, I shan’t hide it any longer: I enjoy the benefits of free room and board, while I also reap the rewards of being in our royals’ good graces. What else would a poor overlord such as myself want in this wretched Hell we reside in?”

“What of the soul contracts thou hath bargained for? Surely thy powers and influence hath weakened since the fight with the angels. To have sacrificed thyself time and again for the Princess hath been naught short of noble. Prithee, what led thee down such a destructive path, dear friend?” Zestial questioned, his dark baritone blended with medieval English.

Alastor felt the slightest bit uneasy at where this conversation was headed. Planning to head off the eldest overlord with a joke about his own dubious relationship with the arms dealer overlord, his thoughts were interrupted once more by a tall, slender figure of a woman making her way towards him through the crowd, her white pixie cut slicked back with a red rose ornament, her corseted mauve dress accentuating her graceful curves and lending an air of predatory allure.

“Well, well, well! Alastor, look at ya! Why don’t ya dress up more often, look how handsome ya can get!” the cannibal overlord pranced over to him, her smile wide and toothy as she straightened his bow tie. “And your aura is sparkling and spry as ever!”

If the revelations of the past week had not occurred, Alastor would have found Rosie’s comradery to be a great relief. However, knowing what he knew now, he struggled momentarily to maintain his cool composure in the presence of Lilith’s disguise. Glancing over at Lucifer across the foyer, who was still lost in entertaining his audience of sovereigns, Alastor arched an eyebrow and grinned back, pretending his old friend had really come to greet him.

“Ah, to what do I owe the pleasure of your company, my dear Rosie?” he asked, his voice smooth as velvet. “I did not take your kind as interested in any redemption, if even possible at all.”

“Me, redemption?!” Rosie raised a dismissive hand to her bosom, “Oh, ya know better than that, Alastor! I’m an all-natural Hellborn! Nah, I thought how it’d be a fun little trip to see a good friend, and to attend to a little business. Ya know, this is the perfect night to go people-watchin’! I nevah get out of town, so this soiree is just what I needed!”

“Indeed, indeed,” Alastor chuckled, playing along with Lilith’s game, feeling freer to talk as Zestial and Carmilla began chatting amongst themselves beside them, “And what might this business entail, if you don’t mind?”

Rosie leaned in close to him and grasped his hands in hers, her voice barely above a whisper, “Let’s just say I want to see how the Princess will perform tonight, and if any naysayers get in her way, ahem, well, let me say I’ll be here to support her.”

Alastor’s smile faltered for a fraction of a second, a flicker of fear and understanding fluttering through him. He slapped his trademark grin back on just as quickly, responding flippantly, “Oh, be at ease, my dear friend. I am her biggest supporter, no one else can dare get closer to her.”

“Speaking of the Princess, where is the little darling?” Rosie asked, her black eyes behind her intricate ebony mask searching the throng of guests.

As Alastor opened his mouth, a hush came over the crowd, all eyes turning up towards the top of the grand staircase. There, slowly descending with grace and poise, was Charlie, her elegant and alluring presence filling the hall with warmth and light. Alastor was enraptured, feeling a swell of admiration for his escort for this ball. The cherry red satin skirt of her dress cascaded to the floor, pooling around her slender form in luxurious folds, the train held up by her miniature dragon bodyguard, Razzle. The bodice was incredibly…showy…to say the least. Two strips of fabric extended from the high waistline to barely cover her supple breasts, creating the plunging halter neckline and tying in the back in a big, ostentatious bow underneath her waves of golden hair decorated with tinsel. Oh, she was so incredibly decadent, he could not tear his eyes away.

“Ahem, erm, everyone! I’d like to introduce you all to my pride and joy, the one and only, Princess Charlie Morningstar! Isn’t she absolutely gorgeous?!” Lucifer strutted over, throwing his arms wide to frame his daughter, applause and whistles striking up and reverberating around the halls.

Charlie’s face was frozen, her scarlet eyes wide behind her bejeweled mask as she stared ahead, as though any sudden movement might trigger an anxiety attack. Alastor could sense how terrified she was and walked quickly over to the foot of the stairs, brushing past Lucifer, who shot him an irritated look.

Alastor did not like that he was suddenly having trouble with closing off his mind and emotions to Charlie, especially after seeing her in one of his most private memories the previous night with Eris jumping in and impersonating Lilith. It was no surprise, then, that he felt her emotions so keenly under his skin. What unsettled him even more was the depth of Charlie’s distress, exacerbated by her father’s boisterous announcement of her arrival. All she had wanted was to blend into the crowd, shielded from the scrutiny of her glorified status.

Wordlessly, Alastor proffered his hand to Charlie, a silent invitation that caught her attention. With a grateful nod, she practically jogged down the remaining steps toward him. However, her clumsiness caught up to her as she tripped on the last step. Alastor, ever graceful, swiftly caught her in his arms and set her down as if nothing had happened.

“Careful, dear,” he murmured loud enough only for her to hear, then traced his fingers along her arm until he reached her hand and brought her knuckles to his lips, giving her a gentle kiss. Finally, her pretty lips upturned into a pleasant smile, and he returned the expression.

“Y-You look great, Alastor, very nice,” Charlie bit out, her blush spreading across her cheeks as she looked him up and down.

“Hmmph, this old ensemble?” Alastor waved a flippant hand at his fancy red, black, and white satin suit. “You, my dear, look positively ravishing, I daresay you’ll be the belle of the ball tonight,” he exclaimed, his voice a low rumble of admiration unfiltered by radio static.

The moment would have been more meaningful if her father was not standing right there ogling them closely with a slowly burning gaze, plotting. Lucifer turned to Charlie and captured her in a tight embrace, wailing pitifully as if in great anguish, “OHHH CHARLIE!!! I never thought this day would come! My baby girl, all grown up and taking charge of Daddy’s dream like never before! And going on a first date with her boyfriend!”

Lucifer began to lead Charlie away towards Seviathan von Eldritch, who stood close by in impressive attire, a smug, self-satisfied look on his scaly green face. She looked nervously back at Alastor, but before he could make a move, Rosie unexpectedly intervened, holding Charlie by the shoulders and pushing her away from her father.

“Uh, excuse me?!” Lucifer snapped, his eyes narrowing into slits as he brandished his apple cane, “Who do you think you are?!”

“Why, I’m just someone on the team who recognizes what Charlie wants and needs, Your Highness,” Rosie quipped, her black lips smirking as she presented a stunned Charlie back to Alastor. “Maybe ya can join it sometime, huh? Or stop by my emporium for some advice?”

A low susurrus arose around them as the guests began to gossip about what they were witnessing. Charlie had a troubled look on her face again, doubly so with her father fighting over her. Alastor recoiled, wondering why Lilith was choosing to spar with Lucifer while in her disguise. The buzzing tension in the air was needling Alastor’s last nerve as well, and he took the Princess’s arm into his, holding it fast and whisking her away from the ensuing drama.

“Come now, Charlie, let us have a drink before we get this underway,” Alastor ordered brightly, a pep in his step as he led her down the hall towards the ballroom with other guests wandering by.

“O-Ok, just not too much, I don’t do well after two drinks sometimes,” Charlie answered shyly once they were out of earshot of her father.

Alastor tilted his head down at her, sliding his other hand into his pocket. The poor thing was trembling so much, she should be forgiven by all for needing a shot or two of rye. “Well then, I will have to keep an eye on you, Charlie Morningstar,” he said teasingly. He was relieved when she laughed back albeit nervously, approaching the ornate doors.

Charlie reached forward and turned the handle, their senses of sight and sound immediately overtaken with a luscious, festive scene. The massive ballroom was full of masked denizens of Hell in fancy attire, some in the middle of the floor dancing with partners to the upbeat jazz music played by a live band of black cat demons, some guests standing around and speaking in small groups, and others wending their way through extravagant decoration and magical food displays, all the while multi-colored strobe lights traveled around the crowd, illuminating the intensity of revelry in each individual.

Alastor’s eyes roved around, taking in every detail as he stood at the entrance with Charlie’s hand clasped in his, from the heart-shaped candles floating about the rainbow streamers crisscrossing the high ceiling and crystal chandeliers, to the large iridescent evergreen trees strung with white lights flanking each of the four corners, to the intricate flower arrangements, feathered masks, and ice sculptures on several of the tables. Along the walls, cascading ivy and plush velvet drapes were hung from ornate columns, flanked by gilded towering candelabras, creating the perfect backdrop befitting a Venetian carnival.

Charlie then looked behind her, cringed, and tugged on his hand, suddenly ushering him away very quickly to one side of the ballroom near the hor d’ouevres. Once they had gone the distance, sidling around the other guests, she took two plates and began cramming as much food as she could onto each, handing one to him roughly and hid in front of him. Alastor did not know what to make of her outlandish behavior as she stuffed a pastry in her mouth, her eyes darting around. 

“Charlie, dearest? What is the matter?” he asked delicately and lowered his eyes to look at her properly, the lights not as low and the music not as loud in this corner.

“Shhh! Everything is fine, I just need to avoid him,” Charlie muttered nervously, then gestured to his plate, “Go on ahead and eat something, don’t blow our cover!” 

Alastor simply tsked, glancing in the direction of her nervous gaze, seeing Seviathan and his father entering the ballroom, looking around expectantly. He smirked, then picked up a cracker with raw tuna and some sort of white paste underneath, taking a hesitant bite. It was rather good.

“Hmmm, you seem to be very distracted today, Charlie, this silliness is unbecoming of you,” Alastor observed after a few minutes of sampling the food without speaking, “I recall you saying we should enjoy ourselves tonight, so why are we cowering in the corner like outcasts? When shall you address your people?”

Charlie glowered slightly at him, laying her plate down. She then walked around him towards the beverages table and brought back two tall glasses of a bubbling pale gold drink, handing one to him. 

“Here, let’s have some champagne, maybe that will help,” Charlie said stiffly.

Alastor smirked at her, not unkindly, “Do not give me that look, Charlie. I promised you I would make you very happy if I accompanied you here. Well, have I?”

She pursed her lips after taking a long sip of her drink, her arm wrapped around her waist. Her eyes were hooded as she replied, staring at the floor unseeingly, “You’re doing fine. I’m sorry if I’ve been acting weird.” 

Alastor deflated slightly at the sight of her gloomy aura, taking a sip of the champagne she had given him. It was very crisp, sparkling, and sweet—not bitter enough for his liking. With the help of liquid courage, he began deliberating to himself on how he could break this ice between Charlie and him. The heavy atmosphere seemed to inject some daring into him as he suddenly latched onto her upper arm and led her over to the festooned tree in the corner.

He brought his hand up to her chin and gently turned her face to him, speaking lowly to her, “Charlie, I only wish to see you smile, truly.” He inhaled lightly when her pretty scarlet eyes turned up to him behind her gilded mask, the glittering lights reflecting in them. He continued, imploring, “If there is anything you wish to tell me, please, do not deny me.” 

Charlie widened her eyes slightly, her midnight lips parted as she exhaled and looked as though she needed to say something to him. She then took a step back out of his grasp, her eyes lowered. Alastor felt a stone weight drop in his stomach; why was she refusing him?!

“I-I’m sorry, I-I don’t feel so well all of a sudden,” she said, looking a little pale, then reached out and grabbed his hand, “Come on, let’s go sit down somewhere.” 

They found a couple chairs on the other side of the ballroom and sat down, watching the many dancing pairs tread across the floor. Alastor was looking at Charlie concernedly. Her empty champagne glass spinning between her fingers, she still had that apprehensive air about her, her eyes darting around, avoiding him. Her gaze sadly fixated onto various spots for several minutes as if she was guilty of something. It was no good tapping into their mind connection: her thoughts were blurring about, unfocused and upset. Certainly, she was not doing a very good job of keeping her emotions internalized, whatever they stemmed from. But what could it be?! If he could only get her to relax, he might be able to tell what she was thinking. Was it something he had done?

Alastor sighed. He was driving himself mad with trying to figure out this woman. It was time to change tactics, no matter how difficult they would be. Standing up, he set his glass on his seat and proffered his hand to her, “Charlie, would you—” 

“—THERE you are, Charlie! Come on, it’s time!” interjected a snappy male voice from Alastor’s side. With narrowed eyes, Alastor saw that Lucifer had come upon their personal space, his hand also reaching out to Charlie. She looked up in surprise at her father, her expression turning to dread. Alastor lowered his hand in distaste, their moment interrupted.

 Without preamble, Lucifer grasped her shoulder and swiveled her over to the center stage, throwing Alastor a glare behind his horned ivory mask that told him to stay away. The sound of the jazz music faded as the crowd gathered around them and the cat troupe departed, and Alastor tilted his chin up in defiance to the contemptible fallen angel, silently following them.

The stage, bathed in soft hues of violet and indigo, was set with instruments and microphones, ready to entertain with live music and performances throughout the evening. A grand piano sat at the center, its keys gleaming in the dim light, awaiting the touch of a skilled musician.

Charlie shakily alighted the steps alone, holding her dress up so as not to trip again. Alastor stood front and center below her, clasping his hands in front of him and smiling broadly to encourage her composure. He watched her take a deep breath, steeling herself for her speech.

“M-My friends,” Charlie began, her voice wavering slightly as she wrung her hands. “I-I-I want to thank each and every one of you tonight at our grand reopening ball. It took a lot to come t-this far, but my work is just beginning.”

The thick air around Alastor shifted moodily, many of the sinners anxious for her reveal of a convincing story for her cause.

“I know that many of you may still be skeptical of our mission,” Charlie continued, her voice growing stronger with each word. “But I believe with all my heart that every soul has the potential for change, for growth, for redemption. And here at the Hazbin Hotel, we offer a safe haven for those who seek it, a place where they can find a second chance at their afterlife.”

A murmur of agreement rippled through the crowd as the Princess of Hell spoke, outlasting those who jeered, her words resonating with a good many sinners. Alastor noticed as Rosie returned beside him, soon followed by Angel Dust, Husk, and Cherri Bomb, the three wearing suits and masks of various styles and colors. He felt small arms wrap around his leg and bent his neck to see Niffty in a sparkly swing dress, a red and gold filigree mask barely covering her large manic eye.

Charlie glanced down at them, her eyes twinkling with renewed boldness. “When we first started out, we were a mess, to be honest. Barely anyone knew each other well enough, but we found ways to break through. We came to understand where we came from, and what we wanted to fix or fill what was missing in our dreams. W-We came so close to redemption with one of our members…” Charlie’s eyes filled with tears, but blinked them away fast, shaking her head, “…but I know if we keep trying, we can help anyone.”

Her eyes then met Alastor’s, her wavering smile firming up unabashedly. “And I can’t think of anyone else I want to thank the most for bringing us all together than the hotel’s host, Alastor!”

Charlie extended her hand to Alastor, feeling all eyes on him now. Her blush became more pronounced, and he could feel her heart beating out of her chest, her fingers beckoning him to her, “I-I have a song I wanted to sing for everyone, but I need someone to play, who can keep up with me.”

Alastor grinned broadly and gave a short bow, acquiescing to her request. Perhaps this is what she was so nervous about… He passed her on the stage and conjured his microphone staff, handing it to her without a word. Charlie smiled happily, taking it with a flourish.

Sitting down at the bench, Alastor flexed his fingers over the ivory and ebony piano keys, awaiting his duet partner’s vocals to give him a cue how to start improvising his notes, for he had no idea what the nature of her song would be. He smirked to himself. Surely, it would be something fluffy and about redemption and rainbows and the like.

The stage lights took on a reddish hue as Charlie cleared her throat, bringing his microphone to her lips. Alastor could not shake the sensation of a tingle down his spine, as if he could feel her breath, warm against his skin. He gritted his teeth, profoundly attuned to her every thought and emotion once more. Now was not the time to allow this sensation to overwhelm him…

Alastor started off with gentle chords, listening to Charlie’s heartfelt voice create a sense of intimacy and vulnerability. She had certainly chosen an evocative song, painting the picture of someone yearning to bridge the divide between her and her far-away lover. Knitting his eyebrows together in concentration, he looked up to see her silhouette, her eye furtively glancing back at him as if she wanted to gauge his reaction to her delivery. She began to “talk” her next lyrics, which seemed to speak just to him.

Charlie turned back to the audience, and Alastor snapped himself out of his reverie, returning his attention to the notes he had to make up. Charlie now turned further towards him, but kept her eyes closed as she laid a hand on his piano, speaking the next line with pure intent.

“I'll be your angel if you wanna discover the perfection of sharing love with one..."

Charlie began to harmonize at the end of her song, slowly dancing and swaying her curvy hips in time to their combined rhythm. “Alright,” she finished, a round of applause resounding in the vaulted ceilings of the ballroom.

Alastor felt hot under the collar, his tail flicking under his coat. He pursed his smiling lips together. That little minx…

“Thank you, thank you,” Charlie waved to the guests, then laughed awkwardly, “That was an older song I liked, it tells you that the power of love can transcend all barriers and bring us closer together, no matter how far apart we may be. I-I know some of you may be here for so many different reasons, but love is our one thing in common, we all have the potential for it! Now let’s have fun!”

The lights brightened a bit as Charlie made her way to the stairs of the stage, the jazz cat demon troupe replacing them. She jumped a bit at Alastor’s covetous touch on her bare back. He smiled seductively at her as he guided her slowly, ready to lead her out to the dance floor himself.

 “That was lovely, my dear, whatever inspired you?” Alastor queried intimidatingly.

He could see her nervous smile in the dark, her sharp teeth glinting white. Before Charlie could answer, though, he felt her wrested away from him, her arm being reeled in by a slimy green demon with whom he still had a bone or two to pick.

“Oh sweetcheeks, what a cute song. I felt like you were singing it just for me,” Seviathan drawled, caressing Charlie’s hair and tucking it behind her ear, “May I have your first dance?”

Alastor began to snarl, but stopped when Charlie tossed him his microphone staff. She looked at him apologetically, then seemed to deflate in her ex-boyfriend’s arms, blowing a puff of air that ruffled up her sweeping bangs. “Let’s just get this over with,” she smirked, “Just one dance and we’re done.”

“Sure, whatever you say,” Seviathan rolled his eyes, then gave Alastor a winning smile, pulling Charlie onto the floor with them as they danced to a showy jazz number.

Scowling heavily, Alastor stalked over to the bar where Husk had started to serve. His indentured sinner looked up at him, his depressive dark eyes widening in fear as he sensed Alastor’s rage and scrambled to pour him his customary shot of rye.

Knocking it back with a raspy sigh, Alastor sat himself down fitfully on a barstool and slammed the glass down on the counter. “Hit me again, Husker.”

“Yes, Boss,” the ex-overlord murmured without argument, passing him another couple of shots.

With a rattling, exasperated sigh, Alastor turned back to the dance floor, searching for Charlie amongst the hundreds of bodies moving in time with the music. He caught sight of her flowing red dress and glared hard as that idiotic boy held her hand and twirled her back into his arms. Alastor shook his head crossly, clutching his glass. He was not jealous, he had no right to be… Charlie could dance with whomever she pleased and completely ignore him… 

“Ya know, Smiles,” Angel Dust sauntered up and leaned against the bar, clothed in a sharp white suit, selecting one of the shots as his own, “Charlie’s a big girl and knows how to take care of herself, but not sure if ya heard it ya-self, her song was her bein’ horny as hell for a big, strong lovah to take her now.”

Alastor smiled tightly as he cleanly broke the shot glass in his sharp claw, ignoring the shards stabbing him and Husk’s grumbling. Rolling his eyes to the side at the spider demon, he creaked his neck to follow his heated gaze, baring his fangs in a menacing smile, “And you are insinuating, what, my effeminate fellow?!”

Unbothered, Angel Dust smacked his lips as he polished off his shot, ignoring Husk’s lowered voice warning him to shut up. Alastor raised his eyebrow to the both of them, realizing they knew about his relationship with Charlie now.

“We’re all tired of hidin’ it, Smiles. We know. And before ya try tah kill me, it was Charlie who let slip,” the pale spider smirked, satisfied with Alastor’s fallen face. He pushed himself up by the elbows and patted Alastor quickly on the shoulder, remarking with an impish grin, “Congrats on catchin’ a real one, bud. Don’ let her get away now!”

Husk surreptitiously placed three more shots on the bar as Alastor scooped up another, biting out to the cat, “I’ll deal with you later.” He returned to scowl at the dance floor, searching for Charlie.

Alastor downed his fourth shot, his smile bitter from the kick of the whiskey. At least it was a good feeling to counter the rejection he was experiencing… Charlie was most likely shaken up about last night and was wary of him. She had seen glimpses of his other dark memories, but never strayed from him yet. He remembered how he was when he first fell to madness as a human. All raw emotion and no filter to hide behind…he had ironically found control the longer he stayed in Hell.

However, Alastor distinctly remembered how much Charlie had delighted in his touch, how her beautiful body had quivered with expectancy and euphoria underneath him, her complexion glowing… He smiled at that memory, running an excited hand across his face. He then wondered if she had ever been with another man, if someone had pleasured her before him… Perhaps she was a virgin, and she had conflicting thoughts if they were to take it one step further? …Yes, perhaps that was it, perhaps it was not a matter of hating him after all… 

The next person who turned up at the bar was the most unexpected and unwelcome of all. Lucifer sighed heavily and took off his top hat, placing it on the counter between them as he took a seat, running a hand through his wavy blonde hair and pulling off his mask.

Alastor steadfastly looked ahead, ignoring the miserable king. He did not deserve his attention at this time; there were far better things he could do rather than start more drama with this pathetic man bent on destroying his bond with his daughter.

“Double shot of bourbon on the rocks,” Lucifer mumbled into his hand, staring unseeingly at the bottles lining the shelves.

“Right away, Your Majesty,” Husk responded, setting to work.

Alastor continued to nurse his fifth shot of whiskey, peering through his mask but he had still lost sight of Charlie in the throng of guests racing to the dance to the next upbeat song. All he wanted now was to have her back in his arms and never let her go again. He had willfully ignored her this past week, forcing himself away for fear of Eris thinking he was becoming too soft, and to tamp down on his own desire. Thus, he thought he had to protect Charlie in this way, but it seemed Eris was targeting her last night regardless of what he did. He meant to jump in the pool to save her from her trance, but her father had beat him to it. At least he does notice something is wrong, he mused darkly.

“Well, you won her over, Alastor,” Lucifer said hollowly, looking down at his drink.

Alastor’s ears pricked up, otherwise he made no other sign of having heard the fallen angel speak.

“You know what my next question is, right?” Lucifer continued, his tone more serious.

“Why, Your Highness, you’re asking me to name my price on releasing Charlie from my clutches?” Alastor jested, “I do not intend to let her go, as for your next question. Not after I worked so very hard to gain her trust.” He made sure his smile was wicked and intimidating as he turned to the King of Hell.

Lucifer simply blinked morosely and ignored his bait, his rosy cheeks bright under his shadowed eyes. “I knew you would say that,” he muttered in a gravelly voice to himself, then turned fully to Alastor with a depressed, bargaining look that made the latter falter for a second. “I miss my wife, Alastor. And now I’ve lost Charlie. I’m hated in Hell. Go ahead and laugh.”

Alastor lolled his head along his shoulder in a deliberate pose, so he was almost upside-down staring at the king when he hollowly intoned, “Ha ha.” Alastor righted himself when his goading did not trigger a reaction, and he raised his eyebrow, “Is that not what you wanted to hear?”

Lucifer glumly looked up at him as he traced one finger along the rim of his glass, unimpressed. “Yes, and no. I know you’ve got some ulterior motive going on, but the pieces don’t all fit.” He took a long draught of his bourbon, grimacing at the taste as he set it back down. Lucifer continued his conjecture, “Why were you gone as long as my wife was since last year? Were you fighting alongside her against Eve?”

Alastor blinked, genuinely surprised the king had guessed as much correctly.

“Hmmm, I wonder,” Alastor smiled mysteriously, leaning back against the bar and grabbing another shot, silently knocking it back.

“If you tell me what really happened to Lilith, and promise not to hurt Charlie, I will let you off the hook, and even support whatever you’ve been trying to do behind the scenes,” Lucifer pleaded desperately, his eyelid drooping already from the alcohol.

Alastor barked a short laugh at that and crossed his legs. “Oh, THAT would be very amusing, Your Highness. No deal needed, though, as these terms are already in motion. Except the information about your wife. Dear me, I am afraid I have no comment for that.”

Lucifer sneered at him, redder in the face now. “I really do think that you know, but fine. I’ve been told that Lilith is in Heaven after she made a deal with Adam for protection against Eve, but I don’t believe that, she’d never go to him over me…” Lucifer ran a hand through his hair again, mussing it up to further heights, his eyes crinkling with tears, “S-She died, didn’t she? She died and went to Heaven that way, leaving me alone with Charlie…that’s why she never answers her calls…”

Husk grimaced while Alastor smiled serenely as they watched the King of Hell break down at the bar, crying over his drink. Alastor was about to say something witty that would fire up the fallen angel when he was interrupted by another unwelcome guest.

 “Alllastor,” came a rough Brooklyn accent from a skimpily-dressed curvy woman with an ostentatious purple mask who he knew all too well. Mimzy bustled her way through the crowd, her smile lit up at the sight of him. She cringed when she picked up on the sounds of Lucifer crying beside him still.

“Jesus, Alastor, you’ve gone and made the Devil himself cry. You really are a heartless son-of-a-bitch, aren’t ya?” Mimzy beamed in his face.

Alastor rolled his eyes, coolly remarking, “Back again to stir up trouble, are you?”

Mimzy chuckled, hopping into the barstool to his right and leaned in, chewing her bottom lip as she ran a finger down his chest, “Only if you want me to, kitten.”

Grabbing her wrist a little forcefully, Alastor flicked her away, frowning. “I do not wish to have any more disturbances this evening, Mimzy. In fact, I’d rather be left well alone.”

“Aw, geez, Alastor. Being alone is no fun. What’s wrong, no pretty princess to dance with? I can keep ya company,” the flapper sidled up to him, batting her eyelashes, “Come on, daddy, they’re playing our favorite songs tonight! It’s the good old days all over again, I knew you’d never let them go out of style!”

Alastor chose to say nothing, reaching behind him for another shot to quell his nerves, when Mimzy hugged his arm, simpering, “Better yet, the speakeasy downtown is having a bumping party tonight as well. What do ya say we sneak outta here and—arghhh!”

Rosie had appeared from behind Mimzy and hoisted the shorter woman up by her dress strap, looking displeased. Beside Alastor, Lucifer lifted his head up and stopped crying, instead looking scared. He had wondered what Rosie, rather Lilith, had said to Lucifer back in the lobby to make him act that way.

“Oh for goodness sake, Alastor, ya can’t keep these broads off ya, can ya?” Rosie tsked with her Boston twang, shaking her head sagely.

“Get off me, ya bitch!” Mimzy squealed, writhing about, “Come on Alastor, what’s wrong wit’ ya?! Speak up for ya gal!”

“I’m sorry, but you are not on the guest list,” Alastor leered and snapped his fingers. Razzle came flying over beating his little wings, chomping down on Mimzy’s dress and carrying her out to the sounds of her ranting.

“Much obliged, dear Rosie,” Alastor smiled, starting to feel pleasantly tipsy.

Rosie sighed and brushed off her skirt, taking a seat beside him. “Not at all, dear friend. Now, where did Miss Moxie go off to?”

“Who?” Lucifer groaned, rubbing his forehead as if in pain.

“Your daughter,” Rosie replied curtly, peering around the dance floor, “I haven’t seen her in a bit, or that green fellow she was with!”

“Maybe Charlie just had to step out for a minute, you know,” Lucifer shrugged.

Alastor felt a coldness run through him though, now noticing a nervous emotion that was not his own. Lilith’s intuition was most likely correct; there was something wrong with Charlie’s prolonged disappearance.

“I will look for her,” Alastor said urgently, standing to his feet.

“Charlie, this is fantastic holding you again in my arms,” Seviathan leered, squeezing her waist uncomfortably.

“S-Stop,” Charlie stammered, trying to get away from her ex. He was taking advantage of her when he sensed her slight impairment after having only one drink. They had finished their one dance she had agreed to a while ago, and he had taken her to an alcove under one of the drapes, his hands all over her.

Seviathan mockingly laughed, slipping his cold hands underneath the halter top of her dress and felt up her breasts, pinching and rubbing her nipples too hard. “Yep, still as perky as ever,” he jeered.

Charlie cried out, but her mouth was covered up quickly by his hand. “And loud as ever,” Seviathan grimaced, “Just keep that for the bedroom, sweetie. Now, where was I?” His disgusting smile was grossing her out as he bent over, looking to force a kiss when a giant shadow loomed over them.

“Oh shit, another edgelord? Princess, please, have some fucking self-respect!”

A horribly familiar voice carried over the swing tunes playing. But, how could it be him?

The tall demon grabbed Seviathan by the scruff of his neck as one would discipline a cat, and threw him aside like a ragdoll, slamming against the wall and crumpling on the floor, knocked out cold. Charlie gasped at the sudden violence, looking up to see a demon in dark blue robes with a golden mask nearly covering his whole face, devilish black horns extending from the top of his head.

“A-Adam?” Charlie whispered, terrified.

“Huh, you missed me, didn’t ya?”

Charlie was still reeling from the assault, her adrenaline was now spiking even higher with the return of her would-be killer. She did not know how much longer she had before Adam would make a move, but she could not move her own stiffened limbs, so frightened she was of this revelation. He was raising his hand, and Charlie instinctively grabbed his wrist in a vice-like grip, her eyes glowing bloodshot red.

“Babes, just chillax for me please?” Adam gave an annoyed sigh, then with his other hand pushed up the mask to reveal his face to her.

A sickly pale olive countenance looked down at her, his dark red eyes lined in black with a single point on the lower eyelids projecting a genuine amiability that made Charlie pause.

 “Look, I did you a solid just now by taking out that creep, the least you can do is thank me!” Adam smirked.

“Why are you back?!” Charlie spluttered, still not trusting what she was seeing.

“Hmm, oh I dunno, maybe it’s your little buddy’s fault for that!” Adam glowered, pointing behind him. Charlie saw Niffty nearby doing the foxtrot with another diminutive demon with an angler fish persona. “That, and the system’s gotten fucked up in Heaven. Isn’t that some shit, being the first man to live, then I go to Heaven where I’m supposed to stay for eternity, then I get taken out down here and get reborn as a fucking demon. Fuck my life, am I right?!”

“Oh shit,” Charlie said breathlessly, feeling lost in the implications of the life and death of so-called immortal sinners and angels in their respective realms. Sinners were supposed to be immortal too, never truly dying, such was the curse of Hell. Until angelic weapons came into the picture. “But what about Sir Pentious…did he…” she said aloud, staring off into space.

“Huh?” Adam made a face, showing his sharp incisors. He then crossed his arms, rocking back and forth on his heels, “Anyway, girlie, I’m here now, I get it, I fucked up sooo bad. I mean, you live as long as I did, you kinda get a big ass ego…so, consider me sorry for trying to kill you and all your friends, please let me join you guys?”

He stuck out his claw with golden fingertips to her, a forced smile twisting his lips.

“What?! I don’t want your apology,” Charlie sniped icily, narrowing her eyes. “I’m not going to roll over after a minute of meeting you here and forgive you. You destroyed my last hotel, what in the hell would make me believe you won’t do it again?!”

“Fuck, come on, Princess, work with me here,” Adam growled, clasping his hands in front of him as if in prayer. “You are in the business for redemption, right?! Well, guess what! You’ve got a very important client right here! Do you know what kind of PR the DickMaster could bring to your table?! I don’t fucking want to stay in Hell any more than you want me here, so let’s make a deal to get me back to Heaven as soon as possible! In return, I promise I won’t fuck with you anymore!”

“Nope, not buying it,” Charlie retorted, crossing her arms. She made to walk around him as she said in passing, “You can leave now.”

“Whoa, whoa, babes, hold on, I’m not finished!” Adam whirled her back around and held her shoulders, his tone desperate.

“Don’t touch me, fucking pig!” Charlie bit out, her temper flaring again.

“Fair enough, my bad! I’ll continue saying sorry for trying to kill you until you forgive me, ok?!” Adam relented, holding up his hands in surrender. “Just hear me out, alright?! I’m not so heartless where I’ve lost all meaning to live for others too, ya know!”

“What are you talking about? Lute?” Charlie asked mistrustingly, pursing her lips.

“That bitch? Hell no, no,” Adam waved his hands, chortling, “No, babes. She was just a fling for a bit, great in bed but crazy as hell, heh. Nah, I miss my first chick, my ride-or-die, Eve.” He seemed to deflate a bit, a forlorn look coming over his features. “I haven’t seen her come to Heaven in a bit, but when I find her, I want to do right by her again. We loved our kids, but we had a falling out I felt was too much of my bad.” He turned to her with a plea, grasping her hands, “Please, can’t you teach this old idiot how to be a better person, if just for her?!”

Charlie blinked, thrown off guard by his story. It tugged a bit at her heart, wanting to see everyone happy no matter what. She then brushed off that congeniality with a smirk, “Again, I can’t be the only one to make that call. I will leave it to my father whether he’d accept you here.” She began walking away, then turned her head back to him, commenting in passing, “Still, thank you for saving me.”

Leaving Adam to stand there staring at the wall, Charlie quickened her pace. All she wanted now was to get away from everyone, her evening now ruined. A sudden pang of jealousy invaded her thoughts, making her stop in confusion. Alastor… She realized their mind connection had been opened overnight, taking part in his ghastly memories. This was bad. If he saw what she had gone through with Seviathan, and now Adam, Alastor would cause a huge scene. She had to handle all of that on her own, no one else needed to get involved…

With a determined expression, Charlie squeezed her eyes shut and focused intently, clapping her hands to her cheeks as she conjured an imaginary brick wall to erect between herself and Alastor. “My mind is my own,” she murmured, recalling the magical principles he had taught her. Gradually, the intrusive voices faded away, leaving Charlie with a sense of relief tinged with guild for shutting Alastor out. She knew couldn’t keep him at arm’s length forever, though.

Attempting to blink away her distress, Charlie felt tears trickle down her cheeks as she scanned the crowd, searching for Alastor’s familiar figure. She longed to see him again, to lean on his strength and forget her troubles, even if just for a moment.

Alastor looked up when Charlie suddenly glided over to him, her chest heaving.

“Alastor!” she said breathlessly, then hesitated.

Alastor frowned at her disheveled appearance, her makeup smeared, her dress twisted, and her hair frizzy. “Charlie,” Alastor curtly replied. Her sorrow was too palpable to be ignored. A passing imp waiter was carrying a tray of champagne, from which Alastor deftly selected. He then laid his hand on her shoulder to quell her nerves and passed her the flute, dominance bourgeoning within him as he suavely ordered her, “Have another.” 

Charlie seemed to relax as he massaged her taut muscles. She took the glass and raised it to her lips, taking several swallows before almost emptying it. He waited for her to speak on what had happened, though he longed to ask her his list of questions. She continued to remain silent, and curiosity got to the better of him, attempting to tap into their connection, only to be blocked immediately. He gave a small, inquiring noise, tilting his head down at her.

Charlie merely blushed, averting his gaze. Releasing a small sigh just as the music shifted into a slow, romantic tune and the lights dimmed further, she put the glass down with a blush and wiped at her eyes. She took his hand, beckoning him to follow her.

“Shall we dance?” she asked him eagerly.

“Anything for you, dear,” Alastor smiled, stumbling slightly from the several shots he had downed earlier. He would do it for her though, relieved her infectious charm was returned.

 Under the spell of desire, Alastor was swept onto the dance floor with Charlie holding his hands. He carefully placed his left arm around her waist and put her right hand on his left shoulder while they clasped their other hands. His heart beat as fast as the drums that heralded the vocalist’s warbling notes.

“Follow my moves,” Alastor softly murmured into her ear, her inspired face upturned to him. She needed to take care with what she asked of him, because he could not say no… 

 Alastor did not know what he was doing when his feet seemed to move in time with Charlie’s, slowly, very slowly, while the earth seemed to be spinning underneath them. The music had picked up in tempo as the vocalist pressed onward, wavering between powerful and soulful verses, telling the tale of their partner’s powerful declarations of love and gratitude, despite the singer’s feelings of unworthiness. What a wonderful feeling this was, to hold onto Charlie, this woman, to feel her enticing curves, to be lost in her presence, to be under someone else’s spell for once. 

 Charlie’s big scarlet eyes were so mysteriously enthusiastic for him, Alastor wanted to show her what she really meant to him. Alastor twirled her around under his hand, enamored with how her curls and gown flowed about. He caught her back in his grasp, relishing the way Charlie looked at him with those luscious, flushed lips parted… 

The song had ended all too soon, just as Charlie laid her head against his chest. His breath hitched as she drew back, the both of them gasping heavily as clapping echoed around them, the earth halting to a jarring stop underfoot. It seemed they had made quite a spectacle with the other embracing couples around them, red spotlights illuminating their intimate moment. 

“Charlie,” Alastor started, but could not form the rest of his words properly, his nerves ablaze with passion and agoraphobia. He had been far too comfortable, far too obvious this time. Instinctively, he reached for her hand, guiding her away from the prying gazes of onlookers and the suffocating atmosphere of the party. Together, they slipped through one of the side doors of the ballroom and onto a spacious, terraced balcony that he had stumbled upon.

Fortunately, there were few others taking in the cool night air and magnificent scenery, the purple sky dotted with twinkling stars and crowned by the neon pink pentagram above. Alastor guided Charlie over to a secluded spot near the corner. From that lofty vista, they could watch from afar the ferryboats adorned with red lights pass under a brightly-lit bridge, a pink haze over the city with all of the emitted lights coalescing into a magical ambience. 

“Alastor,” Charlie began, her chest still vacillating. There was a stone bench right beside the edge of the balcony fringed with rosebushes, upon which Alastor sat with her. He took off his mask and tucked it into his breast pocket, now greatly appreciating the lovely woman in front of him, the colors of her fair skin and cherry red dress clear again. 

“…How did I do, Charlie?” he murmured gently, wrapping an errant curl around his finger as he tenderly stroked her rosy cheek. Her eyes, hands, and her warm smile were his treasures, each a delectable morsel to savor in the feast of his adoration.

Charlie gave a soft laugh before saying, “Really well, as always…and you seemed to be having fun, finally…” She was also brushing her hand against the lapels of his jacket before she slowly gathered the material in her grasp and pulled him closer, gazing up into his eyes.

“Charlie,” Alastor uttered huskily, his breath misting before him, “you are always on my mind…please tell me, am I a craving that consumes your every thought as well?”

Her glassy eyes quivered, then brightened with her smile, “Yes, always, Alastor.” 

He could sense their bond pulsating with a brilliance that eclipsed all the lights around them. Unable to contain himself any longer, Alastor leaned in, his hunger gnawing at him, and claimed her lips with an insatiable desire. Their kiss was a tumultuous exchange, fueled by his love and lust alike. Charlie responded eagerly, her arms reaching over his head as she drew him closer, their bodies melding together in an intoxicating embrace.

After what felt like an eternity, Alastor pulled away, his breath ragged with need as he gazed down his nose at Charlie in awe. In her arms, he found a love that surpassed his own for self-preservation—a gift he knew he was unworthy of.

Charlie cupped his face now, her mouth parted and that pretty blush permanently stained her cheeks. “Alastor—”  

A banshee-like scream tore through the night, startling them greatly. In his muddled state of mind, Alastor could not act fast enough as an Exterminator angel materialized on the balcony railing behind them, wielding her scythe with deadly precision. With a swift motion, she cleaved through the stone and concrete, hurling Charlie and Alastor backward amidst a shower of debris.

Charlie’s scream echoed in his ears as Alastor instinctively wrapped his arms around her, shielding her as they crashed to the ground with bone-jarring force. Agony lanced through his body as his back collided with the ground, delivering a searing pain up his spinal cord and knocking the air out of him in gasps. 

Taking a few uneven breaths, Alastor found his strength partially return as more screams filled the air around him. Through his blurry vision, he perceived several sinners scattering in panic, seeking refuge indoors. Meanwhile, the balcony beneath him groaned and fractured, sending tremors their way as chunks of concrete crashing down where he had sat moments ago with Charlie. 

“...Nnngh, Charlie!” Alastor moaned urgently, squeezing her waist as she laid on top of him. She moved, raising her head up to him with tears in her eyes.

“Alastor…” she breathed back shallowly, holding her bleeding arm. With gritted teeth, he grasped her in his arms and quickly but shakily stood, hoisting her away from the impending danger of the ground giving way. 

The angel, glowing with green magic, gave another unworldly shriek as Alastor looked back to see her flying towards them with a death glare, drawing her weapon inward only to throw a wide slash at the columns beside the exit. His eyes widened, terrified with an eerie sense of déjà vu as enormous masses of the wall began crashing down towards them.

He snapped his fingers, and to his horror, no magic was conjured. His staff did not appear. What just happened?! It was too late for him to move with the pain still radiating in his spine and immobilizing his legs: he held onto Charlie very tightly, hoping that he could at least protect her in this final moment… 

“NOT ON MY WATCH!!!” sang out a male’s voice from beside him. Through his closed eyelids, Alastor could still see the red flare of energy that had been fired upwards. A deafening explosion was heard, and he hunched over, embracing Charlie still as he felt small pebbles rain down on him. Coughing and squinting in the dust, Alastor opened his eyes to barely make out the form of Lucifer standing there next to him, wearing a fiendish expression.  

“Y-You!” Alastor coughed, as the blonde fallen angel turned his red eyes to him.

“Take cover inside, I’ll handle this alone!” Lucifer growled at him.

Alastor bared his teeth, his eyes darting between Lucifer and the angel anomaly behind him, who shrieked with anger at the newcomer. In one fell swoop, Alastor gathered his adrenaline and picked up Charlie bridal-style and ran through the exit back into the ballroom. He would swallow his pride again for her sake. 

There was mass hysteria inside, as the wall had caved in from that last hit and several bodies lay on the floor. Hundreds of people were stampeding and pouring through all of the exits, trying to find a way out as quickly as possible. Alastor sprinted and pushed his way through the throng, holding Charlie close. The strobe lights were still flashing, making for a very unnerving scene with the cacophonic panic in the air.

He could still see Lucifer clashing with the angel outside through the tall windows, blazing flashes of red light flying back and forth. One of the windows shattered from the force of one attack; the King of Hell was tossed through it like a ragdoll, raining shards of glass down upon them.

Charlie shielded her face with her arms and Alastor turned his back to the brunt of the implosion, feeling his skin get cut through his clothes. She cried out, reaching for her father as he winced in pain on the floor, several of his wings ripped open and bleeding golden blood in a pool under him. Alastor grimaced, taking a step back. Just how powerful was this one angel?!

“EVERYONE!!! LEAVE THIS TO ME, GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!!!” cried a nastily familiar voice at the head of the room, followed by an intimidating riff of an electric guitar. Alastor squinted in the din, making out a tall demonic figure holding a double-edged guitar axe, his gold mask glowing bright, “I AM ADAM, FIRST MAN TURNED SINNER, I REJECT YOU SASSY ANGELS IN THE NAME OF HELL!!!”

Alastor stood in disbelief as he witnessed his last angelic prey engage in a one-on-one duel with the seemingly possessed Exterminator angel. Their blades clashed violently, echoing through the air with a deafening clang.

Charlie gasped in his arms, her hand to her mouth as the tall demon narrowly avoided the curved blade the angel swung at him. “Adam, watch out!” she cried.

Adam looked up at her with an exaggerated laugh, “You got it, babes!”

Alastor dug his nails into Charlie’s leg and waist as he witnessed this exchange. So she knew he was here before…Despite the danger posed to both himself and Charlie, he could not help but entertain the thought of ending both the angel and her fallen counterpart with his bare hands, his lost ability to perform magic be damned.

The adrenaline coursing through him, Alastor powered through his pain to scout out an opening through the main exit and jumped through it. He quickly jogged down the hallway with Charlie in his arms, her hands clutching at his jacket with fear in her eyes. She was breathing rapidly as she raised her pale face to him, biting out, “Get to the elevator, we can go to my room!” 

Alastor bounded down another hallway towards the double doors, but skidded to a halt, his heart plummeting as a dreadful apparition materialized before him. Lost in his terror, he failed to notice the puzzled expression on Charlie’s face as his gaze locked onto the figure before the elevator, the lights along the wall and overhead flickering on and off. There stood a dark-haired, pale woman, her hands tucked into the pockets of her crimson trench coat. With a defiant tilt of her chin, her blood-red eyes gleamed with unmistakable malice.

“Alastor, what is it?” Charlie asked timidly, looking between him and the object of his scrutiny, confused. Alastor’s eye twitched with unease as he tore his gaze away from Eris for a fleeting moment to meet Charlie’s questioning stare. When he looked back up, Eris had vanished into thin air. Was it a trick of his mind?!

Charlie’s voice, laced with concern, brough him back to the present. Alastor shook his head, racing down towards the elevator with urgency. Charlie reached over and jabbed a button with an arrow symbol that pointed up. A soft chime signaled the doors opening, beckoning them inside. 

“Go!” Charlie breathed out, and Alastor rushed them into the small space. She reached over again at another display of buttons on the inside of the wall, pressing the number “10” very hard and hurriedly. The door finally closed, leaving them shut within these four walls. 

Alastor set Charlie down, breathing hard. “Can you stand?” he asked, holding her against him and brushing the dust out of her hair, just as the tiny room they stood in began to shudder and move upward with an anti-gravity force.

Charlie breathed raggedly beside him, clenching his hand in hers tightly. “Y-Yes…I’m fine, I think, though I lost my shoes, and this…” she muttered, moving to hold her other arm with a small hiss. He noticed she had a thick cut running down it, her blood still trickling from it. His face set with a scowl as he squeezed her hand, despairing his weakness. Yet, as he averted his gaze in shame, an involuntary flicker of hunger danced across his expression, causing him to unconsciously moisten his lips at the tantalizing sight of her wound. 

Their eyes widened as a heavy rumble reverberated through the elevator, jolting them from their inertia. A terrible screeching noise pierced the air, as if the very contraption they stood in was being forcefully dragged downward. Alastor impulsively held Charlie against him as their knees buckled.

“O-Oh shit, is it coming after us?!” she whispered in panic. Alastor thought of Eris again, the terror coming back fresh and sharp. They then heard another explosion that rattled their small interior and the downward tugging sensation lost its hold, the elevator free to move upward once again. 

Alastor heard Charlie give a sigh of relief and he stood unsteadily with her help. She turned back and held herself against the railing, staring with desperation at the digital numbers that flashed on a panel on the wall. Finally, the number “10” appeared and the elevator chimed again, the door opening with a jangle. They stepped out onto the tenth floor as Charlie looked left and right, then chose right as she ran down the hallway towards the flowery door that was the entrance to her room.

Alastor right behind her, Charlie wrenched open the door, grabbing him and clamoring inside, slamming the door shut behind them. “Through here!” Charlie exclaimed wildly, pulling him by the wrist into her bathroom and slammed that door shut as well, the candles flickering on by themselves. 

Alastor suddenly felt frail and tumbled backwards onto the smooth tiles, dragging Charlie down with him as she landed on top of him. And now even more pain was ignited, embedded deep within his muscles thanks to that, his sore spot on his back hit again. He gritted his teeth, clasping Charlie’s side hard as she began to cry, her chest heaving. 

“Charlie,” Alastor said breathlessly, his hand reaching up to stroke her wavy tresses. She sobbed into his chest, her makeup smearing even more. “Did I hurt you?!” he asked more forcefully.

She shook her head, sniffling, “I’m f-fine! I-I was just so scared…” Charlie clutched onto his jacket, shivering. 

Alastor lowered his gaze to her, his touch gentle as he caressed her hair in an attempt to soothe both her and himself. Minutes passed as they remained in silence, the weight of the recent attack heavy upon them. Charlie’s upper arm still bled, yet she stubbornly ignored it, her resilience both admirable and concerning to him.

Self-reproach gnawed at him as he grappled with his failure to protect her. They had been ambushed by a rogue Exterminator angel, but why? Who had sent her, and why target them, right now? And what had happened to his powers?! If this was merely a ploy orchestrated by Eris, he had no right to be putting Charlie in harm’s way….

Alastor shifted himself on the tiles, though that was a poor decision. A stabbing, shooting pain disturbed his senses as it ran up and down his spine, his legs beginning to feel horribly numb. He was more injured than he thought. His grunt stopped Charlie from weeping momentarily as she straightened up to look at him.

“Alastor?! What’s wrong?!” she asked, trembling. She got off of him and held onto his shoulders, searching for his source of pain.

“My back…” he muttered, beads of sweat forming on his temple. He could see her blurry, terrified countenance facing down at him through the tears in his eyes. 

“D-Don’t move!” Charlie said urgently, her eyes darting around just as a ringing noise reverberated around the bathroom. He could see her lunge for her purse beside him and pulled out her phone, flipping it open to answer into it nervously, “H-Hello?!” 

His heart was racing from the continuous, numbing pain overpowering his nerves as he watched her anxious face. “…Y-Yes, Dad! We made it safely, just barely. But what…” she spoke, trailing off to listen to her father’s voice. Alastor was surprised as Charlie absentmindedly ran her fingers through his hair as she waited with bated breath to reply, relaxing him ever so slightly.

“Adam, really?! So what are we going to do now?!” she questioned suddenly into her phone, her eyes turned away unseeingly. There was a shorter pause before she responded, taken aback, “What?! We can’t do that!” She stopped, a look of fear overcoming her. “W-What? Seriously? Oh Daddy…” She sighed after another pause, then relented, “…F-Fine. Please let me know if you’re ok.” He heard a “click” from her phone as she sighed again and pulled it away from her ear, flipping it shut with a morose expression. 

Seeing his inquisitive face, Charlie looked down at him with worried eyes, taking a breath between each point she wanted to make, “It was Dad…he was fighting the angel downstairs when she got killed by Adam…Adam’s helping with the others in the ballroom, nobody was injured too badly thankfully, except Dad, he’s going to be taken to the hospital…” Her gaze wavered as she continued, “H-He told me we can’t leave here until morning, just in case there are more angels hunting us…he’s got some of the demon princes guarding the hotel.”

Alastor opened his mouth to speak, breathing heavily still. He could not form coherent thoughts with that terrible pain. Words honestly would not be enough to explain his concerns at the moment.

Charlie stroked his cheek in realizing his predicament again, shushing him, “I-I’m going to heal you, so don’t move yet. Um, bathtub again? Or my dagger?”

Alastor shook his head. She sighed, choosing for him as she searched her bag again and pulled out her apple brooch. Closing her eyes and channeling its energy into her, she gracefully transformed into her demonic form. Charlie moved her hands to the front of his suit and timidly began undoing the buttons on his waistcoat. 

“W-What…” Alastor moaned, feeling cautious with her forwardness.

“I need to get to the site of your injury easily. My healing goes much faster when I have direct contact with your skin,” Charlie said in a matter-of-fact tone, though her blush belied her emotions.

She pulled aside his waistcoat and began on the buttons of his dress shirt, her nimble fingers going fast down the line. His chest vacillated as he lay there, highly aware of how suggestive this position and situation would be if it were not for his wound. 

“Can you turn slightly onto your side?” Charlie asked gently as she undid his bow tie and pulled his dress shirt out from inside his trousers. With a grimace, Alastor silently moved with her assistance onto his left side.

“Shit,” he groaned and trembled, squeezing his eyes shut as he heard her gasp and lift away his layers of clothing.

“You’re bleeding,” she lamented as he felt dizzy and weak. He expected that much for this pain to be so intense. 

The sound of sliding steel met his ears as Charlie unsheathed her dagger. “Embrace and revive, Loving Light!” she cried out. The familiar, cooling sensation of those magical vines crept along his waist underneath his shirt and wrapped around his torso, putting out the flames that scorched his nerves. His breathing soon became quieter and more even as the minutes dragged on, with the sound of her breathing becoming rougher. 

“Enough,” Alastor stated tersely, flexing his fingers. The numbing pain was gone, though a minor bothersome sensation lingered, and he slowly sat up.

Charlie blinked, her face gaunt, “But you’re still—”

“—You have done very well, Charlie, now heal your own body, then rest,” he ordered, nodding to her wounded arm. She cast her eyes down as she relinquished her hold on him and reluctantly turned her attention to herself, directing her healing vines to wrap around her lacerated arm. 

Alastor pulled off his jacket, waistcoat, and shoes as Charlie worked. He could see the large, unsightly red bloodstain that had soaked through each article of clothing. Frowning, Alastor reclined on his elbows and spoke to her in a deadly calm voice, “Will you explain why you decided to keep from me the fact that Adam was here tonight? There was never a need to lie to me to that extent.” 

Charlie had just finished healing herself as she lowered her hand, the glowing blossoms closing up and dissolving into light, reforming her blade. She turned her face to him with penitent, heartfelt eyes, “…H-He had just met me before our dance.” She moved her gaze up to the right, continuing, “J-Just so you know, I did tell him to leave after he begged me to join our hotel…” Charlie squeezed her hand into a fist against the floor, smirking slightly, “I did not want you to be so distracted with Adam hanging around, I-I know that if I told you, you would have gotten pissed.” 

Alastor exhaled with an annoyed sigh. At least she was forthcoming. It seemed that that man truly was as hard to kill as a cockroach. “I am unhappy in either case. However, he did save us from certain death, and for that I am grateful,” he huffed, taking a measured breath.

Charlie nodded modestly, then sat back, dispelling her demonic form. Her chest rose and fell as she came back to life and opened her eyes to him again, those deep scarlet irises filled with contemplation and worry still. She was beautiful even in sadness. 

Moving forward with his hand outstretched, Alastor offered to help Charlie stand with him. She accepted, a few inches between them as he studied her dainty hands in his. 

“So, we are to stay trapped here for the night?” he breathed, feeling untrusting with Lucifer’s orders. Charlie blushed, then turned her head away absentmindedly.

“Y-Yes…He said that was our best option, since we’re being guarded now…” she mumbled. He cocked his head at her, staring at her intently. She looked back at him nervously, then busied herself by taking his soiled clothes from his arms. “I can fix these!” Charlie spoke nervously, laying them flat on the countertop, and then glanced up at him when he said nothing, staring at her moodily. He followed her when she awkwardly turned away and walked back to her bedroom. Smirking to himself, he was determined to make her fully aware of how disappointed he was with her earlier escapades with her old boyfriend and Adam.

A patch of lights brought his gaze to the right, where he stared out at the city through her large bay windows. Alastor quickly moved towards them to close the heavy curtains shut, not wanting to attract any attention to their whereabouts. Clinging onto the upholstery of a nearby chair, Alastor sighed, his back to Charlie as he spoke objectively, “Certainly, we are in the safest location, perhaps other than your palace.” His ears pricked up when he heard a loud pop and he whirled around to face her.  

Charlie stood beside her bedside table, holding a long-necked dark bottle. “Y-Yes, it should be,” she replied shyly, then paused, blushing at his incredulous look, “Er, would you like a glass of wine? I-I was having some last night, when I couldn’t sleep…”

Alastor raised his eyebrow at her, noticing that Charlie was still trembling slightly, though she was pursing her lips in an attempt to hide her nerves. He had to admit that he was still shaken from the ordeal as well, but he needed to set an example for her. 

Alastor swiftly closed the gap between them as he seized the wine glasses and bottle she precariously held, filling each with a ruby red liquid he had yet to taste. “Sit,” he ordered her firmly. Charlie blinked conspicuously at him and did so, interlacing her fingers in her lap. Handing her one of the glasses, he placed the bottle down on the nightstand and sat beside her on the firm mattress. 

There was a palpable unease in the air as they sat there quietly, neither one of them taking the initiative to speak or move. Alastor felt it best not to speculate much on the rogue angel matter; there were no clear-cut answers as of yet, and further discourse would only make Charlie ask him more questions. He could not disclose who Eris was to her for a long time, if ever. However, he needed to acknowledge one fact in light of this event. 

“We must hurry our training schedule, my dear. We were too vulnerable,” he stated bluntly, then took a sip of the wine. The dark red beverage had a decadent, spicy berry flavor with a sweet scent, making for a smooth finish. Still, it was not bitter enough for him.

Charlie seemed to tense up as she stared down at the carpet with a glum countenance. “It was all my fault, I’m sorry. I just wanted us to have a good time…,” she muttered dully. Her eyes widened in horror, “Ohhh shit, and of course this ruins the hotel…no one in their right mind would want to come here now! I fucking blew everything.” She growled and rested her hand against her temple as she took a long draught of her drink to soothe herself. 

“Charlie,” Alastor said curtly, “what is done is done. Learn from this encounter and move on. You had no part in this. If anything, this should only serve as a harsh reminder to our guests what we are up against and what we are trying to do for them...” He finished his drink and sighed darkly, standing up to refill yet another glass. He smirked. If he was not careful, he would end up like the miserable drunken fool he had become that night he first held Charlie in her bed. He was startled when she wordlessly thrust her empty glass in front of him just as he put the bottle down. 

“Oh? And how many have you had tonight, Charlie?” Alastor asked her amusedly.

Charlie frowned at him, gesturing to her glass with more attitude and slightly slurred speech, “I don’t care how many, there’s nooo limit tonight. Just maaake me forget everything…”

 Alastor considered her for a moment, hesitating to fulfill her request. Yes, they were not going anywhere for the rest of the night, but it seemed it was up to him to decide whether she needed to lose her sobriety for the sake of coping with her worries. Looking into her eyes, he could see that she was carrying a heavy burden she had yet to reveal. What was more, he was still being denied access to her mind, so he could not tell what it was. A small, mischievous smile on his lips, he took her glass and filled it to the brim; perhaps another glass of wine would loosen her up nicely. 

Sitting beside her once more, Alastor swirled the red wine in his crystal glass, pondering Charlie more and more. Perhaps it was the adrenaline still coursing through his veins from the fight or flight situation they had found themselves in, coupled with his strengthened bond to Charlie and his crumbling inhibitions from the alcohol, that was emboldening him to break the sexual tension between them.

Alastor wanted her to admit to him her feelings for him at great length. He wanted her to tell him everything, to confide in him her worries, her desires, and her thoughts of the future. She had become his mistress in every sense of the word, where they remained separated perhaps only by Vaggie. He grinned waspishly. Vaggie could stay in Heaven for as long as necessary… 

Charlie had already finished half of her second glass when she turned to the nightstand with a flourish. She picked up a silver-wrapped, rectangular bar and held it up to him, smiling lopsidedly as she spoke, “Oooh, look what I found, Al, chocolate! Want some?”

Alastor blinked slowly at her, processing her words and her affected persona. He much preferred to see her smile now rather than endlessly speak of their woes. Just a bit longer, and she could be confessing everything to him… “Ahhh, no thank you dear,” he replied softly. She ripped open the paper and snapped off a piece of the dark sweet, holding it up to his face. 

“Open wide!” Charlie told him with a come-hither look on her face. With a smirk, he humored her and felt her fingers push the candy into his mouth. Truly, it was more bitter than he had expected. Perfect. Calmly savoring the chocolate, Alastor took the bar from her and broke off a piece that he moved to place between those expectant, black lips of hers. He swallowed with hooded eyes when he watched her acquiesce to him so easily, her hot breath upon his fingertips. She was greatly tempting him, he felt he could take a bite out of her next... 

Charlie giggled spiritedly as she sloshed the rest of her wine down with her chocolate, a red rivulet running down the corner of her mouth and dripping from her jaw to her lily-white cleavage. Alastor had spent at least the whole week fantasizing about her, the transfixing allure of her body and her melodious voice burned into his memories. And now, his lust was reaching its peak. Another touch from her would surely drive him to new heights… 

With a swaying motion, Charlie suddenly plopped against Alastor’s arm with a sigh. He could literally feel the heat steaming off his skin under his collar, his heart skipping a beat. She was leaning on him, nuzzling his bicep as she mumbled, “I had fooour drinks tonight.”

Alastor released the breath he was holding and smirked down at her, polishing off his second glass of wine with a fluid motion. “And I, nine, ten, hah, I lost count! How bold of you, you doubled your limit Charlie,” he commented airily, though he was certainly feeling lightheaded himself.

“Hmmm, I saaaid there was no limit for meee,” Charlie slurred testily, swatting at his knee. His nerves were shaken. 

It was time for him to make his move. Alastor plucked her empty glass out of her limp hand and reached over her to set their glasses down on the nightstand. “Is that so?” he purred, his lips hovering a centimeter above her head as his hand moved down to caress her back. Charlie sat up slightly, allowing him to wrap his arm around her, her head leaning against his shoulder as she hugged him loosely. 

“Thank youuu for protecting me,” she mumbled. He felt a heat wave wash over him as he looked down at her. Charlie had her eyes closed, a serene expression on her face.

“I did what I could in the moment, though I owe you so much more,” Alastor whispered softly, his eyes hardened slightly. 

They sat there in silence for a bit longer, until Charlie spoke up again, somewhat sadly, “But you don’t have to be with me if youuu don’t want to.”

Alastor blinked, then protested matter-of-factly, “What nonsense. Of course I want to be with you.” She grimaced at the firm tone of his voice, then shook her head fitfully. He frowned. What proof did she need to recognize his insatiable craving to be by her side? 

“You feel cold, you are shivering,” Alastor remarked smoothly, rubbing her arm gently.

“Mmmhmm,” Charlie responded nonchalantly.

He leaned in to rest his chin against the crown of her head, speaking quietly to her, “Would you say that, perhaps, you are worried about divulging something to me?” 

Just as he had imagined she would, Charlie tensed and stood up shakily, though her eyes briefly glancing back at him spoke volumes. Alastor smiled knowingly; he had her right where he wanted her now.

Standing up quickly, he wrapped his arms around her front and pulled her flush against him. She was breathing shallowly now, her chest heaving. He licked his lips and smiled coyly against her waves of glossy flaxen hair, murmuring softly against the shell of her ear, “I must confess, I have not told you one of my thoughts tonight…about how beautiful you look, it had been so hard to control myself. I love being with you every single second, and I cannot let you go again.” His hands snaked down her sides as he spoke silkily, “Now, it is your turn, Charlie. What secret are you so desperate to hide from me? What were you doing with that Seviathan fellow?” 

Charlie moved her delicate hands to hold his clasped, larger hands at her navel, still breathing quickly. He could see her eyes were cast down, pink spots high on her cheeks as she remained silent.

His lips found the curve of her neck and he gave her a gentle peck, his teeth grazing against a pulsating vein. He heard her gasp and watched as her eyebrows contracted upward, her face showing her acceptance of his advances.

“Your resistance is futile, Charlie. You know this… Have I struck a nerve?” he rumbled lowly, then moved his hands upwards, “Have I found a special spot to torment you with?” 

Her hands rested on top of his as Alastor now massaged her breasts, a soft, pleasured sigh escaping her.

At last, with a shuddering breath, Charlie spoke with some determination, “Yes…I have thought about youuu…all night I-I wanted to s-say—” she inhaled sharply as he continued his ministrations.

“All night, you what?” he pressed on, grinning widely now.

Her pretty lips parted, she moaned, “T-To say how much I-I want youuu too, obviously!” 

One hand still upon her breast, Alastor lithely moved his other hand to tilt her head back to him, capturing her lips in a seething, vehement kiss. “All you had to do was ask,” he murmured deeply against her lips after a minute, moving his hands behind her back to undo the large bow holding her dress up, unwrapping her like a present, “I will always answer your call.”

A couple more buttons and an unzipped zipper later, her flowing dress cascaded to the floor in a sea of cherry red, leaving Charlie wearing nothing except for the smallest pair of black panties he had ever seen. He could feel a fluttering sensation in his loins and stomach at the sight of her slim waist and voluptuous bottom. There was no turning back now. 

Alastor moved back into position behind her, his hands cupping and kneading her bare, supple breasts. Charlie, shivering in delight at his groping, pulled aside her hair and unhooked her diamond necklace as he nestled his head against the crook of her neck.

“A-Alastor!” she panted, her knees buckling while he suckled on her skin, making wet, smacking sounds. Oh, yes, she was so very easy to please. He wondered how sensitive she was everywhere else…  

“Never go back on your instincts, Charlie. Not…for…a…single…moment…” he whispered to her, moving his hand gradually down past her belly button. He felt her quiver as if he had tickled her, and he continued downward until his fingers touched her thick mound, the thin cloth of her panties soaked through.

“Alastor…” she groaned, shuddering violently and squirming in his arms.

“Mmmm,” he hummed in her ear, holding her securely, “how dirty and excited you have become for me in such a short time…I should relieve you soon, my dear.” 

Charlie huffed, her cheeks red. She looked back at him with hooded eyes, her words low and heated as she snapped at him, “Youuu talk too much. Strip me.”

Blinking in amazement at her fascinatingly shameless attitude, Alastor smiled impudently, “With great pleasure.”

He sat down on the bed behind him and pulled her towards him, kissing the curve of her lower back and sending shivers down her spine. Grasping the thin material, he tugged her panties straight down to her ankles and helped her step out from them. 

There she was. Charlie, completely nude for him to explore and discover once more. And he intended to finish what he had started those many nights before. Alastor’s hands dexterously roamed up and down her hips and thighs, kissing and nipping lightly at her soft flesh to the tune of her quiet, hitched breathing.

“Bend over,” he murmured, patting his knee as she complied obediently. Alastor then squeezed a handful of her presented bottom and spread her open, spying her pussy from the back. There was a light smattering of blonde hair and juices flowing between her legs. Charlie whimpered with anticipation, her hands holding his leg as he moved his hand under her pussy and began rubbing her slowly, his fingers stroking her sex back and forth. Her moan was drawn out and delicious, the smell of her arousal heavy in the air.

“Did you think I would let you be touched by another man without punishment?” Alastor asked her testily, now moving the palm of his hand along her butt cheek. He chuckled, feeling her shudder underneath him, her fear of him unmistakable.

“I-I didn’t want—AH!” Charlie cried out as he gave her cheek a sharp slap. She writhed about as he held her waist in place with his other arm, continuing her spanking.

“And what about Adam? Did you let him touch you too?!” Alastor snarled. He left pink imprints on her pale bottom and thighs, smiling at her yelps and whines. “I-I’m sorry, I-I was drunk—OHHH!”

“You know better than this. If you ever act like a bad girl again, I will make sure to broadcast your screams on my show,” Alastor leered, slipping his fingers down her taint once again, feeling her wet pussy throbbing with heat. A ripple ran through her like a seizure, her loud moan rumbling against his thigh.

“Come here,” Alastor growled roughly, adjusting her naked body to be lying against him in between his legs, and forcing her legs wide open. His arm around her waist, he continued his persistent, sensual services with his other hand. He was enthralled by her louder moans and sighs as his long fingers slipped around and between those moist, dark pink folds.

“Was this what you really wanted, Charlie?” he goaded her, speeding up his motions. Clutching onto his arm, she twisted her back as a particularly strong wave of pleasure flowed through her, and thusly through him. He gritted his teeth as Charlie cried out in shock, throwing her head to the side with her muscles spasming and a short gush of juices erupting from her pussy. She laid back against him like a ragdoll and breathed heavily, her nipples erect. 

“…You have been so wound up all day, Charlie, let me take away that pressure,” Alastor drawled seductively in her ear after a moment of composing himself over witnessing her stunning orgasmic display. With that, he raised her up to lay her back down on the bed, her legs splayed wide open again. Smiling at the sight of her wanton, flushed face and her glistening womanhood, he bent over to kiss her lips with a passionate flair. He then moved his lips down to her jaw, then to her throat, chest, stomach, and all the way down to her drenched pussy. 

Her hand shot out to grab his head, her fingers clutching and pulling at his hair and antlers as she gasped in awe at his intimate act. His lips curled as he saw the dazed look in her eyes, and purred against her labia, grasping her thighs tightly, “First I must clean you up.” He could hear her breathing hard and fast as he stuck out his tongue and began licking her slick, succulent folds in tortuous slow motion, claiming her silky flower as his own. She tasted like a warm dream, her musky scent overwhelming him. His tongue quickly found her vagina, her small hole still covered with her sweet juices. He darted his tongue in and out of her, his erection hardening at the wonderful sounds Charlie was making above him. She curled her fingers in his hair even tighter as he changed up his tactics and suckled, kissed, and bit at her swollen clit, her legs twitching. 

“Ohhh fuckkk yesss!” Charlie moaned loudly, her whole body progressively quaking. He felt her spasm underneath him again as her watery juices coated his mouth, a tingling running down his spine in her released pleasure. Raising his eyes up to her, he appreciated the panorama that was the smooth, pale landscape of Charlie’s body, her toned stomach a plateau in comparison to the mountains that were her breasts. She had brought the back of her hand against her forehead as if she were fainting, her chest vacillating erratically. 

Alastor took advantage of this moment to crawl onto the bed on top of her, his hands on either side of her as he gave her a deep kiss with her sugary residue on his lips, making her taste herself. She hummed loudly, though her hands scrabbled at his dress shirt, undoing the rest of his buttons and pulling his bow tie out from underneath his collar. He froze, suddenly feeling very aware of what her actions would lead to. Why was he so nervous? He was in control…was he not?

In his hesitation, Charlie seemed to have recovered her strength as she made him sit up with her and began carefully tugging off his shirt over his shoulders. With a shaky hand, he helped her undress him by unbuttoning his cufflinks and shrugging out of his sleeves. Alastor tossed his shirt onto the nightstand and lowered his eyes, feeling ashamed with how he looked, the fading scars crisscrossing his thin arms and torso. She had seen him shirtless before, but to be observed this closely felt too intimate, with all of him laid bare to her. His eyes then caught sight of a bruised purple scar upon Charlie’s flank. The mark the shadow had left behind… His eyebrows contracted, thinking about how deeply connected he was to her because of that deal he had made with her… 

Alastor was surprised when he felt Charlie cup his face with her refined hands, throwing him a fond look as she gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Don’t stop, remember your instincts,” she breathed against his jawline. She smiled at him as her hands glided down his body, massaging his bare chest, arms, and abs with an amorous touch before arriving at the front of his now-uncomfortably tight pants, beginning to undo his zipper. 

The feral need to control her overtook him once more. He sidled off her lap and onto the mattress, pulling Charlie by her hair and sat her down on her knees in front of him, making her finish unzipping his pants and removing his belt. It was his turn to lose his breath as she hooked her thumbs into his waistband and yanked off his pants and underwear in one tug. He felt color rise in his cheeks as his erect member sprung out, the shaft long and hard. 

Charlie’s gaze of wonderment made Alastor unnervingly self-conscious, though they were both naked now. He hunched his shoulders, swaying, unsure of what to do next. What was she thinking about him?! His thoughts were interrupted with a jolt as Charlie knelt down and reached out a delicate hand to hold his throbbing cock.

Mouth agape in a crooked smile, Alastor could only watch in utter disbelief as she began firmly stroking him back and forth, her fingers lightly squeezing and fondling near the head as precum dribbled out of his slit. He heard himself release a low groan as his mind shut down, giving in to the alcohol and the passionate foreplay. His eyelids closed, allowing himself to get lost in the moment of her tender touch, when he felt something hot and damp encompass the head of his cock, imparting upon him a violent wave of pleasure. 

Alastor opened his eyes slowly, then widened them at what he saw. Charlie had taken the liberty of wrapping her mouth around his hard member, suckling him gently. “Oh dear god…” he moaned inwardly, gripping the quilt underneath him as he shifted himself closer to the edge of the bed. He reached out an unsteady hand to her tresses as her tongue flickered over the underside of his shaft, pulling the length of him back and forth into her mouth as she suctioned him, releasing his saliva-coated cock a few times with a wet pop

His chest was heaving as Charlie began to experiment with how far back she could take him in her throat, guttural moans erupting from her that vibrated against his twitching cock. “What is she doing to me…” Alastor could tell she was trying hard not to gag, her eyes concentrated ahead, and he secretly wanted her to stop if it was too much for her. 

However, Charlie continued onward, her cheeks hollowed as she sucked him, her hand insistently gripping the base of his cock as she began to caress his sack with her other hand. There was no prying her away from him. Alastor was now groaning audibly, his loins repeatedly tortured with her sensual ministrations. He gritted his teeth, squinting in pleasure. Surely…it was time for him to cum…he was so close… At that moment, Charlie locked her burning scarlet eyes onto his as her teeth grazed his aching cock. He could no longer hold back as his fingers curled and wrinkled the bedsheets, his seed surging inside her mouth and down her throat. 

Panting quietly, Alastor watched through hooded eyes as Charlie closed hers and swallowed every drop of him while rubbing his trembling inner thigh. He felt dizzy and weak and was very glad to be sitting down at the moment. Tangling his fingers through her hair, he observed her as she finally released his still-hard cock from her mouth, giving his sensitive, reddened tip another lick. What a beautiful sight, this devout woman kneeling before him, with his cum dripping from the corner of her pretty obsidian lips. And there she was, blushing again as if she still possessed a modicum of innocence after all that. He growled headily; he wanted to take the rest of her innocence, now. 

“Charlie,” Alastor moaned dangerously, breaking the silence for the first time in several minutes. With that, he bent over and pulled her up to stand, only to push her back down on the bed with some force. His hands encircled around her upper arms, Alastor roughly glued his lips to hers in a bruising, primal kiss.

“Mmmphhh!” Charlie moaned, writhing underneath him. His tongue thrashed around inside of her mouth, their respective juices mixing nicely. He would show her, right now, how he would claim her entirely. 

Moving one of his hands down her curvy body as he kissed her, he soon found her wet folds again. Charlie whimpered against his lips as he retracted his claws and shoved a finger inside of her, only to find that he could not venture too far as something obstructed him.

“So she is a virgin,” he entertained to himself. He smiled against her lips, then sat up and stood over her, rubbing his cock to keep it hard. Charlie was breathing heavily, her cheeks stained red as she gazed up at him from the bed. She appeared so ready and willing for him to take her right there, her ripe fruit flower presented to him unabashedly. How could he deny her any longer? 

Alastor staggered a couple steps forward before he leaned against the side of the bed, facing Charlie as he grasped her thighs with an ironclad grip, holding her open. Staring intensely into her eyes, he took hold of his cock as he guided it slowly to her wet, gaping entrance, waiting for any last words of refusal from her, when he heard a feminine, yearning voice inside his head, “Do it. Fuck me, Alastor.” 

Blinking once, Alastor was shocked momentarily. Charlie’s scarlet eyes were glaring back at him with a hunger that incited him fiercely. He grinned hedonistically at her, realizing now that her mental walls had crumbled, he could read her thoughts clearly. There was only one more wall to tear through to make her fully surrender to him. 

Swallowing in excitement, Alastor slid his cock around her folds, teasing her in her apparent anticipation. He greatly enjoyed her flushed face, her tousled golden hair strewn around her head like a brilliant halo, her delicate fingers gripping the quilt in an attempt to steel herself for him. “I am going in,” he murmured quietly. The tip of his twitching cock was at her entrance, which was much too small for his girth to ease into slowly. He would make short work of her womanhood. 

With a quick, sharp thrust of his hips, Alastor plunged his hard cock deep inside of Charlie, breaking cleanly through her last barrier of innocence. He fully expected to hear her cry of pain, as he too felt similarly. Damn. He released a puff of air. She was so tight; her ring of muscles was squeezing his member relentlessly. Gritting his teeth, he pulled back slowly, testing her resilience as he slid back inside, keeping his cock burrowed in there as they both breathed heavily and adjusted to the foreign feeling. The waves of discomfort soon lessened and became waves of pleasure as Alastor briefly contemplated the situation he was in. He had done it, he had Charlie completely open to him. She was all his now. 

Slowly, Alastor moved his hips forward, delving deeper into her tight pussy and eliciting a soft, drawn-out moan from Charlie. Her back arched as she exhibited her beautiful, glowing body, her mouth open in a silent scream. His cock was stretching her out slightly as he continued his movements back and forth, making his path somewhat smoother to glide along. 

“Nnnghhh, nnnghhh, nnnghhh!” Charlie bit out in succession, squeezing her eyes shut as Alastor began to pump her harder and faster, his carnal lust increasing exponentially. He was entranced by her bouncing breasts as he jerked inside of her, her nails digging into the quilt. Bending over her, his hands still clenched onto her thighs, Alastor caught one of her nipples in his mouth and suckled her puckered skin. 

“A-Al…” Charlie sighed, unable to finish his name as she mewled in pleasure, her head thrown back as he thrusted hard in tandem with his new intimate act. He nibbled at her soft, doughy flesh, feeling his arousal amplified greatly as she shrieked in delight. Smirking devilishly, Alastor moved on to her other bouncing breast, paying it just as much attention with his lips and teeth. She felt like putty underneath him, her body quaking and glistening with sweat. Such a pretty picture she made… 

Alastor straightened back up after a while of toying with her breasts, feeling primal and dominant as he pounded into her, his cock and balls making wet, slapping noises against her soaking pussy. He dragged her body closer to him, pushing himself deeper and deeper into her until he was hitting the entrance to her womb. Charlie raised a fist to her mouth and bit down on her knuckles, her face red with pleasure as she looked away. Alastor groaned, pumping her hard. He was not going to last much longer, but he needed her to maintain her focus on him. 

“Look…at…me…” Alastor growled lowly between particularly hard thrusts.

Her eyes wide with shock, Charlie turned her gaze back to him. “Y-Yes, sir,” she gasped, her back twisting as a sharp pinch of pleasure overtook her.

There was something so indulgent, so mesmerizing in those sparkling scarlet eyes of hers fixated on him that drove him straight to the edge. She was bucking her hips in time with his, harder and harder they rocked back and forth, the friction building within to unbearable levels. 

It took one more thrust before Alastor felt his gut spasm, her walls clenching down on his member with a vice-like grip, forcing his orgasm. They both came together with their discordant voices echoing around the room:  Alastor, biting down hard on his lip to stifle his groans, and Charlie, her keening loud and passionate. He shot his seed deep inside her womb, filling her up with continuous bursts as his loins pulsated with aftershocks. He watched with pride as Charlie’s face contorted, her mouth forming an “o” as she received his gift. He smiled dreamily, drunk in love. He had never felt so blissful in his life, praising whatever higher power there was for leading him to Charlie to share this moment with her. To lay claim on such a passionate, submissive partner, this unreal feeling finally consummated.

Beads of sweat ran down his face and body as Alastor shook, pulling himself out of her slowly. He looked down to see her pussy caked with his milky semen that was mixed with a tinge of blood. Charlie was breathing harshly, her chest vacillating and her eyes gazing headily at him. There was no getting rid of his arousal it would seem, as his cock was still erect. He wanted more of her. 

Alastor roughly turned Charlie onto her side and reclined on the mattress behind her. Panting with anticipation, he pulled her close and hooked his arm underneath the back of her knee, lifting her leg up high enough so he could spread her pussy. Charlie gasped all the while, the tip of his cock positioned at her entrance before he thrust up into her once more. She moaned ardently as he seemed to hit a new spot inside of her at this angle. Her tight, ridged walls were slippery and lubricated with his semen, making the second time around much more pleasurable for the both of them. 

Groaning, Alastor gripped her leg and kissed her neck and shoulder as he pumped into her at a gallop. Charlie gave a sharp cry as he bit down onto her soft, smooth flesh and suckled her sweet, sweet blood in the same spot as before, leaving his mark forcefully on her. He draped his arm around her and massaged her bouncing breasts, tweaking her taut nipples to the sound of her desperate moans.

Alastor gritted his teeth, gyrating his hips and pushing himself deeper and deeper inside her pussy when Charlie turned to him with a beautiful, glowing face. Their eyes met, setting off a spark within them that lit the string of their bond on fire. He fervently fastened his lips to hers and moaned passionately into her mouth as he felt his loins spasm for the third time, cumming inside her hard and thickly. Charlie broke away from his kiss to cry out, “ALASTOR!!!” before he recaptured her lips with a great hunger, holding her down until his cock had finished emptying into her. 

This spectacular culmination left both Alastor and Charlie numb and spent in a sweaty, shuddering pile of limbs, their breathing ragged. He could hear and feel their hearts beat as one, as if the sex had acted as a ritual to strengthen their bond even further. Smirking faintly, Alastor held Charlie close to him, unwilling to unsheathe his cock from her warm, inviting pussy. Sleep and dizziness were creeping into his muddled senses from the perfect release. 

Several minutes passed, and he found that they would not likely remain in that position with the growing discomfort. Pulling out of her with a wet, squishy sound, Alastor sat up shakily, still taking measured breaths. Charlie appeared to be just as exhausted, her eyelids drooping as she rested on her side, her body quivering still. He stood unsteadily and pulled back the quilt and covers for them. They needed to retire for the night. 

“Charlie,” Alastor murmured hoarsely, rubbing her leg gently to keep her from drifting off. She mumbled something incoherent and opened her eyes, reaching out her hand to him. Grasping her small fingers in his larger ones, Alastor pulled her up and was about to place her on her back, when Charlie squeezed his hands and roughly whirled him around, her palms on his chest as she now sat on top of him.

Alastor blinked rapidly, staring up into the devilishly sensual gaze his gorgeous partner was giving him, stirring his member once more. Charlie, his savior, was prepared to take everything from him that night and lay him down on his deathbed. He caressed and tickled her hips and thighs, making her groan seductively and toss her head back. She lifted her hips up and reached around behind her, grabbing his cock without permission and slid it up inside of her.

Gasping anxiously, Alastor gripped Charlie’s hips as she bent over until she was face to face with him and gave him a passionate kiss on the lips, her tongue inside first. He felt her barbed tail coil around his thigh, digging in and drawing blood. He groaned, grasping the nape of her neck as they continued working their lips, tongues, and teeth against each other, sucking, licking, and nipping lustfully.

Charlie finally straightened up and began bouncing up and down on him, her walls hot and dripping. She tilted her head to the side, humming with a drunken laugh and eyeing him with a crooked smirk, her fingers kneading and rubbing her nipples, “Al, do you think…nngh…I’ll get pregnant?”

Alastor nearly choked on his own breath, feeling his cock grow and harden inside of her at that. “D-Darling,” he stammered, but lost his ability to form words momentarily, so entranced he was by her wanton, inebriated behavior. Certainly, he was a sterile sinner, there was no chance he could ever breed in this afterlife. Nor did he believe he was fit to ever be a father…

Charlie sighed dreamily, wiggling her hips and impaling him deeper. “Let’s find out,” she said with a grin, then bobbed up and down harder on his cock, her breasts bouncing. Alastor bit out a slew of curses and bucked his hips upwards, their movements falling in time together again. Infected by her mischievous smile, he felt a selfish desire to prove himself wrong, entertaining the vision of him creating a family with her for a brief moment. His pulse sped up and he wrapped his claws around her arms, pulling her back down against his torso as he took the lead in fucking her.

“I-I’m cumming,” Charlie stammered soon after, stifling a cry as he dug his nails into her bottom.

“Good girl,” Alastor murmured, half lucid as he pumped his cock against her womb, edging hard until he felt himself falling back into the pillows with her arms around him, giving her his final creampie of the night. He smiled senselessly; he was truly spent, sweaty, and muscles atrophied, but so, so fulfilled. Rolling her over onto her side with him, Alastor laid her head on the myriad overstuffed pillows that lined the head of the bed. He pulled her quivering naked body flush against his as he dragged the rest of the blankets and the quilt overtop of them to keep them warm. 

Sighing quietly, Alastor cuddled Charlie in his arms as she nestled her head against his chest, her eyes closed as she finally relaxed. His body felt sore and heavy, and he could not find the strength to bother with turning off the light. His thoughts and vision were also blurry, a slow, enticing darkness beckoning him.

Before he could close his eyes, Alastor held onto a reflection that lazily swam through his consciousness. He gazed down at Charlie and whispered, “Do you believe in fate? In destined meetings? Why I was born…Why I am here…” No answer. She was breathing deeply, already asleep. He lightly kissed the crown of her head, murmuring softly as he too succumbed to slumber, “…I think I have figured them out as a result of meeting you…m𝑎 𝑐ℎ𝑒̀𝑟𝑒.”


Hmm, finally, they got to sleep together for real real this time! Hehehe, I've been dying to drop this monster of a chapter, I think I'm happy how it turned out. The song Charlie sang was inspired by "Angel's Song" by Debbie Harry. The song that Alastor and Charlie dance to is "I Don't Deserve You" by Plumb.

Please leave me comments to let me know how you like it all so far, or any suggestions! :)


Just a one-shot I wanted to write up to go along with a picture I am doing (follow my progress on my twitter *Devoted_Stargazer* @rosegalaxy00). Or will it be more of a story? Stay tuned. ^_^