15 Great Horror Actors

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Picking out 15 great horror actors from the bunch isn’t too hard. There’s good, kind of good, and then there’s great, simple.

Bruce Campbell

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There’s no need to wonder where his greatness comes from since the Evil Dead movies are still classic to this day. Ash is the man when it comes to slaying Deadites.

Jamie Lee Curtis

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Her time in the Halloween movies has irked some people and made her a legend in the eyes of others. But as a great horror actor, she’s been forever dubbed as a scream queen.

Kane Hodder

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So yes, Friday the 13th did leave a lot of people wishing it would end eventually. But Hodder’s portrayal of the undead killer has been legendary and still is.

Robert Englund

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Even when he’s not donning the clawed glove and scarred makeup, Englund is still a great horror actor. He can just sneer at someone and cause the chills to emerge.

Brad Dourif

Kevin Winter-Getty

It sounds rude, but this guy’s look just screams villain, even though he’s had to play a neutral character. When it comes to horror legends though, his voice out of a doll’s mouth is just insanely creepy.

Doug Bradley


The man who gave rise to the character of Pinhead is to be commended for his ability to keep a straight face throughout these movies. A great horror actor knows how to do deadpan, and he’s one of the best.

Tony Todd


Just his voice gives people the shivers, which is great since that’s what he’s become known for. As Candyman and the mortician in Final Destination, there’s no one better.

Tobin Bell

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Ask yourself this question: could anyone else have played Jigsaw better? John Kramer was a genius, but also a certified psychopath.

Neve Campbell

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Some might not agree with this entry, but she did help to usher in a series that’s lasted for six movies. She qualifies, plain and simple.

Anthony Perkins


When it comes to old-school horror legends, you can’t leave out the man who created the image of Norman Bates. Bates Motel was a good series, but it’s still second to the original.

Bill Skarsgard

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Comparing him to Tim Curry is still a debate that many people don’t want to get into. But both men played Pennywise great, and it’s fair to state that they both brought something to the character that’s indispensable.

Linda Blair


She did a great job as a young girl in The Exorcist. She’s still a recognizable character to this day, which gives credence to her spot on this list.

Doug Jones

Daniel Boczarski-Getty

You’ve got to give Doug Jones a great deal of credit. The man has shown up as one character or another in so many movies it’s hard to count them all.

Boris Karloff


Speaking of old school, Karloff is one of those who helped to bring monster movies into the limelight in a big way. His stints as the Mummy and in Frankenstein aren’t to be forgotten. Along with several other horror actors, he helped lay the foundation for what exists today.

Vincent Price


The man was a master of horror, not to mention a great horror actor. Plus, his diabolical laugh was enough to send shudders down the spine of even the bravest individual. Great horror actors know how to do more with less.


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