Thousands show to commission meeting on proposed LDS temple
Local News


Thousands show to commission meeting on proposed LDS temple

Posted at 9:45 PM, May 14, 2024
and last updated 2024-05-15 09:43:16-04

LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — The meeting didn't start until 6 p.m., but well before that, hundreds if not thousands of people decided to come out here to show their support, and some neighbors decided to come out to show their opposition.

Before the meeting, hundreds and hundreds of members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints packed City Hall, many of them waiting to enter the meeting. Meanwhile, we caught up with neighbors from the Lone Mountain area outside.

"What we're worried about is our neighborhood's going to be packed forever with traffic and light and other things that are not what we're accostomed to to in our area," said resident Christian Salmon. "We have no problem with the LDS church in particular, and we welcome them to go where it is zoned."

After the meeting got underway inside of City Hall, thousands of LDS members showed up around 7 p.m. to pack the Plaza, many of them singing outside. We actually were able to catch up with a few members about why it was important for them to be there.

"I would just love to have a temple that's closer to my house. It'll let me go more often and just show my worship and show my gratitude to my savior Jesus Christ," said church member Emma Brummett.

"I understand that there's some people what have talked about how it may block the view and stuff in the area, and I can definitely understand that that would be hard, and also an increase in traffic, but I think what it would bring to the community would be far outweigh... the positives outweigh the negatives," said church member Ryan Priest.

When asked if he felt there was room to compromise in regards to the height of the proposed temple, Priest was optimistic.

"I think there's room to compromise, in my personal opinion," he said.

Neighbors said they plan to those neighbors we spoke to also said they will take their concerns to the city council.

Planning Commission hears from hundreds of residents over proposed LDS temple