Germany: Top AfD Politician Raided After Allegations of “Money Laundering”, by Andrew Anglin - The Unz Review
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Germany: Top AfD Politician Raided After Allegations of “Money Laundering”
Petr Bystron

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Petr Bystron is second on the AfD’s list for the EU parliament elections.

The guy in the first spot, Maximilian Krah, is under investigation for having an alleged Chinese spy working for him.

They government happened to discover all this right before the election.

Purely by coincidence, of course.

If they’re all ideological Nazis, as the German government and media claim, why are they also criminals?


Authorities in Germany and Spain have searched premises linked to a German legislator who is suspected of receiving bribes and money laundering and was identified by German media as far-right politician Petr Bystron.

Bystron, who is running in next month’s European Parliament elections, did not immediately comment on the searches. He has denied allegations widely reported by media that he was paid for giving interviews to a pro-Russian news portal.

The German prosecutors’ office said in a statement that various premises had been searched as part of an investigation into a member of the Bundestag, Germany’s parliament, but did not name the legislator.

German magazine Der Spiegel named Bystron as the target of the searches. The Bundestag said Bystron’s immunity as a lawmaker had been lifted before the searches.

“Munich prosecutors are investigating a Bundestag member on suspicion of receiving bribes and money laundering,” the prosecutors’ office said. “As part of this investigation, premises in Berlin and Bavaria and on Majorca were searched and evidence was seized.”

Czech-born Bystron lives in the Bavarian city of Munich.

The German prosecutor’s office made no further comment.

Czech media have reported that Czech security services have a recording in which Bystron can be heard counting banknotes, and complaining that their denominations are so large that it will be tough to spend them even at a petrol station.

Bystron has said the allegations are part of an organised political campaign against him.

The AfD was vying with the opposition conservatives to top opinion polls at the start of 2024, but polls show its support has dropped since the foreign influence allegations and mass protests against the party.

Prosecutors charged an assistant to Maximilian Krah, the party’s lead candidate for June’s European Parliament elections, with spying for China.

Frankly, I have very serious doubts that support actually dropped.

What seems much, much more likely is that these scams – government organized protests and all of these moronic criminal allegations – were set up as explanations for why “support dropped.”

That is to say: they needed a reason to start faking the polls and faking the election, so these staged this nonsense.

People support AfD because they have zero faith in the system. Therefore, the fact that the system is going even harder on AfD than they were before would increase their support, would it not? How could it decrease support?

We witnessed this exact thing with Donald Trump: all of these attacks on him simply hardened support, and basically made him politically unassailable on the right. No Republican can say anything about Trump, because they just look like they’re piling on with all of these criminal Democrats and government officials.

But people stopped supporting AfD because the government said they are bad in a more extreme way than before?

It’s not possible. This is a hoax. Unfortunately, there isn’t really much analysis of this. There is virtually none in English, of course, but in German, it’s very difficult to run a right-wing politically commentary site or social media account because the government will come after you.

I mean, you could probably say “these polls are fake,” but if you’re saying that sort of thing, you’re going to be saying other sorts of things, and the German government will call you a Nazi and send thugs to intimidate you, and then they will censor you, and then they will take some kind of legal action against you.

The Daily Stormer is probably the only major site on the internet doing any kind of meaningful commentary on this AfD situation, and we’re not really doing very much of it. The entirety of German society is a black box. No one understands any of the mechanisms. We just know that some decades ago, Germany lost a war to the United States, there are still tens of thousands of US troops in the country, and the German government never goes against the dictates of the United States, no matter how unpopular those dictates are among the German people.

Those are the facts that we can observe. We have no idea what the mechanisms behind this are, but it seems very unlikely that German policy is being determined by voting.

Bjorn Hocke was also convicted in that retarded trial a few days ago, but he can still appeal

Snake Baker contributed to this article.

(Republished from The Daily Stormer by permission of author or representative)
• Category: Foreign Policy • Tags: AfD, Germany, Russia 
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  1. Here in the U.S., opponents of Trump ‘s election win in 2020 staged a coup in the middle of the night and stole the presidency by stuffing ballot boxes.

    As is the fashion of the times, strangers began rallying by forming nation-wide Facebook groups to discuss what just happened. Within hours, those groups (numbering in the hundreds of thousands) were purged by Zuckerberg. One can easily imagine the groups would have grown to millions. From there they could have organized popular sentiment into action.

    When democracy is a sham, the
    unelected dictatorship will try to keep people divided and disorganized. What we’re seeing in Germany is a ‘pre coup’ to stop the Afd. It’s just one of many dirty tricks to hold onto power.

    • Replies: @YetAnotherAnon
  2. look at the other axis heavyweight: japan. instead of countries with military bases, both that country and germany are US military bases with a country. i’ve known a lot of germans over the years and all but the most neoliberal lunatics resent the rammstein base on a pathological level – which is fine in cases like this. it should give ANY country a visceral, “gut” reaction like that when foreign troops have more rights than its own citizens. same for the okinawa citizens who have to deal with polluting rapists from the hick states on their soil.

    see also: korea.

  3. Altai4 says:

    With the imminent European elections there has been a barrage of scandal stories in the media thrown at anyone in the AfD they can find.

    The AfD, like all protest parties do very well in European elections and they are expected to come second this year in Germany. This is causing a campaign very similar to the one against the Sweden Democrats in the runup to the Swedish general election in 2014 where after the SD did so well, all the opposition parties were formed into one giant coalition against the SD! (It was a bold strategy Cotton, it did not pay off for anyone, leaving the SD as the only opposition part of any size.) Remember this famous cartoon in a Swedish newspaper owned by a certain family… ( Needless to say it’s also a newspaper for a region with little to no immigration far in the Northern interior of Sweden. Needless to say, it caused quite a stir in Sweden with the image not fit for being published by any of the bigger media but reprinted as “news” since it became a controversy.

    Interestingly 5 years later…

    The AfD have been growing very quickly in the last 3 years (Disaffection with Ukraine being a prominent reason) as the German establishment has been losing any ground to stand on from both and left and right things have become more urgent and basically all prominent AfD are spied on and attempts to make any scandal stick are constant.

    I’ll excerpt from the Politico article. The AfD do very well in local and European elections as befits a protest populist party. And so the efforts by the German establishment (Including the intelligence services who admit to spying on them) to find scandals to hit them with are intensifying. The first step is getting their feet in local and European elections, then the pattern is always greater public acceptance to vote for them in the general elections.

    It gives an idea of typical Russiagate hysteria which worked so well against Trump. Just why are all these scandals appearing just before the elections? Also lots of calls to outright ban the party from hysterical people.

    Krah, from the Alternative for Germany party (AfD), announced in Berlin that he would fire the assistant accused of espionage, but that he would not step down as the party’s lead candidate for the European election, just six weeks away.

    “If you think this is the end of my candidacy, then I have to disappoint you,” said Krah on Wednesday. “I am and will remain the lead candidate.”

    The AfD is currently polling in second place in Germany, but has been beset by a series of scandals in recent months, culminating in the arrest Tuesday of Krah’s aide Jian G., who authorities said was an “employee of a Chinese secret service.”

    Krah, now viewed as a liability by many members of his own party, appears set to take a lower profile in the election campaign.

    “In order not to damage the election campaign or the reputation of the party, he decided not to take part in the forthcoming election campaign kick-off” in the state of Baden-Württemberg, party leaders Alice Weidel and Tino Chrupalla announced in a statement Wednesday. “Any influence exerted by foreign states through espionage, as well as any attempt to buy opinions and positions, must be investigated and stopped with the utmost severity.”

    Krah is not the only AfD politician to come under scrutiny in connection with investigations into foreign interference.

    Petr Bystron, second on the AfD’s list for the EU election, is facing allegations, reported on extensively by the German media outlet Der Spiegel, that he received €20,000 from people with links to Russian President Vladimir Putin in order to spread Kremlin propaganda. Bystron has denied the accusations.

    The repeated scandals appear to have damaged the AfD, which has seen its support drop in polls in recent months. The slide began in January in the wake of an investigative report that revealed members of the party were present at a meeting of right-wing extremists in which a “master plan” to deport migrants and “unassimilated citizens” was discussed.

    The bombshell arrest of Krah’s assistant has sparked calls from one top European lawmaker — Terry Reintke, lead candidate for the European Greens — for a tougher crackdown on Chinese and Russian infiltrators attempting to influence EU democracy.

    Katarina Barley, the Social Democrat’s lead candidate for the EU election, said that she sees the AfD as a security risk. The party being exposed “as an instrument for autocratic powers,” she told the German newspaper Rheinische Post.

    • Replies: @eah
  4. G. Poulin says:
    @loner feral cat

    Hey, that’s the first time I’ve seen Zelensky out of his pajamas.

  5. Anonymous[194] • Disclaimer says:

    To quote Theodore Kaufman, “Germany must perish!”

    • Replies: @Pythas
  6. Renard says:

    People support AfD because they have zero faith in the system. Therefore, the fact that the system is going even harder on AfD than they were before would increase their support, would it not? How could it decrease support?

    It’s not hard to imagine a million hausfraus and fräuleins who are worried about the direction of the country but are also terrified of being too “incorrect” politically.

    Such people are easily swayed, and half of the German males I’ve known are quite similar. In politics, dirty tricks are popular for one big reason: they work.

  7. eah says:

    Your comment is long — consider using the more tag.

    Media outlet Politico was bought by Axel Springer — Springer also publishes Bild, Die Welt, and others — editorially, it’s known to be biased against the AfD — the boss of Axel Springer, Mathias Döpfner, apologized after saying Germans living in the East were either communists or fascists — he called them communists because Die Linke (successor of the East German communist party) is popular there — he called them fascists because the AfD is popular there.

    German politician Sahra Wagenknecht left Die Linke and founded her own party Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) — after a startup phase, it is now polling at around 6%, above Die Linke — looking at historical polls, it seems clear BSW has taken more votes from the AfD than from Die Linke — Wagenknecht should have just joined the AfD — her party will always be marginal, and only strengthen the current system by weakening the AfD.

  8. Pythas says:

    To quote me the filthy rabid neo-marxist jews must perish!

  9. They [sic] government happened to discover all this right before the election.

    Purely by coincidence, of course.

    Lavrentiy Beria would have nothing on these folks… Show them the man, and they’ll show you the crime.

    The Ampels are getting the band back together.

  10. It’s time to let the Germans be Germans again.

    Go up to the mountain, go up to the glen. It’s time to let Germans be German again.

    Kill the EU and the ECB and the euro currency and get the US military out of Germany. Let the Germans turn the screw and get a nuclear deterrent.

    The German return to the deutschmark will kill a lot of German exports, but they’ll get their sovereignty back.

    The American Empire has occupied parts of Germany, and now all of Germany, since the end of World War II. The JEW/WASP Ruling Class of the American Empire has been the power behind the scenes in regards to the mass invasion of foreigners into Germany. The JEW/WASP Ruling Class of the American Empire attacked and destroyed the German/Russian natural gas pipelines in the Baltic Sea.

    The rise of the Alternative for Deutschland political party is a positive sign for Germany. Germany will soon ask the American Empire to vacate its soil. Germany will also begin the mass deportation of non-Europeans from Germany. Germany will also get a nuclear deterrent to solidify their reclamation of national sovereignty.

    God Bless Germany and Germans

    Germany For Germans

    God Bless The Germans In The United States







    • Replies: @HdC
  11. I haven’t read all comments, so someone may have already mentioned this.

    First of all, while there is absolutely a very serious sense in the general public that, even before outright criminalization, people have to watch what they say; one wrong word can be career-ending, at the very least, which already completely contradicts the most fundamental principle of the German Basic Law (Grundgesetz–Germany’s Bill of Rights-equivalent), which stipulates: (Eine) Zensur findet nicht statt–literally: censorship will not occur. Naturally,, as in the U.S., it therefore first occurred through the constant harassment of P.C.–although, it is worth pointing out that Germany did pass the Selbstbestimnungsgesetz, or self-determination law, which is mostly designed to allow people (including adolescents) to assert their gender, while explicitly outlawing guacrdians from interfering.

    Also, on a related note, Germany changed possession of child pr0n from a felony to a misdemeanor in April, on the–IShitYouNot–grounds that this is to “prevent undue punishment of innocents such as parents found in possession, who were merely circulating said materials to other concerned parents,” presumably to commiserate in abject horror.

    All that said, what I mainly wanted to say is, it is not quite as bad as the author claimed; or, it isn’t quite as bad in the sense the author asserted, at least. There certainly are very vocal and critical opposition voices in Germany. Just to name one prominent individual: Julian Reichelt, who is a very outspoken opponent and who was editor-in-chief at one of the major news publications until a few years ago, both with his news website nius dot de (“nius” is the German phonetic spelling of the English word news), as well as his “Achtung, Reichelt!” and Nius channels on YouTube. In fact, just 2-4 weeks ago, Julian won a major lawsuit against the federal German government, which enjoins the latter from any further attempts to censor him–which was accomplished squarely on the basis of the Basic Law I mentioned earlier. So, at least in that regard, you might even say that Germany edges out the U.S., in terms of recently set precedent that explicitly sides against the would-be censors. And no, that does not change the fact that harassment and CancelCulture (which was imported wholesale, including the hashtag) aren’t still an ongoing problem.

    In addition, because all of this is coordinated across Western nations by NGOs, it is of course also true that elections are likely severely compromised, as other methods of voting were introduced following pandemic lockdowns, same as in the U.S.

  12. Anonymous[366] • Disclaimer says:

    Germany is slipping into mass psychosis.

    They have a vending machine at the Freiburg train station where you can buy unclaimed packages. Is it Bose noise-canceling headphones or a dildo? Get out those Deutsche Marks and find out!

  13. HdC says:
    @Charles Pewitt

    I agree with you except for that bit that a new Deutschmark would kill exports.

    Some time ago I read that 85% of what Germany exports is also imported. Thus the earnings are made from the value added to those imports.

    Imports would become cheaper with a higher value currency. Export prices can be adjusted to some extend with Government policy and, of course, market pressures.

    Of course there would be upheaval, just as there is now with the curtailed Russian gas. But for the future my bet is on the Germans who have proven time and time again that they know how to make a silk purse from a sow’s ears.

    • Thanks: Charles Pewitt
  14. @Beavertales

    The UK equivalent, the BNP, had its activists put on trial (acquitted, but the process is the punishment) for saying that Muslim gangs were abusing white girls – then “an embittered activist” (aka MI5 plant?) made the entire membership list public, addresses and all.

    Something similar seems to have happened to the Scottish National Party who were investigated by police over “financial irregularities”.

  15. ANON[240] • Disclaimer says:

    Germany IS A TOTALITARIAN SHITHOLE. It’s been under occupation since 1945.

    They also arrested Dr. Reiner Fuellmich (actually kidnapped him in Mexico) under fallacious “charges” to silence a possible political candidate and punish him for his exposure of the covid crimes with his Grand Jury trial.

    Dr. Reiner Fuellmich Update on His Ongoing Trial & Current Events — April 29, 2024

    Most german are so brainwahsed that they are evn more stupid than Americans, but this time they are about to vote the globalist/marxist/green vermin out of power, so the regime organizes mock kangaroo trials to get rid of the opposition.

    Every single dictatorship on the world does that, the USA does that with Trump , the mock German “government” does it with AfD (which is now the biggest party in Germany) and Reiner Fuellmich.

    I would like to attract your attention on the current censorship deployed by (whoever is behind this) the UNZ review. Like every authoritarian and hypocrite, the lie served to censor comment is the following: “This handle doesn’t seem to be your usual name”, please use Anon or anonymous to comment”. Then, after more than 2 comments: “this handle is limited to 2 comments a day”.
    I have the impression to be back on Twitter 3 years ago. hypocrisy to hide the fact that some opinions are simply banned while the weirdest theories, the biggest trolling and the most heinous comments are displayed all over your pages.

    His majesty doesn’t like to be told the truth about the COVID PLANDEMIC, SCAMDEMIC OR THE CLIMATE HOAX…

    So, my guess is that the UNZ Review is yet another controlled opposition tool probably managed by intelligence services or the Jews they pretend to expose.

    You are not the only blog out there where people can leave comments, fortunately your blog is very limited to one subject: the Jew.

  16. Germans are great engineers and innovators…but since Bismarck their political appointments have been abysmal.

    And today they have such an anti-German coalition in charge that Germans must be wondering who their government represents?

    Scholz and others are now girding their loins to send troops to fight a country that allowed Germany such a period of economic prosperity with cheap energy for another country that is robbing them blind with expensive energy and weaponry…and what’s in it for Germans this sacrifice?

    Germans are told you are either in Russias’ sphere with warmth at reasonable prices or the U.S sphere where men are women and multi coloured freaks shriek at you in a tongue you cannot understand even though they have an English literature degree they were entitled to and a criminal gang rack up another 20 billion on your tab?

    It now makes sense Germans went with the U.S?

    • Replies: @HdC
  17. HdC says:

    In 1945 the lesser evil appeared to be Americans since the allied genocide was not widely known for decades.

    Almost 80 years later it is high time to review that relationship; however, the USA will not release Germany from US dominance very easily.

    Germany needs to re-arm with the most horrendous nuclear weapons and high speed delivery systems as quickly as possible. And to hell with what others think or the noise they make.

    Add 50 or so nuclear armed submarines to the armament, and Germany will have peace and quiet once and for all.

    • Agree: Malla
    • Replies: @Malla
  18. Malla says:

    Germany needs to re-arm with the most horrendous nuclear weapons and high speed delivery systems as quickly as possible. And to hell with what others think or the noise they make.

    Germany also needs to expel a lot of outside infiltrators (foreigners, rapefugees) and up the birth rate.

    • Replies: @JohnnyWalker123
  19. @Malla

    What do you think about this?

    • Replies: @Malla
  20. Malla says:

    I am not sure, things will go this bad, but man, temperatures in my city of Delhi has been an all time high and many elderly tell me, they have never experienced such hot summers ever.

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