Edi Rama Addresses Albanians In Greece During Controversial Visit To Athens

Edi Rama Addresses Albanians in Greece During Controversial Visit to Athens


Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama addresses Albanian community in Athens during a sensitive private visit, commending them for their resilience in facing challenges and adversity.


The was no scheduled meeting with Greek PM Mitsotakis, who described the visit as "unnecessary."

Despite some local objections. With around 1 million Albanians in Greece, his visit was a significant and democratic gesture to connect with his fellow citizens abroad.

At the end of his speech to Albanians in Athens, Prime Minister Edi Rama also gave a message to his counterpart Kyriakos Mitsotakis.

Quoting Naim Frashëri, Rama said that the true desire of Albanians is to live in peace and harmony with their neighbors.

“I want to leave a message to my friend, Prime Minister Mitsotakis. Dear Kyriakos, in 1886, our national poet Naim Frashëri wrote his poem in Greek, “The true desire of the Albanians”.

We want to live with all our neighbors, Slavs and Greeks, in harmony, in brotherhood, with order and peace. Let’s not become enemies and not fight, enough of the many sufferings and tyrannies we have gone through, it is the time of well-being, it is the time of freedom. Many thanks from me and the Albanians of Greece”, said Prime Minister Rama.

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