What Non-Americans Find Ridiculous In American Movies

    58 Things Non-Americans See In Movies That Confuse The Absolute Heck Out Of Non-Americans

    The chewing pill things is really weird because nobody actually does that.

    Over the last 5-10 years, X has become a place where non-Americans ask questions about Americans based on what they've seen in movies and TV shows.

    Elderly man with beard holding up an American flag indoors, expressing enthusiasm

    Because these questions are always funny to me, I've compiled 58 of my ALL-TIME favorites.

    1. The way Americans are always talking about the last four digits of their social security numbers.

    Do Americans really have the last 4 digits of their social memorized, or is this just one of those TV things just to save time?

    2. Their obsession with Halloween.

    Do Americans really care about Halloween or is that a tv show/twitter thing

    3. The use of "like."

    Do Americans really say "like" every 10 seconds, or is it a reality TV show thing ?

    — C.C 🇻🇨🇹🇹 (@DaGirlShellyann) September 25, 2023
    Twitter: @DaGirlShellyann

    4. School dances.

    do Americans really have school dances or is that made up for tv

    — Jenny (@barfieldgussy) April 16, 2024
    Twitter: @barfieldgussy

    5. How they're always heating up water in the microwave.

    do americans actually heat up water in the microwave or is that just in tv shows

    6. The way they "chew" pills.

    Why do Americans chew pills like they’re sweets in films 😂

    7. How they never say goodbye on the phone.

    Do Americans really not say goodbye when ending a phone call? All these tv shows they just hang up.

    8. The way they never take their shoes off when they enter someone's house.

    Do Americans really not take there shoes off when they enter a house? Or is that just another weird thing from American movies

    9. How they're always eating loads of meatloaf.

    Do Americans really eat as much meatloaf as TV makes it seem? They must be like, 60% loaf by now.

    10. The use of the phrase "Just get some rest."

    Do Americans really say "Just get some rest", to each other. It feels like something they only say in films.

    11. The way Americans call people "jerks" and "douches."

    Do Americans actually say words like jerk and douche or is it just in films 😂

    12. The way they eat ice cream out of the tub.

    Do Americans really eat ice cream out the tub when they're sad or is that just on movies?

    13. The way they walk out with a box of their crap when they get fired from their jobs.

    Do Americans actually walk out with a box when they get fired or is that a movie thing?

    14. How they're always "going for dessert."

    Why do Americans in films always 'go for dessert'? Why not just have dessert in the restaurant you were just in?!

    15. The "fake baby" school assignments.

    Do Americans actually do those projects/assignments like we see on TV Shows & Films like the fake babies, getting ‘married’ to each other and all that 🤔

    16. The way they play "trees" and other inanimate objects in school plays.

    Do Americans really be having kids play trees in the school play or is that just a tv thing 🤔

    17. How they're always comparing things to the length of football fields.

    I wish Americans in movies would just top comparing the length of things to that of a football field. I have no idea how long that is.

    18. How they always try to stop natural disasters.

    It amuses me when Americans in movies try to stop a natural disaster ending the world because they're Americans and they just have to try

    19. The way they call their dog "pooch."

    Do Americans really refer to their dogs as "pooch" or is it just a TV thing

    20. The way Americans "grab" a cup of coffee.

    Why do Americans on TV shows have to go "grab" a cup of coffee? Can't see how that could ever end well. Especially if the cup is styrofoam.

    21. All of the guns.

    Why do Americans in TV shows insist on owning guns they cannot aim

    Twitter: @noodledoddlddoo

    22. The way they call their sons "son."

    Do Americans really call their sons “son” or is that just in tv? Is so weird to me

    Twitter: @LansKingdom93

    23. How they call their dad "old man."

    do americans actually call their dads my old man or is that just in tv shows

    Twitter: @LOVE4HOSIE

    24. How they have bread rolls with every meal.

    Do Americans have bread rolls with every meal? Been noticing this on various TV shows. And are they called dinner rolls?

    Twitter: @Scally__

    25. Cheerleaders.

    Wait do Americans actually have cheerleaders? Or was that just in tv

    Twitter: @wolfears

    26. The way they eat Pop Tarts for breakfast.

    Do Americans actually eat pop tarts for breakfast or is that just in the TV shows because they’re SO SWEET

    Twitter: @killingcosima

    27. The way they always flee to Mexico.

    Why do Americans on tv always flee to Mexico? I promise you no one will look for you in rural quebec

    Twitter: @chandeblair

    28. The way they order a beer.

    Why do Americans on TV always just order “a beer” and always seem to get the one they want? There’s lots of beer!

    Twitter: @_thisisbethany

    29. High school reunions.

    Do Americans actually do high school reunions? Or is that just TV shows and movies?

    Twitter: @yousuf_09

    30. The way Americans are always watching golf on TV.

    Twitter: @vdutat

    31. Dissecting frogs.

    Do americans actually have to dissect frogs for school or is that just a tv thing

    Twitter: @Juicedupmangoes

    32. The overuse of paper plates.

    Why do Americans on TV always use so many paper plates?

    Twitter: @moononatuesday

    33. The use of the phrase "How you holding up?"

    Do Americans actually say “how you holding up” or is that just in films and tv shows

    Twitter: @Caitlin_Bransby

    34. The way Americans always say people's first and last names.

    Do Americans say peoples first and last names all the time in real life or is it just a film and tv thing?!

    Twitter: @maraya_ashworth

    35. Sweet sixteens.

    wait do americans actually have sweet sixteens or is that just in films 😭

    Twitter: @bleachellalore

    36. Red plastic cups.

    Why do Americans in films drink booze out of red plastic cups at 'house' parties?

    Twitter: @nicktweet

    37. The fact that they're always climbing through people's windows.

    Why do Americans always climb through peoples windows in films etc? Does this happen in real life 😂

    Twitter: @Erinjlee1

    38. Chinese takeout boxes.

    Do Americans really keep square boxes of cold, uneaten Chinese food in their fridges or is this just a lie sold to us by television studios?

    Twitter: @JohnHundeslit

    39. Devilled eggs.

    Do Americans eat devilled eggs as much as the television would lead us to believe?

    Twitter: @MiggleM

    40. How they're always crying.

    why do americans cry so much in reality shows

    Twitter: @wolstenhoIme

    41. Prescription drug commercials.

    Why the fuck do Americans have so many commercials for prescription drugs???? Is this normal????

    Twitter: @sophiaddaher

    42. The way they always drink glasses of milk.

    do Americans really drink a glass of milk with their dinner? Or is that just something made up for the movies?

    — lucas (@LucasOakeley) December 6, 2023
    Twitter: @LucasOakeley

    43. Yellow school buses.

    do americans actually go in the yellow bus in movies to school

    — tori ♡︎ (@twiliocarina) December 12, 2023
    Twitter: @twiliocarina

    44. How they're always sleeping in their underwear.

    do americans really sleep with just underwear on or is that just a thing in movies 😭

    — aj | atz cb 5/31 🏴‍☠️ (@saranghaeteez) January 21, 2024
    Twitter: @saranghaeteez

    45. Frat houses.

    Just a question? Do Americans have Frat houses or is it just in the movies?

    — Julia Rigby (@juliapye) January 22, 2024
    Twitter: @juliapye

    46. All of the PB&J sandwiches.

    Why do Americans always eat peanut butter and jam sandwiches in films?

    — Thomas Gray (@uxthom) March 19, 2024
    Twitter: @uxthom

    47. Garbage disposals.

    do americans actually have garbage disposals in their sinks or is it something movies made up because i refuse to believe they are real

    — rhea (@rheastwt) September 4, 2023
    Twitter: @rheastwt

    48. The tiny TVs in their kitchens.

    Do Americans actually have tiny TVs in their kitchens or was that just a thing in movies??

    — Em (they/them) 🩷💜💙 (@emh9817) September 24, 2023
    Twitter: @emh9817

    49. Christmas card photos.

    Do Americans really take themed photos for Christmas cards to send to loved ones like in the movies cause that's such a cute thing to me actually

    — ✨Jinx 🦋🪶 (@jinxyble) October 8, 2023
    Twitter: @jinxyble

    50. The way they get their mail delivered through a hole in a door.

    do americans actually have a hole in their door for mail and people that throw mail on their driveway like in movies????

    — daniel (Taylor’s Version) 📁 (@torturedfuture) February 9, 2023
    Twitter: @torturedfuture

    51. The baby room in the hospital.

    Do Americans really put their newborn babies in that baby museum like they do in the movies? Why?

    — elle.isss (@ellisLouise_) June 4, 2023
    Twitter: @ellisLouise_