Max Scherzer’s Mystery Injury Solved, But His Return Date Still Unknown | Fan Recap

Max Scherzer’s Mystery Injury Solved, But His Return Date Still Unknown

ARLINGTON — For Max Scherzer, understanding the source of the discomfort in his arm has not clarified his return to the Texas Rangers’ starting rotation.

Initially sidelined due to back issues, Scherzer is now confronting a different adversary. The seasoned pitcher revealed on Wednesday that, after ruling out various other possibilities for his persistent tricep pain, specialists have zeroed in on nerve damage as the culprit. This discovery, however, hasn’t brought Scherzer the peace of mind one might expect.

In a recent medical quest for answers, Scherzer underwent MRIs targeting his neck and tricep areas on Monday, after tests previously confirmed that his elbow wasn’t the issue. To further understand his condition, he’s sought the expertise of Dr. Gregory Pearl in Dallas, a vascular specialist with a reputation for diagnosing and treating thoracic outlet syndrome.

The prevailing diagnosis suggests that nerve complications are at play, adding another layer of complexity to Scherzer’s journey back to the mound.