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Maybe I died last night. But how does it matter ?


Last night while partying, we got a little too drunk and we started doing arm wrestling. I am not old, I am 35, but I suffer of sleep apnea and hence elevated blood pressure.

Well, at some point when I was pushing too hard, it felt like something happened to my face and like it started spinning on itself and remixing itself at the same time.

One moment after, I am waking up to my gf saying what is wrong. Totally sober. Totally, completely sober, like I didn’t drink anything at all while one minute before I was wasted. So much I had to start doing shots again while everyone was drunk just to feel something.

The only trace I have of this is that a lot of weird red dots around my eyes. Today I feel fine, of course tired but fine. The question is, even if I died last night, came back to another reality, how does it matter ?

From my perspective and point of view, it is still me and myself living life from the same egoistic observational point of reality. So yea, did I die, maybe I did, maybe I didn’t. Sun still shining.

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Red dots on your face = you’ve gone anoxic for too long. Might explain the memory loss. Ps: you don’t HAVE to do shots just to feel something❤️ Ease up on the substance reliance.

Thanks 🙏🏻

The red dots around your eyes indicate that you have vomited before.

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u/CandyCaneDream avatar

When I was a kid, I experienced a miracle. I should have died in a car accident. There was no avoiding the accident. I closed my eyes, prayed, opened them, and the vehicle that should have hit us, was now past us. The family talked about it later, we all experienced the same crazy thing. We should have been hit. We weren't. It was like we all just transported to the other side of the vehicle. For a long time, that's what I thought happened, now I wonder if I reality shifted instead. So sure I guess it's possible you shifted based on what you said. I would be careful with the drink though and watch that blood pressure regardless.

Same thing happened to me and an ex many, many years ago. Absolutely should have been hit by the other car and still can't explain exactly what happened.

u/CandyCaneDream avatar

Then you likely related to this as well...

I've told that story (the full version) to a few people. The thing that bothered me the most are the ones that said, "Oh the vehicle probably swirved and you didn't see it." or things like that, dimishing my experience. I know what I experienced, and I'd already thought about the 101 logical ways that situation might have happened. We should have been hit 100%. What ever happened wasn't logical or explainable in a rational left brain way.

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Go to the doctor.

The high BP is the drinking. It's the killer.

Maybe we aren't alive

u/DryFaithlessness9228 avatar

Then what are we

Residual imprint

u/DryFaithlessness9228 avatar

Prison plant?


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This is also described as blackout drunk. You’re functional but have no memory of what happened.

I had a NDE from mixing meds, too many “downers.” Anyway, when I woke up, I was still incredibly disoriented. By no means was I sober.

Sounds like another explanation to me. There are some good suggestions in the other comments.

Chronic drinking raises your blood pressure as well. I won’t assume you are a habitual drinker, but if you are, quitting could significantly lower your blood pressure and also improve sleep apnea. My systolic blood pressure dropped 30 mmHg when I gave up alcohol. Also, untreated sleep apnea increases your risk of stroke and heart attack significantly. I encourage you strongly to seek treatment for that. I am a critical care nurse and I have seen what happens if this is left untreated. Your cortisol level is always high causing weight gain, you probably never feel rested because in essence, you’re nearly dying several times a night. I don’t know what happened in this arm wrestling incident, it’s possible that while straining, you were holding your breath which could cause the ruptured blood vessels in your eyes (it’ll go away, don’t worry about that). You could have had a vasovagal event which jives with you feeling like it happened in your face and the spinning sensation. The vagus nerve is possibly the culprit. Bearing down too hard when you have to poop can cause it, elderly people are at risk of this with chronic constipation. They “vagal” and pass out for a second and regain consciousness quickly. People can “vagal” when they get up to pee in the middle of the night, even weirder when it happens when water hits your head in the shower. This happened to a cardiologist I used to work with. The body does weird stuff but the universe is even weirder, so who is to say exactly what happened? My eyes have just been opened to all of this science, it’s beyond fascinating! I’m curious if you’ll have any more insights as time passes. Please please get your sleep apnea treated! This too will lower your blood pressure and you’ll feel sooooo much better. So many of my patients say “I didn’t realize how bad I felt all the time”. If treated, due to the decrease in cortisol, many people also benefit from weight loss. I know the masks are uncomfy, but you get used to it and there are new technologies and implantable devices that are less obstructive than the CPAP machines. Good luck with everything! Be well! P.S. who won the arm wrestling match?

Edit to correct spelling

To begin with, thank you so much for the interest and taking the time to write. I am getting a pharyngoplasty end of the month after 4 years of sleepless nights. The CPAP never worked for me because I have an issue with my soft palate. I am not an alcoholic, it was a party during Eurovision for a friend who lives in another country and is leaving in 2 days. This all happened out of the blue. My red spots around the eyes are gone, but I have a bit of pain when I swallow behind my left eye. I workout a lot, and I have got an high percent of muscle mass in relation to my overall weight, so I manage to stay in shape, but I have been wondering why even if working out constantly and eating little I didn’t manage to have the same low body fat I had before this all started. I didn’t know the cortisol could make such a huge difference in body weight.

Also, I won, before while being drunk, and then when I sobered up (I guess I went anoxic so the body released a lot of adrenaline) I kept laying waste on both of my challengers. My left elbow still hurts 😂

Haha! Awesome, why am I so stoked that a stranger won an arm wrestling match?!? I’m sitting outside and just “whooped” out loud. Granted, I’m feeling the edible I took for pain this am 🤫

My significant other also has sleep apnea due to soft palate issues. I hope the surgery helps! I think you will definitely notice more gains at the gym when you get the sleep you need and get those hormones back in balance! I’m very excited to get better I to the gym after my spinal fusion next week. I fell apart about a year ago starting with a foot surgery then anterior/posterior cervical fusion. Now I have bulging disks and cysts compressing my sciatic nerve. Since the neck surgery I have developed sleep apnea. My surgeon said to get it checked out after I recover from this surgery but it’s likely mechanical as I’m at a normal weight and don’t drink and don’t snore before this surgery. It’s alarming to wake up gasping for air for sure!

I’ve had some strange glitches in the matrix too. A few weeks ago I was driving and very present, listening to music, then all of a sudden I was 10 miles down the road. It was very different from spacing out or driving on auto pilot, if that makes sense. I also wonder if I died in an accident in 1997. I was t-boned. I remember being strapped to a backboard in the ER then nothing till I got home. That could just be time erasing memories, who knows. My husband was sleeping and very sick, running a fever and our baby was crawling around the house unsupervised. I got the baby settled and went to make love to my husband. Why would I do that when he was sick? I remember he didn’t really wake up but was aware -not a r*pey situation for clarity. In my memory it was ephemeral. During the trip I was shown this whole life he had to live without me. Psychedelics were involved but, did I die and go to another plane? It’s so fun to contemplate. Knowing life and the world is so much more that what we were taught to believe is so exciting!

Oh, and the strain behind your eye when you swallow is probably all tied to your sore arm and straining. Ibuprofen every 6 hours for a few days will resolve it I’m fairly certain.

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u/Ok_Biscotti39 avatar

I always see these story’s of ppl thinking they might of shifted to a different reality. I’m not refuting them. But my question is what happens to the “ you” that was living the life or in the body you are now in charge of??? Like there was a “ you” living his life having a subjecting experience one second then you died in a different reality and now it’s YOU who is experiencing the remainder of their reality…. And what if I’m going about my day and it’s not the Me I am rn that dies but one in a different reality and they shift into mine?

Thats all that matters <3

This doesn’t sound like QI.

Then what’s it sound like to you? Sounds like QI to me.

I’m not sure. But nothing here really indicates that OP died. He was one place, and woke up in another with no reason for it occurring. It sounds more like a dream, but that could be due to a lack of detail.

I died in a car vs train accident, and had it fade to white after the train struck my car door. Thought “Holy fuck, I’m dead” and spent some time in-between, then next thing I know I was back in the same car heading towards the same tracks. Relived the entire thing again, detail for detail, but stopped the driver from getting us killed the second time around.

OP woke up in an entirely different place and time with nothing but the memory remaining. Could it be QI? I mean, maybe, I’m not an expert I suppose. But in my experience reading about it extensively, this falls into my “probably not” category.

Edit - The key here is that OP “woke up” from his experience. This is my issue with it.

To me , it sounds like he had a stroke and died but came to a reality where he didn’t have a stroke.

I think both of you have excellent points. Ultimately it's up to the OP to determine if they are on a different timeline, although that's not always the case. In my experience I felt an accident I narrowly missed but was instantly aware that a number of my other selves in other realities had died.

Anyway, tl;dr, OP ministrokes happen a lot with alcoholism, and the correlation between apnea and heart/life expectancy is known. Whether or not you have experienced QI is... at this point... irrelevant - it's your wake up that you need to cut back on the alcohol, and get supercharged or sinus surgery.

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To answer your question: how does it matter? Short answer: It doesn’t.

We will likely never know the secrets to our existence. You are you in whatever universe you are in. Protect it.

Also, seek help for your drinking.

I am not an alcoholic 😂😂😂 it was a party !!

Totally get it! It is just a bit concerning that you were already too drunk, hurt yourself, and then continued on with shots of liquor.

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If you died you'd be dead

That’s what I think too

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